Disciples of Red Dew Sect (Cultivation Riot Quest)

Turn 17: Census and Conversations
Changjian Meinu and Meilu previously talked with some of their friends concerning the task they took for this Month, of interacting with the unaligned cultivators nearby that have been nothing more than vagabonds and criminals. The Sect seems to address this via said interaction: forming a census on their numbers (or at least as much as they can anyway) as well as their abilities and skills that they can somehow use as a way to earn payment from them in the form of a similar bounty board that the disciples are currently using... probably a bit closer to the mission board too, in all likelihood as well. Thereafter, there was still the need of convincing said cultivators of this arrangement which will obviously be awhile compared to simply taking the census that was mentioned earlier. Should they do so, they'll need to expand the available lodgings at Roaring Furnace City, though it seems like they'll be situated at the edge of said location. Seeing that they have no skills concerning construction, the twins and co. decided to procure help from a few groups of disciples with said skills via the merit recruitment, six of them to be exact as there was no saying how much lodging built is enough.

Changjian Meilu sighed as she leaned back on her seat, petting her yet to be named lunar pheasant who is content on just idling about with her twin pheasant sister, as she watched another wild cultivator leave the temporary building they are using to gather the census for the wild cultivators with tables and chairs around the interior. Her younger sister seems to be busy writing, and tallying, down what they manage to gather this day. Most of them, to be as to be expected really, focused more on combat skills and rarely anything else. There were a few of these individuals that seem to have a knack for making body elixirs and fewer than that seems to have any interest, at all, on gathering firewood. There were obvious, pointed, complaints and insults, directly or otherwise, of such tasks falling under the 'servants and new foolish disciples' of the Red Dew Sect. If it wasn't for Meinu and their friends holding her back with a few of said hotheaded friends of theirs there would likely have been a brawl especially with the more lecherous and perverted cultivators that seems to have only came for 'eye candy' on their all-female clique.

"I'm not confident that there wouldn't be a few fights or two should such behavior crop up once more, dear sister, though I suppose we should have expected that not all cultivators we've met so far, barring a few, will act prim and proper.", the older Changjian said as she received some tea from one of their friends, nodding in thanks and taking a few sips from it.

"We should at least see it from their point of view, sister: they became cultivators without the backing of a Sect unlike in our situation and they had to make do with what resources they have in order to survive out there. It can't be helped that from what we gathered with most of them focused in combat skills and fewer than that are those with skills that may be of interest for the Sect that said skill set difference is due to how they strive to reach the Top. They're likely to end up with escorting tasks or similar but there is the risk of them turning 'coats' as you seem to say and them going renegade and escaping thereafter.", the younger Changjian replied back whilst continued to write what they've managed to gather for their census today. There were some instances indeed as Meilu said that their simple census end up being a brawl though it was scaled down to being a simple duel or 'spar' so to speak.

"...Where's Hua anyway?", the red-robed sister asked after finishing her tea, standing up from her seat, and walking towards her sister to stand at her side whilst looking at what she's writing: there were certainly fewer compared to the census they did with the inhabitants of Roaring Furnace City never mind some cultivators just outright rejecting being part of said census: those they specifically made sure to mark as suspicious for the Sect to take note of.

"Accompanying Cao to find and ask for help with some groups of disciples that have skills in construction and similar. I'm surprised the Sect decide to build up lodgings to those interested in taking 'tasks' from the mission board that'll soon pop up for the wild cultivators, though I suppose even if they do leave there'll be some available lodgings nonetheless though hopefully wouldn't be inhabited with nefarious people.", the blue-robed sister replied, as their yellow-robed friend seems to be accompanying the new member of their group, Luse 'Cao' Caodi, who rather sticks out with the green-robe she is wearing. The latter was one of the few individuals they manage to get a census from last year and it was a pleasant surprise to find her becoming their fellow, junior, disciple. It just so happens that she also is a carpenter's daughter prior to as well, thus have some skills concerning construction.

