Create Our Own 40k Sector

The Sanguis Titanicus subsector is known to the T'au of Sept Gas'dreya as the Gau'tse expanse.
When they entered the subsector as part of the 5th Sphere of Expansion, the colonists were quickly assailed by the Void Hydras (Being paid by Corondanus to do exactly this to any orks who arrived), who pursued them until they entered a largely ork infested section of the sector and settled upon a partially infested planet. Forced to go on the offensive to wipe out the orks and secure their new home, they nonetheless found it difficult to secure enough resources and equipment to pursue such a desperate war of extermination and survival, given the rushed nature of their settlement and offensive.

Their salvation came when the quasi-renegade forgeworld of Corondanus sent a ship to them with a message: "We will give you the materials you need, if you will share with us the technological and scientific knowledge of your people. If your earth castes will teach us all they know, we will supply you with everything necessary to eradicate the orks and secure your new home. A future alliance is not out of the question either."

Caught between extinction via stagnation and whoring out the knowledge of their people, Gas'dreya chose the latter, at first trading knowledge of T'au science and technology for raw materials, and later for finished T'au and Anthrazod military gear as the Corondanites became capable of doing so.

However, the Corondanites are apt to call upon the forces of the Void Hydras and their allies again in the future, for they are not willing to share their subsector with loyalist T'au. Once the orks are exterminated, they will once more enrich the war chests of the sector's most prolific mercenaries and have the Gas'dreyans purged, such that their worlds can be recolonized with Corondanite stock.

Profiting in wisdom and gold is the Corondanite way.


I realized there was a way to use this T'au group's rolls to good effect for establishing much the same story.

