Deep Red (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

oh my god that was amazing. I think the prisoner scene may have planted the seed of something. also watching the whiplash of akane whip lashing between being an akward fumbling teen and a princess of the fire nation was kind of hilarious. the bit where she was panicking and considering having someone who saw assassinated was a great bit of dark humor.
"I can't think of any original names," she mumbles dejectedly. "Maybe I should just name it Mitsuko."

You look between her and the sword. "That is your name, Mitsuko."

"Mitsuko Junior," she mumbles.

You look at her.

"I think it's alright to take your time," you say.

I busted a gut here!

That's humor that feels like it belongs perfectly in the Avatar universe. Great gag!

The chapter was great, and I can't wait to see her confront the dark aspects of the Fire Nation. If she ever has the proper authority and is confronted with an actual death camp... Well that could be a very powerful scene.

I can't wait for some Iroh and Akane interactions, and I really enjoy the pairing between the OCs.

Also, I hope that Akane runs into Zhao. I'd love for someone like her to burst his bubble. What's a good fire pun for a Darth Vader esque "Don't choke on your own aspirations" line?
Seems like the voters couldn't hold it in their pants and now we have more drama for Akane. I wonder who would be our husband in the future, we need tp continue the line after all.

To be fair, this has been coming for a long time. akane having to deal with her orientation has been slowly building plot thread for a while. It's also likely to be a major plot point, and possibly the thin edge of the wedge that has her start questioning things about the fire nation.
As is, I'm half beginning to suspect that Akane isn't going to be playing the Azula for the gAang, but the Zuko, with her face burned off for arguing against working little children to death.

I think we will be the surprise end game boss. Like Gang will stroll into the Royal Palace, expecting the face off against Firelord Ozai but instead find Firelord Akane waiting for them with Ozai already defeated.

Or in case Ozai still tries to pull that idiotic "burn the whole continent" plan, Zuko and Katara would end up facing Azula-Akane duo while Toph, Soka, Suki, and Aang wait for Fire nation fleet to arrive through the whole duration of the Comet's passing, wondering when will Ozai show up.

Ozai, of course, doesn't show up due to being very very dead.
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Wow an update just as I finished!

Seems like the voters couldn't hold it in their pants and now we have more drama for Akane. I wonder who would be our husband in the future, we need tp continue the line after all.

Hah, we don't need to continue the line we've got a brother and sister for that. Also isn't navigating her through drama and conflict the point of a quest?
Also, I hope that Akane runs into Zhao. I'd love for someone like her to burst his bubble. What's a good fire pun for a Darth Vader esque "Don't choke on your own aspirations" line?

"Don't fly too close to the sun."

"If you keep this up, you'll burn yourself out."

(After threatening him or burning him) "Is something wrong? You look ashen." *pleasant smile*
As is, I'm half beginning to suspect that Akane isn't going to be playing the Azula for the gAang, but the Zuko, with her face burned off for arguing against working little children to death.
The Gaang would lose against a properly determined Akane and Mitsuke, Book 1 would end brutally quickly.
On the other hand however the longer that Akane is away from the Royal Palace the more that she'll realise how the propaganda is distorted. So she might not be motivated... Or she'll consider it super urgent to get back to the palace so that she can throw a coupe.

"It's alright, take your time," you say soothingly. "It deserves a beautiful name."

"Akane," she blurts.

"Yes?" you ask.

"W-what?" she asks, looking up.

You look at her. "What?"

"N-nothing," she mumbles, looking hastily down again. "Um."


"I can't think of any original names," she mumbles dejectedly. "Maybe I should just name it Mitsuko."

You look between her and the sword. "That is your name, Mitsuko."

"Mitsuko Junior," she mumbles.

You look at her.

"I think it's alright to take your time," you say.

Yes, Mitsuko, swing me around and slice our enemies in half with my aerodynamic body!

You don't know why you do it. But her lips are soft, and she kisses you back. For a moment it's as simple as that.

Only a moment.

Mitsuko steps with you, and her lips are on yours again.

