Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

Did a tally since it's looking close. So far the lead goes to Plan NO GUTS NO GLORY, as authored by the mental equivalent of a very homicidal teenager.
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Turtle Up: Integra wants to make sure that her foothold in the city stays hers, and you can't blame her. A home base would be crucial to staying safe and reducing damage to your forces until you are in a good position to strike. Still, this maximizes possible civilian casualties.
No. of votes: 5
veekie, Shador, defenestrator, Artemis1992, Arkatekt

[X] All Guns Pointed Forward: The best way to save lives is to end the conflict, preferably with huge amounts of violence. Miyako recommends a forward charge with all forces, leading up to a nearby airfield, from which an aerial strike could take down the zeppelins, and destroy their bombing capabilities. Easily the most risky, for obvious reasons, but with the most potential benefits if it works.
No. of votes: 12
Omegahugger, Slayer Anderson, Theunderbolt, Ars Poetica, Iandude0, yert, Khepri14, GardenerBriareus, Guessmyname, Redshirt Army, Highwind, Hydroplatypus

[X] Hit and Run: Groups of fighters making their way through the city could reasonably do a lot of damage, and help save civilians and disrupt the enemy. A lot of your units, such as your swordsmen, are well suited to the work, and people like Akuma and Miyako leading the groups would surely lead to even greater success. Still, it leaves Hellsing Manor quite vulnerable.
No. of votes: 9
Spectrum, Asmodemus, Ando Owen, Xantalos, durin, Sinsystems, Imaflatsquid, rikalous, Night_stalker

[x] Nuclear Option: Attempt to persuade Integra to give the city over to Kagutsuchi. Let London Burn.
No. of votes: 1
Did a tally since it's looking close. So far the lead goes to Plan NO GUTS NO GLORY, as authored by the mental equivalent of a very homicidal teenager.
While the source of the plan is questionable, I don't think we'll be able to strike back at the major's forces while the Zepplins still stand pre-Alucard's arrival - if he arrives at all. Another terrible roll against the Aztec god could very well see him at the bottom of the ocean, not arriving until the fight's essentially over. They simply provide him too much ability to coordinate his forces and crush us.

It may not be an exceptionally good idea, but we cannot afford to cede the initiative to the major by turtling, and waiting for a vampire who might very well not show up. However while the major has communications he can coordinate his forces better than we can, and use air support to make our attack team's lives hell if we try hit and run. I'm seeing the zeppelins as the only viable option at the moment.
[X] All Guns Pointed Forward: The best way to save lives is to end the conflict, preferably with huge amounts of violence. Miyako recommends a forward charge with all forces, leading up to a nearby airfield, from which an aerial strike could take down the zeppelins, and destroy their bombing capabilities. Easily the most risky, for obvious reasons, but with the most potential benefits if it works.

To quote our allies: "Who dares, wins."
[X] All Guns Pointed Forward: The best way to save lives is to end the conflict, preferably with huge amounts of violence. Miyako recommends a forward charge with all forces, leading up to a nearby airfield, from which an aerial strike could take down the zeppelins, and destroy their bombing capabilities. Easily the most risky, for obvious reasons, but with the most potential benefits if it works.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for my arm is a purifying fuck off laser.

We are Kōan 9-ka, and we will purify these Nazi bastards.
What about a combo of the hit and run and the head cap strike? Namely that we make a full bore assault on the air field, load up our elites with some Geese back up to hit the blimps and while they're doing that the mid tier heroes and majority of the Geese split up into hit teams that find and gather up the surviving soldiers/cops while cutting up the ground troops? This keeps them from coming down on all our troops at once on the blimps or the airfield and lets the lower powered units we have run interference during our head cap/ anti-air assault while gathering up some more troops and fire power to fight the chaff with as our mid tier guys protect them from the lower ranking vamps.