Between these guys and the Nam Tau, the Greater Good isn't doing too hot in Sanguis Vitam, is it?
Pretty good, though I think you could flesh it out more, such as incorporating their leader's personality, and the Cadre's fighting style. Maybe this Sept's leader and the leader of the Nam Tau could be brothers since they are the same caste. Also I'm going to roll an inquisitor next.
Pretty good, though I think you could flesh it out more, such as incorporating their leader's personality, and the Cadre's fighting style. Maybe this Sept's leader and the leader of the Nam Tau could be brothers since they are the same caste. Also I'm going to roll an inquisitor next.
Honestly, their fighting style is part of what went into the 'they can only survive by going on the attack' thing.
...and I'm not sure how to write a T'au as reclusive, because I don't know what their baseline is.
Plus, dude's just a military leader. Not actually someone who can make decisions on behalf of the Sept, which was more of my focus in the writeup.
Here's the Inquistor I made, and by the Emperor these rolls.
Gender: 59- Male
Age: 12- Young (40-55): The Inquisitor is young, by Inquisitorial standards.
Ordo: 68- Ordo Minoris (Ordo Chronos)
Title(rolled 3 times, since the table said I could): 46- Nobility: Sir, Lord, Duke, Count, Boyar, Fürst, Emir, Sheikh, etc. are all titles that could be held in the Imperium, showing the Inquisitor has either come from a noble line, could have been awarded it or has simply usurped it from a previous (no doubt heretical and deceased) holder.
34- Facility title: Steward, Custodian, Administrator, Governor and Castellan are all titles an Inquisitor may possess if they are in charge of a particular facility, ideal for Inquisitors Historical or Theoretical that spend a lot of time in research archives at Inquisitorial strongholds, 'holding down the fort'.
67- Miscellaneous: This could be pretty much anything, as in nick-names or popular names granted by compatriots or enemies, and so are usually informalities left out of official documentation. Examples include Psykerbane, Lucky, Warhound, Thrice-Blessed or names ending in the end (such as the Invincible, the Pure, the Cursed, etc).
Philosophy: 78- Moderate Radical: The Inquisitor that utilises a xeno-pistol, or makes use of beastmen in their retinue. To some this seems a slippery slope, but it is entirely justified by these Inquisitors as minor interactions with what others see as tainted.
Methodology(rolled 3 times): 49- Virtute Laborem Nascitur (Virtue is born in hardship): Every experience is a learning experience, even if that experience will test the mettle of body and soul. If something's worth doing, it's worth doing the hard way!
37- Victoriam Vult Accurata Praeparatione Gaudeant(Victory likes careful preparation): An intricate planner, often someone that will weave cunning webs before striking a precise blow at their enemy's heart.
64- In Me Vero Et Religionis Habeat Fiduciam (In the truth of religion I trust): Scepticism has no place in an Empire of Faith, and all matters great and small are decided by religious trials and the Emperor's Tarot.
Psychic Ability: 100: Master
Quirks(rolled 3 times): 24- Terran pilgrim: The Inquisitor has been to Holy Terra, and this influences their behaviour and their usual topic of conversation.
45- Collector: The Inquisitor has a penchant for artwork, ancient technologies or little toy soldiers, etc. They take great pride in their collection.
95- Family: The Inquisitor has found time to start a family.
Resources(rolled 5 times): 88- Hidden Base
49- Harem
76- Huge Archives
43- Armed Spaceship
62- Assassins
Armed Spaceship: 84- Exotic
Hidden Base: 47- Underwater
Edit: I removed the ties with for my Inquisitor because I realized that I didn't roll it for resources, and mistakenly thought it was something your rolled by default.
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Here's the Inquistor I made, and by the Emperor these rolls.
Gender: 59- Male
Age: 12- Young (40-55): The Inquisitor is young, by Inquisitorial standards.
Ordo: 68- Ordo Minoris (Ordo Chronos)
Title(rolled 3 times, since the table said I could): 46- Nobility: Sir, Lord, Duke, Count, Boyar, Fürst, Emir, Sheikh, etc. are all titles that could be held in the Imperium, showing the Inquisitor has either come from a noble line, could have been awarded it or has simply usurped it from a previous (no doubt heretical and deceased) holder.
34- Facility title: Steward, Custodian, Administrator, Governor and Castellan are all titles an Inquisitor may possess if they are in charge of a particular facility, ideal for Inquisitors Historical or Theoretical that spend a lot of time in research archives at Inquisitorial strongholds, 'holding down the fort'.
67- Miscellaneous: This could be pretty much anything, as in nick-names or popular names granted by compatriots or enemies, and so are usually informalities left out of official documentation. Examples include Psykerbane, Lucky, Warhound, Thrice-Blessed or names ending in the end (such as the Invincible, the Pure, the Cursed, etc).
Philosophy: 78- Moderate Radical: The Inquisitor that utilises a xeno-pistol, or makes use of beastmen in their retinue. To some this seems a slippery slope, but it is entirely justified by these Inquisitors as minor interactions with what others see as tainted.
Methodology(rolled 3 times): 49- Virtute Laborem Nascitur (Virtue is born in hardship): Every experience is a learning experience, even if that experience will test the mettle of body and soul. If something's worth doing, it's worth doing the hard way!
37- Victoriam Vult Accurata Praeparatione Gaudeant(Victory likes careful preparation): An intricate planner, often someone that will weave cunning webs before striking a precise blow at their enemy's heart.
64- In Me Vero Et Religionis Habeat Fiduciam (In the truth of religion I trust): Scepticism has no place in an Empire of Faith, and all matters great and small are decided by religious trials and the Emperor's Tarot.
Psychic Ability: 100: Master
Quirks(rolled 3 times): 24- Terran pilgrim: The Inquisitor has been to Holy Terra, and this influences their behaviour and their usual topic of conversation.
45- Collector: The Inquisitor has a penchant for artwork, ancient technologies or little toy soldiers, etc. They take great pride in their collection.
95- Family: The Inquisitor has found time to start a family.
Resources(rolled 5 times): 88- Hidden Base
49- Harem
76- Huge Archives
43- Armed Spaceship
62- Assassins
Ties With: 100: Exotic
Armed Spaceship: 84- Exotic
Hidden Base: 47- Underwater
I'm really hoping that the family is just his kids from the harem, otherwise things will get weird.
So any ideas, for lore regarding the Inquisitor I made, because it seems like he has a very interesting life?
Well for one, a lot of...Covert action. He's apart of the Ordo Chronos, meaning that he's the fucking Time Police. A collector of odd trinkets and tools, as well as one of the few to make a pilgrimage to Terra. Another thing, he's a Master Psyker so he's well up in the food chain. While he does like knowledge and skill, he does let the Emperor's will govern his actions, and he often stress tests his allies.

