Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)


All the upkeep costs are bleeding us dry.

@The LD Man
Is our main source of increased income etc supposed to be from yearly operations?

Because as it is, we'll be needing to take an income increasing action ever turn in order to actually keep a positive cash flow. And considering the project costs+upkeep even that won't keep us from shortly getting negative income/no cash.
Well, something important to remember is that Japan is a big import export country. There isn't many natural resources for you to take advantage of. Once you start talking to other groups, bigger income options will be available to you. Oh, and anyone who has ideas to increase revenue can suggest them, and I may use them as options if I think they work.
Oh, and anyone who has ideas to increase revenue can suggest them, and I may use them as options if I think they work.
First thing that comes to mind is a stewardship action that reduces total upkeep by X%.

Though yeah the notice that we can start trading with people/other agencies is good to know.
Well, we're at 44 votes and Informants The Tribe and Informants Hellsing are tied. Everything else seems to have clear leads, with Rattle Them Bones-All In and Recruiting winning Martial, Marriage dominating Personal, and Patriots dominating Diplomacy. Finally Fuck Vampires and Flying dominate Piety and Learning.
Edit: Oh, and Networking wins Stewardship
Well, we're at 44 votes and Informants The Tribe and Informants Hellsing are tied. Everything else seems to have clear leads, with Rattle Them Bones-All In and Recruiting winning Martial, Marriage dominating Personal, and Patriots dominating Diplomacy. Finally Fuck Vampires and Flying dominate Piety and Learning.
Edit: Oh, and Networking wins Stewardship
Let's see:

Treasury: 460
Upkeep: 420
Income: 750
Cash to work with: 790
Net income: 330

Martial: Recruit New Agents, Rattle them bones-all (280, 20)

Diplomacy: Patriots Never Die (50)

Stewardship: Networking (50, 50)

Intrigue: Informants-The Tribe Locate the Coven/Hellsing (100/100, 10/20)

Piety: Fuck Vampires (100)

Learning: I Believe I Can Fly (50, 20)
Giving our elites flight capability should be good.

Personal: Marriage (0)

Final cash: 150
New net income: 230/220+50

Our budget.:cry: We'll barely have the money and income to do anything the coming turn. And it'll be even lower since we need to DD on patriots in order to mitigate the income loss as much as we can.

Edit: Why are people voting the funny? We're going to have 300-400 cash the next turn and most actions cost 50 to 100. We likely won't be able to pay for all our actions that we need to select.

For example if we use this years actions as an basis:
Martial is at least 100 (clear vampires)
Diplomacy: 50 to 100
Stewardship: 50 to 100
Intrigue: 100 minimum
Piety: 50 minimum
Learning: 50 minimum
Personal: 0 to 100
Cost is anywhere in the ballpark of 400 to 500 cash required.
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Are you beta for this quest for something?
@ebolasos is actually the beta for my Soul Eater quest, but I bounce a lot of my ideas off of him and he sometimes rolls for me when my luck is extraordinarily bad. And it may not be an endorsement exactly, but let's just say Ito would be a shit manager of he let this go on. So there will be options in the future to help tackle this problem.
Edit: On that note, I don't give him near enough credit. Thanks should go to him for a lot of my encouragement and serving as an excellent soundboard for when I just want to drop an unholy abomination on all of you. He gives me even better ones.
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Are you beta for this quest for something?
Define beta, Im just there to supply idea's, discuss turns and other quests with LD man, help out when I can and point out any issues if I see any.
Besides with what you and Anono Mous discussed, focusing on the stewardship income options and tighten our belt should help resolve it in a few turns, hence why I wasn't to concerned.
( In anycase I'm not the best when it comes to money related issues and budgeting so forgive me if I'm wrong)
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I just thought something , about our income any chance we can have a diplomacy action to contact some white snake youkay ?
from what I remember mods don't really care for double posting if your the thread creator.
Good to hear. Still, I hate to bump up my own thread count (since I do find a vain sort of pride from getting discussion in my thread) so I tend to apologize reactively. And now, to avoid a meaningless post, I shall explain my mechanism. I shall release the marriage list, and while I write the Turn 5 results, you all may discuss it as well as vote on DD. Then when I post Turn 5 results, there will be a manual vote for which candidate is selected. I shall then write out the first meeting of spouses and attach it to this year's rumor mill.
East Meets West Part One (Non-Canon) By jwolfe_beta
Well in response (and hopes of a bonus preventing disaster in the rolls, yes I'm mercenary:p) here's the first bit of the Hellsing omake I was working on. Unfortunately I don't know when the rest (IE the action) will arrive since my muse isn't talking to me.

