Create Our Own 40k Sector

So they're what, led by Living Saints?
'Cause those are widely theorized to be Daemon Princes of the Star Child or some other bit of Emperbro.

It just.... I'm beginning to seriously have difficulty with this sector. Like, it was weird before, but with TWO FACTIONS it's gone from 'weird' to 'ohmygodeverything'sonfireyour'eonfirei'monfireohmigodemperorwhyisthattyranidadaemonWHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?'

It's reaching critical mass, and I'm doubtful we can manage to make a coherent thing with all of this....
Well, this sector is batshit crazy...Why not let things get somewhat crazier?
The idea was more that, at some point, we wanted to get the last few un-fluffed things fluffed so we could take the time to do the beancounting of exactly how fucked up the sector was without needing to worry about new factions.
Here are some more factions I rolled, I could really use some lore for them.

Here is a Lost and the Damned Regiment
Former Classification: 10- Navy Armsmen: Experts in void-combat, they found salvation on the tides of the Warp whispering to them.
Recruitment Criteria: 83- Gangers: They fought each other in the slums, now they fight a true enemy.
Nature of Recruitment: 7- Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society.
Homeworld: 52- Death World: For these people, life was a war before they could speak.
Homeworld Predominant Terrain: 76- Urban: Good soldiers, once you get the cityboy out of the city.
Core Units: 72- Drop
Specialization: 8- Shock & Awe
Chaos Allegiance: 47- Nurgle
Loyalty Rating: 1- Overzealous: need to be actively held back from shedding their blood as sacrifices to the Dark Gods.
Special Equipment: 73- Special Vehicle
Regimental Creed: 43- For the Dark Gods: They believe in the Word of Chaos as their gospel, and see it as their holiest endeavor to spread that Word with the flames.
Allies: 26- Chaos warband or specific Chaos Lord (I'll roll them next)
Enemies: 85- Imperium of Man
Imperial Enemy: 51- Adeptus Titanicus
Here is the Chaos Warband they are allied with.
Origins: 57- Time Travelers: Perhaps they came from the Horus Heresy or from five seconds in the future, but either way this Warband is not from when they should be. (Guess this explains why my Inquisitor is here.)
Allegiance: 41- Nurgle (I am not fudging these rolls)
Frequency of Blessings: 86- Ascended: The warband has been able draw the attention of many warp spawned deities, and as such has had the ultimate gift bestowed upon them; princehood. Automatically select the Daemonhood blessing, and roll thrice, re-rolling if Princehood is selected.
Blessings: Princehood: The most revered of all gifts, it is to be truly unkillable through any means, and to earn it requires worlds to be burnt at the stake or an unholy work to be made in the name of the malign. (Locked)
82- Spawn-hood: The Gods are uncaring, any attention from them they consider to be a gift, even if it is sorely unwanted as the soul is engulfed a mesh of twisted flesh.
31- Aesthetical Changes: Physical deformities that give nothing to the individuals other a change in looks, and a sign that something greater watches over them. It could be possibly a set of short horns, useless tentacles, a rotting skin, etc.
72- Unsound Mind: The blessed is no longer vulnerable to the Warp, the mind expanded beyond breaking, and is impossible to break again no matter the sight before them.
Headquarters: 24- Warp Storm: The Warband has found its home isolated within the Warp, and takes the opportunity to pillage the greater galaxy without fear of reprisal.
Warband Build: 25- Hivemind: The Warband is led by a malign power which takes flesh-hosts to cloth its mind, and leads with a perfect percision as only a single mind can bring.
Recruitment Methods: 20- Homegrown: This Warband shuns outsiders as they are not as pure as they are, and instead rely on the tools nature or warpsmithing provide. A soldier might descend from a long line of heretics, and a mighty astartes has had tainted geneseed passed down for generations. These warbands are likley to be insular in nature as they do not need outsiders, and as a result suffer less from random backstabbing that their peers endure.