His three titles are likely Sir Maximillian, Aegis of the Ordo Chronos. As for his ladies...They're well trained assassins, while not Assassinorum they're still deadly. Yet he's got a family from some...Very 'Covert' Action going on behind the scenes. Our Inquisitor most likely deals with interrogation and in search of odd anomalies like warriors arriving before they left or arriving from timelines long gone.
Regiment Classification
Imperial Guard: A true regiment, drilled and competent in their service.

Regiment Recruitment Criteria
All female

Nature of Recruitment
Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society.

Regiment Homeworld
Death World, predominately of desert terrain, making them at home in sun, sand, and wind.

Regiment Type
Heavy Infantry, specializing in close combat and using special vehicles

Regimental Loyalty
Fanatical: No remorse, no retreat, no fear.

Regimental Creed
Best of the Best: The regiment believes itself to be elite and constantly strives to prove itself.

Regimental Friends
During their time serving Him on Terra, this regiment has made friends and enemies both. In particular, they have earned the trust and respect of a particular Rogue Trader Dynasty
During this time, they have also become embroiled in a fierce enmity with the Tyranids

"Grenadiers, FRONT!
Motto of the 312th Dhanab Grenadiers

Fierce desert warriors from the death world of Dhanab, the women of the 312th Dhanab Grenadiers have earned themselves an extraordinarily enviable record over the centuries. Indeed, at their recent Adamantium Jubilee, celebrating the thousandth anniversary of their Founding, two platoons were required simply to hold the train of campaign ribbons and battle honors trailing from the honor flag.

Be it jungles, heavy forests, urban terrain, or just another shithole of a battlefield, the Grenadiers can always be found where the fighting is thickest. Trusting in their carapace armor to help them reach the enemy line of resistance, they are masters of close combat, trusting in their bayonets, flamers, and generous supplies of grenades to carry the day for the God-Emperor. And when the going gets tough, the tough bring up their specialist vehicles: Hellhounds to burn down enemy strongpoints and put the fear of the Throne in any survivors.

Though it is commonly thought otherwise, thanks to their sheer fanaticism, all-women nature, and love of pyromania, the Grenadiers have no actual connection to the Sisters of Battle and have only rarely operated alongside them. They have been noted operating with the Kaverlock Rogue Trader dynasty on several occasions however and have been hired out by sector command for certain of their operations.
So, adding to this... bloody mess... with yet another Imperial Guard Regiment:

