This, is not an update. Want to make that loud and clear here. I'm sorry if anyone thinks that it is, I despise false hope just as much as the next guy.
Christ. Looking back on it, this is something I've put a lot into. A lot of time, a lot of effort. And I love everything that you all following this quest have put into it. I'm grateful to each and every one of you. But let's be honest here. I hate to inject politics here, but the recent US election meant a lot to me. I've been following it since before I even started this quest, and now it's over and my faith in people, in my own neighbors and family, is shaken to its core. With that loss, I've decided to look at my own life, and be honest with myself about my flaws, and take real steps to fix them.
And I have come tot he conclusion that I've failed you as the creator of this Quest. I've done the same for pretty much every other one of my quests as well. Got a great idea, started it, and ultimately left it to die in the mud. That's not okay, and I regret that I let it get like this. Next month, maybe even before that, the "Battle of London" section of this quest will have lasted about an entire year. That is obviously not due to an abundance of content. And that's not because I'm going through hard times or anything, it's because I'm lazy and like to avoid my obligations.
In truth, I think I helped do this, besides my abysmal work ethic. There are aspects of this quest that I didn't need to include. Some bullshit that's essentially filler that won't go anywhere, my need to introduce comedic bull (A manga? What the hell was I thinking?) haphazard crap that I didn't research properly and threw in anyway, and my need to do too much whenever there was a bonus. Someone once asked if this was Abridged or canon Hellsing, and that stuck with me. Because I had introduced a lot of comedy aspects, or just had too much good happening. I feel like I watered down canon to try to appeal when I really didn't have to, and I'm sorry. I turned this into something I couldn't enjoy. I didn't nail down who my characters really were, and I think they suffered for it.
But regardless of all that pessimistic crap, you all enjoyed this quest. You all stuck through it. You called me out when I did something particularly egregious (Like that weird ass soul math crap, or the part where I accidentally made Kochika a complete Right Wing loon on foreign policy who hated America) and I have nothing but praise for what you all contributed. I started this quest, but you all made it.
Anyway, this is really long now, and I don't want to bore you guys with my introspective ramblings. I'm finishing this quest. Slowly, but I'm going to do it. I'm going to finish the Battle of London once I pick myself up from where I've fallen and, if you all want it, I'm going to write an epilogue. A meaningful one. But this has been a long and painful process, and I don't want to drag this out into a husk of what it once was. If you all would prefer for me to just put it down now and make it official, skip the battle and address the results in the epilogue, or run the full gauntlet, just let me know. Thank you all for everything. It has meant the world to me.