Create Our Own 40k Sector

Gonna work on the Imperial Navy for this sector, let's see what comes out of my....totally off the cuff 4dF rolls.
+0+0 for battleships, giving us +2-the sector is blessed with quite a few battleships, praise the emperor! Maybe even some Archeotech examples, if it pleases the Emperor.
0+0- for cruisers, giving us about the average number and types. Mostly lunars, nothing special.
+0+- for frigates-rerolled to -+++, for a total of +2, because frigates are more common overall and you need lots of them-and we have them! Praise the emperor, our Cobras are many, and we might even have a local custom escort ship of some kind.
Reserves are +0--, so there are a few old ships lying in storage because of their heretical prone technology, but not very many, and none of modern types.
Naval bases are 0---, and that's horrible-No starforts, barely any defense satilites or anchorages, and what anchorages there are lack proper repair facilities and recreation for crews!
Crew training is +-0+, so there is some effort made to keep good drill and firing discipline, but there's also still emphasis on spit and polish that does little in a fight.
Crew morale is +0++, for a total of +3, our crews are proud, confident men and women who salute the emperor with pride and honor. They'll fight like Daemons.
The Captains are 00+0, so skilled professionals but not particularly so.
Finally our Lord Admiralty is -++-, so it's split between genuine heroes and pompous windbags who hate each other, surefire recipie for disaster.
Gonna work on the Imperial Navy for this sector, let's see what comes out of my....totally off the cuff 4dF rolls.
+0+0 for battleships, giving us +2-the sector is blessed with quite a few battleships, praise the emperor! Maybe even some Archeotech examples, if it pleases the Emperor.
0+0- for cruisers, giving us about the average number and types. Mostly lunars, nothing special.
+0+- for frigates-rerolled to -+++, for a total of +2, because frigates are more common overall and you need lots of them-and we have them! Praise the emperor, our Cobras are many, and we might even have a local custom escort ship of some kind.
Reserves are +0--, so there are a few old ships lying in storage because of their heretical prone technology, but not very many, and none of modern types.
Naval bases are 0---, and that's horrible-No starforts, barely any defense satilites or anchorages, and what anchorages there are lack proper repair facilities and recreation for crews!
Crew training is +-0+, so there is some effort made to keep good drill and firing discipline, but there's also still emphasis on spit and polish that does little in a fight.
Crew morale is +0++, for a total of +3, our crews are proud, confident men and women who salute the emperor with pride and honor. They'll fight like Daemons.
The Captains are 00+0, so skilled professionals but not particularly so.
Finally our Lord Admiralty is -++-, so it's split between genuine heroes and pompous windbags who hate each other, surefire recipie for disaster.
I'm not sure I understand how you rolled this, but at least we've got spacemans.

Unrelated: a bit of commentary on the chaos warband table - it's weird that lesser god warbands have to reroll the 'killed warbands of other chaos gods' result.
So in other words, a warband of Malal/Malice, the god of teamkilling fucktards, the embodiment of Random Deathmatch Behavior against other forces of chaos...
can't be known for killing other chaos forces.
even though the generator lets you generate that.
I'm not sure I understand how you rolled this, but at least we've got spacemans.

Unrelated: a bit of commentary on the chaos warband table - it's weird that lesser god warbands have to reroll the 'killed warbands of other chaos gods' result.
So in other words, a warband of Malal/Malice, the god of teamkilling fucktards, the embodiment of Random Deathmatch Behavior against other forces of chaos...
can't be known for killing other chaos forces.
even though the generator lets you generate that.
if you don't know about fudge-dice I pity you. But here's how they work, they're just D6 with one of three results on their six sides. Let's say that 1 and 2 are -, these subtract one from your roll. 3 and 4 are nulls, they don't alter your roll. And 5-6 are +, adding one to your roll. The result is a bell-curve of results, with most possible outcomes clustered around 0, but outcomes like ++-+ and even ---0 not being uncommon due to the small range of results.
if you don't know about fudge-dice I pity you. But here's how they work, they're just D6 with one of three results on their six sides. Let's say that 1 and 2 are -, these subtract one from your roll. 3 and 4 are nulls, they don't alter your roll. And 5-6 are +, adding one to your roll. The result is a bell-curve of results, with most possible outcomes clustered around 0, but outcomes like ++-+ and even ---0 not being uncommon due to the small range of results.
Reminds me of the dice system for a friends homebrew RPGs.
Different specifics, but same generalities.
A stray thought crossed my mind; wouldn't Sector Sanguis Vitam be on the Imperium Nihilus of the Great Rift and thus basically on its own?
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A stray thought crossed my mind; wouldn't Sector Sanguis Vitam be on the Imperium Nihilus of the Great Rift and thus basically on its own?
It's a very good thing that Sanguis Vitams defenders are crazy, generally competent, and abnormally numerous for such a small sector.
I mean, there are obviously exceptions to all of those, if mostly not to the 'crazy' part, but certainly most aren't like the Haemic Dragons, who only tick the 'crazy' box.
The Naraka Genocide
The Naraka Genocide​

