Create Our Own 40k Sector

Hey guys, I'm back!

Now, time for another Gene Stealer Cult, and maybe a Hive Fleet!
Origin - Hive World (3)
Terrain - Ice (82)
Specialization - Striking From The Shadows (1)
Level Of Technology - Actual Weaponry (55)
Sphere Of Influence - Medium (6)
Nemesis - Arbites (61)
Chance Of Detection - 100%

Alright, they're pretty much armed with law enforcement weaponry and mining tools. They've already been discovered, and the Hive World they're on is freezing 24/7.


The Children Of The Black Serpent

The Children Of The Black Serpent are a Gene Stealer Cult on the Frozen Hive World of Hel, which has been part of the Sanguis Vitam Sector for years. But the Cult has suffered recent losses, but not enough to cripple their operation outright. Despite open combat with Arbites and PDF, they still retain weapons like Shotguns, Auto Rifles, Shock Mauls, and Auto Pistols. While they may lack the heavier weapons of other Cults, the Children Of The Black Serpent are holding out for the Hive Fleet that has just appeared in system.

Only a matter of time until the Ascension begins...

Progenitor - Behemoth (20)
Classification - Hive Fleet Splinter (6)
Size - Medium (5)
Current Goals - Spread And Devour (29)
Strategic Tendencies - Stealth & Infiltration (43)
Common Biomorphs - Acidic Fluids (3)
Allies - Ultimate Stalker (54)
Enemy - Astartes Chapter (3)

Hive Fleet Ripley, one of the most terrifying Tyranid Fleet Splinters to appear. Not because of their physical appearance mind you, but their strategies are shockingly effective. Striking from the shadows, Tyranids of Hive Fleet Ripley rely on Stealth and Infiltration to subvert security measures before breaking in. It's almost like they're sentient creatures capable of passing through ships, and even their nests are in secluded areas away from society. Sometimes they inhabit Space Hulks, and any adventurer who gets too curious for their own good shall find themselves marching to their doom. Bioforms also have a slanted black carapace in place of a regular skull, and are terrifying to see in action or as a corpse.

(Would anyone like to write what it would be like to survive an attack from Hive Fleet Ripley? Like an interview with an Imperial Guardsman or Astartes?)
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Considering the Hive Fleet's specialization getting caught by the Knights of House Chimerus or the resident Titan Legion would be rather one sided unless they try to adapt to fighting superheavies which is plausible considering they'd try to avoid open battle.

The Astartes of the Corundum Falcons seem to be a hard counter to them considering that they're mostly Psykers.
I've got an idea for two complimentary and interconnected Forge Worlds, but worry that this sector might be a bit forge-heavy already...ah well.

Lantenix Primarius
Adherents to the Machine cult are often heard to complain that the forge masters of Lantenix have spent too much time on matters other than the holy perfection of the mechanical-that they are too political, too scheming, too...emotional. The Magi of Lantenix Primarius rebuff such accusations-such, of course, are the unverifiable complaints of those whose forges are inferior. Lantenix is a world of efficent and rapid production, focused more on civillian goods to feed hive worlds, luxury items to gain the largess of the wealthy, and the mass production of Lunar-class cruisers, M36 pattern Lasguns, and the Leman Rus tank. These solid, reliable products supply Guardsmen within the sector and without, produced in truly astounding quantities. That is the power of the true secret of the forge masters of Lantenix, the nigh-heretical Servitor-Manufactorium Lantenix Omega Pattern. Carefully cloned brains and crystal-stack circuitry are carefully interwoven by the magi to produce an automatic factory control system that can function for centuries without servicing or major oversight, resulting in a 175% increase in efficency and number of factories per unit of workers. However, getting such a fusion of machine and man blessed by the Fabricator-general has proven difficult, and thus the Magi of Lantenix toil ceaselessly to keep their political image spotless, thinking of how their success has placed them perilously close to the edge. They offer bribes in the form of Servitor-Manufactorium to various sector officials, but always keep the plans to the pattern carefully within their own domain. Final assembly of every clone-brain Master Control Cortex is done in the eerily spotless chrome facility known as Integration Plexus 1, by a team of 30 magi who must spend nearly a month ensuring that all connections are in order.

