Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

[X] Soldier. When your unit was eliminated by a hungry oni, it was a lucky grenade and desperation that saved you. You have a good history of service and have demonstrated adequate leadership to be granted Director status. +1 Military action.

[X] Man

[X] Shijima Daichi

Eh sticking to the original.
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[X] Man
[X] Clerk
[X] Urahara Kisuke

Why clerk: we're not gonna be fighting, I hope. We're not gonna do that much political maneuvering. We're gonna be managing ops all around though. Keyword managing.
Spy=Fun but I do t feel like it =P
Scientist=Useless in our position. Or at lap east not as useful as a clerk.

It's Japan people. It is a tradionalist country, somewhat. Being a chick could probably fly if we had a background in the military. In my option we don't do I'm going with the Y chromosome.
That said: I so hate it when people starting voting in chargen with images. It usually ends up with all the other bandwagoning without a second thought. She is cute though. *sighs*)

Edit: protip for the QM: a nice vote formate goes like this
[X] Vote Name in five words or less
-[X] Vote fluff stuff in as many words as you deign.

This makes it easier for people to vote from iPads and mobiles. Much more easier. And it saves the confusion with the vote counter. :D
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An onmyōji is a Shinto priest wha practices a type of divine magic that is mainly used for divination and banishing/keeping away evil spirits. Essentially an exorcist, for your purposes.
This magic is Onmyōdō.
Sounds badass.
Have you always had interests in japanese folklore or did you have to brush up specially for the quest?

Edit: I wrote a """pro""" tip for you some posts above this one. In the future would you mind following it? It'd make it so easier to vote :ogles:
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Sounds badass.
Have you always had interests in japanese folklore or did you have to brush up specially for the quest?

Edit: I wrote a """pro""" tip for you some posts above this one. In the future would you mind following it? It'd make it so easier to vote :ogles:
I knew some basics, but all the detailed bits I'm still missing some of them. For instance, I still know little about local dieties, but I know a crap ton about youkai. My journey continues on.

And yeah, I saw that. I actually wrote this update on my phone, so I feel your pain. My suggestion is to highlight, and copy paste the name. While I can see how it would be easier for mobile, it's also a bit confusing from a voting aspect, IMO. Anyway, you shouldn't have any more problems like that since we're getting into turns now. Hope this helped.
[X] Priest. As someone who had spent their entire life training to fight the monsters in the dark, you were ecstatic at hearing that such an Agency was being formed. The only better news was that they had chosen you to manage it. +1 Piety action.

[X] Woman

[X] Renko Kochika
I knew some basics, but all the detailed bits I'm still missing some of them. For instance, I still know little about local dieties, but I know a crap ton about youkai. My journey continues on.

And yeah, I saw that. I actually wrote this update on my phone, so I feel your pain. My suggestion is to highlight, and copy paste the name. While I can see how it would be easier for mobile, it's also a bit confusing from a voting aspect, IMO. Anyway, you shouldn't have any more problems like that since we're getting into turns now. Hope this helped.
Yeah, turns is when it gets worse. Specially if there's more than one choice in a given turn. It goes like this:
1) Select the desire text and press copy.
2) Paste on text editor. Press the save draft button.
3) Reload the page so you can select further texts to copy.
Go 1-2-3 for every choice that has to be done in this turn.
Whereas if the choices were in the format I proposed you just have to scroll the screen, memorize them one/two at a time by their titles and type them. The vote counter doesn't get bogged down by stupid people making votes in different ways (nobody is gonna vote wrong when it's only five words per vote) and the fluff gets stablished just as well. Which is very important. Fluff is th Elmore enjoyable aspect of questing.
That's how I see the issue at least.
Yeah, turns is when it gets worse. Specially if there's more than one choice in a given turn. It goes like this:
1) Select the desire text and press copy.
2) Paste on text editor. Press the save draft button.
3) Reload the page so you can select further texts to copy.
Go 1-2-3 for every choice that has to be done in this turn.
Whereas if the choices were in the format I proposed you just have to scroll the screen, memorize them one/two at a time by their titles and type them. The vote counter doesn't get bogged down by stupid people making votes in different ways (nobody is gonna vote wrong when it's only five words per vote) and the fluff gets stablished just as well. Which is very important. Fluff is th Elmore enjoyable aspect of questing.
That's how I see the issue at least.
I copy and paste the page's URL into a separate tab of my mobile browser. That gives me one tab containing all the options and another tab containing the text editor.
[X] Soldier
[X] Woman
[X] Reiko Kuribayashi

I prefer female protags, but I do want the Soldier background.
[X] Priest. As someone who had spent their entire life training to fight the monsters in the dark, you were ecstatic at hearing that such an Agency was being formed. The only better news was that they had chosen you to manage it. +1 Piety action.

[X] Woman

[X] Renko Kochika

Piety and Diplomacy are probably going to be the most important actions early on.
Which mobile OS and browser?

That might be an inherent "feature" of some browsers or it could be caused by maxing out your phone's RAM. I know it works fine for me on the Android version of Firefox.
Safari, iPad. No big deal, I'm pestering the QM but I already have a functional system. I find someone with the vote I'd vote and go like
[X] Person With My Vote
Bam. The vote counter is divine.

Edit: I didn't try you ur suggested solution on my phone though. No idea if it would work or not. I tend to avoid voting from there like the plague.
Yeah, turns is when it gets worse. Specially if there's more than one choice in a given turn. It goes like this:
1) Select the desire text and press copy.
2) Paste on text editor. Press the save draft button.
3) Reload the page so you can select further texts to copy.
Go 1-2-3 for every choice that has to be done in this turn.
Whereas if the choices were in the format I proposed you just have to scroll the screen, memorize them one/two at a time by their titles and type them. The vote counter doesn't get bogged down by stupid people making votes in different ways (nobody is gonna vote wrong when it's only five words per vote) and the fluff gets stablished just as well. Which is very important. Fluff is th Elmore enjoyable aspect of questing.
That's how I see the issue at least.
I mentioned it earlier, but i'm going to use surveys for turns. So no need to fear that. Why? Because the holy hell of that many options in a vote count would drive me fucking insane.