Deedeequest or The Wonders of Mundus: Be Careful Who You Pretend To Be - A Genderous Isekai Quest

How Dice Rolls Work
Character sheet is here.

Dice rolls are 1d10 + Stat + Proficiency + any applicable bonuses, such as Boons.

You may spend 3 Tension to Overdrive for a retroactive +5 to your roll (a Determination Overdrive), or +3 to an ally's roll (a Teamwork Overdrive). I will also automatically overdrive to avoid exhaustion or unconsciousness.

It is possible to critically succeed (on +5 on skill checks and +10 on combat rolls) or critically fail (by the same margins), but rolling a 1 or a 10 does not automatically crit in either case. It is possible to crit retroactively by Overdriving.

Your stat bonuses have names:
  • Vigor grants a Strength bonus.
  • Agility grants a Dexterity bonus.
  • Spirit grants an Aura bonus.
  • Mind grants an Intuition bonus.
  • Resolve grants a Guts bonus.
Dice are rolled on a first come, first serve bonus. You only roll for Deedee.
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[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Adventurer's Guildhouse, to register Ace and see the Free Company.
- [X] The Academies and Observatories, to seek magical weirdness and clues.
- [X] The Playerbase Campsite, to keep them in the loop and see who you know.

I will note both that this is more votes than timeslots, and also that approval voting is allowed so you're fine anyway.

ETA: In case it's not clear to new voters who are unfamiliar with quests, the capitalization on Morning, Afternoon and Evening was meant to mark them as time slots, with each activity taking up one slot.

Or, in Up Goer Five Words: "you can do three (3) Things. One (1) of these Things is Meeting The Countess. Vote on the other two (2) things."
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I am really hoping I've done this right, and probably too tired to be figuring out a brand new to me thing, and mostly here to iron out the kinks before SynQuest starts up, because it's SynQuest. XD

In any case: A bath before trying to impress a countess, if time slots can be shuffled about to allow that, seems like Maybe A Good Idea, and a bath in general can help recenter. So can the temples, and figuring out if there's a kid who's maybe the party's responsibility/ally is here is a good call as well. Roomie Time is good and so is introspection; talking about the gender wobbles with the two people who have clocked it and been there seems wise; and Literally A Day isn't enough time to know what you want when you've mostly been listless and unmotivated up to now.

[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Baths and Spas, to clean and recover from the road.
- [X] The Temples and Cathedrals, to seek Jasmine and blessings.

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Sekhmet.
- [X] Ourselves and our thoughts.

[X] We should talk about our... gender... thing, with
- [X] Write-in: Ace and Hikaru.

[X] Do you like it here, in Mundus?
- [X] I haven't spent nearly enough time here to actually tell yet.
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[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Baths and Spas, to clean and recover from the road.
- [X] The Temples and Cathedrals, to seek Jasmine and blessings.

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Alesha.
- [X] Ourselves and our thoughts.

[X] We should talk about our... gender... thing, with
- [X] Hikaru.

[X] Do you like it here, in Mundus?
- [X] ...yes. This beats the hell out of a life wasted working for Tote-Em-Snax.
[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Armories and Shops, to get better equipment.
- [X] The Baths and Spas, to clean and recover from the road.

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Ace.
- [X] Alesha.
- [X] Hikaru.

[X] We should talk about our... gender... thing, with
- [X] Ace.
- [X] Hikaru.

[X] Do you like it here, in Mundus?
- [X] ...yes. This beats the hell out of a life wasted working for Tote-Em-Snax.
I am really hoping I've done this right, and probably too tired to be figuring out a brand new to me thing, and mostly here to iron out the kinks before SynQuest starts up, because it's SynQuest. XD

In any case: A bath before trying to impress a countess, if time slots can be shuffled about to allow that, seems like Maybe A Good Idea, and a bath in general can help recenter. So can the temples, and figuring out if there's a kid who's maybe the party's responsibility/ally is here is a good call as well. Roomie Time is good and so is introspection; talking about the gender wobbles with the two people who have clocked it and been there seems wise; and Literally A Day isn't enough time to know what you want when you've mostly been listless and unmotivated up to now.

