Create Our Own 40k Sector

Did I do something wrong....or

(10) Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Found a Chapter!" (locked)

(93) 42nd Millennium (locked)

(99) Space wolves (Locked)

(10) Flawed (Locked)

(4) Mutants? (Locked)

(10) Multiple instabilities -Hyper-stimulated Omophagea (1),Disturbing Voice (5) Extreme beastial physiques and tendencies.

(4) pride in colors (Locked)

(75) Chief apothecary (Locked)

(52) The hero led a glorious campaign against a rebel army, defeating the foe and bringing an entire sector back into the light of the Emperor. (Locked)

(15) Hive world. (Locked)

(19) Jungle (Locked)

(1) Direct rule (Locked)

(8) Unique Organization (10)

(10) Terror (Locked)

(19) Devastator Marine (49)

(36). Beastial companion (Locked)

(100) Esoteric beliefs (Locked)

(10) Over strength (Locked)

(57) Astropaths (Locked)

(22) Orks (Locked)

I need to give the Space Marine chapter a name,and some colors.Any ideas?
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Did I do something wrong....or

(10) Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Found a Chapter!"

(93) 42nd Millennium

(99) Space wolves

(10) Flawed

(4) Purity Above All - Mutants?

(10) Multiple instabilities -Hyper-stimulated Omophagea (1),Disturbing Voice (5), Oolitic Secretions (4)

(4) pride in colors

(75) Chief apothecary

(52) The hero led a glorious campaign against a rebel army, defeating the foe and bringing an entire sector back into the light of the Emperor.

(15) Hive world.

(19) Jungle

(1) Direct rule

(8) Divergent chapter

(10) Terror

(19) Apothecary

(36). Beastial companion

(100) Esoteric beliefs

(10) Over strength

(57) Astropaths

(22) Orks

I need to give the Space Marine chapter a name,and some colors.Any ideas?

Wait, so this is officially taking place in M42?
Warband's Origins: 39: Pirates: A few enterprising souls in the vast darkness of space decided that they just want to kick back, relax, and enjoy the hard-earned efforts of others
Chaos Allegiance: 96: Tzeentch
Frequency of Blessings: 24: Singular
Blessings: 14: Aesthetical Changes: Physical deformities that give nothing to the individuals other a change in looks, and a sign that something greater watches over them. It could be possibly a set of short horns, useless tentacles, a rotting skin, etc.
Base of Operations: 70: Former Black Ship: The Warband was either once the wardens or prisoners, but either way the Black Ship now spreads the power of the Warp instead of containing it.
Warband Build: 51: Chosen One: A new hero or heroine will arise among the masses with unbridled hatred for the Imperial Oppressors, and strike with all the force of a well-forged weapon.
Recruitment Methods: 55: Volunteer: The planets' of Chaos are a vast tide that cannot be counted, and as a result some Warbands simply recruit from these worlds rather then strike into the Imperium. The average cultist belonging to these groups will likely be given training or some other incentive to join which results in a better armed overall force then those that have to scrounge for their weapons. The Warband might be misleading about the 666 thrones made of solid gold awaiting those that join them, and as a result while a more "impressive" offer might sway more recruits it also increases the chance of an uprising occuring.
Combat Doctrine: 2: Blot out the Sun: To have to fight an enemy at close range is barbaric, and should be consigned as a tactic for the uneducated loyalists who have yet to see the Eternal Truth. This Warband will lay waste to the enemy from leagues away with snipers and siege engines abound without a single flesh wound to show for the destruction they wrought. A close range weapon is likley to only be used as a last resort, or be confined to a single shunned element of the Warband such as a freshly recruited cultist who is not worthy of a lasgun.
Warband's Exalted Champion: 9: Daemon Prince

Deed for the God(s): 2: The figure defeated a Chapter Master of a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter in one on one combat and has gained the eternal enmity of that Chapter

It began with a glimmer of compassion aboard a Black Ship. Crewman Sollei watched the suffering of the cargo and knew of the fate that awaited them on Terra, and his heart broke for them.
It began with a glint of greed on shore leave. Crewman Sollei was offered quite a large sum of money to see that some of the cargo "fell off the back of the truck" as it were.
Though he rejected and reported to offer*, the encounter left a niggling thought in the back of crewman Sollei's mind.
Freedom from Imperial tyranny for the cargo, riches for himself.
Quietly, hesitantly, half expecting to be dragged off for summary execution, he spoke with some of his fellow crew. His words found willing ears.
So it was that one day the Sisters of Silence aboard found their cabin's bereft of air, their door sealed, and their armor's life support nonfunctional. That same day the captain found himself rudely deposed by former crewman Sollei.