Lantenix has no noteworthy regiments of Skitarii, prefering instead to base their defense upon simple and uncomplicated clone-servitors armed with multilasers and autocannons. They also posses no Titans, which is a bit of a sore spot for those who are more martial among it's leaders, for their more commerce-minded brethren dismiss the need for true Avatars of the Machine-god, and their superiors on Mars see them as an unreliable world dabbling in borderline technology. The riches of their world however, ensure that many mercenaries will fight and die for them should the need arise. Their world itself, however, is well defended by void shields, torpedo launchers, and even ground-based lance batteries, place far from the central manufactories, so their destruction will not cause damaging geo-tremors which might disrupt production.

Sibloxis VII
Excominicate Tratoris
Sibloxis VII was once the proudest, if not the most efficent, forge world in the sector, but pride goeth before the fall. A harsh irradiated world, with a toxic atmosphere and intense gravity, Siubloxis was bypass for millennia by human settlers, as a world with little to recommend it, until the discovery of a Golden Age scouting report that indicated massive deposits of Adamantium and other necessary materials lay beneath it's crust. The priest of the Mechanicus bid for this world, and won it, and within a thousand years had transformed it into a haven for Explorators, who sought to increase their mastery of the sacred technological arts. Explorators went forth into the darkness-but also went on long voyages to other forge worlds, asking to learn their secrets with the ostensible purpose of preventing these secrets from falling into loss, but also to bring them back to Sibloxis for their own purposes. For Sibloxis had been founded with a motto-'Ultimo, Primus.' This was taken by it's leaders to mean that they should seek out the greatest and most technologically challenging patterns to place into production, to run before they had properly learned to walk. Titans were salvaged and restored to gleaming pride, a new Legion founded for the first time in centuries. Baneblades began to roll off Sibloxis' assembly lines, as well as the closely related Shadowsword. Plasma and melta weapons were their primary exports in terms of small arms, but they also dabbled in defensive technologies, and won-briefly-the rights to produce Terminator armor for the Adeptes Astardes. Shortly thereafter however, Inquisitor Aarian Xuh presented the inquisition with evidence of widespread tech heresey and called for a crusade to bring Sibloxis to heel. However, Inquisitor Xuh was foolish enough to lead this mission personally, and perished in battle with the defenses of Sibloxis, taking with him much of the evidence that had convinced the Inquisition of their heresy. By then however, the avalancche was unstoppable, and the Second Battle of Sibloxis featured three battleships, and one battlebarge of the Celestial Axes. They found solidly built Monitor-cruisers of the Forgworld waiting for them, escorting an unheard of newly built Grand Cruiser, of the Repulsive class. Before the lines even clashed however, Hercular-Pattern torpedoes from fixed defenses exacted their toll upon the crusaders. Only two battleships limped away, and the battlebarge crashed into the moon Sibloxis VII-B, a sting that the Celestial Axes have never forgiven. The returning fleet for the third battle forced these defenders into flight, but found their ground forces defeated, by the most powerful weapons every built by the hands of men. No century since has seen the Sibloxis system not beseiged, but no battle since the third has reached the forge-world's surface. Those gearing up for the 19th battle who know of it's history, do so with grim fatalism, for they are attacking a system defended no only by two Grand Cruisers, but also by an Ark Mechanicus.

In truth, however, Sibloxis VII was not the den of traitors and hereteks that it was made out to be by their accusers, and they have in fact not fallen to chaos or the Dark Mechanicus. Though they are reviled and hated, this is due to the constant machinations of the Lantenix clique, who had attempted to frame them for Heretek leanings in order to weaken a rival and seize their supply of Standard Template Pattern derived designs. Their willing patsy was Inquisitor Xuh, and his death, while convienient, has proven to be an ongoing source of paranoia. If their deception and schemes are discovered by someone, it could ruin their world. Thankfully, the Magi of Sibloxis have other fish to fry, and must concentrate all their efforts on the production of weapons, ships and soldiers, within an Autakic system that allows for only what can be smuggled to and from their world. Worse, Chaos raiders frequently mistake them for safe harbor, and come demanding that in the name of this god or that, they make repairs to their ships. It is only a matter of time before someone truly powerful attempts this, and if the Imperium alone cannot conquer them, then perhaps Chaos can take advantage of weakness following a 'victory.'
Hey guys, I'm back!

