Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

[X] USA/Canada

For once I'd like to see modern military technology actually do shit.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[] USA/Canada.
No. of votes: 11
notmi, Chiperninerm, Tel Janin Aman, Kaioo, justinkal, ebolasos, Void Stalker, Cjdavis103, Neo-Chan, Derek58, Yamato

[] Japan.
No. of votes: 23
Sinsystems, rippleuser344, Omegahugger, Nervos Belli, ZeldaFan, Crowhunter, Ardion Prosili, erlking, Darkcloudt2, frostgiant, Fyrstorm, UberJJK, MHLord, Stormgear, Hadiz, Joshua, ReaperofInterest, Daecl, Reklaw, EricShin, Zaratustra, Lilithium, QuantumPuppy

[] South America.
No. of votes: 1

[] USA
No. of votes: 2
Murderhobo of Nod, NeverDies

[] Japan. A land full of history and mythology, spirits run rampant through these lands. Now, you've been tasked with corralling them in. Somehow, you think your work is cut out for you.
No. of votes: 1

Japan has a HUGE lead.
Yikes. Well, I won't call it yet, but i'll probably start writing the update. Next is Character Creation, and after that we can start Turns. Also, kinda sad to see no one wants South America. I read up on a lot of that stuff to boot.
South America would have been really cool, but compared to the better known pantheon in Japan and the love of money and bullets in north America, it didn't have much of a chance. Fighting Aztec gods would have been awesome though.
South America would have been really cool, but compared to the better known pantheon in Japan and the love of money and bullets in north America, it didn't have much of a chance. Fighting Aztec gods would have been awesome though.
Among others, yes. I feel I should mention though, not too many gods going on in this quest. A lot of what you'll deal with are nature spirits and the like. Don't expect to diplomance Amaterasu any time soon.
I was gonna pass by earlier and bandwagon everyone to South America by the way of my virtual Latino charm. Ended up taking a nap. Damn.
[X] South America

Its unlikely to make much of a difference, but I'll change my vote to South America. I only voted Japan so that we wouldn't get USA.
[X] South America

I feel really sad that so little people want to go SA. Though some probably voted for Japan so USA/Canada option wouldn't win...
Character Generation Two
You are exhausted. This has been a whirlwind of activity for you, as the "Land of five thousand Gods" turned out to be absolutely filled with youkai. It's not all bad. There is a fairly decent amount of holy creatures inhabiting your lands. The problem is convincing them to work with you. You have a good amount of highly trained operatives at your disposal, but you're fighting spirits here. Luckily, the Shinto and Buddhist priests in your country have a good history of exorcism, and are more than happy to help out.

Gained twenty Basic Agent Squads

Gained twenty onmyōji and twenty Buddhist monks.

You are a

[] Soldier. When your unit was eliminated by a hungry oni, it was a lucky grenade and desperation that saved you. You have a good history of service and have demonstrated adequate leadership to be granted Director status. +1 Military action.

[] Politician. A prodigy of the art of elections, you crawled to a point of importance where the truth of the spirit world was revealed to you. Now, you want to prove that politicians really do serve the people, and protect them from the monsters in the dark. +1 Diplomacy option

[] Clerk. A manager of some importance, you know how to manage an organization. You stumbled onto this conspiracy when you found the discrepancies in the budget that was used in its creation. Bringing this up, and a session with several priests, proclaimed you worthy of managing the organization. +1 Stewardship action.

[] Scientist. One day, a bevy of black suited men walked into your morgue with a body bag. You were then asked to dissect and analyze the specimen. Upon doing so, you realized that you were dissecting a youkai. Your enthusiasm and effectiveness convinced the founders to appoint you as the director. +1 Learning action.

[] Priest. As someone who had spent their entire life training to fight the monsters in the dark, you were ecstatic at hearing that such an Agency was being formed. The only better news was that they had chosen you to manage it. +1 Piety action.

[] Spy. During a case of nasty black ops, you learned some stuff you really shouldn't. Rather than having you killed quietly, the Japanese government put you in charge. Assholes. +1 Intrigue action.

Overall, your position was very high ranking for a

[] Man
[] Woman

In your mid-20's. Still, by your name and honor as

[] Write in name

You would see the work done.

AN: Only Japanese names, Japanese style, so family name first, then first name.
[X] Priest. As someone who had spent their entire life training to fight the monsters in the dark, you were ecstatic at hearing that such an Agency was being formed. The only better news was that they had chosen you to manage it. +1 Piety action.

[X] Woman

I'd give a name but I'm terrible when it comes to names.


[X] Renko Kochika
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