From that day Sollei's Scoundrels have plied the warp. Their route takes them first to the worlds of the Imperium, where they offer freedom to any psyker that will take it and take restitution from their oppressors at the point of a lasgun. Their holds full of liberated psykers and loot they set course back into Chaos space, there to unload, recruit and resupply.

This process has not always been clean. On one occasion the Scoundrels sought to spread liberation to psykers languishing under the iron** fist of the Corundum Falcons. The Falcons retaliated and so great was their furious hatred of the freedom Sollei offered that their Chapter Master himself led the charge. The battle was brutal and it looked like the Scoundrels' day had come, until a miracle presented itself. Sollei, then yet a mortal man, found himself locked in combat with the Chapter Master. The meager*** gifts Sollei had accrued and the paltry sorceries available to a non-psyker should have afforded him no chance against the corpse slave. Yet he prevailed, drawing forth power and secrets far beyond anything he had even witnessed. He cast down tyrant that would chain and destroy his crew, then set forth to route the invading astartes.

From that day the Scoundrels have favored Tzeenchian ports above all others and raise a glass to the Master of Sorcery with every meal.

* Fortunate for him, given that it was in fact a test to ensure his loyalty.
** Or perhaps more fittingly, corundum
*** In his magnanimity, Sollei had ensured that the rewards of the Scoundrels' daring do were distributed throughout the crew.
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I don't really know.And how crazy is my marine chapter? Because I'm very curious.

They seem pretty straightforward to me. They're Space Wolves successors, so them having animal companions is almost expected. Their mutations play into the Wolfen (weird skin, weird voices and a tendency to eat their enemies). The Space Wolves are not Codex compliant, so these guys having esoteric beliefs and being overstrength seems perfectly reasonable.

Wait, so this is officially taking place in M42?

There is enough time shenanigans in the sector that it doesn't have to be, but most of the discussion seems to suggest that we are in M42
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Okay, making a new Order....

Originator: Order of the Argent Shroud
Purpose of Founding: Standing Force
Order Flaw: Faith in Suspicion
Demeanor: Relic Keepers
Saint: Canoness Superior
Deeds of Legend: The saint led the Order in many glorious campaigns, slaying hundreds of the enemy's greatest champions. In the end, they were brought down by treachery within the fold of the Imperium, slain by an assassin's turbo-penetrator round on the field of battle. Just why they were targeted was never discovered, and the Order harbours doubts of the loyalty of the servants of the Officio Assassinorum to this day.
Homeworld: Shrine
Homeworld Terrain: Oceanic
Influence on Homeworld: Major
Organization: Slight Deviation
Tactics: Shock and Awe
Variation: Rare Imperial Weapons
Worship: Honour to the Heroine
Size: Under-powered
Allies: Inquisition (Locked)
Enemy: A particular daemon, daemon prince or disciple of Chaos

Does anyone want to fluff Rubian's pals here?
It's time for a warband

(68) Chaotic Genestealers: Your Patriarch ate one too many Chaos Worshippers, and found out that serving Chaos was a lot more fun than only eating it.

(39) God: Malal

(89) Ascended: The warband has been able draw the attention of many warp spawned deities, and as such has had the ultimate gift bestowed upon them; princehood. Automatically select the Daemonhood blessing, and roll thrice, re-rolling if Princehood is selected.

Blessings: Princehood, Unnatural luck (59), Aesthetical changes( 19),Deadly protusions (52).

Headquarters: Eldar Craftworld: The Warband, through impossible deception or raw force alone, have managed to seclude themselves within the wraithbone spires of a doomed race. (98)

Warband Structure: Enhanced (7)

Recruitment Methods: Homegrown (14)

Warband Tactics: Hyrda doctrine (10),Blot out the Sun(2),Maelstrom (8), Terror (9), Anarchy (4)

Legendary Champion: Daemon prince (5)

Deed for the God: The figure is well noted for successfully leading an action, which resulted in the annihilation of a Space Marine Chapter. The figure removed the geneseed from all the corpses and utilized them for the warband. (7)

Super chaos Tyranids?

Anyone willing to write some fluff for the warband and the primaris space wolves?
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It's time for a warband

(68) Chaotic Genestealers: Your Patriarch ate one too many Chaos Worshippers, and found out that serving Chaos was a lot more fun than only eating it.

(39) God: Malal

(89) Ascended: The warband has been able draw the attention of many warp spawned deities, and as such has had the ultimate gift bestowed upon them; princehood. Automatically select the Daemonhood blessing, and roll thrice, re-rolling if Princehood is selected.

Blessings: Princehood, Unnatural luck (59), Aesthetical changes( 19),Deadly protusions (52).