Now, time for another Gene Stealer Cult, and maybe a Hive Fleet!
Origin - Hive World (3)
Terrain - Ice (82)
Specialization - Striking From The Shadows (1)
Level Of Technology - Actual Weaponry (55)
Sphere Of Influence - Medium (6)
Nemesis - Arbites (61)
Chance Of Detection - 100%

Alright, they're pretty much armed with law enforcement weaponry and mining tools. They've already been discovered, and the Hive World they're on is freezing 24/7.


The Children Of The Black Serpent

The Children Of The Black Serpent are a Gene Stealer Cult on the Frozen Hive World of Hel, which has been part of the Sanguis Vitam Sector for years. But the Cult has suffered recent losses, but not enough to cripple their operation outright. Despite open combat with Arbites and PDF, they still retain weapons like Shotguns, Auto Rifles, Shock Mauls, and Auto Pistols. While they may lack the heavier weapons of other Cults, the Children Of The Black Serpent are holding out for the Hive Fleet that has just appeared in system.

Only a matter of time until the Ascension begins...

Progenitor - Behemoth (20)
Classification - Hive Fleet Splinter (6)
Size - Medium (5)
Current Goals - Spread And Devour (29)
Strategic Tendencies - Stealth & Infiltration (43)
Common Biomorphs - Acidic Fluids (3)
Allies - Ultimate Stalker (54)
Enemy - Astartes Chapter (3)

Hive Fleet Ripley, one of the most terrifying Tyranid Fleet Splinters to appear. Not because of their physical appearance mind you, but their strategies are shockingly effective. Striking from the shadows, Tyranids of Hive Fleet Ripley rely on Stealth and Infiltration to subvert security measures before breaking in. It's almost like they're sentient creatures capable of passing through ships, and even their nests are in secluded areas away from society. Sometimes they inhabit Space Hulks, and any adventurer who gets too curious for their own good shall find themselves marching to their doom. Bioforms also have a slanted black carapace in place of a regular skull, and are terrifying to see in action or as a corpse.

(Would anyone like to write what it would be like to survive an attack from Hive Fleet Ripley? Like an interview with an Imperial Guardsman or Astartes?)
Not as terrifying as if it were a whole hivefleet of the Doom of Malan'tai
Considering the Hive Fleet's specialization getting caught by the Knights of House Chimerus or the resident Titan Legion would be rather one sided unless they try to adapt to fighting superheavies which is plausible considering they'd try to avoid open battle.

The Astartes of the Corundum Falcons seem to be a hard counter to them considering that they're mostly Psykers.
Especially since with their sneaky tactics, they won't be gathering enough numbers in one place to cast The Shadow On the Warp, whether or not the Falcons are able to deal with that.
I've got an idea for two complimentary and interconnected Forge Worlds, but worry that this sector might be a bit forge-heavy already...ah well.

Lantenix Primarius
Adherents to the Machine cult are often heard to complain that the forge masters of Lantenix have spent too much time on matters other than the holy perfection of the mechanical-that they are too political, too scheming, too...emotional. The Magi of Lantenix Primarius rebuff such accusations-such, of course, are the unverifiable complaints of those whose forges are inferior. Lantenix is a world of efficent and rapid production, focused more on civillian goods to feed hive worlds, luxury items to gain the largess of the wealthy, and the mass production of Lunar-class cruisers, M36 pattern Lasguns, and the Leman Rus tank. These solid, reliable products supply Guardsmen within the sector and without, produced in truly astounding quantities. That is the power of the true secret of the forge masters of Lantenix, the nigh-heretical Servitor-Manufactorium Lantenix Omega Pattern. Carefully cloned brains and crystal-stack circuitry are carefully interwoven by the magi to produce an automatic factory control system that can function for centuries without servicing or major oversight, resulting in a 175% increase in efficency and number of factories per unit of workers. However, getting such a fusion of machine and man blessed by the Fabricator-general has proven difficult, and thus the Magi of Lantenix toil ceaselessly to keep their political image spotless, thinking of how their success has placed them perilously close to the edge. They offer bribes in the form of Servitor-Manufactorium to various sector officials, but always keep the plans to the pattern carefully within their own domain. Final assembly of every clone-brain Master Control Cortex is done in the eerily spotless chrome facility known as Integration Plexus 1, by a team of 30 magi who must spend nearly a month ensuring that all connections are in order.

