Does This Mean I Can't Watch TV Anymore? (Worm Quest)

Yeah i'm a bit taken with the idea of a timeloop power similar to Coil, that no-sells death and resets us to earlier in the timeline (so it's even better, because with Coil's power time moved on both timelines). As long as we can choose our 'reset' time.

Although a way to activate it besides death is advisable to not make Taylor even more crazy than she already is, if every time she wants to change things she has to suicide.
We already have access to an amazing power that says fuck you to death's face. We just need to figure out how to make a runic matrix indestructible or intangible and we're golden.
She doesn't need a time loop power, that's stupid if we get life is strange powers than time looping is meh except to avoid death and then a lot of powers renders us practically unkillable except by endbringers and scion
It's not only her death i want to avoid.

This guy/girl original power sounds sorta like what i'd want:
Time Reversal

Although it's not no-selling death and the part about being 'regret' that activates it and not a conscious decision is not optimal (but the power page specifically says that control comes with experience, so that is something).
Also hmm, not having the ability to go much earlier than the event sounds a bit bad for preparation. Although moving in time AND space at higher tiers sounds useful. The 'flash forward' after changing the event sounds like something that would move the story along, although i'd prefer to be dumped on younger-taylor body myself.

This one is the 'not recommended' version: One-Way Time Travel (it creates duplicates and leaves the user in the past)

I don't know the limits of Life is Strange time powers, does it allow conscious resets?

Mmm this tv series appears to be ridiculous for powerful powers that can be transfered (there is mention of 'selling' a power so it seems like it's a feature of it). I've seen resurrection just by looking around.
mmm. Immortality is just hanging there. Give this to Danny and i'll be a lot less worried (until bonesaw wants to see how it works of course). Although, obviously actually getting it sounds like a nightmare because that character doesn't appear to have a good time.
edit ahah, doesn't protect from brain damage (sounds like a bullshit sendoff of a annoying character since he's shooting himself in the head all the time) and you start seeing ghosts. PASSSSS. Or maybe Danny would like talking to Annette again? mmm...
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I'm wondering why no one has suggested D&D. Maybe something with a high ranking Cleric who has the Resurrection spell on tap?

Also, Shadowrun, and Magic: the Gathering has tie in novels.

Exalted... not sure would work, what with the Curse.
Right, short description from watching it being played.

The Life is Strange time power seemed to follow along roughly two different types of application.

The first, allowed for the user to rewind time for a limited* period, accruing strain as the rewind progresses. This strain resulted in headaches, nosebleeding, and eventually power failure.
*Actual limits nebulously defined, but likely more on the order of 'minutes' rather than 'days'.

The second, allowed for the user to, by focusing on a photograph, go back to the time at which the photo was taken. There was no demonstrated limitation for how far back this could go, but there did seem to be some manner of snap-back mechanic where after effecting the immediate situation you would flash forward to roughly the time period when you left, without your memory updating for the changes resulting from your alterations.

I will recommend against using Life is Strange for two reasons, however. The first, is that the main character does not have a good time, and we will almost certainly be facing san damage if we go through that route. Probably one of the big causes for san damage will be getting drugged and trapped in the Dark Room... which actually seems kind of likely to set off our trigger as well.

The second reason is that, in story, time reacted extremely negatively to the alterations. A fair portion of the plot is from an impending tornado coming to wipe out the town as a part of an escalating series of consequences from saving a single person. Other effects included multiple moons showing up in the sky as timelines started to intersect, and the protagonist at one point falling unconscious and being trapped in a Nightmare.
I'm kinda temped by those two misfits powers.

It's a bit risky because characters can and do 'sell' powers (transfer them) so they have multiple over time (we'd need to choose carefully) and they do not seem to have a good time.
But hey, immortality given to our father that allows him to talk to Annette? And ability to reset time to 'regrets' that later becomes consciously triggered and moving in time and space and that has no 'time revenge' like Life is Strange?

I think it's better than the alternatives so far. (except true resurrection of Annette of course although i suppose that time rewind power would take care of that).
The only thing is that if we save Annette we need another way to protect her.
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Mmm apparently that misfits transferal thing needs another power:
Power Transferal
Might be useful by itself if it works on others? There is a example of transferring a power to a animal. It's possible it works on case53 (or it might kill them if you do, without heavy duty healing/panacea at hand).
In fact, if it works on shard powers, parahuman villains are in for a bad time...