You don't know what you're doing. You're kissing her, your arms are wrapping around her, she's close and warm and soft -

It finally happened. I sure hope the voterbase can successfully handle the "debriefing" period where Akane's feelings on the whole matter are decided, and they don't decide to keep up with the Internalized Homophobia because it's too unrealistic or something. Always had a small annoyance towards voters who restrict character growth so they can transition in that direction later, just strikes me as misguided to not go down the road you want to travel because you don't want to get too close to your destination.

Similar note on Akane's current blindness towards anything outside the Fire Nation Supremacist mindset. Hope there are more efforts to integrate things from other nations. Because I really don't want the ending of Fire Lord Akane ruling the world, even if she'd be better than Ozai.
On one hand: Hell yes it happend!
All in all a good chapter.
Honesty, I don't want it to end with Fire Lord Akane either. I want it to end with Akane throwing the crown in Zuko's lap, climbing into the saddle of a horsehog with Mitsuko on the back seat with her arms wrapped around our girl, and they ride off into the sunset, never to be seen again.

But that's the ending. And happy endings should be expensive.

EDIT: and the finale music from Django Unchained plays over it.

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Honesty, I don't want it to end with Fire Lord Akane either. I want it to end with Akane throwing the crown in Zuko's lap, climbing into the saddle of a horsehog with Mitsuko on the back seat with her arms wrapped around our girl, and they ride off into the sunset, never to be seen again.

But that's the ending. And happy endings should be expensive.

EDIT: and the finale music from Django Unchained plays over it.

I'm with you on the fact that she should not be the firelord, but only because I want an ending where she is the costitutional monarch of the united nations, witch is my name for the supernation formed by the union of all kingdoms.
Honesty, I don't want it to end with Fire Lord Akane either. I want it to end with Akane throwing the crown in Zuko's lap, climbing into the saddle of a horsehog with Mitsuko on the back seat with her arms wrapped around our girl, and they ride off into the sunset, never to be seen again.

But that's the ending. And happy endings should be expensive.

EDIT: and the finale music from Django Unchained plays over it.

I doubt that would happen.

Akane herself stated her goals and focused her will around that goal a few updates back, where she was meditating with Azula.
She said that she will rule the world with an iron fist, and anyone opposing her would be cut down but those supporting her would have a good life. Anonkun's player base built it around that and the bases for it since the beginning. Which resulted in the current villainous imperialistic and perfect Crown Princess Akane.
The element of Fire is that of Will and to be honest, I don't see any relevant or sufficient enough reason for Akane to drop her ultimate goal nor for the Anonkun player base to do so after working to reach it for like 60k words long?

I doubt Azula would have any kid, Akane seems like she would be lenient enough to allow her sister to not marry if she wished to and Azula in the canon universe just kind of went power-hungry crazy, really. I just can't really see her marrying anyone. I mean, can you imagine her caring for a kid? Or just not fighting or training for 9 months? :V Impossible.

So, unless Akane goes for the sperm donation, she'll have to rely on Zuko to perpetuate the line as he did in the canon universe.
I doubt that would happen.

Akane herself stated her goals and focused her will around that goal a few updates back, where she was meditating with Azula.
She said that she will rule the world with an iron fist, and anyone opposing her would be cut down but those supporting her would have a good life. Anonkun's player base built it around that and the bases for it since the beginning. Which resulted in the current villainous imperialistic and perfect Crown Princess Akane.
The element of Fire is that of Will and to be honest, I don't see any relevant or sufficient enough reason for Akane to drop her ultimate goal nor for the Anonkun player base to do so after working to reach it for like 60k words long?

I doubt Azula would have any kid, Akane seems like she would be lenient enough to allow her sister to not marry if she wished to and Azula in the canon universe just kind of went power-hungry crazy, really. I just can't really see her marrying anyone. I mean, can you imagine her caring for a kid? Or just not fighting or training for 9 months? :V Impossible.

So, unless Akane goes for the sperm donation, she'll have to rely on Zuko to perpetuate the line as he did in the canon universe.

But Azula is not batshit insane in this universe and a lot more stable because, you know, someone actually LOVES her and cares about her.
Something to note. Master Piandao knows something is up. It doesn't take that much to connect the dots when the dots in question are teenagers, dishevelment, close proximity, flushed faces, and a lack of anyone else in the room up until then.

Luckily, Piandao is pretty freakin' chill. He could probably cover for the two of them.