Lantenix has no noteworthy regiments of Skitarii, prefering instead to base their defense upon simple and uncomplicated clone-servitors armed with multilasers and autocannons. They also posses no Titans, which is a bit of a sore spot for those who are more martial among it's leaders, for their more commerce-minded brethren dismiss the need for true Avatars of the Machine-god, and their superiors on Mars see them as an unreliable world dabbling in borderline technology. The riches of their world however, ensure that many mercenaries will fight and die for them should the need arise. Their world itself, however, is well defended by void shields, torpedo launchers, and even ground-based lance batteries, place far from the central manufactories, so their destruction will not cause damaging geo-tremors which might disrupt production.

Sibloxis VII
Excominicate Tratoris
Sibloxis VII was once the proudest, if not the most efficent, forge world in the sector, but pride goeth before the fall. A harsh irradiated world, with a toxic atmosphere and intense gravity, Siubloxis was bypass for millennia by human settlers, as a world with little to recommend it, until the discovery of a Golden Age scouting report that indicated massive deposits of Adamantium and other necessary materials lay beneath it's crust. The priest of the Mechanicus bid for this world, and won it, and within a thousand years had transformed it into a haven for Explorators, who sought to increase their mastery of the sacred technological arts. Explorators went forth into the darkness-but also went on long voyages to other forge worlds, asking to learn their secrets with the ostensible purpose of preventing these secrets from falling into loss, but also to bring them back to Sibloxis for their own purposes. For Sibloxis had been founded with a motto-'Ultimo, Primus.' This was taken by it's leaders to mean that they should seek out the greatest and most technologically challenging patterns to place into production, to run before they had properly learned to walk. Titans were salvaged and restored to gleaming pride, a new Legion founded for the first time in centuries. Baneblades began to roll off Sibloxis' assembly lines, as well as the closely related Shadowsword. Plasma and melta weapons were their primary exports in terms of small arms, but they also dabbled in defensive technologies, and won-briefly-the rights to produce Terminator armor for the Adeptes Astardes. Shortly thereafter however, Inquisitor Aarian Xuh presented the inquisition with evidence of widespread tech heresey and called for a crusade to bring Sibloxis to heel. However, Inquisitor Xuh was foolish enough to lead this mission personally, and perished in battle with the defenses of Sibloxis, taking with him much of the evidence that had convinced the Inquisition of their heresy. By then however, the avalancche was unstoppable, and the Second Battle of Sibloxis featured three battleships, and one battlebarge of the Celestial Axes. They found solidly built Monitor-cruisers of the Forgworld waiting for them, escorting an unheard of newly built Grand Cruiser, of the Repulsive class. Before the lines even clashed however, Hercular-Pattern torpedoes from fixed defenses exacted their toll upon the crusaders. Only two battleships limped away, and the battlebarge crashed into the moon Sibloxis VII-B, a sting that the Celestial Axes have never forgiven. The returning fleet for the third battle forced these defenders into flight, but found their ground forces defeated, by the most powerful weapons every built by the hands of men. No century since has seen the Sibloxis system not beseiged, but no battle since the third has reached the forge-world's surface. Those gearing up for the 19th battle who know of it's history, do so with grim fatalism, for they are attacking a system defended no only by two Grand Cruisers, but also by an Ark Mechanicus.

In truth, however, Sibloxis VII was not the den of traitors and hereteks that it was made out to be by their accusers, and they have in fact not fallen to chaos or the Dark Mechanicus. Though they are reviled and hated, this is due to the constant machinations of the Lantenix clique, who had attempted to frame them for Heretek leanings in order to weaken a rival and seize their supply of Standard Template Pattern derived designs. Their willing patsy was Inquisitor Xuh, and his death, while convienient, has proven to be an ongoing source of paranoia. If their deception and schemes are discovered by someone, it could ruin their world. Thankfully, the Magi of Sibloxis have other fish to fry, and must concentrate all their efforts on the production of weapons, ships and soldiers, within an Autakic system that allows for only what can be smuggled to and from their world. Worse, Chaos raiders frequently mistake them for safe harbor, and come demanding that in the name of this god or that, they make repairs to their ships. It is only a matter of time before someone truly powerful attempts this, and if the Imperium alone cannot conquer them, then perhaps Chaos can take advantage of weakness following a 'victory.'