In the chapel of the Strike Cruiser Wrath Unrelenting, rows of Astartes knelt, their heads bowed, helmets by their side. Choirs of serfs chanted praises to the Emperor and the Primarch Roboute Guilliman while one Astarte, moved slowly amongst the Marines, his void black armor standing in stark contrast to the bleached bone off-white of the kneeling Marines. Alone amongst the post-human warriors, he retained his helm, head hidden behind a screaming skull visage. Black cloaked serfs flanked him, swinging thuribles and carrying the tools of his trade. Dipping a gauntleted finger into a golden bowl held by the serf to his right, the chaplain anointed each Marine in turn, drawing the sign of the Aquila across their faces in an oily mixture of ash: the carbonized remnants of foes of the chapter, mixed together with blessed unguents.

"Into death are you anointed, become the death of our foes," murmured the skull masked Marine to each Marine as he drew the symbol upon them.

"For the Emperor, for the Primarch, and for the Chapter," responded the Marines in turn.

As the last Marine, a young Scout on his third deployment, was marked, the chanting grew to a crescendo and ended. The serfs surrounding the Space Marine Chaplain prostrated themselves and then withdrew.

The room was silent, only the muted thunder of the ship's bombardment guns betraying the absolute silence of the chapel.

"Death," growled the Chaplain finally, drawing out the word slowly as he began to pace around the assembled Marines. "Death is why we are gathered here today. Death from the enemies of mankind has called us to this benighted world, and death we must grant unto them in return."

"In their naivety, this world allowed mutants to live: not only to live, but breed and be around their masters and betters," he continued, thunderous now. "MUTANTS! Despicable wretches whose very existence is a blasphemy against the purity of the human form. They are so low, so diseased, so twisted in form and gene that the Martian adepts refuse to even use them as servitors."

"And how have they returned the generosity of Man? Why, by rising up in their millions and butchering the pure and clean!" roared the chaplain, punctuating with a heavy smack of the Crozius Arcanum against the deck plating. "Thus is it always with mutants, heretics, and xenos: They look only to pervert and destroy mankind. So tell me brothers, what shall we give them in return?"

"DEATH!" shouted the gathered Marines. "DEATH FOR THE EMPEROR! DEATH FOR THE PRIMARCH!"
I forget, which one of our chapters was smurfspawn?
Also, does the planet of Naraka have any significance other than being present in this snippet?
Hey there guys, Oracle here. If you have an original mutation or some other thing for your guys, use it. Be creative, I want to see that mind of yours shine.

Come on! Let that mind of yours shine!

I'll wait for someone else to post before working on my next plan, hope you guys are okay!
Could it be said that you never intended for the generation tables to be the be-all-end-all of how to generate things, but rather merely a writing prompt?
Well then, I'mma make a 'fun' imperial guard regiment using Only War's rules.

12 points
Drawback: The Few +5 , 17 points
Homeworld: Imperial World -1, 16 points
Commanding Officer: Supine -1, 15 points
Regiment Type: Light Infantry -2, 13 points
Doctrines: Hardened Fighters -2, Warrior Weapons -3, 8 points

30+16 (Point conversion) = 46 Standard Regimental Guardsman Kit points
Additional Very Rare Item: Power Sword -20, 26 remain
Additional Rare Item: Spook -15, 11 remain
Additional Common Item: Injector -5, 6 remain
2x Additional Plentiful Item: Fire Bomb Grenade -6, 0 remain
What we have here are the 1st Malarum Nightmares, a regiment of melee fighters from a quiet world, notable for the fact that the administratum accidentally assigned them laser pistols, really nice knives, and fucking power swords, incendiary grenades, and illegal psyker drugs instead of fucking lasguns.