"Hmmm... is that so?", Meilu said with a faint smile on her face before shaking her head and going back to her seat as more wild cultivators once more entered the building they're temporarily using. She'll tease Hua later but for now, there's the task at hand to do first. It certainly will help them further on gathering insights concerning diplomacy and hopefully that of different perspectives at least...
Will likely want more Insights of Diplomacy for the twins! And I'd like to combine the nine Insights of Piercing Blade to become a Path as I feel like there'll likely be some trouble with said wild cultivators that might warrant such! Will edit the twins' prior action to do so though there has been a tally already... @_@
Wuyin's Diary, Entry 5

So much to do, so little time!

Time it seems, has changed a little! Don't blame Riyadh for that, this is simply the will of the Giant Hand in the Sky, moving us forward at a slightly faster pace.

From now on, turns will last a season, or around 3 months each. Luckily, the progress we make over these turns will be increased accordingly. Still, it is certainly worth considering for future planning!

And speaking of plans, it seems there is never an end to them!

So much to do: Training, Missions, catching toads, raising toads, and maybe even a little alchemy for once!

And that's not even counting those old dreams of exploring and learning that I had!

I write old, but that was only a little under a year ago wasn't it?

Time flies fast!

Still, it would seem I am now attempting to become a crafter of all things, despite this magnificent sword I had been given.

Indeed, I may even find myself competing in the crafting section of the tournament, despite having never crafted a single item in my time here at the Red Dew Sect.

But life is a strange road, and even stranger for those of us walking the path of cultivation.

It is so easy for the whims of fortune to distort our lives. But, we all already knew that didn't we?

The best we can do is to bend with the wind, and keep our eyes open for the day that we may yet snap back.

I do hope that others have prepared adequately for the tournament. Our little cohort of lizards may be gifted, but we still quite small fish even in our own little pond. Just fish with a bit more vim and vigor than others.

I worry that this tournament may prove to be a double-edged sword because of that. That we will attract enough attention due to our talents, but not quite be strong enough to hold our ground from the malice attention attracts.

But I suppose that is the worry of the elders, and not for us small, small fish.

For now, I wish all who prepare for the tournament luck, and I promise to cheer you all on! In my own strange little ways of course.

Good luck, and good fortune. May you walk the path you find worthy in this world.

P.S: Path of the World insights please!
Is the Red Dew Sect promoting new disciples to the coveted status of Outer Disciple today?

I had several ideas for a character to submit. I picked this one because I think it'll be the most entertaining.

Name: Lexia Reqing

With a Clay Peasant Body stat, this image is more aspirational then accurate, but it gives a great feel for how over-the-top Lexia aims to be.
Personality: Dramatic, Enthusiastic, Extravagant, Bold, Big, Mercurial.
The only thing as fiery as her spirit is her hair. The only thing more fiery than either is her burning enthusiasm for life.
Lexia speaks in ALL CAPS, like a BOSS, because she's just that excited about whatever it is she's doing and her path of UTMOST EFFORT!!! means putting maximum force into every word.
Element: Fire
Path: Path of UTMOST EFFORT!!!
Lexia gives 110% to everything she does. Does that make sense? NO! Does Lexia do it anyways? YES! What is the point of cultivation if not to transcend the tyranny of math?!

Gift: Friend: You've made a fast friend of your own age among the other disciples. They'll stick with you through thick and thin.
Shu was a shy and studious boy before Lexia took him under her wing. Lexia decided the second she laid eyes on him that they were going to be best friends and didn't give Shu a choice about it. Left to his own devices, Shu would still spend most of his time focusing on improving his core cultivation and attending lessons, but Lexia makes sure he actually gets out there and lives his best life. Meanwhile, Shu helps Lexia keep up with her cultivation when she's not rushing around on her latest "adventure."

Lexia always does everything to excess; so she made a second friend too! The "totally real" and "definitely not imaginary" Wotujeo.

Rank: Tempered Peasant
-Body: Clay
-Spirit: Silver
-Qi Pool: 3/4
-Fortune: Clay

-Tempered Eyes: 5/5 Spirit Clay - > Copper,
-Tempered Lungs: 7/7 Spirit Copper -> Iron,
-Tempered Heart: 9/9 Spirit Iron -> Silver,
-Tempered Stomach: 8/10,

(innate) Rainbow Eyes: Clay
(innate) Passionate Heart: Clay

1 Path of Fellowship

255 Spirit Stones
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Is the Red Dew Sect promoting new disciples to the coveted status of Outer Disciple today?

I had several ideas for a character to submit. I picked this one because I think it'll be the most entertaining.