Given that there's no real non-shit table for rolling up forgeworlds, writing them like this should be fine, I think.

Ork time
9 - Freeboota
30 - Green
10 - Grot or some other non-ork
87 - Off in the warp crumpin' demons, coming back soon
7 - Both gork and mork
6 - Enuff boys
8 - bigga than normal boys
55 - Friends with the Tyranids
80 - Enemies with the Humies
10 - Grots, grots everywhere
98 52 - Dem 'nid squigs
10 - We made 'em orkier, and da boss leaded 'em to battle

So it turns out one of the local ork groups is a bunch of pirates that kidnapped some tyranids and beat them into accepting the WAAAAGH into their hearts.
This also ended up with a ceasefire between the orks and the tyranids.

There may or may not also be some ork genestealers in this mix, iunno.

So...I don't know how freeboota orks name their groups, or much about orks, so I can't really make a descriptive writeup for this.
One thing's for sure: this will either lead to orkanid infested worlds or a tyranid waaaghfleet that projects a WAAAAGH on the Warp instead of a shadow.
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Not as terrifying as if it were a whole hivefleet of the Doom of Malan'tai

Especially since with their sneaky tactics, they won't be gathering enough numbers in one place to cast The Shadow On the Warp, whether or not the Falcons are able to deal with that.

Given that there's no real non-shit table for rolling up forgeworlds, writing them like this should be fine, I think.

Ork time
9 - Freeboota
30 - Green
10 - Grot or some other non-ork
87 - Off in the warp crumpin' demons, coming back soon
7 - Both gork and mork
6 - Enuff boys
8 - bigga than normal boys
55 - Friends with the Tyranids
80 - Enemies with the Humies
10 - Grots, grots everywhere
98 52 - Dem 'nid squigs
10 - We made 'em orkier, and da boss leaded 'em to battle

So it turns out one of the local ork groups is a bunch of pirates that kidnapped some tyranids and beat them into accepting the WAAAAGH into their hearts.
This also ended up with a ceasefire between the orks and the tyranids.

There may or may not also be some ork genestealers in this mix, iunno.

So...I don't know how freeboota orks name their groups, or much about orks, so I can't really make a descriptive writeup for this.
One thing's for sure: this will either lead to orkanid infested worlds or a tyranid waaaghfleet that projects a WAAAAGH on the Warp instead of a shadow.

I ki d of have an idea for these guys getting the tyranids.
Do you mind if I give it a go?
Hmm, maybe we should get another Inquisitor in here. Hope this works and they aren't insane...
Gender - Female (73)
Age - Young (35)
Order - Ordo Sicarius [Assassinorum] (70)
Title - Lady Camilla, the Blessed Castellan
Philosophy - Moderate Radical (89)
Methodology - Facta Non Verba & In Omni Rei Audaciam (Actions, Not Deeds & In All Things Daring)
Psychic Ability - None (20)
Quirks - Perverse (16), Favorite Weapon (85), and Attractive (82)
Resources - Harem (49), Special Armor (85), Special Weaponry (86), Spy Network (91), and Assassins (62)
Alright, so I have an Inquisitor who has her own personal harem and prefers to let her actions speak for themselves. Also, since the Ordo Sicarius has ties to the Assassinorum this is gonna be fun.


Lady Camilla, the Blessed Castellan is another Inquisitor investigating the Sanguis Vitam Sector alongside Inquisitor Trestis. While sometimes distracted by her 'partners', Camilla has proven herself to be effective in her duties to protect the Imperium. As a reward, she was granted a personal weapon befitting her position. Whenever she is in battle, Lady Camilla takes with her a decorated Bolt Pistol and Shock Maul. Both are powerful weapons in their own right, but when combined with her personalized Stealth Armor she is a terrifying force to be reckoned with. The combination has proved useful, and while she may get distracted by her more carnal vices. When the time calls she will prove both effective, and bring righteous fury to the Emperor's foes.

