Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

On the other hand, she was visibly insecure about the kami being a lady, so we might actually be dealing with the mythological* straight female protagonist (or alternatively, the beginning of an old school Shoujo Girl's Love RomCom).

*Note: Not that rare in Dynasty style games

Hellsing was supposed to take place in "modern day" england. Given the OVA was published in 2006, I'll be using that as a reference point as I cannot find any IC mention of the date. We were stated to be about 10 years form hellsing, which puts us in the late 1990s at the current time.

Same-sex marriage is still not legal in Japan in 2015, and until 2009 Japan placed barrier upon Japanese nationals wanting to marry a partner of the same sex in other countries where it was legal. Given that we're not even into the 2000s yet, it stands to reason that there's a lot of cultural bias against homosexuality, so it might also just be cultural bias rather than an indication of sexual preference. TBH I don't think she would have made this list if we didn't have at least some attraction to females. If we were completely straight we would probably have shoved that one into the discard pile immediately, as both personal preference, Japan's laws, and ingrained cultural views would be against us. Bi seems more likely.

That being said, it would have been interesting to play a straight female for once.
Don't give up the fight just yet. While Nagare has a fairly solid lead, there are good arguments to make for Impisi and turnarounds have happened before in husbando wars like this.

Unles, of course, you prefer Terciero to Impisi, in which case I am sorry for your loss.
Same-sex marriage is still not legal in Japan in 2015, and until 2009 Japan placed barrier upon Japanese nationals wanting to marry a partner of the same sex in other countries where it was legal. Given that we're not even into the 2000s yet, it stands to reason that there's a lot of cultural bias against homosexuality, so it might also just be cultural bias rather than an indication of sexual preference. TBH I don't think she would have made this list if we didn't have at least some attraction to females. If we were completely straight we would probably have shoved that one into the discard pile immediately, as both personal preference, Japan's laws, and ingrained cultural views would be against us. Bi seems more likely.
"she" is a god, gender is "only a suggestion" for deities. and we have enough connections to get an exception. besides which, marrying a non human is even harder than marrying another woman.
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Don't give up the fight just yet. While Nagare has a fairly solid lead, there are good arguments to make for Impisi and turnarounds have happened before in husbando wars like this.

Unles, of course, you prefer Terciero to Impisi, in which case I am sorry for your loss.

Na, I'm voting for kami-girl. Terciero would get ganked within a few years due to pissing off a Kami, or assassinated due to his low intrigue. Bomb boy was tempting, but his low diplomacy/stewardship combo did him in. If either one of those was average I might pick him, but with both of them being so low, he's out of the running.

"she" is a god, gender is "only a suggestion" for deities.

Given that she seems to prefer a female form - and has not expressed an interest in changing that on our account - she will be perceived and though of as female. The distinction between "is female" and "is a shapeshifter who prefers a female form" is immaterial.
"she" is a god, gender is "only a suggestion" for deities. and we have enough connections to get an exception. besides which, marrying a deity is even harder than marrying another woman
Not neccesarily.

I mean, "married to god" is a pretty common description of clergy sworn to chastity and I really doubt there's a specific ban against marrying spirits like there presumeably is with same-sex couples.

Plus the fact that if you tried to tell a god who they can legally marry odds are you'll get hit with a really nasty curse. Which considering that curses are cast using the Piety stat means our possible waifu is very good at it.
... If Nagare wins, remind me to never piss her off.

A woman scorned is dangerous even if she's the husband.
Plus the fact that if you tried to tell a god who they can legally marry odds are you'll get hit with a really nasty curse. Which considering that curses are cast using the Piety stat means our possible waifu is very good at it.
Even if she isn't, she has a whole bunch of other kami who are protective of her. there are going to be SO many curses.
Given that she seems to prefer a female form - and has not expressed an interest in changing that on our account - she will be perceived and though of as female. The distinction between "is female" and "is a shapeshifter who prefers a female form" is immaterial.
Being a female is the least of the issues

"Hello, I am here to file my marriage registry"
"... it says here you are marrying... some land? is that... is that a river? you are trying to marry a river?"
"Yes she is very sweet"
"You... think the river is a female?"
"well, she is actually a goddess, she just prefer to appear female usually"
Hellsing was supposed to take place in "modern day" england. Given the OVA was published in 2006, I'll be using that as a reference point as I cannot find any IC mention of the date. We were stated to be about 10 years form hellsing, which puts us in the late 1990s at the current time.