After this is done I say we should point to the Geese as to why having some mercs on hand for the warm body's is a good idea and get the Sekhmet's Slaughterers or The Raven Company, or even both, and use them as fire fighters to put out trouble spots as our units hold down the fort. If we had The Raven Company in our pay and on the field right now for example that 100 wolf riders armed with spec op level weaponry if we took the deal to arm them would have been great scrimmagers for the hit and run stuff as the Geese took the air field.
[X] Hit and Run: Groups of fighters making their way through the city could reasonably do a lot of damage, and help save civilians and disrupt the enemy. A lot of your units, such as your swordsmen, are well suited to the work, and people like Akuma and Miyako leading the groups would surely lead to even greater success. Still, it leaves Hellsing Manor quite vulnerable.
[X] Hit and Run:

As to be blunt, goes on offence without too much risk or baiting luck salvation too much, while avoiding the danger Turtling can give on casualty rates.
Battle of London Interlude: Peace Dies By The Sword
Your name is Yanagawa. You are a master of the blade, and you wield a blade of magic, blessed by the kami and a tool of divine justice. Your blade is one of the old tales, where heroes would slaughter evil spirits and save princesses and have shrines built in their names. You protect people, defend them when they are weak, stand up for them when they are small, and fight for them when they cannot see the enemy.

You are not afraid.

You have cut down everything from the most annoying of mischievous yokai, to the most inhuman of creatures and horrors. You have seen children being eaten alive, and monsters slaughter innocents for nothing but their own misbegotten entertainment and hatred. This you have witnessed, and more. You are level headed and calm, but hatred for that which stalks the night simmers through your bones like a low fire. In the cold of this world, that spite and hatred keeps you warm.

You do not falter.

Still, through all the years under which you have served Renko-sama, you do not believe that you have ever met a creature that seemed more impure. The vampires were not impure, but this creature can only be defined as such. It was as if someone had taken a masterpiece and covered it in spray paint, or chipped and cracked away at its perfect surface. It was an underlying sense that this creature was wrong and impure where it was once correct and untainted.

You hold your sword in a defensive position for a few moments, as the sound of the car fades away. At the very least, Renko-sama is in no danger from this creature. It will not pursue her while you are locked in combat with it. A part of you can even respect that, akin to a warrior holding to an oath. In the end, the bodhisattva makes the first move.

Bodhisattva: 26 Vs. Yanagawa: 29

It speeds forward, and you barely dodge out of the way as the melted swords swings past your face and splatters molten hot wax everywhere. It barely damages your clothes and doesn't touch the skin at all, but you dance out of its range regardless. As you shift to slide away, your sword cuts through the air with barely a conscious thought. The bodhisattva slides through the air to avoid it, letting it graze a small cut onto the area where its cheek should be. There's a silent mental screech as the monster spirals away, but you ignore the stabbing pain in your head as you turn to prepare for the next clash.

Bodhisattva: 48 Vs. Yanagawa: 44

It became obvious very quickly as to what the main problem was. The monster had yet to even use the dying flower in his hand, which was obviously some sort of magic weapon. No, instead, you had the honor of dealing with an opponent whose movements could not be read. No footwork, or facial reactions, even the sword he lazily held in one hand gave no clues until it was already striking away.

If you were just a swordsman, he would likely already be struggling or dead. As it was, he barely deflected the incoming swipes of the wax sword with the aid of his magical blade, as the exchanges became more and more frenzies as both you and your combatant fell into a rhythm of movement. Even still, you knew that you were losing this exchange, your defensive style flagging before the unrelenting swipes of the statuesque spirit.

Instead, you launch into a blistering series of slashes aimed at the wrists of the monster. At risk of losing its main lanes of attack, the creature backed off, leaving you breathing heavily from where you had exerted yourself. Outpacing this thing was a challenge in and of itself, and even now you could see how the sword had taken its toll on your weapon.

Your beautiful katana was covered in the quickly hardening wax, dulling the edge and increasing the weight. Even now, you could see how your sword glowed and peeled the substance off, but it was slow going. You fixed your gaze upon the opposing sword as you waited for him to capitalize on your dulled blade.

Tou your confusion, he did not, instead opting to float silently as the wax shed off of your sword. You stared at it in confusion as it waited. Slowly, you give it a small bow of acknowledgement, and watch as it returns the gesture. Apparently, it had some form of twisted honor. Or it was playing with you, attempting to make the game longer. It would come to regret not taking its chance, when it comes to it.

Bodhisattva: 8 Vs. Yanagawa: 98

The creature was playing with you, but you weren't in any mood to be toyed with. This abomination would die, and Justice would be enacted upon it. The last of gunk came clear of your sword, and the dying lotus in its hand was raised to point in your direction. You barely have time to tense as a wind funnel of black wind, about six feet in diameter, comes bursting from the withered plant. Under any other circumstances you would sidestep the attack, but you knew that you have to end this soon. He would not tire, whereas you were already losing breath. It had to be now, or else.