Besides her harem of dedicated partners, Camilla has spies and assassins in her employ. Meaning that if you ever see her alone, then she is either being followed by her Assassins or trailed by her Spy Network.
Clearly any further inquisitor rolls without at least one stack of attractive must be discarded, since all precedent shows that to inquisite in Sanguis Vitam one must be a supermodel at least /jk
Lady Camilla looks to be focused on covert force action and not anything overt. Fortunately there are Knights available to kick in the door, all the doors.
Y'know what, given that the sector is called sanguis vitam, I'm sure the Blood Angels would love to have a chapter here.
I'mma use the generator until I get one from them.
Why was the Chapter founded?
Counter-"There are Orks over here! Found a Chapter!" "But it'll take 50 ye-" "Do it!"

When was the Chapter founded?
37th Millennium

Who was the Chapter's Progenitor?
Blood Angels

This Chapter has no new gene seed deficiencies other than those of its parent chapter

Legendary in the history of the chapter is a Chapter Master
He led an action against an Eldar craftworld, boarding it and inflicting grievious casualties before withdrawing. He and his Chapter are especially hated by the Eldar, for whom the event is still fresh and raw.

Chapter Home World
Uninhabited World: predominantly of jungle terrain
This chapter holds itself aloof from the populace, taking no hand in its internal affairs, and appearing only in its defense or to harvest Aspirants

Chapter Organization
Codex Divergent Organization

Combat Doctrine

The Chapter has the following special equipment: Bestial Companion: More common among those Chapters whose origins come from Feral Worlds, this Chapter prides itself on raising hunting animals to assist in battle. Examples: Fenrisian Wolf, hunting birds.

Chapter Beliefs
Honour the Ancestors: The Chapter worships one of its own heroes above all others. Although the Emperor and the Primarch are likely to be fully acknowledged, this hero is regarded as an intercessional figure who sits at the right hand of the Emperor.

Chapter Status
Under Strength: The chapter is recovering from a defeat or accident that occurred decades ago or recently suffered heavy losses. It is at a minimum of half strength and should return to nominal strength within a decade.

Chapter Friends
Adeptus Mechanicus

Chapter Enemies
It is well known among the people of the sector that the Haemic Dragons are incredibly stupid.
From inhabiting an unpeopled jungle and not doing anything with it, to naming themselves after an animal which ensures that its young will have food when they hatch by vomiting all of it's own blood onto the clutch of eggs, to trying to employ siege warfare tactics against the fucking Tyranids. And...uh...riding those beasts into battle, forcing them to spew their caustic blood onto enemies in smaller doses.

There's a reason they've been under strength ever since the 37th millenium, and why they worship anyone who actually manages to make himself worth a damn.

Trestis would let them leave the sector if they wanted to - they're both pure and completely unnecessary.
Ok then here i go.

This report details the events that lead to the disturbing subjugation of several Tyranid specimens falling under control of the Ork Frebooter "Kaptin ToothBeard!" who leads a formidable collection of "roks" and "battlekrozers"
Somehow this Ork has been able to join the Tyranids minds to his fleet's "Waagh!" field allowing ther "Weirdboyz" to control them. This has been confirmed not only by Psykers from the Inquisition, but also in reports filed separately by Librarians from both the Corundum Falcons chapter and the Celestial Eagles chapter.
The implications and dangers of this unholy union should be obvius to all and i recomend that the Ordo Xeno deploy Deathwatch to further investigate.

While the how remains unknown we do know where this occurred.
A minor splinter-fleet of Tyranids made landfall on the Civilized-world of Gaster III. Luckily the fleet was discovered by astropaths before it arrived and the Corundum Falcons Second and third company swiftly deployed to stop the tendril before it could overwhelm the systems defenders.
When they arrived they where meet with the cold welcome of the fifth company of the Celstial Eagles who had arrived weeks earlier chasing down a fleeing "Battlekrozer" that crashed onto the wilderness of Gaster III.
What followed was a number of arguments, refusal to cooperate and unconfirmed rumors even say that the two chapters exchanged fire.
It was here that Kaptin ToothBeard managed to subvert the minds of the Tyranids and using the openings caused by the enmity of the two chapters managed to direct the majority of the swarm to devestate Gaster III, and used the distraction to claim one of the star-port's and then steal three warp capable vessels from orbit from the reinforcing Imperial Guards.
Since then the Kaptin has gathered a considerable fleet to his side and utilizes his tyranids to cut a swathe though the Sanguis Vitam Sector.

