Disney Villains Victorious: Gridlocked - Rise of Heroes

[X] Plan: The Most Magical Place on Earth
-[X] Orlando: A former military city that's starting to hit its stride in tourism and entertainment now that the Armed Forces are moving out. (+5 to Martial actions, goes away Summer 1989. +5 to actions concerning the entertainment industry, can be increased. ???)
-[X] 21 century Mage Doof: Magic is real! And 2020 Doof was a competent sorcerer! Eeeeeeeee! You've always wanted to be a wizard! Get dressed in the modern look for mages of all sorts, with a black trench coat, purple shirt, black pants, and pointy, black, "old man" shoes. Practical for everyday use and useful for some extreme situations, but it may attract magical attention before you can learn much about magic.
-[X] Recruit a Board of Advisors
-[X] Dive into the Occult (BoD Roll & Occult)
-[X] Purchase Another Company (Stewardship Contest)
--[X] ENCOM (A tech company fallen on rough times. Also mentioned frequently in the BoD.)
[X] Plan Taking Over The City of Angel's

Combine entertainment with technology. This way, toons won't ever be out of the limelight unless they don't want it.

Plus, with ENCOM and Cloverleaf under our belt we're likely to have a lot of sway over LA as well as in Orlando.

Also, getting the ball rolling on Occult ASAP will get us a solid magical score before the more serious magical threats start setting their sights on Earth (Toffee, Phobos, etc).
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[X]Plan:Some things are gold
-[X] Danville: The place Future Doof had called home and set up his own company. (+5 to all actions done in Danville. ???)
-[X] Classic Doofenshmirtz: the classic look your future counterpart was known for! It includes classy black shoes and shirt, dark green pants, and a lab coat that always got him mistaken for a pharmacist. It's a bit copycat, but if it worked for him, maybe it's worth a shot?
-[X] Recruit a Board of Advisors
No company is complete without its own board. Even Future Doof knew that! Now that you have your own company up and running to try and stop the end of the world, plus any other villains that come knocking, you're going to need your own team to help take action against your opponents. (Roll 6 d100s with appropriate bonuses; how well the dice roll determines the advisor's bonus to actions. Critical Failures, Critical Successes, and Exploding Dice will not proc)
-[X] Start a Recruiting Drive (Diplomacy)
DC Variable
Despite you getting the regular paper-pushers and bureaucratic workers that normally come with a company, you're going to need people with more… unique focuses. Future Doof may have been evil, but he definitely knew that an army of 9-to-5 workers wasn't the only thing he needed to get things done. He had his own group leaders and captains, heck, even his own strike team! You're gonna need something like that in the coming days… (Make a Diplomacy Roll. How many hero units you get and their stats will depend on the roll.)
-[X] Purchase Another Company (Stewardship Contest)
More income sources never hurt anyone. Besides, you'll need all the money and resources you can get your hands on in the coming fight with Bill and anyone else that may come along. (Pick a company from the list below and roll off with them. The results are below.)
--[X] Glomgold Industries (Glomgold would rather kiss Scrooge than give up his company, but you get the feeling his board is a little more open given the fact that they're… completely, flat-out broke.)
Rank 2: Pay 5 funds on a success, 7 on a fail
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[X]Plan:Some things are gold
-[X] Danville: The place Future Doof had called home and set up his own company. (+5 to all actions done in Danville. ???)
-[X] Classic Doofenshmirtz: the classic look your future counterpart was known for! It includes classy black shoes and shirt, dark green pants, and a lab coat that always got him mistaken for a pharmacist. It's a bit copycat, but if it worked for him, maybe it's worth a shot?
-[X] Recruit a Board of Advisors
No company is complete without its own board. Even Future Doof knew that! Now that you have your own company up and running to try and stop the end of the world, plus any other villains that come knocking, you're going to need your own team to help take action against your opponents. (Roll 6 d100s with appropriate bonuses; how well the dice roll determines the advisor's bonus to actions. Critical Failures, Critical Successes, and Exploding Dice will not proc)
-[X] Start a Recruiting Drive (Diplomacy)
DC Variable
Despite you getting the regular paper-pushers and bureaucratic workers that normally come with a company, you're going to need people with more… unique focuses. Future Doof may have been evil, but he definitely knew that an army of 9-to-5 workers wasn't the only thing he needed to get things done. He had his own group leaders and captains, heck, even his own strike team! You're gonna need something like that in the coming days… (Make a Diplomacy Roll. How many hero units you get and their stats will depend on the roll.)
-[X] Purchase Another Company (Stewardship Contest)
More income sources never hurt anyone. Besides, you'll need all the money and resources you can get your hands on in the coming fight with Bill and anyone else that may come along. (Pick a company from the list below and roll off with them. The results are below.)
--[X] Glomgold Industries (Glomgold would rather kiss Scrooge than give up his company, but you get the feeling his board is a little more open given the fact that they're… completely, flat-out broke.)
Rank 2: Pay 5 funds on a success, 7 on a fail

