Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

the diminished god of fire. Yes if he gets away and burns down a city we are all propper fucked, but if we don't let him do that he's not much stronger than there typical monsters.
He's already gotten away; by the time we even reach the manor, Nazi Firelord is going to have had plenty of time to go about spreading the flames and feeding on them - he'll draw power from the inferno same as Kagutsuchi. We've just mutilated the Japanese pantheon to technically include a German National Socialist!

Likewise, as nobody else seems to have noticed, all of the civilians we spent these last few updates trying to rescue? They've been burnt, eaten, shot, or otherwise violently removed from the lands of the living. Our entire campaign to try and make sure there would be something left to save once the Battle of London concluded have just taken a huge blow!
right now a good chunk of the city has burned, but not enough to power a vamp up into a full blown god. All this really changes is that if milleniums mad plan to burn london succeeds then they will be able to hit another 3 or 4 cites before being stopped. The cost of failure has increased, and our enemy has gotten stronger, but it is far from hopeless.
right now a good chunk of the city has burned, but not enough to power a vamp up into a full blown god. All this really changes is that if milleniums mad plan to burn london succeeds then they will be able to hit another 3 or 4 cites before being stopped. The cost of failure has increased, and our enemy has gotten stronger, but it is far from hopeless.
And the civilians who got slaughtered at the mansion? How about that? Because that seems like something that more than one person should be commenting on.
Actually I was wondering if those civilians survive only off screen so to speak since next update would be for us to control the actions at the manor which means Kagutsuchi is deceptive enough to the sheepish focus on himself and lacking details on everyone else.
There's hope. Honesty quite dismay at the civilian deaths, makes me wonder if its near equal to canon or worst.
Everyone but a few named characters died in canon. How could we do worse?! (besides getting those few named characters killed to, obviously)
Suddenly, a gateway to hell opens up right beneath us and this also turns into a DOOM 4 crossover. The demons proceed to fuck over literally everyone, and drag London into hell.

Rule Number 1: It can always be worse. ALWAYS.
You know, that would scare me a lot more had we not already seen an open portal into a underworld and had a nice conversation with the lady in charge.
Oh no, I fully expect there to be different underworlds, so this would be the one with Satan idly chewing on Judas Isacriot.

By the way Maxwell, why name your organisation and your top murderhobo after the guy who metaphorically backstabbed Jesus?
By the way Maxwell, why name your organisation and your top murderhobo after the guy who metaphorically backstabbed Jesus?

I think the name was chosen because the Vatican is aware of how uncatholic the actions of Iscariot tent to be. Or at least, that it was aware of this at the time the name was chosen, which was probably centuries to millenia ago. Entirely possible they've forgotten since then.
I think the name was chosen because the Vatican is aware of how uncatholic the actions of Iscariot tent to be. Or at least, that it was aware of this at the time the name was chosen, which was probably centuries to millenia ago. Entirely possible they've forgotten since then.
Nah, it's entirely intentional. They're basically the Grey Wardens of the Church, damning themselves so others can be safe.
Yeah, it's basically the department of necessary heresy. "We're sinners, but at least we'll be useful until our damnation".
And they hang themselves which is a sin so they can go to hell and kill more demons. Gotta salute their dedication.
He's already gotten away; by the time we even reach the manor, Nazi Firelord is going to have had plenty of time to go about spreading the flames and feeding on them - he'll draw power from the inferno same as Kagutsuchi. We've just mutilated the Japanese pantheon to technically include a German National Socialist!
Eh... It's a Millenium Member so, until we get more information, his degree of actual loyalty to the tenets of German National Socialism vs simply being a Blood Knight is up in the air.

In a pantheistic universe, I'm rather surprised that there wasn't a Nazi god already, they've become such a symbol.
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An Apology From The Author's Mouth
This, is not an update. Want to make that loud and clear here. I'm sorry if anyone thinks that it is, I despise false hope just as much as the next guy.