So, (4) a 'standard' regiment, relatively well built for this blood damn sector of... stuff. Except (56) they're bloody flipping spacers, from the various habs in the sector (probably a whole bunch of asteroid mining, with giant habs built from the rocks). And (2) They're actually the elite of the spaceborne madmen, the kind of loonies who would flipping love the Iron Valkaries. (70) And their home-habs are effectively wastelands, broken down because the Admech can't be bothered to keep things 'pleasant' (so inefficient), so the former lush interiors of the island cylinders they call home in great clusters are now broken-down ruins, smokey and nasty and filled with ick, with most of the former plant-life dying off. At least (02) they're a standard infantry regiment, for once somewhat normal, with (10) an emphasis on Hive Warfare, as befits coming from such a background (for once, by the bloody emperor). And (1) they're utter bloody nutters on a level that would make the Kriegers either nod in approval or step back slightly and ask whether or not they're okay. (WE LIVE FOR THE EMPEROR, WE DIE FOR THE EMPEROR! WE ARE SPARKS OF THE EMPEROR'S ETERNAL FLAME!(62, of course)) They (90) specialize in a preferred fighting style, namely being breaching and 'urban' clearing specialists, as developed from their home roots in great space habs. As noted earlier, they're bloody fanatics for the emperor (62), and are holier-than-thou devoted. They rarely spend time with others, preferring to train in the semi-mobile habs they gained assistance from the less annoying aspects of the local Admech/Navy/Astartes. A common refrain is wondering if anyone has ever actually met some of these nutters personally outside of some local war, or if they're actually cloned on demand preprogrammed with stock behaviors from the imperial faith and regimental tactics group. Answers are disturbingly scarce on the matter. (25) They're friends with one of the local astartes chapters (I haven't read through the entire thread to find one that'll work well), possibly related to that one unfortunate action on a hive world? (32) Unfortunately, they seem to have picked up some annoying enemies in the form of a group of eldar corsairs who keep butting into their business, possibly raiding their habs for what resources they have. Given that the chapter specializes in close-range 'urban' interior combat, this is both a blessing and a curse.

Well, this is both distressingly normal for the kind of sector that needs a timecop, and at the same time what the flipping heck is with these guys? They're basically assault kriegers. I'm about to head to bed tonight, but I wouldn't mind getting some ideas on who their local allies, enemies, and problems would be. On the other hand, it would also explain why the sector was founded to begin with, rich meaty asteroids of ore(deroids), possibly a supply of rare materials for the imperium. That's run out partially.

God-Emperor damnit, I accidentally created an entire regiment of Doomslayers.

Addendum: I can actually see them being fairly influential in the sector's affairs, in a horrific 'be careful what you wish for' monkeypaw way. They're fanatics, devoted to the emperor and his (alleged) teachings. Unfortunately, they actually follow those teachings. Which includes things such as 'division is the root of heresies' and other such things. So when the local nobles put out a call for help in putting down a rebellion, they have to be careful. Because these nutters might just answer, and if they analyze the local situation and decide 'no, the rebels are correct, you are squandering the emperor's resources'... oh dear. But because they're following the letter/spirit of the imperial faith and the dogma of the emperor, fanatically so... well, it's 'fun'. (Which again plays into the accidental 'I Doomslayer'd the sector'.
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I'll roll a Grey Knight Brotherhood since they have a creation table as well.
Brotherhood Origin: 2- The Brotherhood was created after the 9th Astartes (Knight-Errant) picked by Malcador the Sigillite at the time of the Grey Knight's inception.
Knight-Errant's Original Chapter: 64- Thousand Sons
Secrecy/Inquisitorial Relationship: 4- They are known to the Chapter as well as the Ordo Malleus. They are as secret as other Brotherhoods, and are contracted by the Inquisition fairly averagely.
Knight's Ages: 1- Many upstarts. They may be here as punishment, but probably because they show great promise.
Grandmaster Personality: 2- Introverted. A logical thinker that carefully weighs options. Leads by ideals and plans. A grand strategist.
Personal Creed: 6- Honor above all - "Brothers, strike for the chapter and the Inquisition!
Figure of Legend: 7- Brotherhood Champion
Deed of Legend: 88- The hero dove into the warp after a unique daemon only to return mysteriously a great time later with the daemon's head in hand and the daemon seemingly destroyed.
Fleet Size: 1- One small cruiser and one or two supporting strike craft. Just barely enough.
Current Terminator Size: 16- 6 Terminator Squads (High)
Current Interceptor Size: 15- 6 Interceptor Squads (High)
Current Purgation Size: 11- 5 Purgation Squads (Above Average)
Current Strike Size: 12- 5 Strike Squads (Above Average)
Current Dreadnoughts: 9- 4 Deadnoughts (High)
Specialty: 7- Intense Firepower - Blasting the enemies from mid range with their stormbolters, special weapons, and psychic blasts before the inevitable assault.
Preferred Daemonic Enemies: 9- Chaos Undivided- The Hatred for all Chaos Gods is equal. The Brotherhood has either never been assailed horribly enough by one God, or has simply fought them all equally.
And here is a Tempestus Scions Regiment as well.
Company Type: 1- Tempestus Scions: Elite of the Departmento Munitorum, Schola Progenium trained soldiers
Training World Predominant Terrain: 46- Desert
Specialization: 8- Foot Troops
Special Tactics: 32- Air Assault blitz
Special Equipment: 89- Variant Heavy Weapons
Company Leadership: 6- Both Commissar and Tempestor Prime/Main Officer
Company Size: 5- Medium 250-400
Company Renown: 10- Legendary
Company Demeanor: 51- Brutal (Who else would beat a civilian for asking questions?)
Company Friends: 13- Adeptus Arbites
Company Enemies: 38- Eldar
Some interesting rolls for both of them, can someone please come up with lore for these guys, and also for that Inquisitor I rolled earlier?
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Here are some more factions I rolled, I could really use some lore for them.