With this in mind, you run straight at the windstorm, and slide into a limbo stance just moments before you would meet it. The magical wind rushed just centimeters above the tip of your nose as you slid, momentum carrying you onward. And then, you didn't stop sliding as you felt your sword, dragging behind you, push you onwards, like a weak but magical jet engine. As the wind tapered off, you spun yourself on your knees into a kneeling position just in front of the creature. You execute a perfect quick draw as the blade arcs up, and cleanly lops the monster's lotus hand from its body.

An unholy screech erupts from the thing as it attempts to spiral away from you, but you give it no quarter. You slash away at the creature as you run to keep in swinging distance of it, scoring deep cuts into its torso, and leaving its handless arm almost severed after the attack. The flesh of the thing, despite its statuesque appearance, parts just like that of a human beneath your blade, though no blood or viscera results from its injuries. You suppress a small predatory smile at the state of the monster, but you manage to restrain from indulging in order to assess the bodhisattva's next move. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see pieces of brick and other materials crumble to dust. You shudder to think of what could have occurred had you not removed the dying lotus from play.

The statue on the other hand, was twitching with rage. You could see through the slashes on its chest into its ribcage, where a golden heart wrapped in thorns beat a frantic rhythm. Wax splattered on the pavement as the sword twitched in its hand and the blank and vandalized head rotated in anger as a general feeling of a glare settled on your shoulders. The mental effect it had on you was unsettling, but it didn't seem to be influencing you with any significance. Not like Denbe had on those around everyone else. Though if he had any hand in this creature attacking Director Renko, your blade would take his head from his shoulders like any other. At the very least, you would try.

Bodhisattva: 90 Vs. Yanagawa: 50

A full minute passes before either of you move from your position, when the bodhisattva rushed forward atop its bloody animal hide, raising the sword for another violent exchange. With your breath back after the strange lull in fighting, you match its unearthly speed with the reflexes lent to you by your sword. You believe that this is what the fight will come to at first, a series of exchanges until you manage to surprise it again or it outlasts with its inhuman physique. But then a small projectile flies past your cheek and the entire fight flips on its head against you.

You can see from where the creature had been, pieces of sharpened wax flying from where it had fallen off its sword. From every direction, pieces of wax flew at your eyes and vulnerable points as you barely managed to block both the projectiles and the sword itself. This explained why it had allowed that lull for you to gain your breath, since the actually deadly pieces of wax was coming from where it had splattered the wax in anger. It had planned an ambush against you, and at this rate, it was going to work.

That moment comes when you slice a wax projectile out of the air in front of your eyes, and are too late to back out of the way of a downward slash by the bodhisattva. Its wax sword scores a direct hit on your right leg, cutting a burning path of pain above your knee. From the cut, a wave of wax spreads, all over your leg and hardening rapidly. By the time you've reacted, it has locked your leg in a wax cast, leaving your knee half bent in a facsimile of movement. You stagger on your feet as the monster lifts its sword above its head. With your mobility cut, you have to end this now, or there was no hope of finishing this fight.

Bodhisattva: 36 Vs. Yanagawa: 81

You surge forward with your other leg, slamming your shoulder into its exposed heart, where the thorns dig painfully into the vital organ. The bodhisattva lets out another ethereal scream as it attempts to clutch its chest in pain. Above it, the sword is held loose in its grip as the weapon is forgotten, and you take advantage of that, slicing up with your sword held in both hands. It cuts up the monster's palm, but more importantly, it knocks the sword out of its hand to go flying across the intersection you had done battle in. Deprived of its last weapon, and reeling from being struck at its weakest point, it could do little as you raised your sword to deal the killing blow.

One Last Surprise: 86

Then you were sent flying backwards as a hulking force slammed into your midsection. As your back hit the street, you knew that you had broken at least a couple of ribs in your crash. It hurt like an absolute bitch, but you still had your sword in your hand, so that was reassuring. Then a giant paw slammed into your sword hand, and you barely stifled the cry of pain. Mercifully, it was just holding your hand down rather than crushing the bones in your hand. Still, that didn't prevent the near heart attack when you looked up at your aggressor.