Name: Lexia Reqing

With a Clay Peasant Body stat, this image is more aspirational then accurate, but it gives a great feel for how over-the-top Lexia aims to be.
Personality: Dramatic, Enthusiastic, Extravagant, Bold, Big, Mercurial.
The only thing as fiery as her spirit is her hair. The only thing more fiery than either is her burning enthusiasm for life.
Lexia speaks in ALL CAPS, like a BOSS, because she's just that excited about whatever it is she's doing and her path of UTMOST EFFORT!!! means putting maximum force into every word.
Element: Fire
Path: Path of UTMOST EFFORT!!!
Lexia gives 110% to everything she does. Does that make sense? NO! Does Lexia do it anyways? YES! What is the point of cultivation if not to transcend the tyranny of math?!

(starting) Attributes: Pick Two
Improve Spirit
Improve Fortune

Gift: Friend: You've made a fast friend of your own age among the other disciples. They'll stick with you through thick and thin.
Shu was a shy and studious boy before Lexia took him under her wing. Lexia decided the second she laid eyes on him that they were going to be best friends and didn't give Shu a choice about it. Left to his own devices, Shu would still spend most of his time focusing on improving his core cultivation and attending lessons, but Lexia makes sure he actually gets out there and lives his best life. Meanwhile, Shu helps Lexia keep up with her cultivation when she's not rushing around on her latest "adventure."

Lexia always does everything to excess; so she made a second friend too! The "totally real" and "definitely not imaginary" Wotujeo.

Rank: Tempered Peasant
-Body: Clay
-Spirit: Copper
-Fortune: Copper

-Tempered Eyes: 0/5,
-Tempered Lungs: 0/7,
-Tempered Heart: 0/9,
-Tempered Stomach: 0/10,

I hope I did this right? I'd prefer to temper heart first if that's an option?
Organs are tempered in order, Eyes, Lungs, Heart and finally Stomach, you can't change that, though you can roll for if you have the Special Technique version of the first two, I think.

Also, regarding stats, it's generally optimal to focus on one specific stat for Peasant, as if you put all your points into it, you can reach Gold Grade in it, which will let you start the next stage off with that stat higher than the baseline.
Is the Red Dew Sect promoting new disciples to the coveted status of Outer Disciple today?

I had several ideas for a character to submit. I picked this one because I think it'll be the most entertaining.

I hope I did this right? I'd prefer to temper heart first if that's an option?
You will start with 3 of them tempered which means you get at least one more attribute boost.
Also you can roll a d20 to check if you get the special tech for each of them as a freebie .

Edit: one more thing , i recommend pinging arcane to see if you can squeak in and chosoe an action for the current turn instead of starting in the next one .
Also , welcome! And have fun.
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New Disciple organ tempering technique rolls. Eyes, Lungs, Heart in that order. (Edit: Yes! Super excited by the roll results! Passionate Heart is such a perfect fit for Lexia. Going to be using 2 Qi on every action, forever.)

Also, since it looks like some questors haven't gotten their actions in yet, I'll go ahead and post one for Lexia Reqing in case Arcanestomper is willing to squeeze me in.
[X] Lexia Reqing (character link)
-[X] Action: 'Planting Wild Oats', Lexia rushes outside the sect grounds, sprinting (not jogging and definitely not walking) from one reported wild cultivator sighting to the next and enthusiasticly spreading the good word of the WONDERFUL, SUPER AWESOME, HELPFUL, FRIENDLY, AND HONEST Red Dew Sect. She takes special care to emphasize that currently the sect is providing free alchemy ingredients for anyone who wants to support the sect and their FRIENDLY FELLOW DISCIPLES by making body tempering elixirs so they can become BIG AND STRONG like her. Lexia approaches all cultivators as if they are already friends and ignores any threatening behavior, confident in her PASSIONATE SPIRIT to persuade them. Shu clarifies and corrects any minor overstatements Lexia's enthusiasm causes her to make. When he can catch up.
--[X] [Qi] 2 Qi Used (Passionate heart - UTMOST EFFORT!!!).
AlexScribler threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: organ tempering Total: 41
17 17 6 6 18 18
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New Disciple organ tempering technique rolls. Eyes, Lungs, Heart in that order. (Edit: Yes! Super excited by the roll results! Passionate Heart is such a perfect fit for Lexia. Going to be using 2 Qi on every action, forever.)