Here is a Lost and the Damned Regiment
Former Classification: 10- Navy Armsmen: Experts in void-combat, they found salvation on the tides of the Warp whispering to them.
Recruitment Criteria: 83- Gangers: They fought each other in the slums, now they fight a true enemy.
Nature of Recruitment: 7- Standard conscription: Average or above-average citizens recruited from all levels of society.
Homeworld: 52- Death World: For these people, life was a war before they could speak.
Homeworld Predominant Terrain: 76- Urban: Good soldiers, once you get the cityboy out of the city.
Core Units: 72- Drop
Specialization: 8- Shock & Awe
Chaos Allegiance: 47- Nurgle
Loyalty Rating: 1- Overzealous: need to be actively held back from shedding their blood as sacrifices to the Dark Gods.
Special Equipment: 73- Special Vehicle
Regimental Creed: 43- For the Dark Gods: They believe in the Word of Chaos as their gospel, and see it as their holiest endeavor to spread that Word with the flames.
Allies: 26- Chaos warband or specific Chaos Lord (I'll roll them next)
Enemies: 85- Imperium of Man
Imperial Enemy: 51- Adeptus Titanicus
Here is the Chaos Warband they are allied with.
Origins: 57- Time Travelers: Perhaps they came from the Horus Heresy or from five seconds in the future, but either way this Warband is not from when they should be. (Guess this explains why my Inquisitor is here.)
Allegiance: 41- Nurgle (I am not fudging these rolls)
Frequency of Blessings: 86- Ascended: The warband has been able draw the attention of many warp spawned deities, and as such has had the ultimate gift bestowed upon them; princehood. Automatically select the Daemonhood blessing, and roll thrice, re-rolling if Princehood is selected.
Blessings: Princehood: The most revered of all gifts, it is to be truly unkillable through any means, and to earn it requires worlds to be burnt at the stake or an unholy work to be made in the name of the malign. (Locked)
82- Spawn-hood: The Gods are uncaring, any attention from them they consider to be a gift, even if it is sorely unwanted as the soul is engulfed a mesh of twisted flesh.
31- Aesthetical Changes: Physical deformities that give nothing to the individuals other a change in looks, and a sign that something greater watches over them. It could be possibly a set of short horns, useless tentacles, a rotting skin, etc.
72- Unsound Mind: The blessed is no longer vulnerable to the Warp, the mind expanded beyond breaking, and is impossible to break again no matter the sight before them.
Headquarters: 24- Warp Storm: The Warband has found its home isolated within the Warp, and takes the opportunity to pillage the greater galaxy without fear of reprisal.
Warband Build: 25- Hivemind: The Warband is led by a malign power which takes flesh-hosts to cloth its mind, and leads with a perfect percision as only a single mind can bring.
Recruitment Methods: 20- Homegrown: This Warband shuns outsiders as they are not as pure as they are, and instead rely on the tools nature or warpsmithing provide. A soldier might descend from a long line of heretics, and a mighty astartes has had tainted geneseed passed down for generations. These warbands are likley to be insular in nature as they do not need outsiders, and as a result suffer less from random backstabbing that their peers endure.
Combat Doctrine: 3- Grinding Assault: Infantry win firefights, Tanks win battles, but Artillery wins wars at least that was the case until this Warband showed up. To say that they have a slight tendency towards using vehicles is like saying that a khorne has a slight tendency to be angry. The enemy faces a literal wall of vehicles which roll across the battlefield without a single gap between them, and anything that does not run or break through this will is crushed underneth without a single throught given for their lives.
Exalted Champion: 30- Chaos Lord
Deed for the Gods: 1- The figure is renowned for defeating the Forces of the Imperium in battle several times.
And here is an Ork Klan since I remember that a lot of the factions we have rolled have fought or are enemies of Orks, and only one Ork faction has been rolled as far as I know.
Klan or Freeboota: 7- Freeboota
Color: 69- Blue (da luckiest)
Legendary Ork: 8- Oddboy
Oddboy- Kommando
What did he do: 33- Krumped loads o' spiky 'umies
Gork or Mork: 7- Deyz both good, ya squighead!
Warband Size: 8- We gots more boyz dan you can toss a herd o' Squigs at! An' trust me, I tried.
Size of Boyz: 3- 'Are boys are da roight and proppa size boss!
Ally: 71- Dem 'umies (Imperium)
Enemy: 84- Spikey 'umies (Chaos)
Special Boyz: 7- Wierdboyz
Best Loot: 77- One o' dem skellyboyz' Monolisp- Monothil- big black killy pyramids
What they did with it: 10- We made it orkier, and da boss rides it to battle
Really interesting rolls for all of them, especially the Chaos Warband. Really hope that these guys get some lore.
I'm back and alive! How have things been going?
Not much activity has happened since you left, I have been trying to keep the thread active by posting stuff, to limited effect.
Also, while I still haven't come up with any lore for my Tempestus Scions Regiment (or any of the other faction I rolled) I imagine their commander as a woman like this considering the Regiment's brutal demeanor.