It is without a doubt that one or both of these chapters are to blame for these events and i recommend that either we or another Ordos conduct a proper investigation into the matter and establish guilty part or parties.
In The Emperor's Name
Inquisitor Tarbyl Resk

So how that.

Edit: Going to make this guy/Gal now.
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93 Female: Seemingly a minority in the Inquisition
95 Ancient (250+): The upper limit is unknown, but it is expected some may reach several centuries old.
Locked Ordo Xenos: A guardian against aliens in their many guises, the Inquisitor is knowledgeable in alien physiology and lore
36 Administrator
44 Temperate Puritan: These Inquisitors understand the place of psykers and mutants is one of servitude, and that they should be made to understand their inferiority. These are Puritans that acknowledge psychic benefits.

51 Etiamsi Fueris Turpis Hie Salvus Erit (Be saved even though you are filthy): The Inquisitor believes everyone, no matter how base and vile their sins, can be redeemed whether in this life or the next. Most often the latter
8 Fidei Vincit Omnia (Faith conquers all): Their faith is a very important part of who this Inquisitor is, whatever it may be, making them unflinching in their personal convictions.
18 Qui Vixit Bene Vivit (He lives well who lives unnoticed): Subterfuge and trickery can be valuable tools, something known to this character. Henchmen will often perform their operations as they watch from the shadows.

98 Talented: Comfortable with one or more psi-disciplines.

chose to roll three times because at 250+ you are almost guaranteed to be a bit quirky
(3) Heavily augmented: Either through personal choice or cruel fate, the Inquisitor is covered in bionic implants and replacements.
(55) Illuminated: Possessed by a daemonic creature, the Inquisitor managed to banish the beast from their mortal shell. This makes the Inquisitor more resistant to the allure of the Ruinous powers and their vile servants.
(6) Always masked: Never revealing themselves, either through a mask or by relaying orders from behind a barrier or vox-communicator, the Inquisitor's appearance is a mystery.

How many Resouces: rolled 9 9/2=4,5=4

88 Hidden base: Roll on the Hidden base table
(08) Asteroid: In the depths of an asteroid field the Inquisitor has made his lair.

1 Ties with: The Inquisitor is well-connected, and can call upon various organisations to assist them, be it the might of an Astartes Chapter or the unique skills of an Administratum archivist. Roll on the 'Ties with' table.
(39) Adeptus Arbites: Good for the detention of heretics, as well as tracking
criminals and providing a decent amount of firepower when necessary

35 Unarmed spaceship: Roll on the 'Unarmed spaceship' table.
(99) Exotic: Alien (exploration or transport vessel?), Mechanicus exploration vessel, Naval/Inquisitorial Reconnaissance (possibly with psychic wardings), Ministorum Cathedral ship, etc.

28 Personal army: The Inquisitor maintains a privately acquired body of troops. Roll on the 'Personal army' table.
(43) Inquisitorial: Storm Troopers, Ordo-specific units or Inquisitorial Wardens.

So an old ass granny who never shows her face, and still knows all the cops on the block, drives around in a sweet space ride, has beaten daemons trying to posses her and has less of her original body-parts than an avrage tech-priest.
Pretty badass.
I'll write a proper bio shortly.
Looking through the various tables I'm a bit sad on how rare Imperial Knights are for allies, with them not even being listed at all on many of them. Or in some cases overshadowed by the Titanicus who in the SM's allies table have a greater chance of appearing. Oddly enough the table they do appear with the greatest chance of being an ally is on the Skitarii generator, this being odd because Knight Houses can't roll for them to be allies(They don't appear on the relevant table.).
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The generation tables are all kinda derp.
Like, there's an unlisted Forge World one, but it has four rolls to make with little distinction between them.
Not really, but we've got a considerable deficit of tau, necrons, and eldar in-sector, so that's something to think about for its future.
One Inquisitorial Bio

As one of the (if not the oldest) Inquisitor in Sector Sanguis Vitam, Administrator Tarbyl Resk is a pillar of the local Inquisition and central figure of the Ordo Xenos, though none have knowingly meet her. Her former Acolytes are present in most Ordos and her advice and support are highly valued.
Her origin and backstory are shrouded in mystery, paperwork and not a small amount of endeavors to hide her work from spying eyes and lose tongues. Still some things have survived the years, either through tales among acolytes or in private, well guarded archives of her fellow Inquisitors.