You feel as though you've stepped through a door... wait, wrong Quest. (I'm looking forward to SynQuest too.)

Your ballot seems to be in order, and welcome to SV!
I'll get back and do an actual votepost in a bit - need to get to work right now - but I'm going to put up a banner for "talk to Sekhmet about the gender situation, because they know Deedee better." Ace, particularly, has only just met Deedee; sure she knows the ropes on transition and stuff but she's going to be working much more on preconceptions and expectations and cold read. There's a place for some of that but I think Deedee's in a position where "contextualise this more broadly within my life so I know where I'm coming from" would be helpful.

Plus, not talking to Sekh feels a bit like keeping them out, at this point, even if it's just "hey I've started thinking about this." There'll be time to get more In It with the others later.
[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Baths and Spas, to clean and recover from the road.
- [X] The Temples and Cathedrals, to seek Jasmine and blessings.

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Alesha.
- [X] Hikaru.

[X] We should talk about our... gender... thing, with
- [X] Sekhmet.

[X] Do you like it here, in Mundus?
- [X] I haven't spent nearly enough time here to actually tell yet.

EDIT: and if we can swing it, hit the baths before we talk to the Countess, because we ought to look our best for it Edit edit: changing my vote a little based on further thoughts
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I'll get back and do an actual votepost in a bit - need to get to work right now - but I'm going to put up a banner for "talk to Sekhmet about the gender situation, because they know Deedee better." Ace, particularly, has only just met Deedee; sure she knows the ropes on transition and stuff but she's going to be working much more on preconceptions and expectations and cold read. There's a place for some of that but I think Deedee's in a position where "contextualise this more broadly within my life so I know where I'm coming from" would be helpful.

Plus, not talking to Sekh feels a bit like keeping them out, at this point, even if it's just "hey I've started thinking about this." There'll be time to get more In It with the others later.
I'd personally argue that the "keeping them out" problem will come up either way; Hikaru is out to Deedee and not - as far as we know - the rest of the party, and already offered himself up as an ear on the topic, so going to Sehk and not him might feel bad in a similar way. And Ace might be a new friend, but she's a new friend for whom a significant chunk of our relationship has been Ace... egging Deedee on, let's say.

I think the real question is, do we want Deedee's first conversation about this to be with the people who have already softly been encouraging this line of thought,
or with a person who might have more perspective but with whom the conversation will also have (at least from Deedee's perspective) higher stakes and bigger consequences. And either answer to that question is strategically valid! I voted how I did, and I'm not quite convinced to change over yet, but I think voting Sekh here would be a fine alternative strategy, especially since "objectively safe but subjectively feels like a social risk" might be good exercise for Deedee's Resolve.
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[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Temples and Cathedrals, to seek Jasmine and blessings.
- [X] The Baths and Spas, to clean and recover from the road.

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Alesha.
- [X] Sekhmet.

[X] Do you like it here, in Mundus?
- [X] I haven't spent nearly enough time here to actually tell yet.

I am not sure with whom we should talk gender, so I'll just go with the flow.
It does seem important to talk with Alesha considering that we choose her as BFF and her worries.

EDIT: Voting and grammar.
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/blows dust off account with a pressurized air can

[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Temples and Cathedrals, to seek Jasmine and blessings.
- [X] The Baths and Spas, to clean and recover from the road.

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Hikaru.
- [X] Sekhmet.

[X] Do you like it here, in Mundus?
- [X] I haven't spent nearly enough time here to actually tell yet.

I don't have anything to add, the arguments previously presented all hold up.
a new friend for whom a significant chunk of our relationship has been Ace... egging Deedee on, let's say.
This is actually a major part of why I'm inclined to go Sekhmetwards: this is definitely me projecting, but I have a series of thoughts and opinions that boil down to "that egging-people-on attitude can easily slip into not paying attention to what the person you're encouraging actually wants and needs." Early on I got way more out of working things out with folks who knew me well and had enough Genders going on of their own to be reliable, but between "knows me well" and "exploring a different area of the gendersphere themself" were less with the preconceptions about how my end of things would look - someone who knows how to explore and can ask the right questions to help with that, but knows they don't know exactly where I'm going. Process not destination, like.