Same-sex marriage is still not legal in Japan in 2015, and until 2009 Japan placed barrier upon Japanese nationals wanting to marry a partner of the same sex in other countries where it was legal. Given that we're not even into the 2000s yet, it stands to reason that there's a lot of cultural bias against homosexuality, so it might also just be cultural bias rather than an indication of sexual preference. TBH I don't think she would have made this list if we didn't have at least some attraction to females. If we were completely straight we would probably have shoved that one into the discard pile immediately, as both personal preference, Japan's laws, and ingrained cultural views would be against us. Bi seems more likely.

That being said, it would have been interesting to play a straight female for once.
Alright, i'm going to try my best to answer this. I heard it stated that Hellsing happened in 2000, so that's what i'm going with, as I couldn't finad any IC mention of the date either. Right now it's about 1995.

Yes, she does have some cultural bias against the homosexual community. That's a rather depressing and difficult issue, but i'll try to do my best to explore it should Shizukana win. As for the making the list? These are all the proposals you have. America is too screwed up right now to offer it, (although whether they would with their democracy is arguable) Hellsing and Iscariot barely notice you at all, and everyone else is too small. Besides, Renko is a priestess. When the kami have an offer for you, you goddamn consider it (in Renko's perspective). Hence, she rationalizes it by saying that she's a spirit, so it's not really gay. Which is, as you may have noticed, is kind of a bullshit for the purposes of practicality (she identifies as female, looks female and acts female, you're marrying a female, Renko). This is honestly where her cultural upbringing and her religious tenets kind of clash a bit, so she's making compromises.

To sum it up, you have a serious conflict between beliefs. On one hand, Japan is overtly Shinto, and tends to believe that you need to respect the kami at all times. On the other hand, Japan is pretty homophobic in policy and is likely to consider a homosexual marriage worthy of scorn and disrespect. So, you have the kami who are to be respected always, suggesting something considered disrespectful. This will come up in a serious way and impact how you interact with your spouse should Shizukana be chosen.
Alright, i'm going to try my best to answer this. I heard it stated that Hellsing happened in 2000, so that's what i'm going with, as I couldn't finad any IC mention of the date either. Right now it's about 1995.

Yes, she does have some cultural bias against the homosexual community. That's a rather depressing and difficult issue, but i'll try to do my best to explore it should Shizukana win. As for the making the list? These are all the proposals you have. America is too screwed up right now to offer it, (although whether they would with their democracy is arguable) Hellsing and Iscariot barely notice you at all, and everyone else is too small. Besides, Renko is a priestess. When the kami have an offer for you, you goddamn consider it (in Renko's perspective). Hence, she rationalizes it by saying that she's a spirit, so it's not really gay. Which is, as you may have noticed, is kind of a bullshit for the purposes of practicality (she identifies as female, looks female and acts female, you're marrying a female, Renko). This is honestly where her cultural upbringing and her religious tenets kind of clash a bit, so she's making compromises.

To sum it up, you have a serious conflict between beliefs. On one hand, Japan is overtly Shinto, and tends to believe that you need to respect the kami at all times. On the other hand, Japan is pretty homophobic in policy and is likely to consider a homosexual marriage worthy of scorn and disrespect. So, you have the kami who are to be respected always, suggesting something considered disrespectful. This will come up in a serious way and impact how you interact with your spouse should Shizukana be chosen.
Well, are the Kami themselves homophobic? Because if they aren't we might be able to do something like "Hey, the gods and spirits don't give a FUCK about who you happen to bang."
... Heh, if we go by "decade in spirit years = year in human years", little Shizukana is the youngest of our possible husbandos.

"Hello, I am here to file my marriage registry"
"... it says here you are marrying... some land? is that... is that a river? you are trying to marry a river?"
"Yes she is very sweet"
"You... think the river is a female?"
"Of course I do, have you seen the curves on her? Cartographers have to measure her regularily to do their job!"
Being a female is the least of the issues

"Hello, I am here to file my marriage registry"
"... it says here you are marrying... some land? is that... is that a river? you are trying to marry a river?"
"Yes she is very sweet"
"You... think the river is a female?"
"well, she is actually a goddess, she just prefer to appear female usually"

I'm fairly sure that our marriage to kami-girl won't be a legal issue. It'll either remain off the books entirely - in which case who cares what the law says - or they'll have some bureaucrat file the paperwork on our behalf with instructions to not look it over too closely. In neither case will this be a legal problem. I merely brought it up to rationalize her aversion in a manner that wouldn't necessarily be due to her being straight, but rather due to cultural factors.