Combat Doctrine: 3- Grinding Assault: Infantry win firefights, Tanks win battles, but Artillery wins wars at least that was the case until this Warband showed up. To say that they have a slight tendency towards using vehicles is like saying that a khorne has a slight tendency to be angry. The enemy faces a literal wall of vehicles which roll across the battlefield without a single gap between them, and anything that does not run or break through this will is crushed underneth without a single throught given for their lives.
Exalted Champion: 30- Chaos Lord
Deed for the Gods: 1- The figure is renowned for defeating the Forces of the Imperium in battle several times.
And here is an Ork Klan since I remember that a lot of the factions we have rolled have fought or are enemies of Orks, and only one Ork faction has been rolled as far as I know.
Klan or Freeboota: 7- Freeboota
Color: 69- Blue (da luckiest)
Legendary Ork: 8- Oddboy
Oddboy- Kommando
What did he do: 33- Krumped loads o' spiky 'umies
Gork or Mork: 7- Deyz both good, ya squighead!
Warband Size: 8- We gots more boyz dan you can toss a herd o' Squigs at! An' trust me, I tried.
Size of Boyz: 3- 'Are boys are da roight and proppa size boss!
Ally: 71- Dem 'umies (Imperium)
Enemy: 84- Spikey 'umies (Chaos)
Special Boyz: 7- Wierdboyz
Best Loot: 77- One o' dem skellyboyz' Monolisp- Monothil- big black killy pyramids
What they did with it: 10- We made it orkier, and da boss rides it to battle
Really interesting rolls for all of them, especially the Chaos Warband. Really hope that these guys get some lore.
Lost and Damned from Here
I'll roll a Grey Knight Brotherhood since they have a creation table as well.
Brotherhood Origin: 2- The Brotherhood was created after the 9th Astartes (Knight-Errant) picked by Malcador the Sigillite at the time of the Grey Knight's inception.
Knight-Errant's Original Chapter: 64- Thousand Sons
Secrecy/Inquisitorial Relationship: 4- They are known to the Chapter as well as the Ordo Malleus. They are as secret as other Brotherhoods, and are contracted by the Inquisition fairly averagely.
Knight's Ages: 1- Many upstarts. They may be here as punishment, but probably because they show great promise.
Grandmaster Personality: 2- Introverted. A logical thinker that carefully weighs options. Leads by ideals and plans. A grand strategist.
Personal Creed: 6- Honor above all - "Brothers, strike for the chapter and the Inquisition!
Figure of Legend: 7- Brotherhood Champion
Deed of Legend: 88- The hero dove into the warp after a unique daemon only to return mysteriously a great time later with the daemon's head in hand and the daemon seemingly destroyed.
Fleet Size: 1- One small cruiser and one or two supporting strike craft. Just barely enough.
Current Terminator Size: 16- 6 Terminator Squads (High)
Current Interceptor Size: 15- 6 Interceptor Squads (High)
Current Purgation Size: 11- 5 Purgation Squads (Above Average)
Current Strike Size: 12- 5 Strike Squads (Above Average)
Current Dreadnoughts: 9- 4 Deadnoughts (High)
Specialty: 7- Intense Firepower - Blasting the enemies from mid range with their stormbolters, special weapons, and psychic blasts before the inevitable assault.
Preferred Daemonic Enemies: 9- Chaos Undivided- The Hatred for all Chaos Gods is equal. The Brotherhood has either never been assailed horribly enough by one God, or has simply fought them all equally.
And here is a Tempestus Scions Regiment as well.
Company Type: 1- Tempestus Scions: Elite of the Departmento Munitorum, Schola Progenium trained soldiers
Training World Predominant Terrain: 46- Desert
Specialization: 8- Foot Troops
Special Tactics: 32- Air Assault blitz
Special Equipment: 89- Variant Heavy Weapons
Company Leadership: 6- Both Commissar and Tempestor Prime/Main Officer
Company Size: 5- Medium 250-400
Company Renown: 10- Legendary
Company Demeanor: 51- Brutal (Who else would beat a civilian for asking questions?)
Company Friends: 13- Adeptus Arbites
Company Enemies: 38- Eldar
Some interesting rolls for both of them, can someone please come up with lore for these guys, and also for that Inquisitor I rolled earlier?
Tempestus Scions from here.
While I like this, I don't think Blue Company would be working for him, since they are Ordo Xenos, and as such are more likely to work for Tarbyl Resk. I could roll another stormtrooper company for your Inquisitor if you want.
Company Type: Inquisitorial Stormtroopers (Locked)
Training World Terrain: Jungle
Specialization: Airborne
Special Tactics: Shock Troops
Special Equipment: Special Vehicle
Leadership: Tempestor Prime/Main officers
Size: Medium 250-400
Renown: Unknown
Demeanor: Heroic
Ally: Inquisition (Locked)
Enemy: Chaos Space Marines
Edit: Here you go.
These guys.

