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[X] Try to defuse the situation.
-[X] Say that it's only a temporary measure; you'll be happy to help her once you've unlocked your magic. You just can't have the unnatural goop in your soul. It makes you sick just to look at it.
-[X] Suggest getting the help of another magical girl. Surely, there's a city that has more magical girls than it really needs, right?
-[X] If not then there has to be some more girls in town with potential. Get a couple of them to help. Quantity over quality you know?

[X] If that doesn't work, call her bluff, internally hoping that it is a bluff. You won't be bullied by your classmates. Magical Girl or not.

[x] Serafim
If she knew some of the worse things about magical girls, like witches, I'd say avoid at all costs. But she doesn't know that stuff. Fearing gunk isn't a strong enough motivation for me to not view her as a stubborn asshole if this lasts more than 2-3 days of experimentation.
We haven't even been given a chance to experiment yet. The only time we have Azura stopped us. If Azura had already gone and asked other people then her words might carry more weight but since she hasn't it just seems she's taking the easy way out or something. More likely Kyubey set her on us so that's why she keeps bothering us. That's why I voted for trying to get her to branch out for help.

It isn't our job to sacrifice our soul's sanctity for others. If there wasn't that unnatural gunk in it but think about it. Lets say there was a smell that disturbed you greatly. And now you smell like that all the time. That's what it would probably be like for Aria. Why should she sacrifice herself when there are others who would jump at the chance? In a town this size there should probably be 2-3 minimum with enough potential and if they work together they can defeat Witches in short order and share the resulting seeds.
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I wonder how a knowledge wish works for something Mana or magic, that the Incubators don't actually understand themselves? Not a learning wish, a knowledge wish. Like, if Aria wished "I wish I knew everything there is to know about Green mana." It's a terrible wish, but that's not the point. Is there some sort of universal knowledge tap that things like the hypothetical knowledge wish or Jade's Foresight touch?

Related topic: what are the people advocating for wishing actually planning to wish for? I know KyuMinion is a big one. What else?
I am iffy about any votes that have the word natural in them. I'll come back later and decide what to vote for then. At this point I stopped caring about the wish thing because this constant browbeating being done by Azura and Kuybey is annoying and I just want events to move forward.

Also, fellas. That is not a bluff. Trying to call it would make us enter Azura's shit list.
[X] Try to defuse the situation.
-[X] Lie through your teeth: You've been locked in the basement often enough that you aren't really afraid of it anymore. As far as threats go, it's a pretty poor one.

[x] Summers
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"Hmm?" Kaylee blinks, then focuses back on you. "Food is for the weak."

Uh, what? Something is up with Kaylee and I'm really confused here.

Outside of being a magical girl, I'm pretty worthless. Killing me would be a bit of a waste, but if it leads to a positive outcome, I'd be okay with that."

Not the healthiest attitude. I wonder if she's a little high on grief right now?

[X] Try to defuse the situation.
-[X] Lie through your teeth: You've been locked in the basement often enough that you aren't really afraid of it anymore. As far as threats go, it's a pretty poor one.

Let's make the fact that we've been abused as obvious as we can, see if she starts caring at any point? Could use more data on if she's just pragmatic and focused on her job, or if she really doesn't care about anyone.
If Azura had already gone and asked other people then her words might carry more weight but since she hasn't it just seems she's taking the easy way out or something. More likely Kyubey set her on us so that's why she keeps bothering us. That's why I voted for trying to get her to branch out for help.
You're ignoring potential. We're simply far more suited to the job than random girls. It's the difference between signing a girl up to die and getting a reliable comrade.
It isn't our job to sacrifice our soul's sanctity for others. If there wasn't that unnatural gunk in it but think about it. Lets say there was a smell that disturbed you greatly. And now you smell like that all the time. That's what it would probably be like for Aria.
Except the Grief didn't feel unnatural when she checked Azura's gem. It started feeling unnatural when she forced it on another girl.
She holds it next to her soul gem for several seconds, noticeably relaxing as the corruption streams out of her gem. Although you couldn't feel anything while the grief was inside her soul, the grief seed feels even more sickening now.
That said, that's probably because her mana sense is shit. Still, Jade seems to be dealing with it, so Aria can too.

Related topic: what are the people advocating for wishing actually planning to wish for? I know KyuMinion is a big one. What else?
I'm still fond of increased luck. Simple and effective.
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Related topic: what are the people advocating for wishing actually planning to wish for? I know KyuMinion is a big one. What else?
Not a fan of KyuMinion, I'm down for the others LostDeviljho mentioned (Ungriefable Gem, something something green mana). Generally vague wishes like "I wish my home was more natural", which should ideally help fix her situation and appease the green voters, are also something I'm up for. I don't disagree with some of the suggestions Azura gave us - ending up with sensory powers would be snazzy.