Alright, i'm going to try my best to answer this. I heard it stated that Hellsing happened in 2000, so that's what i'm going with, as I couldn't finad any IC mention of the date either. Right now it's about 1995.

Yes, she does have some cultural bias against the homosexual community. That's a rather depressing and difficult issue, but i'll try to do my best to explore it should Shizukana win. As for the making the list? These are all the proposals you have. America is too screwed up right now to offer it, (although whether they would with their democracy is arguable) Hellsing and Iscariot barely notice you at all, and everyone else is too small. Besides, Renko is a priestess. When the kami have an offer for you, you goddamn consider it (in Renko's perspective). Hence, she rationalizes it by saying that she's a spirit, so it's not really gay. Which is, as you may have noticed, is kind of a bullshit for the purposes of practicality (she identifies as female, looks female and acts female, you're marrying a female, Renko). This is honestly where her cultural upbringing and her religious tenets kind of clash a bit, so she's making compromises.

To sum it up, you have a serious conflict between beliefs. On one hand, Japan is overtly Shinto, and tends to believe that you need to respect the kami at all times. On the other hand, Japan is pretty homophobic in policy and is likely to consider a homosexual marriage worthy of scorn and disrespect. So, you have the kami who are to be respected always, suggesting something considered disrespectful. This will come up in a serious way and impact how you interact with your spouse should Shizukana be chosen.

I'll ask flat out, does Renko have any interest at all in women (bi, or lesbian), or is she completely straight? I ask because your words imply that she's not interested, but her reactions and attempting to justify to herself that she's not really female could just be her being in the closet too. A straight answer would be useful when considering this.
Well, are the Kami themselves homophobic? Because if they aren't we might be able to do something like "Hey, the gods and spirits don't give a FUCK about who you happen to bang."
The kami don't care. Romance is... pretty rare for them at all. They can't even really tell the difference between either orientations because spirits don't give birth like that anyway. Not typically at least.
I'll ask flat out, does Renko have any interest at all in women (bi, or lesbian), or is she completely straight? I ask because your words imply that she's not interested, but her reactions and attempting to justify to herself that she's not really female could just be her being in the closet too. A straight answer would be useful when considering this.
Gimme a second and i'll roll for that. (Yes, I roll for almost everything.) Hell, she could even be gay. It's up to chance.
Edit::confused: I put a 5% chance of her being gay, a 25% chance of her being bi, and a 70% chance of her being straight. She's gay, and in heavy denial. Apparently, SV really doesn't want a heterosexual female lead. It was the dice, I swear!
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Regardless of who wins I am looking forward to the inevitable child mostly because we'd get to enjoy scenes of the PC being effected by the usual pregnancy things such as mood swings.
The kami don't care. Romance is... pretty rare for them at all. They can't even really tell the difference between either orientations because spirits don't give birth like that anyway. Not typically at least.

Gimme a second and i'll roll for that. (Yes, I roll for almost everything.) Hell, she could even be gay. It's up to chance.
Edit::confused: I put a 5% chance of her being gay, a 25% chance of her being bi, and a 70% chance of her being straight. She's gay, and in heavy denial. Apparently, SV really doesn't want a heterosexual female lead. It was the dice, I swear!
Pfffthahahahahaahahhaahahahahhahahaah! Not only can we go "Yeah, the gods themselves don't care, why should we?", we are, in fact, gay! That. Is. Hilarious.
The kami don't care. Romance is... pretty rare for them at all. They can't even really tell the difference between either orientations because spirits don't give birth like that anyway. Not typically at least.

Gimme a second and i'll roll for that. (Yes, I roll for almost everything.) Hell, she could even be gay. It's up to chance.
Edit::confused: I put a 5% chance of her being gay, a 25% chance of her being bi, and a 70% chance of her being straight. She's gay, and in heavy denial. Apparently, SV really doesn't want a heterosexual female lead. It was the dice, I swear!

She's actually gay? :lol:rofl:

Apparently the RNG has decided to enforce the stereotype.

... Was that on purpose?

No, I only realized it after I posted.
@The LD Man, I have a question:

Did Renko happen to go to a Girl School for her education? Because the classic setting is quite possibly the only element this love story lacks.
I would have added Catholic school, but that doesn't seem very likely given Renko's everything

And it's all the die's fault! I mean, why don't my dice support my shipping like that!?