And everything by Christyking, by my count.
That's the list of unfluffed stuff.
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Lost and Damned from Here
Company Type: 1- Tempestus Scions: Elite of the Departmento Munitorum, Schola Progenium trained soldiers
Training World Predominant Terrain: 46- Desert
Specialization: 8- Foot Troops
Special Tactics: 32- Air Assault blitz
Special Equipment: 89- Variant Heavy Weapons
Company Leadership: 6- Both Commissar and Tempestor Prime/Main Officer
Company Size: 5- Medium 250-400
Company Renown: 10- Legendary
Company Demeanor: 51- Brutal (Who else would beat a civilian for asking questions?)
Company Friends: 13- Adeptus Arbites
Company Enemies: 38- Eldar
Some interesting rolls for both of them, can someone please come up with lore for these guys, and also for that Inquisitor I rolled earlier?
Tempestus Scions from here.

These guys.

And everything by Christyking, by my count.
That's the list of unfluffed stuff.

And that order of Sisters I rolled up to occupy that space in Rubian's fluff.
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(10) Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Found a Chapter!" (locked)

(93) 42nd Millennium (locked)

(99) Space wolves (Locked)

(10) Flawed (Locked)

(4) Mutants? (Locked)

(10) Multiple instabilities -Hyper-stimulated Omophagea (1),Disturbing Voice (5) Extreme beastial physiques and tendencies.

(4) pride in colors (Locked)

(75) Chief apothecary (Locked)

(52) The hero led a glorious campaign against a rebel army, defeating the foe and bringing an entire sector back into the light of the Emperor. (Locked)

(15) Hive world. (Locked)

(19) Jungle (Locked)

(1) Direct rule (Locked)

(8) Unique Organization (10)

(10) Terror (Locked)

(19) Devastator Marine (49)

(36). Beastial companion (Locked)

(100) Esoteric beliefs (Locked)

(10) Over strength (Locked)

(57) Astropaths (Locked)

(22) Orks (Locked)
(10) Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Found a Chapter!" (locked)

(93) 42nd Millennium (locked)

(99) Space wolves (Locked)

(10) Flawed (Locked)

(4) Mutants? (Locked)

(10) Multiple instabilities -Hyper-stimulated Omophagea (1),Disturbing Voice (5) Extreme beastial physiques and tendencies.

(4) pride in colors (Locked)

(75) Chief apothecary (Locked)

(52) The hero led a glorious campaign against a rebel army, defeating the foe and bringing an entire sector back into the light of the Emperor. (Locked)

(15) Hive world. (Locked)

(19) Jungle (Locked)

(1) Direct rule (Locked)

(8) Unique Organization (10)

(10) Terror (Locked)

(19) Devastator Marine (49)

(36). Beastial companion (Locked)

(100) Esoteric beliefs (Locked)

(10) Over strength (Locked)

(57) Astropaths (Locked)

(22) Orks (Locked)
So they don't use heavy weapons, 'en.
I'd recommend going back and marking the original post for them as no longer up to date or somesuch.
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While I like this, I don't think Blue Company would be working for him, since they are Ordo Xenos, and as such are more likely to work for Tarbyl Resk. I could roll another stormtrooper company for your Inquisitor if you want.
Company Type: Inquisitorial Stormtroopers (Locked)
Training World Terrain: Jungle
Specialization: Airborne
Special Tactics: Shock Troops
Special Equipment: Special Vehicle
Leadership: Tempestor Prime/Main officers
Size: Medium 250-400
Renown: Unknown
Demeanor: Heroic
Ally: Inquisition (Locked)
Enemy: Chaos Space Marines
Edit: Here you go.

I'll do these fellas.
Phase of Sept Founding: (12) Farsight Enclave

(7) Urban

Preferred Tactical Philosophy: (4) Mont'ka, the Killing Blow

(59) Hybrid with stationary units supporting mobile ones

(5) Conquest of new worlds

Adherence to the Greater Good: (10) No presence/Questioning adherence to Greater Good.