I don't know if we can get more than one power from different characters, in the same work. I don't think there is anything saying not. Also holy shit, that power list.
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Man QA is OP able to make permanent superpowers that don't need the shard to continue working O,o
I'd be more worried that P&P characters always show a variety of powers (because it's a game) and you wouldn't get the exact one you're pushing for. Especially if it's a 'exotic' build with lots of prerequisites. I mean i'd love getting a solar exaltation, but not even I am willing to risk it really (especially with that part about multiple dive ins the work making you 'become' the character. Nope, not risking becoming a 1500 years old deranged sun king).
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Can that build get mind blank?
Mind Blank ::

description sounds useful for both masters and clairvoyance/precog (at the cost of not being permanent, which i disapprove. But hey, it can be cast on dad).

edit: lvl 8. That's a no on the 'tinkertech' i guess.
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Mahou Sensei Negima would be a good series to get into.

Most of the girls are Taylor's age.
There are docens of them.
They have a lot of different skill sets.
And if she can just go into particular volumes rather than the whole story then she can avoid the most traumatic stuff.
Can that build get mind blank?
Mind Blank ::

description sounds useful for both masters and clairvoyance/precog (at the cost of not being permanent, which i disapprove. But hey, it can be cast on dad).

edit: lvl 8. That's a no on the 'tinkertech' i guess.
That is indeed a no on the Weird Science devices but while I'd have to crunch the numbers with the right supplementary templates and such it might be possible to make a scroll at level two and there's almost definitely a Wondrous Object that fits the bill somewhere though the item would take anywhere from a week to a month to craft and both would be pretty expensive even if we cheat and use salt.
SCO, Coil is a Thinker. Specifically, he's a precog.

He doesn't really have any timeline shenanigans going for him.
Wildbow said:
Coil's power doesn't create universes. It's essentially precognition in the present, purely thought based.

Sophia's kill count was in the single digits. Less than five, even. Then a double digit count of people who were screwed up in the extreme.

We should totally enter a planeswalker book. I know a fic where the protagonist is an oldwalker. With basically no mind shattering thought process.

UNLIMITED POWER!!!1! It's short enough to be read in less than an afternoon, so you don't have to worry about much.
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You are doing it wrong.

Allow me.


That concludes todays lesson.
... Shit.

In any case, the fic I nominated has one of the more powerful protagonists, it's Dresden Files so we can be the Archive, and we could become an oldwalker.

They're basically beings of pure energy and immortal. You can destroy their physical bodies, but it doesn't mean anything to them. Kind of like trying to kill a person by stabbing their shadow. They're so powerful, one of them literally finds it easier to planeswalk to the other side of the room rather than walk to it. That means he left the multiverse and entered it back to a different point. One of them literally rearranged all the molecules in his body to face the other way since turning around would be more of a hassle.

The Archive has all the information written down by humanity inside her head. It's supposed to be a failsafe in case humanity loses all its advances and give it to them. Don't remember how it went exactly. Either way, every paper ever written is in her head. Everything we know about physics. Powers. Scandalous secrets kept by politicians. Everything Cauldron ever wrote.
... Shit.

In any case, the fic I nominated has one of the more powerful protagonists, it's Dresden Files so we can be the Archive, and we could become an oldwalker.

They're basically beings of pure energy and immortal. You can destroy their physical bodies, but it doesn't mean anything to them. Kind of like trying to kill a person by stabbing their shadow. They're so powerful, one of them literally finds it easier to planeswalk to the other side of the room rather than walk to it. That means he left the multiverse and entered it back to a different point. One of them literally rearranged all the molecules in his body to face the other way since turning around would be more of a hassle.

The Archive has all the information written down by humanity inside her head. It's supposed to be a failsafe in case humanity loses all its advances and give it to them. Don't remember how it went exactly. Either way, every paper ever written is in her head. Everything we know about physics. Powers. Scandalous secrets kept by politicians. Everything Cauldron ever wrote.

Taylor would die
Turning into the archive would mean that you would know every piece of knowledge that was ever written down.

That includes fiction. Which would mean that you would go into every piece of fiction ever made all at the same time. You would die, very painfully since your head will promptly explode from the pressure.
Now that I think about it taylor could probably detect falsified reports since they'd be fiction. On another note since video games are aparently fair play what about roleplaying games? Would she show up in the world and the GM would know exactly what her character is doing to describe it?
Now that I think about it taylor could probably detect falsified reports since they'd be fiction. On another note since video games are aparently fair play what about roleplaying games? Would she show up in the world and the GM would know exactly what her character is doing to describe it?

Hmm. I haven't decided on that. What type of roleplaying games?