The result: these unassuming imperial worlders are trained almost exclusively with swords that are vanishingly rare elsewhere in the imperial forces and with pistols. They are then put under the command of a man too nervous and lacking in independence to actually give them orders...
And each of them is made to carry a syringe of sanity eroding drugs that give them weak psychic powers for a few hours when taken. Or, well, enhance the power of existing psykers while reducing their stability.
Not to mention that a melee force is equipped with fucking incendiary grenades.

The clerical errors that birthed these unwitting nutjobs are so maligned that their annual recruiting quota has been slashed heavily to try and reduce the exhorbitant cost and massive legal issues brought about by their mere existence.
Their commissars are there to regulate when it is inappropriate for them to take their drugs, not to kill them for having or using them.

A frightening amount of them end up charging into the fire after dosing up, because that shit fucks with their heads something fierce.

Then there are the ones who just kinda...stay psykers afterwards, because their unrealized psychic potential was strong enough to flare up permanently after that. If not for the fact that nobody gets to leave the sector and the galaxy is cut in half right now, they probably wouldn't be allowed to stay in the unit when they could be fed to the emperor instead.

Though TBH, a much derpier thing to do with them would be to set them up so they ONLY get lots of spook and a needle as their special gear. Something to consider...
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And here is one for the Imperial Guard because I'm bored at work tonight

Imperial Guard Regiment Creator
Based on Imperial Guard Regiment Creation Tables - 1d4chan

Regiment Classification
Imperial Guard: A true regiment, drilled and competent in their service.

Regiment Recruitment Criteria
All female

Nature of Recruitment
Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society.

Regiment Homeworld
Death World, predominately of desert terrain, making them at home in sun, sand, and wind.

Regiment Type
Heavy Infantry, specializing in close combat and using special vehicles

Regimental Loyalty
Fanatical: No remorse, no retreat, no fear.

Regimental Creed
Best of the Best: The regiment believes itself to be elite and constantly strives to prove itself.

Regimental Friends
During their time serving Him on Terra, this regiment has made friends and enemies both. In particular, they have earned the trust and respect of a particular Rogue Trader Dynasty
During this time, they have also become embroiled in a fierce enmity with the Tyranids

I'll do a lore writeup for them later todayish (work/sleep/packing being intervening considerations).
Fuck it, I'mma rewrite the 1st Malarum Nightmares to be as dumb as they could be
Drawback: Condemed +6, 18pts
Homeworld: Imperial World -1, 17 points
Commanding Officer: Supine -1, 16 points
Type: Drop Troops -3, 13 points
Doctrines: Iron Discipline -3, 10 points

30 + 20 = 50 Standard Regimental Kit Points
3x Additional Rare Equipment (Spook) -45, 5 remain
Additional Common Item: Injector -5, 0 remain

The 1st Malarum Nightmares are now a much hated paratrooper regiment.
Created under the exact circumstances described in that spoiler name, the training and doctrine of the Nightmares was quickly thrown together to salve over the utter mayhem that equipping them with prodigious quantities of addictive, illegal, mind-bending psychic drugs would cause.

A Nightmare is tough, willful, disciplined, and paranoid beyond reason. They who are paradropped into the worst fronts, armed only with a flashlight and t-shirt, a syringe, and three vials of psychic go-juice. Their battles are hard, and those drafted into their ranks can look forward to three fates - madness, death, and much-maligned glory.

The commissars attached to the Nightmares are instructed not to police the possession of spook, but to regulate its consumption such that it is not wasted off the battlefield. Only during severe withdrawals are the Nightmares permitted noncombat use of their assigned drugs. Their best hope for avoiding an utterly wretched time when not on the battlefield is that in time they might become one of the lucky few who've cycled so much spook through their systems that it has built up in the nooks and crannies of their body, such that things like cracking their knuckles can cause a relapse into past highs.

In time, those who walk the path of 'glory' all pick that trait up, among others that make the use of spook more effective, or at least more reliable. A rare few actually end up 'Permaspooked', which is to say whatever latent psychic potential they had awakens due to the drugs, leaving them a true unsanctioned psyker who...hopefully has gotten good at being psychic by then. Though in all honesty, their psychic awakening is rather likely to go unnoticed due to the sheer amount of false psykers they are surrounded by.