Also, since it looks like some questors haven't gotten their actions in yet, I'll go ahead and post one for Lexia Reqing in case Arcanestomper is willing to squeeze me in.
[X] Lexia Reqing (character link)
-[X] Action: 'Planting Wild Oats', Lexia rushes outside the sect grounds, sprinting (not jogging and definitely not walking) from one reported wild cultivator sighting to the next and enthusiasticly spreading the good word of the WONDERFUL, SUPER AWESOME, HELPFUL, FRIENDLY, AND HONEST Red Dew Sect. She takes special care to emphasize that currently the sect is providing free alchemy ingredients for anyone who wants to support the sect and their FRIENDLY FELLOW DISCIPLES by making body tempering elixirs so they can become BIG AND STRONG like her. Lexia approaches all cultivators as if they are already friends and ignores any threatening behavior, confident in her PASSIONATE SPIRIT to persuade them. Shu clarifies and corrects any minor overstatements Lexia's enthusiasm causes her to make. When he can catch up.
--[X] [Qi] 2 Qi Used (Passionate heart - UTMOST EFFORT!!!).
Just so you know , you recover 1 qi per turn.
If you want to spend more qi then you have you need to use spirit stones to make the difference.
How large are our Qi pools? I expect that Lexia will be running down her pool most actions and then every so often have to spend a turn gathering qi or, as she'd put it - hibernating like a giant friendly huggable teddy bear.
Follow the instructions in the first post, except that you get to assign 3 attribute points now. Then roll 3 d20s to see if you have any innate techniques.
If you are quick, you might also be able to submit an action for the turn which is the last two months of Fall.
Is the Red Dew Sect promoting new disciples to the coveted status of Outer Disciple today?

I had several ideas for a character to submit. I picked this one because I think it'll be the most entertaining.

Name: Lexia Reqing

With a Clay Peasant Body stat, this image is more aspirational then accurate, but it gives a great feel for how over-the-top Lexia aims to be.
Personality: Dramatic, Enthusiastic, Extravagant, Bold, Big, Mercurial.
The only thing as fiery as her spirit is her hair. The only thing more fiery than either is her burning enthusiasm for life.
Lexia speaks in ALL CAPS, like a BOSS, because she's just that excited about whatever it is she's doing and her path of UTMOST EFFORT!!! means putting maximum force into every word.
Element: Fire
Path: Path of UTMOST EFFORT!!!
Lexia gives 110% to everything she does. Does that make sense? NO! Does Lexia do it anyways? YES! What is the point of cultivation if not to transcend the tyranny of math?!

Gift: Friend: You've made a fast friend of your own age among the other disciples. They'll stick with you through thick and thin.
Shu was a shy and studious boy before Lexia took him under her wing. Lexia decided the second she laid eyes on him that they were going to be best friends and didn't give Shu a choice about it. Left to his own devices, Shu would still spend most of his time focusing on improving his core cultivation and attending lessons, but Lexia makes sure he actually gets out there and lives his best life. Meanwhile, Shu helps Lexia keep up with her cultivation when she's not rushing around on her latest "adventure."

Lexia always does everything to excess; so she made a second friend too! The "totally real" and "definitely not imaginary" Wotujeo.

Rank: Tempered Peasant
-Body: Clay
-Spirit: Silver
-Fortune: Clay

-Tempered Eyes: 5/5 Spirit Clay - > Copper,
-Tempered Lungs: 7/7 Spirit Copper -> Iron,
-Tempered Heart: 9/9 Spirit Iron -> Silver,
-Tempered Stomach: 0/10,

(innate) Rainbow Eyes: Clay
(innate) Passionate Heart: Clay

I hope I did this right? I'd prefer to temper heart first if that's an option?

Looks good.
Just to clarify, by default the stats start at Clay and then I have 3 points to distribute, not counting any Gift bonuses?

And then I roll 3 d20's for innate techs, yes?
Name: Wu Yuming (Introduces herself as "Lioness")

Description: A muscular young woman, powerfully built, with fiery red hair and amber eyes. Scars crisscross her back and shoulders. She has a perpetually scruffy look to her, and her messy, choppy hair makes it clear she cuts it herself. She'd be intimidating...if she wasn't 5 feet tall.