Basically what I was going to go for, although I was thinking of reaching out to Elastigirl and starting occult research.
[ ] Los Angeles: Home to Toontown, several entertainment studios, and the former throne of Judge Doom. (+10 to all Toon Hero Units. +5 towards finding Judge Doom; goes away Winter 1987)
Also to note, LA is the eventual known location of the Calamity box in canon, which houses Disney's version of the Chaos Emeralds. And/Or Triforce, depending on how you see them.
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[X]Plan I make This Look Good

While I am a bit wary of possible coming to blow with Xanatos this early over the "shared turf", knocking out another King *Relatively easy* this soon is very tempting.
[X]Plan I make This Look Good

While I am a bit wary of possible coming to blow with Xanatos this early over the "shared turf", knocking out another King *Relatively easy* this soon is very tempting.
If it was any other king I would agree with you but this is Xanatos a Intrigue heavy king, he will take notice if we try to muscle in on his turf and unlike the main timeline we ain't a villian we're a hero so it would be a lot harder to buddy up with him.
I have an important philosophical question for everyone to consider.

If we don't base in Danville are we even Doofenshmirtz anymore?
Also this Doof was never a villain, went through years of government training, never became a husband, never became a father, etc.
Hmm think we need to put a foot in Gravity Falls give the town more attention and also potentially give more leg up against Cipher right away so how about this?

[X] Poke Cipher Eye
-[X] Gravity Falls
-[X] Agent Heinz
-[X] Recruit a Board of Advisors
-[X] Start a Recruiting Drive
-[X] Purchase another company
-[X] Glomgold Industries
[X] Plan: The Most Magical Place on Earth

Let's make EPCOT a reality and ensure DoofOS is actually successful in this timeline
[X] Plan: The Most Magical Place on Earth

We shall become the first ever magitechnician using both sides of knowledge science and the occult.
We should try to aim for Danville because of Phineas and Ferb are born along with the Murphy's and Murphy's Law we could even recruit Milo's dad Martin.
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[X]Plan:Home Security and Entertainment
-[x] Danville: The place Future Doof had called home and set up his own company. (+5 to all actions done in Danville. ???)

-[x] Heroic Doofenshmirtz: go all out with your newly picked side and get decked out in your own hero costume! The government managed to put in a good word with Edna Mode, who gave you quite the green and purple getup! No cape, though. Apparently she's sworn those off after one too many mishaps. Certainly eye-catching as it clearly defines your loyalties, but impractical for everyday use.

-[x] Reach Out to a Cape (Diplomacy)
No hero entrepreneur is going anywhere without an actual cape to back them up. With a few heroes under your sponsorship, you'll gain much more credibility for what you say you are. (Reach out to a hero and gain their support. If you roll well enough, you can gain them as a hero unit.)
--[x] Elastigirl: DC 50/95
-[x] Launch a Product (BoD Roll & Stewardship)
DC 60 or 80
Doof made a bunch of things, some good, most bad. However, you bet that if you tweaked some of these designs a little, they would be great for public use! (Make a BoD Roll for a product idea. On a roll less than 50, the Stewardship DC is 80. Otherwise, it's 60.)
-[x] Launch a New Entertainment Line (Stewardship)
DC 60/70/80/90/100
With Maroon Cartoons and Acme Studios now under your employ, you can now use them to create cartoons for public consumption, all for the public to enjoy! If it does well enough, you can maybe even influence public opinion in your favor! (Create a new run of cartoons; gain Reputation and Funds on the basis of how successful you are.)