Christ. Looking back on it, this is something I've put a lot into. A lot of time, a lot of effort. And I love everything that you all following this quest have put into it. I'm grateful to each and every one of you. But let's be honest here. I hate to inject politics here, but the recent US election meant a lot to me. I've been following it since before I even started this quest, and now it's over and my faith in people, in my own neighbors and family, is shaken to its core. With that loss, I've decided to look at my own life, and be honest with myself about my flaws, and take real steps to fix them.

And I have come tot he conclusion that I've failed you as the creator of this Quest. I've done the same for pretty much every other one of my quests as well. Got a great idea, started it, and ultimately left it to die in the mud. That's not okay, and I regret that I let it get like this. Next month, maybe even before that, the "Battle of London" section of this quest will have lasted about an entire year. That is obviously not due to an abundance of content. And that's not because I'm going through hard times or anything, it's because I'm lazy and like to avoid my obligations.

In truth, I think I helped do this, besides my abysmal work ethic. There are aspects of this quest that I didn't need to include. Some bullshit that's essentially filler that won't go anywhere, my need to introduce comedic bull (A manga? What the hell was I thinking?) haphazard crap that I didn't research properly and threw in anyway, and my need to do too much whenever there was a bonus. Someone once asked if this was Abridged or canon Hellsing, and that stuck with me. Because I had introduced a lot of comedy aspects, or just had too much good happening. I feel like I watered down canon to try to appeal when I really didn't have to, and I'm sorry. I turned this into something I couldn't enjoy. I didn't nail down who my characters really were, and I think they suffered for it.

But regardless of all that pessimistic crap, you all enjoyed this quest. You all stuck through it. You called me out when I did something particularly egregious (Like that weird ass soul math crap, or the part where I accidentally made Kochika a complete Right Wing loon on foreign policy who hated America) and I have nothing but praise for what you all contributed. I started this quest, but you all made it.

Anyway, this is really long now, and I don't want to bore you guys with my introspective ramblings. I'm finishing this quest. Slowly, but I'm going to do it. I'm going to finish the Battle of London once I pick myself up from where I've fallen and, if you all want it, I'm going to write an epilogue. A meaningful one. But this has been a long and painful process, and I don't want to drag this out into a husk of what it once was. If you all would prefer for me to just put it down now and make it official, skip the battle and address the results in the epilogue, or run the full gauntlet, just let me know. Thank you all for everything. It has meant the world to me.
I would enjoy just the epilogue, though are you thinking of doing another quest after this, and if so can we suggest ideas?
I'd really like to finish this battle first. I do want to see us kick Nazi ass.

But I'd be fine with just an epilogue, if you don't feel up to it.
Ehh, to be honest, I enjoyed most of the content, even the humour, especially the humour.

Any would be fine, though I prefer If you decide this, when you are in clear state of mind, like late december when we see whether nuclear war happen or not.

But just my humble opinion.
Anyway, this is really long now, and I don't want to bore you guys with my introspective ramblings. I'm finishing this quest. Slowly, but I'm going to do it. I'm going to finish the Battle of London once I pick myself up from where I've fallen and, if you all want it, I'm going to write an epilogue. A meaningful one. But this has been a long and painful process, and I don't want to drag this out into a husk of what it once was. If you all would prefer for me to just put it down now and make it official, skip the battle and address the results in the epilogue, or run the full gauntlet, just let me know. Thank you all for everything. It has meant the world to me.
[X]full gauntlet

You write good shit, not perfect. Thats cool.

So far I have had a fairly fun time reading it.

The silly shit made me laugh and the serious shit had me thinking, Hellsing had some pretty silly and over the top shit in there.

All in all it felt like a tad cheerier version of Hellsing, the same series that features a Nazi hunting Dracula who genderbent for shits and giggles.
Damn. Figured this would happen. Still, I absolutely loved a lot of things about this quest and am sad to see it go(well, soon enough). I would love to finish the Battle, but would absolutely settle for the epilogue if you can't manage the Battle.

Still, for a formal vote: [X] Full Gauntlet