Headquarters: Eldar Craftworld: The Warband, through impossible deception or raw force alone, have managed to seclude themselves within the wraithbone spires of a doomed race. (98)

Warband Structure: Enhanced (7)

Recruitment Methods: Homegrown (14)

Warband Tactics: Hyrda doctrine (10),Blot out the Sun(2),Maelstrom (8), Terror (9), Anarchy (4)

Legendary Champion: Daemon prince (5)

Deed for the God: The figure is well noted for successfully leading an action, which resulted in the annihilation of a Space Marine Chapter. The figure removed the geneseed from all the corpses and either utilized them for the warband. (7)

Super chaos tyranids?

Anyone willing to write some fluff for the warband and the primaris space wolves?

I'll take your warband, I think. Sounds like an interesting challenge.
Here we go. Time for some Chaos....

(68) Chaotic Genestealers: Your Patriarch ate one too many Chaos Worshippers, and found out that serving Chaos was a lot more fun than only eating it.

(39) God: Malal

(89) Ascended: The warband has been able draw the attention of many warp spawned deities, and as such has had the ultimate gift bestowed upon them; princehood. Automatically select the Daemonhood blessing, and roll thrice, re-rolling if Princehood is selected.

Blessings: Princehood, Unnatural luck (59), Aesthetical changes( 19),Deadly protusions (52).

Headquarters: Eldar Craftworld: The Warband, through impossible deception or raw force alone, have managed to seclude themselves within the wraithbone spires of a doomed race. (98)

Warband Structure: Enhanced (7)

Recruitment Methods: Homegrown (14)

Warband Tactics: Hyrda doctrine (10),Blot out the Sun(2),Maelstrom (8), Terror (9), Anarchy (4)

Legendary Champion: Daemon prince (5)

Deed for the God: The figure is well noted for successfully leading an action, which resulted in the annihilation of a Space Marine Chapter. The figure removed the geneseed from all the corpses and either utilized them for the warband. (7)

The Brotherhood is an enigma. It is in many ways an impossibility that should not exist in a sane and rational universe, let alone in the misbegotten sector known as Sanguis Vitam.

It began with Hive Fleet Ripley. The Genestealers that had been seeded throughout the sector laid in wait for many years, some being destroyed, and others remaining whole. One cult, however, sat upon the world of Ixiuarus, waiting quietly and collecting only the best for their cult's growth. Over time, they unknowingly recruited cultists of the Chaos Gods, and the patriarch fed on their Warp-tainted flesh. In this way, the powers of the Warp and the terrible might of the genestealers were combined.

The patriarch was met in visions by a dark god of terrible visage, known only to the most wroth and mad of the Ruinous Powers. This dark god was called Malice, and called its new servants to a cruel mission: the destruction of all its foes, Chaos or Order-aligned, withing Sanguis Vitam.

But the patriarch was driven to madness and frenzy by these dark revelations, and his Brotherhood was led away from Ixiuarus entirely, only to wander for many long years.

Finally, the patriarch's mad dreams came to fruition as they saw a grand prize on the stellar horizon: an Eldar Craftworld, lost in its flight from a forgotten enemy. Whipping his cult into a frenzied, berserk rage, the patriarch did the unthinkable, crashing the cult's ships into the craftworld itself, and officially invading.

The struggle that ensued is lost to all memory but the patriarch's own. For six years, the genestealers warred against the eldar of that ill-fated craftworld, sometimes charging in a frenzy, other times laying in ambush, and still others transforming the craftworld's own halls into twisted parodies of reality, cruel works of metal and flesh and vile ichor that tested the sanity of the world's defenders merely by existing. If there had been any known refugees or survivors, they would have told tales of entire communities disappearing in the night, garrisons of Guardians and the keepers of Aspect shrines laid waste and desecrated, entrails and limbs and armor used to create grim decoration on fields that were less home to battle than slaughter. Nests of genestealers where broken eldar were kept, the taint of the genestealers' warp-twisted infection spread and increased through illusions and torture and corruption of the mind.

And then, almost as if the world had never existed, it disappeared. The Brotherhood of Strife and Struggle was silent, and for ten years nothing was seen of them. But when they again emerged, it was a terrible thing indeed.

The craftworld was visible in the sky as the planet of Numis burned. As the garrisons of Starrom fought to the last, the cultists waged war in a dozen unconnected strategies and wargroups, each more unpredictable than the next. And each time the few survivors recounted the leadership of the vile host tearing vehicles apart, ripping soldiers limb from limb, laughing as cities burned and worlds were put to the torch. And a daemon prince led them, twisted and malformed, a mad hybrid of Tyranid and daemon that should not exist in this or any other galaxy. The entire chapter of Astartes known as the Mementori was destroyed by the Brotherhood's mad warpath, even as the cult destroyed every follower of the Ruinous Powers in the same struggle, the geneseed of those unfortunates used to further enhance the Brotherhood's already terrifying ability to wage war.