I think, in general, people aren't super enthusiastic about writing lore for each-other's factions.
Mebbe once all currently unlored factions are lored, we should put a temporary moratorium on new factions while we compile an organized codex of sort on the sector :p
I think, in general, people aren't super enthusiastic about writing lore for each-other's factions.
Mebbe once all currently unlored factions are lored, we should put a temporary moratorium on new factions while we compile an organized codex of sort on the sector :p
Sounds like a good idea, let's get started.

What's our first faction without lore?
Sounds like a good idea, let's get started.

What's our first faction without lore?
That would probably be my Inquisitor, from what I can tell every other faction before has already been fleshed out, such as the two Tau Septs I also made. I assume that we are going through factions in the order they were rolled, if that is what you were asking.
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That would probably be my Inquisitor, from what I can tell every other faction before has already been fleshed out, such as the two Tau Septs I also made. I assume that we are going through factions in the order they were rolled, if that is what you were asking.
I've decided to get into this and rolled a unit of Stormtroopers, so they could be connected in some way?

Type: 8-Inquisitorial Stormtroopers.
Training world: 77-Urban
Specialization: 2-Airborne
Special Tactics: 47-Shock Troopers
Special Equipment: 98-Terrain Specialized equipment
Officers: 1-Tempustus Prime/Stormtrooper officers
Company Size: 6-Medium sized, 250-400 troopers.
Company Renown: 2-Unknown.
Company demeanour: 73-Stubborn.
Company friends: 66-Imperial Guard(nominate unit)
Company enemies: 98-Other Xenos
Other Xenos: 16- Hrud.

