Disney Villains Victorious: Gridlocked - Rise of Heroes


What is the blip thing? Do we have two random event rolls a turn?
Random Blips

Following the random event, I will roll another d100 to see what the timeline will throw at us. Due to 2020 Doof's tampering, it is now much more unstable then before as the stack of paradoxes pretending to be a timeline starts to tremble. Now, don't worry, it's not going to explode or anything. There's no Doomsday Clock or worsening status of the timeline, and this quest isn't on any timer except the one leading to Bill's arrival. However, it will stretch the fabric of space-time enough for some things to fall through. Whether or not they are good or bad is up to the dice, for they also decide where exactly this thing lands, as well as what/who it is. In a Blip, you may see a DVV Classic character show up, or a magical item, or even a character from the MCU! But that last one's only if you're really lucky. And no Star Wars, either. I'm staying out of space as much as possible

Blips are the QM's way to account for the multiple time travel police and time travel factions in the butterfly effect stuff interacting with each other without going too far into minutie time invested anoyance. Just one roll for good or bad then move on. No need to acount for Time Baby's faction, Bill Cipher messing around, The Pine Siblings running through time, the Robinson kid, Milo Murphy's time police, Professor Time (Dr Doofenshmirtz), and the other groups that could acces time machines (Shego, Monkey Fist...).

That sucks. He was one of the really powerful kings. Top tier kinda stuff we had no way of dealing with except he was distracted by fighting that other magic group.

Very unfortunate.
I'm not having a easy time accessing the source material, what are the base franchises involed in this setting? ANd what's the factions in space? I got the above stuff from a very early map of the setting, but it's likely alot is missing or excluded?
Well on the Disney Villains Victorious Discord you can find the setting lore in a big google drive. But here's the most up to date map we have.

The Owl House might be included in this game since it's finishing basically next month, but it's not on the map.

Now on to more important manners.
Random Blip


It's him. He's here early. And he's already won.
Reconnaissance Photo

File: New_Mewni_Exclusive_Investment_Zone_Public_Information.zip
Oh my god holy shit this might legitimately be one of the worst possibilities.

Is he even contested right now? Amphibia is in the dark ages while they wait their for box of infinite power, and who knows if Phobos ate his sister and planet for ultimate power yet.
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No. This is canon DVV:Gridlocked Toffee, who stole the wand from Star and conquered Mewni, taken straight from the info docs.
Odd, you could have done the Toffee beat Moon route instead of Gridlock canon, as the dates lineup better for Moon to lose the original fight, as Star should be no born right now. Ah, well, thanks for clearing it up.
Odd, you could have done the Toffee beat Moon route instead of Gridlock canon, as the dates lineup better for Moon to lose the original fight, as Star should be no born right now. Ah, well, thanks for clearing it up.
That would've been a RER. This is a Blip, which means things outside this timeline.
Blips are retcons? That does mean if we get a very high roll, a King could be eliminated, or a happy ending outcome could be blipped into existence?
No. That'd be stupid, because that would be a dues ex-machina. I don't do those.

Blips basically put things in the timeline that wouldn't be there normally. Factions, heroes, items, and, if your luck is sucky, even the Wasteland! Blips aren't completely rewriting the timeline, they either a) shuffle things around or b) add new stuff
Plan for dealing with Tooffe(Gridlocked):
-Find a way to not alert them
-Find a way to re-take the Wand
-Maybe try to eliminate him by making them meet... themself(?).
_>By that, I mean getting a Younger Tooffe ( or part of him) and making the same being be in two places at the same time. At the very least, that should delete both copies.
DaviProGamer27 threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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I know QM has already given out the true person but...it's 3:30am, I can't sleep, and my brain is running full tilt rant so have this.

Now I'm going to assume most Avengers level Threats, or other wise world destroyibg foes, would count toward Nat 1s if they're even possible to show so I'll be discounting most of them and thinking of sticking in relatively lower bounds. Relatively.