Edit: [X] Plan: Adventure Doof
A nice Backup Plan
DaviProGamer27 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Chance of this being a decent Total: 8
8 8
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[X] Binding Exponential Threats
-[X] Gravity Falls: Small, bum town in the middle of nowhere. Absolutely nothing strange here. (-5 to Diplomacy and Stewardship actions until proper measures are taken. +10 to Occult actions. ??? ???)
-[X] 21 century Mage Doof: Magic is real! And 2020 Doof was a competent sorcerer! Eeeeeeeee! You've always wanted to be a wizard! Get dressed in the modern look for mages of all sorts, with a black trench coat, purple shirt, black pants, and pointy, black, "old man" shoes. Practical for everyday use and useful for some extreme situations, but it may attract magical attention before you can learn much about magic.
-[X] Recruit a Board of Advisors
-[X] Purchase Another Company (Stewardship Contest)
-[X] Dive into the Occult (BoD Roll & Occult)
This gets us rolling on accumulating bonuses, helps us strangle the MC in its pre-internet crib and starts cracking occult knowledge to investigate the Falls' weirdness.
[X] Plan Taking Over The City of Angel's
[X]Plan:Some things are gold

I guess this works for now though I really wish we were reaching out to elastigirl early. The sooner the better in regards to preventing that whole mess.
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[X] Poke Cipher Eye
-[X] Gravity Falls
-[X] Agent Heinz
-[X] Recruit a Board of Advisors
-[X] Start a Recruiting Drive
-[X] Purchase another company
-[X] Glomgold Industries
[X]Plan:Home Security and Entertainment
[x] Danville: The place Future Doof had called home and set up his own company. (+5 to all actions done in Danville. ???)

[x] Heroic Doofenshmirtz: go all out with your newly picked side and get decked out in your own hero costume! The government managed to put in a good word with Edna Mode, who gave you quite the green and purple getup! No cape, though. Apparently she's sworn those off after one too many mishaps. Certainly eye-catching as it clearly defines your loyalties, but impractical for everyday use.

[x] Reach Out to a Cape (Diplomacy)
No hero entrepreneur is going anywhere without an actual cape to back them up. With a few heroes under your sponsorship, you'll gain much more credibility for what you say you are. (Reach out to a hero and gain their support. If you roll well enough, you can gain them as a hero unit.)
-[x] Elastigirl: DC 50/95
[x] Launch a Product (BoD Roll & Stewardship)
DC 60 or 80
Doof made a bunch of things, some good, most bad. However, you bet that if you tweaked some of these designs a little, they would be great for public use! (Make a BoD Roll for a product idea. On a roll less than 50, the Stewardship DC is 80. Otherwise, it's 60.)
[x] Launch a New Entertainment Line (Stewardship)
DC 60/70/80/90/100
With Maroon Cartoons and Acme Studios now under your employ, you can now use them to create cartoons for public consumption, all for the public to enjoy! If it does well enough, you can maybe even influence public opinion in your favor! (Create a new run of cartoons; gain Reputation and Funds on the basis of how successful you are.)
Sorry to keep bugging you about your plan Davi, but compare your plan's formatting with that of nightmaster's above. Then check the vote tally and see how it counted your votes. Basically, to keep each action from being individually counted instead of as a collective plan, you need to do it like this:
[] Plan
-[]sub action
--[]sub sub action
-[]sub action
So genuine question, why New York? Isn't that one of the scarier possible places to be at? Xanatos can and absolutely will run roughshod over Doof.
So genuine question, why New York? Isn't that one of the scarier possible places to be at? Xanatos can and absolutely will run roughshod over Doof.
Because at this point neither Xanatos nor Demona are set up. And if we have the home field advantage we can possibly leverage that into having Xanatos as an ally rather than an opponent. Enlightened self-interest. In a way this version of Doof is something of a mirror to Xanatos. Self-made man with a gift from a future version of himself, is dating a woman that can kick his ass, and is a shockingly devoted parent and father.
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