Blue Company is an Inquisitorial Stormtrooper unit, often assigned to support Ordo Xenos operations or provide a specialized support to Imperial Guardin the Sanguis Vitam.

Their tactics and training focus on fast, aggressive breaching operations in built-up areas, often deploying kill-teams from Valkyries to clear buildings from the top down while supporting guard or PDF units assault from the ground up, pinning their opponents between the two elements. Extensive use of grappling hook launchers mounted underbarrel on their hellguns further help in three-dimensional mobility. Combined with their renowned speed in CQB shooting and penchant for grenades, it makes them excellent close combat troops despite rarely carrying melee weapons bigger than a knife.

Although most often seen in action against genestealers or Xenos-sympathizers, they have a special hatred for the Hrud owing to an incident where the company took heavy casualties from the Xenos vermin while storming a Juunlak. Despite they, they managed to push through the casualties and overwhelm the position. Since then, they have heavily refined their anti-Hrud tactics, drawing on all available data from the Ordo Xenos on the aliens which have been put to good use in subsequent encounters.
I've decided to get into this and rolled a unit of Stormtroopers, so they could be connected in some way?

Type: 8-Inquisitorial Stormtroopers.
Training world: 77-Urban
Specialization: 2-Airborne
Special Tactics: 47-Shock Troopers
Special Equipment: 98-Terrain Specialized equipment
Officers: 1-Tempustus Prime/Stormtrooper officers
Company Size: 6-Medium sized, 250-400 troopers.
Company Renown: 2-Unknown.
Company demeanour: 73-Stubborn.
Company friends: 66-Imperial Guard(nominate unit)
Company enemies: 98-Other Xenos
Other Xenos: 16- Hrud.

Blue Company is an Inquisitorial Stormtrooper unit, often assigned to support Ordo Xenos operations or provide a specialized support to Imperial Guardin the Sanguis Vitam.

Their tactics and training focus on fast, aggressive breaching operations in built-up areas, often deploying kill-teams from Valkyries to clear buildings from the top down while supporting guard or PDF units assault from the ground up, pinning their opponents between the two elements. Extensive use of grappling hook launchers mounted underbarrel on their hellguns further help in three-dimensional mobility. Combined with their renowned speed in CQB shooting and penchant for grenades, it makes them excellent close combat troops despite rarely carrying melee weapons bigger than a knife.

Although most often seen in action against genestealers or Xenos-sympathizers, they have a special hatred for the Hrud owing to an incident where the company took heavy casualties from the Xenos vermin while storming a Juunlak. Despite they, they managed to push through the casualties and overwhelm the position. Since then, they have heavily refined their anti-Hrud tactics, drawing on all available data from the Ordo Xenos on the aliens which have been put to good use in subsequent encounters.
No they wouldn't be connected, my Inquisitor never rolled Personal Army while rolling for Resources. Still an interesting regiment though.
Alright, I'm gonna roll me up an IG Regiment.

Origin: 2: Imperial Guard: A true regiment, drilled and competent in their service.
Demographics: 43: Abhumans: Ratlings, Ogryn, and other such useful creatures.
Recruitment: 6: Standard
Homeworld: 44: Death World: For these people, life was a war before they could speak.
Terrain: 100: Agriworld: Sturdy, hard-working types, glad to be off the farm.
Regimental Tactical: 93: Siege
Giving them a free Abhuman in addition due to demographics
Specialization: 3: Stealth Warfare
Loyalty: 8: Unorthodox
Special Gear: 91: Modified weaponry
Creed: 34: For The Homeworld!
Friends: 29: Adeptus Astartes
Enemy: 2: 85: Inquisition

So, deathworld abhuman farmers that noone is particularly fond of and whom the Inquisition wants dead.