Personality: Boisterous, cocky and singlemindedly focused on becoming the strongest of the strong. Yuming is very, very loud, competitive and crude. She wants to be the best, the very best, the strongest, the most powerful - and she'd break her body a million times over if that's what it takes. Inhumanly stubborn. On the other hand, she would also very much like to have...friends. Insecure and terrified of being alone. Generous and seemingly unable to bear grudges.

Backstory: She never knew her parents. Abandoned as a baby at the doorstep of dirt poor peasants...who turned out to be low level thugs of a gang of criminals. Her entire life, Yuming had to claw and fight and steal for what she had, knowing no love or friendship. She stole, she broke limbs, she extorted. An enforcer. Her foster parents beat into her one lesson - to survive, one must be strong. Kindness was a weakness. Love was a weakness. You had no one but yourself.

It was a miserable existence. She hated every second of it. Until thay day. When they came. Disciples of the Red Dew Sect. They were the strongest people she ever saw. They dismantled the gang of bandits she grew up with in mere minutes.

But...they were kind. To her. To her, who was less than nothing. They gave food and clothing, and warm words.

She did not understand. But she wanted to. She wanted to be like them. If she were to find that strength they had...would she be able to be someone kind too?

Element: Fire
Path: The Path of Absolute Power

[X] Tough Body


Rank: Tempered Peasant

Body: Gold (Tough Body + 3 Stat Boosts)
Spirit: Copper (1 Stat Boost)
Fortune: Clay


- Rainbow Eyes
- Passionate Heart

- Red Dew School (Copper)

Insights and Enlightenments:

Insights -
x1 Path of Training

Enlightenments -
Path of Absolute Power

Is this okay?

The idea was someone fronting, and trying to be an over the top, larger than life figure.

The Lioness thing isn't really her. She's pretending to be the ultra-kind, ultra-strong superhero that she thinks the Sect Disciples are.

She's actually very pessimistic and kind of a mess lol.
The Red Lady threw 3 20-faced dice. Total: 48
18 18 14 14 16 16
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Ooh , another fire type? and this time a larger then life body specialist?
Im excited to see what you are going to do with her.

The sheet looks fine to me , if you have an idea what you want to do next with the char i recommend you check with arcane to see if you can start for the current turn since he had not yet finished writing the results.
Name: Wu Yuming (Introduces herself as "Lioness")

Description: A muscular young woman, powerfully built, with fiery red hair and amber eyes. Scars crisscross her back and shoulders. She has a perpetually scruffy look to her, and her messy, choppy hair makes it clear she cuts it herself. She'd be intimidating...if she wasn't 5 feet tall.

Personality: Boisterous, cocky and singlemindedly focused on becoming the strongest of the strong. Yuming is very, very loud, competitive and crude. She wants to be the best, the very best, the strongest, the most powerful - and she'd break her body a million times over if that's what it takes. Inhumanly stubborn. On the other hand, she would also very much like to have...friends. Insecure and terrified of being alone. Generous and seemingly unable to bear grudges.

Backstory: She never knew her parents. Abandoned as a baby at the doorstep of dirt poor peasants...who turned out to be low level thugs of a gang of criminals. Her entire life, Yuming had to claw and fight and steal for what she had, knowing no love or friendship. She stole, she broke limbs, she extorted. An enforcer. Her foster parents beat into her one lesson - to survive, one must be strong. Kindness was a weakness. Love was a weakness. You had no one but yourself.

It was a miserable existence. She hated every second of it. Until thay day. When they came. Disciples of the Red Dew Sect. They were the strongest people she ever saw. They dismantled the gang of bandits she grew up with in mere minutes.

But...they were kind. To her. To her, who was less than nothing. They gave food and clothing, and warm words.

She did not understand. But she wanted to. She wanted to be like them. If she were to find that strength they had...would she be able to be someone kind too?

This looks good. You can post an action if you do it today.
Ahh, thank you.

In that case.

[X] Wu Yuming
--> [X] Immediately beg any and all willing seniors to train me in the Red Dew School Technique
--> [X] Use 2 Qi (with Passionate Heart)

EDIT: Is discord just not working right now?
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