(In other words, the Nightmares have access to special advances focused around spook, and have an opportunity to actually become psykers in time. And nobody likes them. They have a very hard time getting access to anything outside of the truly standard gear and their drugs.)

Edit: as for where they're getting spook, when Necromunda is on the wrong side of the great rift? Let's just imagine that there are, in fact, other worlds with spook deposits.
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Time for some Renegade Astartes!
Chapter Progenitor - Ultramarines
Founding - 31rst Millennium
Imperial Cause - Xenophilia (We are allies dammit!)
Geneseed Purity - Minor Flaw
Mutation - Oversensitive Occulobe (MY EYES! BATTLE BROTHER MY EYES BURN!)
Flaw - Kleptomania
Hero - Chief Apothecary (Do no harm my ass!)
Deed Of Legends - Fought against the Chapters Enemies with great determination.
Sector - Wild Sector (Imperial Held, Xenos Held, Stable Space Hulk)
Rule Of Sector - Raiding (Oh look! A Battle between loyalists and heretics, let's steal their shit while they're not looking!)
Combat Doctrine - True Marines (Ship Boarding, a Pirates Life For Me)
Chapter Operating Procedure - Savior Complex
Specialty Restrictions - Assault Squad ("WHERE THE FUCK ARE OUR ASSAULT TROOPERS?" "Dead")
Missing Equipment - Centurion
Special Equipment - Unique Fighting Style: Specialized Bolter Ammunition
Chapter Strength - Under Strength (500 Astartes, 150 Scouts)
Beliefs - Redemptive Crusade
Allies - Eldar Craftworld of Tae Shann
Enemy - Ork Warboss Grimfang

The Void Hydras are a Renegade Astartes Chapter based in the Sanguis Vitam Sector, having found a stable space hulk to hide themselves while raiding smugglers crafts passing by. They often hire themselves out for recruits, supplies, and weapons to whoever pays them. But they have a code of honor as well, as they will not attack civilian planets or their allies of Tae Shann. While they were descendants of Roboute, they defected from the codex to assist a nearby Craftworld that was under siege by Warboss Grimfang. This landed them a mutual friendship with the Craftworld, but the Ordo Xenos would not listen to them as the nearest Astartes Chapters converged upon their homeworld.

With half their forces decimated, the Void Hydras fled their home into the battlefield that was the Sanguis Vitam Sector. With many ships, the Astartes began to board and take whatever valuable materials were on board. Anything of value was also taken, metals, materials, no stone is left unturned as the Void Hydras take what is needed. Due to this, they lack the materials to field Assault Squads and maintain their Centurion Armor. However they make up for it with heavy hitters and their own version of the Metal Storm Bolt shells, which create a field of shrapnel that decimates flesh and shreds armor.

While the Hydras may be at odds with the Imperium, they will however work with them if they're allowed back into the Imperium with their Eldar Allies. (Note: Imagine how validated these guys will be once Roboute wakes up.)
Time for some Renegade Astartes!
Chapter Progenitor - Ultramarines
Founding - 31rst Millennium
Imperial Cause - Xenophilia (We are allies dammit!)
Geneseed Purity - Minor Flaw
Mutation - Oversensitive Occulobe (MY EYES! BATTLE BROTHER MY EYES BURN!)
Flaw - Kleptomania
Hero - Chief Apothecary (Do no harm my ass!)
Deed Of Legends - Fought against the Chapters Enemies with great determination.
Sector - Wild Sector (Imperial Held, Xenos Held, Stable Space Hulk)
Rule Of Sector - Raiding (Oh look! A Battle between loyalists and heretics, let's steal their shit while they're not looking!)
Combat Doctrine - True Marines (Ship Boarding, a Pirates Life For Me)
Chapter Operating Procedure - Savior Complex
Specialty Restrictions - Assault Squad ("WHERE THE FUCK ARE OUR ASSAULT TROOPERS?" "Dead")
Missing Equipment - Centurion
Special Equipment - Unique Fighting Style: Specialized Bolter Ammunition
Chapter Strength - Under Strength (500 Astartes, 150 Scouts)
Beliefs - Redemptive Crusade
Allies - Eldar Craftworld of Tae Shann
Enemy - Ork Warboss Grimfang

The Void Hydras are a Renegade Astartes Chapter based in the Sanguis Vitam Sector, having found a stable space hulk to hide themselves while raiding smugglers crafts passing by. They often hire themselves out for recruits, supplies, and weapons to whoever pays them. But they have a code of honor as well, as they will not attack civilian planets or their allies of Tae Shann. While they were descendants of Roboute, they defected from the codex to assist a nearby Craftworld that was under siege by Warboss Grimfang. This landed them a mutual friendship with the Craftworld, but the Ordo Xenos would not listen to them as the nearest Astartes Chapters converged upon their homeworld.