-Killmonger is nigh unstoppable in his shroud, a helluva fighter regardless, and pretty intelligent to boot. A solid...Martial/Intrigue king with side orders of Learning and Stewardship maybe? I don't remember many actually being swayed to his side happily or anything so I wouldn't say Diplomacy. Probably not the type to work with Doof.
-Abomination immediately becomes a Martial Monster, I mean an absolute top tier in the area. It's not even just raw physical ability, he was also a damn fine solider. He's Doofquest Khan+. Probably mediocre all round stats with a absolutely biblical level of Martial. Luckily it seems he chills himself out eventually? Though that can obviously also just not happen. Sad, as him as a hero would've been hilariously terrifying.
-Whiplash is kinda slept on but damn if he isn't a classic Learning/Martial bag that could eventually spiral out of control. Had the ability to make deadly energy whips, solid armor, solid drones, a decent but not perfected arc reactor (which he made himself from blueprints of the building sized one iirc? Though no hints from dad on how to improve it either). Overall I see him as the middle ground between Doof and Syndrome, though he doesn't have quite as high learning as either. Just happens to be more competent and serious than them. Also probably not recruitable? Seems rather immortal at the least.
-Warmonger is...you know how weird it is to see a Steward/Intrigue villain? He's probably smart sure but he's no genius, and his fighting ability really relied on that bulky ass suit. Still though, he could be a sleeper threat of some magnitude if he gets his hands on a half decent learning hero. Not trustworthy in the slightest, dude would betray even his own pseudo son.
-Yellow Jacket is honestly just Warmonger but with slightly less Steward and Intrigue but much better Martial and Learning. I'll say this, guys a damn threat and gets more insane the longer he has his helmet issue. Even if he starts trust worthy, which he kinda doesn't (evil yellow jacket suit plans and all), he gets worse over time unless he discovers the helmet flaw. I don't think he will in time.
-Ghost is a tricky one. She's Martial/Intrigue? She kinda cheats in a way. Luckily she'd be on a timer in this universe so it'd take a lot to stabilize her in time. I could see Doof fixing m her up and so she might be swayed to heroics.
-Vulture is a low key arms dealer with a mech. Low end Intrigue/Martial/Stewardship combo? Honestly? Possibly would've been recruitable if this was his home dimension. I imagine he'd like to return to his family and all.
-Kingpin is a classic Intrigue powerhouse with a fair hand in everything else except Occult. Simple combo, dangerous effects. Sorta a much lesser Xanatos in that regard I suppose? Potentially someone that can be worked with or a crime boss you can leave in place to control the underground, but unsure. Definitely not directly recruitable atleast.
-Aldrich Killian is easily a sleeper hit of a mid-end danger. Intrigue with a side order of Martial focus maybe? It's not like his Stewardship, Learning, or Diplo really are hurting either however. This dude's kinda a Doof without any of the goof. Just pain and burning (heh) desire to be better than his former self. Which he accomplishes by trying to take over the us iirc? He's totally unrecruitable for numerous reasons. Which sucks to high heavens as I adore extremis.
-Rex Skull is Captain America but in reverse. So uh... Martial/Learning focus, side orders of Occult? I can't imagine he'd stay on the board long here however. He's a Nazi, and even Joker doesn't work with Nazis! Not recruitable for obvious reasons.
-Zemo isn't a problem in this universe as his revenge was in another world. A major Intrigue hero with dashes of Learning/Martial? I could maybe, just maybe see recruitment depending on where he was in his personal story. Before or during? No. After? Maybe. Just maybe.
Alright yeah. So uh. Have that possibly unhinged sleep brain analysis on various MCU Villains. It's by no means an actual authority or particularly extensive and through list. I think I'm gonna try to sleep, I think doing that helped oddly.
Alright yeah. So uh. Have that possibly unhinged sleep brain analysis on various MCU Villains. It's by no means an actual authority or particularly extensive and through list. I think I'm gonna try to sleep, I think doing that helped oddly.
Yeah. Probably good if you get some rest. (Should probably do that myself; it's 4:30 where I am) Don't worry, MCU villains won't pop up unless you roll poorly, and even then, no MCU characters will appear in an RER equal to 30 or higher
Yeah. Probably good if you get some rest. (Should probably do that myself; it's 4:30 where I am) Don't worry, MCU villains won't pop up unless you roll poorly, and even then, no MCU characters will appear in an RER equal to 30 or higher
Oh no it was 3:30 when I started it. Sleep brain requires much revision and odd stops. But yeah sleeps a good idea, Im heading out myself.

As for MCU Villains, it's a mix of worry and excitement. They're an interesting lot. Hope the post wasn't too scatterbrained, my brain just latched onto the idea and needed to chew on it before it'd really let it go.
So, for the blips, any number lower than 10 is bad news. While numbers higher than ~80 are excellent news. Does that also cover the random event roll. So, if a RER is 70, and a RBR is 1, does that mean That Chernabog or Thanos pop in at their strongest, or at one of their weakest?
So, for the blips, any number lower than 10 is bad news. While numbers higher than ~80 are excellent news. Does that also cover the random event roll. So, if a RER is 70, and a RBR is 1, does that mean That Chernabog or Thanos pop in at their strongest, or at one of their weakest?
If the Blip is a 1, something very bad and evil pops up, regardless of the RER roll. Could be Thanos, could be Chernabog, could just be an army invading the US led by a sorcerer accompanied by a cheer that says if he can't do it, GREAT!!!
Oh, should probably throw this in for you guys to suck on.

Random Event

Coming soon...

Random Blip


It's him. He's here early. And he's already won.
Reconnaissance Photo

File: New_Mewni_Exclusive_Investment_Zone_Public_Information.zip


Hoooooooo, boy.
How unexpected. By which I mean TOTALLY EXPECTED! (Doofdice strike again.)
Presumably since it's not a nat 1, its literally just Toffee from an alternate timeline after having won in that timeline, I'm sorry but Toffee's Faction as a whole can only be nat 1 material, that's just how bad it is.
First, really glad that we didn't get that 3 on either of the missions. Starting things off by falling flat on our faces would have been unpleasant.

Second, Toffee is honestly probably one of the worst Bad Future villains who could have fallen out of the sky. Cunning, devious, and not someone who can be negotiated with in good faith even if we didn't already have a massive grudge against him thanks to Janna. The good news is that he doesn't play well with others and he probably doesn't have the same resources he did in the future, so we might be able to nip him in the bud if we can convince the govt that he needs stopping quick. Which, since we just proved that we can walk the walk as well as talk the talk, isn't impossible.