...I'm half-tempted to write an omake where Miss Militia sees Pandora in action and not-so-subtly asks if she can have it
Why not a "you got a Miss Militia? Well i got a Pandora.....and mine comes with more accessories"
Also, does this version of Earth-Bet have a Hunter guild or something? I mean, in DMC we never see the Hunters interact a lot apart from Dante, Lady, Trish and Patty (who in my canon decided to say fuck all to live in secrecy, gets training from the three other hunters, magic training from her mother and becomes a Demon Huntress herself to act as deterrent for the small fries that would try to hunt her down and be able to survive or take on the bigger marks that decide she looks tasty enough). However it is implied that those 4 are not the only ones around. After that, Nero and Kyrie (who totally has learned some magic), open the Fortuna Branch of DMC....and Nico, joins them a few years later and together they build the Mobile Branch and shut down the Fortuna Branch.
What I'm trying to say is that there are mercenaries that know about the Underworld and Demons that arent just the DMC core agents and affiliates, and are somewhat succeful taking down demons....at least the smaller ones.
So, in this interesting premise you bring, i mean hell Rodin is here and he does deal with Mortals, i had the idea that there is this secret divide between Demon Hunters and Capes. Hunters deal with, hostile(remember there are some demons that prefer this world over the Underworld and decide to live in peace, examples are Sparda, his second apprentice Modeus, and a demon who fell in love with the daughter of a Mayor), escaped demons and dont mix themselves with Cape business, no real costume and the names are generic instead of symbolic, like Taylor calling herself Vergil, other hunter calls themselves Beatriz, Lorenzo, etc etc etc.
Rodin acts like an information broker and has a red with informants that know about hunters and can be tapped for info when Hunters arent able to access "The Gates of Hell", as well as weapon provider, dealing with especial weapons and only breaking out a Knight for those he is sure can keep the demon sealed under control, that is their minds not falling under corruption by the demonic energies that a Knight may leak when wielded.
Some Capes may know about this divide if they are attacked by a demon and saved (like Parian, maybe Über and L33t seeing they were at the bar) but they are sworn to secrecy (the thing held over their heads to make sure those that a Hunter isnt sure the cape or capes in question are going to keep quiet would be leaking their civilian personas to the public anonymously).
The Church would be veeeeery loosely on it, the Papa would know and he would have a few trusted agents of his own to give Hunters a hand discreetly, like providing Holy Water and things like that.......ok this is getting long what i was asking is, is there anything like that on Earth-Bet?