I think either way will be an interesting story but I'm committed enough to repping this attitude that I'm gonna make my case and cast my vote!

(I didn't intend to come into this thread and get my personal trans agenda - one I know might be somewhat contentious, even! - all over the quest, but it's right there. ;) )

ETA: and to be entirely fair, over on the "yeah I'm projecting" side, Deedee does seem the type to need a bit more encouragement in her diet!
Last edited:, okay, actually you've convinced me @Morkai.

[X] We should talk about our... gender... thing, with
- [X] Sekhmet.

After rereading that scene on the boat... there's actually a lot less that's been left unsaid with Hikaru and Ace than I'd thought. They already know Deedee is thinking about it, and Deedee already knows they know. I think that pretty much eliminates the urgency I initially saw in keeping them updated & the potential awkwardness of going to someone else.

Meanwhile, talking with Jules has a bigger potential upside, because:
  1. We're trusting her with something she wouldn't otherwise have known.
  2. To your point, their perspective probably is going to be more helpful than that of the folks we've already talked to. At bare minimum, it's a second opinion, and those can be a powerful thing when you're trying to Know What You Want.
  3. As mentioned before, it's a situation we know ought to go okay but Deedee might not see that way; forcing the scene to happen will be good Resolve practice.
  4. It increases, in absolute terms, the % of the party that is at least somewhat in the loop on this, which is probably good.

...this also means that I'll go ahead and change out my free time vote to the folks who wouldn't otherwise be getting a scene (since Sekh would be covered by this conversation and Alesha by helping her find her kid).

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Ace.
- [X] Hikaru.

Edit: Copying back in the rest of my ballot.
[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Baths and Spas, to clean and recover from the road.
- [X] The Temples and Cathedrals, to seek Jasmine and blessings.
[X] Do you like it here, in Mundus?
- [X] I haven't spent nearly enough time here to actually tell yet.
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[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Baths and Spas, to clean and recover from the road.
- [X] The Temples and Cathedrals, to seek Jasmine and blessings.

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Ace.
- [X] Hikaru.

[X] We should talk about our... gender... thing, with
- [X] Sekhmet.

[X] Do you like it here, in Mundus?
- [X] I haven't spent nearly enough time here to actually tell yet.
[X] We should talk about our... gender... thing, with
- [X] Sekhmet.

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Ace.
- [X] Hikaru.
Friendly reminder to @Fabricati and @Qoheleth (and to our newcomers) that the forum software only counts your most recent vote, so include every part of the ballot you care about when you change votes.

I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
Hmmm...seems like a reasonable change to me. I'll go with it for now.

[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Baths and Spas, to clean and recover from the road.
- [X] The Temples and Cathedrals, to seek Jasmine and blessings.

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Ace.
- [X] Hikaru.

[X] We should talk about our... gender... thing, with
- [X] Sekhmet.

[X] Do you like it here, in Mundus?
- [X] I haven't spent nearly enough time here to actually tell yet.
@Morkai and @Qoheleth had some good points and also, I like how this (probably) lets me hang with all my friends:

[X] Places to visit today. You have the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening.
- [X] The Palace, to meet with the Countess. (Mandatory).
- [X] The Baths and Spas, to clean and recover from the road.
- [X] The Temples and Cathedrals, to seek Jasmine and blessings.

[X] We should spend free time with (top two win):
- [X] Ace.
- [X] Hikaru.

[X] We should talk about our... gender... thing, with
- [X] Sekhmet.

[X] Do you like it here, in Mundus?
- [X] I haven't spent nearly enough time here to actually tell yet.

Also, I personally really want to go to the temple district, for Reasons.
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I'm surprised the devs would be willing to risk drawing the attention of the more vocal elements of his fanclub by putting in a local version.

I'm not sure the devs admitted it, and they're not trying to draw attention to it; it's just my personal thoughts on why Aurora gets the stained glass windows and flying buttresses aesthetic.
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