And they will not stop until the whole of the sector is brought into anarchy. They will not rest until the gods are cast down. They will not cease until the Imperium's grip on the sector in shattered and may never be reforged.

And their patriarch, undying and immortal, laughs at the foot of his dark god's unshaped throne, joining battle whenever possible only for the pleasure of doing his master's work.
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Of course, the greatest monsters of the Galaxy would be born in this sector.

This fuckers got the DNA of both eldar and space marine.I can imagine the local Inquisitors would be having nightmares of this freaks.

Going to make another warband by the way
Of course, the greatest monsters of the Galaxy would be born in this sector.

This fuckers got the DNA of both eldar and space marine.I can imagine the local Inquisitors would be having nightmares of this freaks.

Going to make another warband by the way

It might be prudent to start thinking of expanding what's already there, as well.

@Mad Oracle Are you still planning that faction moratorium?
Warband's oirign:
Daemon World: Your warband was homegrown in the Warp itself on a daemon world, and finally got a chance to strike out on their own! (95)

Warband's Alignment and Blessings: Star-child (32)

Ascended: The warband has been able draw the attention of many warp spawned deities, and as such has had the ultimate gift bestowed upon them; princehood. Automatically select the Daemonhood blessing, and roll thrice, re-rolling if Princehood is selected. (88) (You got to be fucking kidding me…)

Blessings: Princehood, Vessel of the Impossible (64),Divine Aide (79), Deadly protusions (52)

Headquarters: Chasm of Woe (35)

Warband Structure: The Mortal Queen (100)

Recruitment Methods: Safe Haven (30)

Combat Doctrine: Conversion,Hydras' Doctrine (10), Maelstrom (8),For the Master (1)

Legendary Champion: Sorcerer (45)

Deed for the God:The figure discovered an alien race and brought it to worship the star-child and empowering her further (5)

This poor fucking sector...I mean Jesus Christ...
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Did I do something wrong....or

(10) Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Found a Chapter!"

(93) 42nd Millennium

(99) Space wolves

(10) Flawed

(4) Purity Above All - Mutants?

(10) Multiple instabilities -Hyper-stimulated Omophagea (1),Disturbing Voice (5), Oolitic Secretions (4)

(4) pride in colors

(75) Chief apothecary

(52) The hero led a glorious campaign against a rebel army, defeating the foe and bringing an entire sector back into the light of the Emperor.

(15) Hive world.

(19) Jungle

(1) Direct rule

(8) Divergent chapter

(10) Terror

(19) Apothecary

(36). Beastial companion

(100) Esoteric beliefs

(10) Over strength

(57) Astropaths

(22) Orks

I need to give the Space Marine chapter a name,and some colors.Any ideas?
Wait, wait, wait.
Their hero was a chief apothecary...
And they don't have apothecaries...
What the fuck?
Warband's oirign:
Daemon World: Your warband was homegrown in the Warp itself on a daemon world, and finally got a chance to strike out on their own! (95)

Warband's Alignment and Blessings: Star-child (32)

Ascended: The warband has been able draw the attention of many warp spawned deities, and as such has had the ultimate gift bestowed upon them; princehood. Automatically select the Daemonhood blessing, and roll thrice, re-rolling if Princehood is selected. (88) (You got to be fucking kidding me…)

Blessings: Princehood, Vessel of the Impossible (64),Divine Aide (79), Deadly protusions (52)

Headquarters: Chasm of Woe (35)

Warband Structure: The mortal king..or Queen (100)

Recruitment Methods: Safe Haven (30)

Combat Doctrine: Conversion,Hydras' Doctrine (10), Maelstrom (8),For the Master (1)

Legendary Champion: Sorcerer (45)

Deed for the God:The figure discovered an alien race and brought it to worship chaos, empowering the gods further (5)

This poor fucking sector...I mean Jesus Christ...

Yeah.... I kinda think that we're hitting the weirdness threshold with this one. Like.... Why don't you.... not roll up any more chaos forces, eh? Just, uh... Just a suggestion.
Yeah.... I kinda think that we're hitting the weirdness threshold with this one. Like.... Why don't you.... not roll up any more chaos forces, eh? Just, uh... Just a suggestion.
I'm not going touch any more dice today...I mean good god I created two damn monsters.

Good least the craziness of the imperial forces has been balanced....(nervous laughter.)

Still want some fluff and lore about them.
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I just realized: is this sector literally a microcosm of everything horrible about the 40k continuity?!?!?!?!?