Also increased luck is never a bad idea.
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You're ignoring potential. We're simply far more suited to the job than random girls. It's the difference between signing a girl up to die and getting a reliable comrade.
Azura just took on a Sorceress. If she gets somone to Wish for "I want to be the best healer I can be!" and "I want to be the best support can be!" Then she would be fine. It's a tried and true tactic. Sayaka didn't have that bad of a life and she was fairly strong.. Find a homeless girl or two and you should be able to put together a powerful team.
Except the Grief didn't feel unnatural when she checked Azura's gem. It started feeling unnatural when she forced it on another girl.
We couldn't sense it in her soul period. But if it were in our soul....
That said, that's probably because her mana sense is shit. Still, Jade seems to be dealing with it, so Aria can too.
Jade is Red with Blue leanings. Both are friends of Black. Green and Black on the other hand are enemies.
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I'd be tempted if it weren't for the MTG magic. Plus, Kyubey is pretty untrustworthy, so it wouldn't be too surprising to refuse to let him mess around with your soul. Especially since he had actually hid the truth about soul gems for a good long while, is confirmed to be sketchy in his methods, and the fact that after he's done making a soul gem, it starts generating corruption. Even if he says that the soul would be fine, could that really be trusted to be true?

[X] Try to defuse the situation.
-[X] Say that it's only a temporary measure; you'll be happy to help her once you've unlocked your magic.
-[X] Suggest getting the help of another magical girl. Surely, there's a city that has more magical girls than it really needs, right? And there has to be girls with potential here right? You can't be the only one in the city.
-[X] Tell her that you just don't trust Kyubey enough to let him near your soul. He hid that soul gems had souls for the longest time. And whatever he does with soul gems makes them generate that... corruption.
--[X] Ask her if her gem's cleaned

[X] Summers
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[X] Try to defuse the situation.
-[X] Say that it's only a temporary measure; you'll be happy to help her once you've unlocked your magic.
-[X] Suggest getting the help of another magical girl. Surely, there's a city that has more magical girls than it really needs, right? And there has to be girls with potential here right? You can't be the only one in the city.
-[X] Tell her that you just don't trust Kyubey enough to let him near your soul. He hid that soul gems had souls for the longest time. And whatever he does with soul gems makes them generate that... corruption.
--[X] Ask if she's been remembering to keep her soul-gem clean. it felt nearly half full last night, and she seemed to have almost forgotten to take care of it at the time. she does know that leaving it to fill is really bad for her, right?
--[X] Ask if she's been remembering to keep her soul-gem clean. it felt nearly half full last night, and she seemed to have almost forgotten to take care of it at the time. she does know that leaving it to fill is really bad for her, right?
Can we not lecture the magical girl who just soloed a sorceress on keeping her Gem clean? It's not a good idea in the best of times, but it's especially not a good idea when you're being stubborn about not contracting.
[X] Try to defuse the situation.
-[X] Say that it's only a temporary measure; you'll be happy to help her once you've unlocked your magic.
-[X] Suggest getting the help of another magical girl. Surely, there's a city that has more magical girls than it really needs, right? And there has to be girls with potential here right? You can't be the only one in the city.
-[X] Tell her that you just don't trust Kyubey enough to let him near your soul. He hid that soul gems had souls for the longest time. And whatever he does with soul gems makes them generate that... corruption.
[X] Try to defuse the situation.
-[X] Recommend hugging a plushie. It often helps you feel a little bit better. Maybe it would work for Azura, too?
-[X] Lie through your teeth: You've been locked in the basement often enough that you aren't really afraid of it anymore. As far as threats go, it's a pretty poor one.

[X] Stone
Can we not lecture the magical girl who just soloed a sorceress on keeping her Gem clean? It's not a good idea in the best of times, but it's especially not a good idea when you're being stubborn about not contracting.

I made that vote in the first place because she sounds really depressed right now, and the whole "it doesn't matter if I die horribly as long as something good comes out of it" thing sounds to me like she might be grief-spiraling. I really don't want the only person to ever have been nice to us in our whole life to die in the most horrible way possible, right in front of us, forcing us to make a wish just to survive the witch we'd then need to fight.
Oh, also, recommending that she go recruit other girls when she keeps harping on us having a bad case of Somebody Else's Problem is obviously going to piss her off. A lot.

I made that vote in the first place because she sounds really depressed right now, and the whole "it doesn't matter if I die horribly as long as something good comes out of it" thing sounds to me like she might be grief-spiraling. I really don't want the only person to ever have been nice to us in our whole life to die in the most horrible way possible, right in front of us, forcing us to make a wish just to survive the witch we'd then need to fight.
So just have her check her Gem. You don't need the rest of the vote.
[X] Whichever vote ends with us not wishing.

I shouldn't have to have this as my stand-in vote, but there you go.

No means no. We don't want to wish. We've voted, again and again, not to.
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