Name: The Hzadlsklad 1st
Moniker: Oh sweet Emperor no, they're back again

According to Inquisitorial records*, the world of Hzadlsklad was discovered in the late 36th millennium by a long forgotten** Rogue Trader dynasty. These records include orders quarantining Subsector Sanguis Horribilis.
The planet was officially contacted and brought into the imperial fold some time in the early 40th millennium, apparently by accident. Less than a decade later the planet's first tithe of foodstuffs and Imperial Guard reported for duty. The planet was promptly scheduled for Exterminatus, which was carried out before the year was done.
When the time for the next tithe came due the planet's full complement of soldiers and foodstuffs arrived.
This cycle apparently repeated at least two more times before the Inquisition gave up in disgust. After several centuries the Administratum determined that it would be more efficient in terms of manpower and materials to deploy the regiment rather than execute it. Since then the regiment has been immediately deployed on whatever suicide mission could be found or manufactured when they arrive for the tithe.
Despite the regiment never having survived long enough for there to be a Hzadlsklad 2nd, each iteration of the Hzladlsklad 1st has been similar enough to their predecessors that they have been recorded as a single, continuous regiment.

Abhumans: It is difficult to determine the most unsettling features of the hzaldkalder are. Perhaps it is their large, luminescent eyes. Perhaps it is their far too wide smiles that never seem to leave their faces. Perhaps it is their elongated arms and grotesquely long*** and dexterous fingers****.
Equipment: Hzaldsklad gear***** is heavily modified with various hooks, blades and other attachments that the hzaldkladers refer to as "farming aides". Whatever their original purpose, these attachments have proven highly effective tools for a variety of clandestine operations.
Tactics: The Hzadlsklad 1st has proven disturbingly effective at offensive siege warfare; they are highly skilled at infiltrating enemy fortifications and stealthily eliminating defenders. Worryingly, the aftermath of some Hzadlsklad operations show distinct signs Space Marine intervention. No chapter, be they loyalist or renegade, has been found willing to admit to deploying beside the Hzadlsklad.

*Cross referencing Administratum, Ecclisiarchy, Munitorum and Inquisitorial records.
**There has been some suggestion that the dynasty chose to disband and destroy all records of themselves in order to purchase distance from their discovery.
***The index finger of the average hzadlsklad ranges from 20 to 25cm.
****They can touch their fingertips to the backs of their proximal interphalangeal joint.
*****The Inquisition has been unable to identify who supplies them with their equipment; Hzadlsklad itself does not possess the industrial capacity to produce it locally.
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Sanguis Vitam Sector Factions
The numbers of the sector's defenders at first appear to dwarf the assailants so greatly that the latter must surely fall.
Then it comes to light that the loyalists are mostly crazy people with crazy doctrines, constantly at each-other's throats, while most of the enemies are rather sane by comparison, and in league with one-another at that.
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The numbers of the sector's defenders at first appear to dwarf the assailants so greatly that the latter must surely fall.
Then it comes to light that the loyalists are mostly crazy people with crazy doctrines, constantly at each-other's throats, while most of the enemies are rather sane by comparison, and in league with one-another at that.

On the other hand, the opposition are really fucking big deals, and have made significant headroads into subverting the sector, so there's a real risk even if they weren't all nutters. I mean, two flipping craftworlds? A hive fleet? A full-fledged necron dynasty? God knows how in the hell the Tau got all the way out here, but those poor bastards are probably trying their best to hunker down.
On the other hand, the opposition are really fucking big deals, and have made significant headroads into subverting the sector, so there's a real risk even if they weren't all nutters. I mean, two flipping craftworlds? A hive fleet? A full-fledged necron dynasty? God knows how in the hell the Tau got all the way out here, but those poor bastards are probably trying their best to hunker down.
"Despite initial appearances, the loyalists are actually fucked" was the entire message I was trying to get across.