Epsilon Rose
The King of Unrest
What? Yes, he was explicit about wanting to stop Ciel.Stopping Ciel... or simply stopping his failure?
Because someone went on to create the Maidens, and his own brand of immortality.
And the fact that the Maidens don't get it but he does?
That's pretty damning.
We don't know how the Maidens were created in this version or how Ozma's immortality works. It's likely he was responsible for the former but we are completely in the dark on the later. That said, if he's anything like canon Ozma, he very much does not view the immortality as a benefit. He also doesn't seem to be gaining power from his reincarnations, which is what you would expect if he had the mindset you're implying he does.
I call her the ritual child because that's what she is. And the fact that the King already tried to do it with Veve. Obviously she knew that the ritual required royal blood, and something that Ozma is apparently aware of given his contribution to the project.
That is not what that phrase means in story.
More importantly, the original ritual required two people with royal blood and the king originally planned to sacrifice himself and Veve to it. Athame explicitly rejected this and instead, repeatedly, used her self as the sole sacrifice. It seems extremely unlikely that she would view Salem as an acceptable sacrifice for the ritual, let alone a child raised solely for that purpose as your name implies.
He encouraged through, at minimum, enabling. If he didn't contribute to her work, she would not have progressed as far as she did. And there's no way he wouldn't be aware of what he's doing.
He was a young scholar at that point, not some great sage. The Athame has already been working on the ritual for Decades before he arrived, probably before he was even born. He likely helped her progress, but calling it encouraging her is quite the stretch, especially when she was the queen and he was her servant. Rather, he probably believed the charismatic leader, who most of the kingdom seems to hold in high regard, when she told him the sacrifices were necessary and the lesser evil.
You are actively removing agency from the literally queen of a nation, someone who is famed as a prodigy when it comes to magic, and giving it to a young scholar in her service just so you can attribute more sin to Ozpin. That doesn't seem reasonable.