It was a lion at least as big as a horse and three times as muscled. It was also absolutely covered in blood, the fluid so mixed in with the fur that you could barely find any of the original blue color within the matted fur hide. Iron nails were hammered in its eyes, ears and joints, chains connecting those nails to what looked like the bottom of the feet of the bodhisattva. This must be the unleashed form of the blood-slicked hide he had been riding on. Even now the corrupt bodhisattva was attempting to pitifully crawl to its sword, with little in the way of success. It appeared that without the hide to ride upon, it had little physical power.

The lion roared in your face, revealing a mouth of broken, crooked and chipped fangs in a vocalization of pure pain and sorrow rather than violence or rage. Even if you had your sword primed to kill this beast, you're not sure if the Justice in the blade would allow you to kill the tortured animal. It seemed just as much a victim of the monster's as anyone the bodhisattva might have killed so far. Or perhaps killing would be a mercy to this creature. Still, you struggled to get yourself into a position where you could maybe kick the lion in the jaw with your free foot, to perhaps stun it and get free, but it was already raising a nailed paw to smash your head in. Instead, you prepared to surge close and try to smash its jugular with your elbow, delay your death asking as you can.

The Call Of The Sword: 93

Yumie: 77 Vs. The Tortured Lion: 5

In a flash of purple, the top of a katana emerged from the throat of the massive animal. The paw stopped in confusion as it loosened the pressure on your sword hand. As it staggered in shock, you backpedaled as quickly as you could to get out from under the stumbling beast. As it slumped to rest on its chest and tried to breathe through a wet gurgle while its throat filled with blood, you looked up to see the spectacled nun resting on her sword atop the lion's back. As it struggled for air through its wound, she pulled the sword out to slide off and pet its head.

"Pass into the grace of God, and may you find rest in Heaven." There was a wracking shudder as the traumatized animal dies, and the nun seems to be bowed in prayer for a few moments. But you have no time for that, instead searching until you see the bodhisattva still crawling for its sword. Pushing through the pain of your broken your ribs, you totter into your feet despite the wax cast over your right leg, and stumble forward as you balance on your stiff leg. You make it to the scrabbling idol in moments, and with a kick you send it onto its back, where it tries to flip itself back to protect the vulnerable heart. You stomp on its shoulder with your free leg and waste no time to gloat or savor your victory, instead stabbing your sword straight into its blighted hear, finally delivering pure, deserved Justice. As the monster seized, then falls still, you relax and rest all your weight onto the sword to try to recover where you stand.

You can only watch as the thorns retreat from the pierced heart, the dark veins in the creature's golden skin disappearing with them. You watch as the lotus held in the severed hand blooms into life, while the wax melts away to reveal a brilliant and flaming sword. The blood stains from the lion's fur to reveal a regal blue hide, with the nails fading away to nothing, where the animal seems to become whole again. The face of the bodhisattva also seems to generate, turning from a chipped away mess into one of the most serene faces that you had ever seen. Slowly, you watch in a reverie as the lion and the bodhisattva breaks apart into divine and golden fragments and fades into nothing. This is interrupted by the sound of a sword tapping against the pavement behind you.

"Listen here, you heathen fuckwit. For some reason, I felt a pull to be here. Either this was a sign from God, and your life has some token significance more than it is serving your falsified idols, or you've worked some disgusting witchcraft upon me and I will be striking you down where you stand. You better justify yourself fast, you heretical piece of scum." Behind you is the nun you had challenged to a duel, the one named Yumiko, pointing her sword at the ground in your direction with her glasses noticeably missing. Oh, and speaking complete babble because you could barely speak English. The only words you knew was hello, sorry, how to find the bathroom, and how to say that you didn't speak English. Speaking of which…

"I speak no English." Yumiko blinked at you for a moment, before shaking her head frantically.

"Oh no no no. I did not save some heathen swordsman from a giant fucking blood lion to be stopped by a fucking language gap. I don't speak Japanese, you asshole! I was raised in fucking Italy! And now I have a possible mission from God himself, and my only clue doesn't. Speak. Fucking. English! Damn it all to hell, shit!" You watch her kick at the ground in anger for a few moments before shrugging and moving on. The wax had broken apart when you had killed the bodhisattva, so your leg was free to walk. You clutched your injured ribs as you walked in the general direction Director Renko had gone. It was best to meet up with her as soon as possible if you were going to catch up after all.