Cadre Auxiliaries: (10) Xenophobic lack of aliens in Cadre

No majority (locked)

Preferred enemy: Eldar (89)

Cadre Leader: Shas'O (8)

How would characterize your leader?: Vior'la (3),Or (9), Res (8) [I accidentally roll three times on this one…but I decided put all of them up.Because they all fit.]

Would ya look at that...
Well, now we have another faction in need of fluff :p

Warband's oirign:
Daemon World: Your warband was homegrown in the Warp itself on a daemon world, and finally got a chance to strike out on their own! (95)

Warband's Alignment and Blessings: Star-daughter (32)

Ascended: The warband has been able draw the attention of many warp spawned deities, and as such has had the ultimate gift bestowed upon them; princehood. Automatically select the Daemonhood blessing, and roll thrice, re-rolling if Princehood is selected. (88) (You got to be fucking kidding me…)

Blessings: Princehood, Vessel of the Impossible (64),Divine Aide (79), Deadly protusions (52)

Headquarters: Chasm of Woe (35)

Warband Structure: The Mortal Queen (100)

Recruitment Methods: Safe Haven (30)

Combat Doctrine: Conversion,Hydras' Doctrine (10), Maelstrom (8),For the Master (1)

Legendary Champion: Sorcerer (45)

Deed for the God:The figure discovered an alien race and brought it to worship the star-daughter and empowering her further (5)

This poor fucking sector...I mean Jesus Christ...
Wait, why did you change it to say star daughter?
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(4) Propa' Klan

Legendary Ork: Weird boy (9), Weirdboy (7)

Warband Colors: blue (70)

(79) Krumped loads o' pointy 'eads, dark eldar (9)

Favoured God: Mork (5)

Warband: There's too Many of 'Em!! (10)

Average Size: Da boyz be as big as dem regular gits' nobz! (9)

"Ally": Da pointy-hed pansyboyz (28)

Enemy: We are Daemon-Killa ya got! (95)

Special Boyz: Weirdboyz (7)

Best Loot: A big buncha of dem non-orkish gits. (98)

Wot did ya do wit dem?: We made 'em orkier, and da boss leaded 'em to battle (10)

Can't the space elfs catch a damn break.
While I like this, I don't think Blue Company would be working for him, since they are Ordo Xenos, and as such are more likely to work for Tarbyl Resk. I could roll another stormtrooper company for your Inquisitor if you want.
Company Type: Inquisitorial Stormtroopers (Locked)
Training World Terrain: Jungle
Specialization: Airborne
Special Tactics: Shock Troops
Special Equipment: Special Vehicle
Leadership: Tempestor Prime/Main officers
Size: Medium 250-400
Renown: Unknown
Demeanor: Heroic
Ally: Inquisition (Locked)
Enemy: Chaos Space Marines
Edit: Here you go.

The 7624th Stormtrooper Company was founded sixty-four years ago upon graduation from the Schola Progenium Sanguine on the jungle world of Yuch, immediately entering the service of His Majesty's Inquisition thanks to their exceptionally high marks on combat efficiency and discipline. Members of the company have served with numerous prominent Inquisitors from various Ordos, stretching across the existence of the unit.

In combat, they rely on their rapid deployment and lightning-quick advance, never relenting or giving ground. They practically fall from the sky, jumping from the holds of specialized Gallica-pattern transport-dropships (tech-priests insist that the pattern is modified from Valkyrie types found across the Imperium before the Heresy, but any soldier who has seen the two craft will immediately know that Valkyries do not have rotary turbines and jet propulsion drives in unison, and that the chassis differs wildly between them). Their tactics have only ever been countered by a few foes, but none of them are more hated by the troopers of the company than the traitorous Chaos Marines of the numerous warbands of the sector. (Evidence indicates that this is largely thanks to the fact that the relevant incident resulted in the destruction of half a hive world that the company had been successfully aiding in defense for approximately a year. [See "Destruction of Lorosa"])

Perhaps most notable is their general demeanor and reputation. Somehow, in spite of their continued cooperation with an organization known for its brutality (and to the company as "Those Friendly Neighborhood Spooks"), the "Style"s continue to display altruistic, even heroic behavior, going out of their way to limit casualties and cooperating more personably with their brothers and sisters in the Imperial Guard. Exactly how well known they are for these admirable qualities is up for debate, but many citizens across the sector have at least heard of the company in passing.