These tidbits tell of a newly anointed Inquisitor, not yet having cloaked herself in shadows, banishing a Deamon from her mind and being judged pure by her peers, of having been tortured by the Dark Eldar, of being smashed by brutal Orks, having parts of herself torn from her body by Tyranids and still continuing her Holy Duty even as her body was being replaced piece by piece. While her abilities and skills are mostly a mystery some of the old records and tales hints towards a skilled psyker or a deceptively air-headed seductress, none of the records can say for sure.

On an asteroid in an unknown location, only reachable by the charts in her personal Inquisitorial stealth vessel (and a few other select vessels) and so only her chosen may gain access, lies the Cantarian Institute of Xeno Research. Here Acolytes, Interrogators and even other Inquisitors come to partake in the gathered knowledge from several lifetimes of service. It is also from here an elite Inquisitorial detachment of Storm Troopers deploy from in order to thwart the enemies of the Emperor wherever they may appear.

She is rumored to be highly agitated on the Falcon-Eagle rivalry as their actions might have unleashed a new threat onto the Imperium. She is however not in a position to do much push for sanctions on whoever is responsible for her current headache.

At present her major focus lies on The Children Of The Black Serpent, that resides on the world of Hel, the approaching Hive Fleet Ripley and the elimination of the potentially calamity and ever present headache that is Kaptin ToothBeard, major endeavors are ongoing any of these three threats from joining up. While the Fleet and Genstealers merging would be disastrous, what might happen should ToothBeard gain control over any of these is enough to give even Tarbyl nightmares.

As the third dose of chemicals reached her brain Tarbyl opened her eyes. As she regained consciousness she immediately rose from her resting place, removing tubes and wires from her body and precisely putting them into their assigned spots.
The thought 'It's getting harder to return every time' runs through her mind as she sees the amount of doses she needed to wake up from her "rest". As she approached the cogitator in the center of the room she felt every one of those years, and they weighed heavily.
At 654 years of age anyone would have said that she had done her duty, that she deserved to take her place at the golden throne and that her time had passed. But looking at the state of the sector, at how Tyranids where devouring everything they could get their claws on, out of control Orks that threatened everything with their subverted horrors and Astartes at each-others throats while the sector burned.
No, she could not rest now. Her fingers activated the cogitator and streams of data flowed for her perusal. Her service to the Imperium and Emperor was not over, not while she drew breath, not while she had an ounce of will left in her.
Ave Imperator.

Anyone who feels like using Tarbyl or the Celestial Eagles feel free to use them (don't break them though ;)).
Also if anyone would like to make the Inquisitorial Storm Troopers feel free to do so.
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A dumb bit of trivia about Trestis I'd like to run by the thread for approval - her psychic assets are a set of five or six acolytes who, in Dark Heresy terms (and indeed, they basically work by those rules), have the Adeptus Astra Telepathica background, 50+wp, the Mystic role, and the Astropath advance.
They're trained to exploit their gifts in ways almost entirely unrelated to astropathy. The only reason she even grabbed Astropaths is that they tend not to experience psychic phenomena as severe as others, and to rarely experience perils of the warp.

Or in other words, she minmaxed to assemble a group which can basically use psyker powers without ever worrying about it.

She herself is also an astropath, who was chosen by her mentor for the same reason, and previously installed in a group with much the same composition. Part of how she became such a skilled psyker.
I can't really agree with this. Almost never I can buy, but a guarantee of never fucking up while using the warp is not really very on par with the Warhammer universe and in fact goes against one of it's core lore point "man can use the warp, but he can never control it".
Fair enough.
It was a dumb meta joke built off of the janky mechanics of Dark Heresy 2e which removed the 'fettered' powerlevel, where psychic phenomena were avoided by using half of your power or less, but made it so sanctioned psykers get linearly more stable the more of them you cram into a small area, and made astropaths even less likely to get a bad result because they can replace their 10s or 1s digit by rolling a third die.