"Hold up shithead! Where the fuck do you think you're going?!" Yumiko had run up alongside you and was now shouting more in her gibberish language, but her wild gesticulations made it clear she was confused. Confused and angry. Although angry seemed to be a strange default for her, either way.

"Director Renko." You figured she would recognize the name if not the language, and the rapidly rising amount of red in her face testified to that.

"Oh, I get it, running back to the master like a good pagan lapdog, I see! Well fuck you! I didn't split from Heinkel's unit just to put up with your vague and foreign bullshit! Fuck. You!" You let her rant as she walks alongside you for a few minutes, but eventually, the pain in your ribs hits a boiling point and you sink to one knee as you grasp them and gasp in air. Yumiko grumbles, but after you try and fail to resume a normal pace, she begrudgingly throws one of your arms around her shoulders to help keep the weight off of your ribs. Sensing it may backfire, you restrain yourself from thanking her. Together, you continue onwards.

AN: Wrote this while voting was happening. Figured it should tide you all over while I write the update. Voting closes in three hours.

Oh, and the bodhisattva I used for this was Manjushri, in case anybody is curious enough to google the name.
"I speak no English." Yumiko blinked at you for a moment, before shaking her head frantically.

"Oh no no no. I did not save some heathen swordsman from a giant fucking blood lion to be stopped by a fucking language gap. I don't speak Japanese, you asshole! I was raised in fucking Italy! And now I have a possible mission from God himself, and my only clue doesn't. Speak. Fucking. English! Damn it all to hell, shit!"
Oh god, this is going to be good.
You can only watch as the thorns retreat from the pierced heart, the dark veins in the creature's golden skin disappearing with them. You watch as the lotus held in the severed hand blooms into life, while the wax melts away to reveal a brilliant and flaming sword. The blood stains from the lion's fur to reveal a regal blue hide, with the nails fading away to nothing, where the animal seems to become whole again. The face of the bodhisattva also seems to generate, turning from a chipped away mess into one of the most serene faces that you had ever seen. Slowly, you watch in a reverie as the lion and the bodhisattva breaks apart into divine and golden fragments and fades into nothing. This is interrupted by the sound of a sword tapping against the pavement behind you.
Huh, looks like the Sword of Honor killed only the corruption?
HAHA! That is our boy! Your getting somekind of reward for this Yanagawa I swear to the Kami you are.....or Buddha....whichever will give you the best shiny.
Given past events, I'd lean towards the latter.

Either way, at least he's still alive. If he can get healed up a bit that's one more unit that can help out, two if Yumie decides that killing Millenium fuckwits is as good as killing pagans.
Oh great, Anderson is going to go Biblical.

As for Yumie.... Odds are she'll be all for killing Nazi vampires, if nothing else, when else do you get a chance to do that? I mean, really....
"Oh no no no. I did not save some heathen swordsman from a giant fucking blood lion to be stopped by a fucking language gap. I don't speak Japanese, you asshole! I was raised in fucking Italy! And now I have a possible mission from God himself, and my only clue doesn't. Speak. Fucking. English! Damn it all to hell, shit!"


Yumiko grumbles, but after you try and fail to resume a normal pace, she begrudgingly throws one of your arms around her shoulders to help keep the weight off of your ribs.

You know....I'm really curious. Where in the hell did they grab a Budivista and how did they corrupt it like that? I mean....those Thorns? Really giving me flashbacks to when Anderson went all Helen's Nail, which can mean nothing good in this situation if my suspicions are correct, after all....Jesus was crucified with more then one nail, and holy items becoming corrupted and abused is nothing new.
You know....I'm really curious. Where in the hell did they grab a Budivista and how did they corrupt it like that? I mean....those Thorns? Really giving me flashbacks to when Anderson went all Helen's Nail, which can mean nothing good in this situation if my suspicions are correct, after all....Jesus was crucified with more then one nail, and holy items becoming corrupted and abused is nothing new.
Turns out Nazi's delight in doing horrible, blasphemous, unspeakably evil acts for shits and giggles.
We do still have the Bone Mecha here right? I'm looking forward to seeing reactions when we deploy Heavy Metal Skull Gundam in the middle of London.

That aside i really hope we have some way of getting Yanagawa back into the fight, he'd be pretty useful against the bitch with the scythe as his sword will probably help protect him from her illusion bullshit.