In recent years, the company has come under the command of Inquisitor Martaeus von Robbin, who has proved an unusual match for them. However, most observers have reported that this is only because the "Style"s follow Robbin's commands in the vaguest possible sense while still fulfilling mission objectives, often bypassing the more destructive and bloodthirsty steps of the plan. The few times they have been forced to comply with his plans completely have made them less than fond of the Inquisitor, and jokes have begun circulating among the company about enemy snipers killing superiors miles from enemy lines.

Questions? Comments? Critiques? Obscene Remarks?

(4) Propa' Klan

Legendary Ork: Weird boy (9), Weirdboy (7)

Warband Colors: blue (70)

(79) Krumped loads o' pointy 'eads, dark eldar (9)

Favoured God: Mork (5)

Warband: There's too Many of 'Em!! (10)

Average Size: Da boyz be as big as dem regular gits' nobz! (9)

"Ally": Da pointy-hed pansyboyz (28)

Enemy: We are Daemon-Killa ya got! (95)

Special Boyz: Weirdboyz (7)

Best Loot: A big buncha of dem non-orkish gits. (98)

Wot did ya do wit dem?: We made 'em orkier, and da boss leaded 'em to battle (10)

Can't the space elfs catch a damn break.

*channels Goldblum*

Here's uh.... here's a suggestion.

Why don't uh, why don't we stop uh... uh, playing god and mucking things up, and uh... uh... uh.... Not make any more horrible monsters, or maybe anything, until uh... we got done with what we have?

That sounds like uh... like a good plan. So uh... there it is.

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The 7624th Stormtrooper Company was founded sixty-four years ago upon graduation from the Schola Progenium Sanguine on the jungle world of Yuch, immediately entering the service of His Majesty's Inquisition thanks to their exceptionally high marks on combat efficiency and discipline. Members of the company have served with numerous prominent Inquisitors from various Ordos, stretching across the existence of the unit.

In combat, they rely on their rapid deployment and lightning-quick advance, never relenting or giving ground. They practically fall from the sky, jumping from the holds of specialized Gallica-pattern transport-dropships (tech-priests insist that the pattern is modified from Valkyrie types found across the Imperium before the Heresy, but any soldier who has seen the two craft will immediately know that Valkyries do not have rotary turbines and jet propulsion drives in unison, and that the chassis differs wildly between them). Their tactics have only ever been countered by a few foes, but none of them are more hated by the troopers of the company than the traitorous Chaos Marines of the numerous warbands of the sector. (Evidence indicates that this is largely thanks to the fact that the relevant incident resulted in the destruction of half a hive world that the company had been successfully aiding in defense for approximately a year. [See "Destruction of Lorosa"])

Perhaps most notable is their general demeanor and reputation. Somehow, in spite of their continued cooperation with an organization known for its brutality (and to the company as "Those Friendly Neighborhood Spooks"), the "Style"s continue to display altruistic, even heroic behavior, going out of their way to limit casualties and cooperating more personably with their brothers and sisters in the Imperial Guard. Exactly how well known they are for these admirable qualities is up for debate, but many citizens across the sector have at least heard of the company in passing.

In recent years, the company has come under the command of Inquisitor Martaeus von Robbin, who has proved an unusual match for them. However, most observers have reported that this is only because the "Style"s follow Robbin's commands in the vaguest possible sense while still fulfilling mission objectives, often bypassing the more destructive and bloodthirsty steps of the plan. The few times they have been forced to comply with his plans completely have made them less than fond of the Inquisitor, and jokes have begun circulating among the company about enemy snipers killing superiors miles from enemy lines.

Questions? Comments? Critiques? Obscene Remarks?
Did you say ork snipers? I think you said ork snipers!
Sounds believable.
*channels Goldblum*

Here's uh.... here's a suggestion.

Why don't uh, why don't we stop uh... uh, playing god and mucking things up, and uh... uh... uh.... Not make any more horrible monsters, or maybe anything, until uh... we got done with what we have?

That sounds like uh... like a good plan. So uh... there it is.

Oh okay...:oops::cry:

....but we are keeping the Orks.Because the thought of brutish and crash orks subverting the prissy and snooty elfin assholes is too funny.:V
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