With half their forces decimated, the Void Hydras fled their home into the battlefield that was the Sanguis Vitam Sector. With many ships, the Astartes began to board and take whatever valuable materials were on board. Anything of value was also taken, metals, materials, no stone is left unturned as the Void Hydras take what is needed. Due to this, they lack the materials to field Assault Squads and maintain their Centurion Armor. However they make up for it with heavy hitters and their own version of the Metal Storm Bolt shells, which create a field of shrapnel that decimates flesh and shreds armor.

While the Hydras may be at odds with the Imperium, they will however work with them if they're allowed back into the Imperium with their Eldar Allies. (Note: Imagine how validated these guys will be once Roboute wakes up.)
Pretty sure Roboute waking up won't mean much considering the presence of the great rift, unless he's stuck on the side where Terra isn't.
Which would make sense, given that Ultramar is in the Galactic East, but I don't get the sense that that's how it went in canon.

And here is one for the Imperial Guard because I'm bored at work tonight

Imperial Guard Regiment Creator
Based on Imperial Guard Regiment Creation Tables - 1d4chan

Regiment Classification
Imperial Guard: A true regiment, drilled and competent in their service.

Regiment Recruitment Criteria
All female

Nature of Recruitment
Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society.

Regiment Homeworld
Death World, predominately of desert terrain, making them at home in sun, sand, and wind.

Regiment Type
Heavy Infantry, specializing in close combat and using special vehicles

Regimental Loyalty
Fanatical: No remorse, no retreat, no fear.

Regimental Creed
Best of the Best: The regiment believes itself to be elite and constantly strives to prove itself.

Regimental Friends
During their time serving Him on Terra, this regiment has made friends and enemies both. In particular, they have earned the trust and respect of a particular Rogue Trader Dynasty
During this time, they have also become embroiled in a fierce enmity with the Tyranids

I'll do a lore writeup for them later todayish (work/sleep/packing being intervening considerations).
Seems like your generator is based on a pretty simplified version of that table.
Seems like your generator is based on a pretty simplified version of that table.

Everything from that table is still there (except all the minor races in the last possible roll are now the Tau because that was way too much effort for too little point), but some things are made to look a bit nicer (regiment type, specialization, and unique weapons are still three rolls, but they are presented as one sentence for instance)
Oh god this Knight House.o_O:lol

Vow Nature: 2; Strategic Prognostication
Time of Contact: 95; Time of Ending
Sovereign: 10; Something Else.
Succession Laws: 3; Feudal Elective
Inheritors: 1; Primogeniture
Gender Laws: 9; Cognatic
Ceremony: 7; Nonchalant
House Demeanor: 6; See But Don't Be Seen
Flaw: 2; Honor any Oath
Figure of Legend: 54; Just a Knight
Deed of Legend: 21; Slaughtered Orks
Size of Domain: 1; Tiny
Homeworld: 34; Feral
Homeworld Terrain: 30; Desert
Rule of Homeworld: 8; Distant Rule
House Hierarchy: 6; Flexible
Doctrine: 6; Planet Strike Vanguard
Preferred Knight: 85; Knight Cerastus Type
Restrictions: 71; Knight Castellans
House Beliefs: 21; Omnissiah Vult!
Combat Strength: 10; Overstrength
Allies: 28: Astartes Chapter
House Enemy: 2; Allies table -> 17 Astartes...

I honestly have no idea as to what to make of this House; They've only recently made contact with the Imperium... who they are not beholden to, still worship the Omnissiah somehow allied to Astartes while being the enemy of other Astartes. They're also bad at being typical knights; democratic, don't care for ceremony, don't actually rule their one world, tactically flexible and don't use bright colors, oh and there's an absurd amount of them too.

I'll try and write up the House once I've got a better idea as to what I'm suppose to do.