While Sir Hugh Islands had been to many Round Table conferences in his service to Queen and Country, this current one was a bit unusual. Not only had the meeting been called by the young Sir Integra there was an extra person present, Renko Kochika along with two bodyguards. She was the head of Japan's Kōan 9-ka, an organization roughly equivalent to Hellsing in purpose but different in targets. He knew that there had been communication between the two organizations for several years but mostly to the tune of ensuring that one did not accidentally step on the others toes by accident. For her to be here meant that this was definitely going to be an interesting meeting.

Best to get down to the brass tacks then and find out just how bad it was. "Well now... the situation must be impossibly dire if you've got the gall to convene a round table conference so suddenly. Am I right, Sir Integra?" He said.

"Quite." Integra replied. "As you are all aware the number of vampire attacks on British soil has been rising at an extreme rate over the past few months."

At this Sir Wilbraham Swayne interrupted. "We know and can't keep this mess quiet for much longer. There are limits to the information we can suppress. What is going on, Sir Integra?" Islands wanted to sigh. The man really should be able to keep a better grip on his impatience than this.

"We have been investigating the matter and recently came across our first solid piece of evidence." At this, Integra held up what appeared to be a rather battered computer chip.

"And what is that supposed to be?" Sir Penwood piped up as all the Round Table members looked at the piece of hardware. If nothing else Integra had certainly inherited her father's ability to have a room focus on her when she needed to.

"A transmitter and perhaps much more. We've been finding these microchips embedded within the vampires. They seem to relay information regarding the beast's physical and mental state, movements and altercations."

"Good lord." Was the muttered cry around the table. Islands could be sure who said it but he could understand the sentiment. The implications of this were highly disturbing.

Integra continued to explain. "These attacks are not random; there's someone creating these vampires, controlling them, moving towards some unknown purpose. And that's not all, it gets worse in two different ways. For the first it might be best for Miss Renko elaborate."

"Thank you Integra." the soft voiced woman said as she rose the address the seated council. "As you all know these vampire attacks are ravaging your country. What has been confirmed by my people as well as assets in other countries that this is not as local a phenomenon as it might seem. For the past several years Japan and other countries that normally lack any real vampire populations have been getting a steady swarm of these chipped beasts invading our lands. It is possible that you never noticed until recently since the ones that were sent here mixed in with the normal vampires you already had to deal with."

"You said normal vampires. Care to expand on that?" Lieutenant-General Rob Walsh interjected.

Sir Integra answered him as she lit her cigar. "Traditionally, ghouls come from the corpses of deflowered men and women once they've been drained of blood by a vampire. During these last few incidents, not one new vampire has been created. Even young boys and girls who were clearly virgins have become ghouls instead of vampires. Also, the traditional ghouls we've encountered in the past do not survive the destruction of their host. But during the Badrick incident, Vatican Agent Anderson claimed to have destroyed the vampire well before our arrival. The host vampire had already been dispatched, and yet the ghouls still walked. And from the observations by Kochika's teams it's the same for their vampires."

'Best that we get back to the point.' He thought. "So what does it all mean?"

Integra ground her cigar into the ashtray before speaking again. "We are at war against a conspiracy of vampire experts, and they're displaying remarkable skill."

"Not only in creating their abominations but in tactics as well." Added Kochika. "Not only are the vampires being shipped into countries in secrecy there are two layers to the attacks. While most of the chipped vampires are loud and obvious, some are keeping a much lower profile and attempting to gain access to areas of importance while using the smokescreen created by their kin."

"And how did your people uncover this fact Miss Kochika?" Islands asked. He knew from the records that finding a vampire that went out of its way to be unnoticed could be hell if you didn't know what to look for.

At this the Japanese woman gave a serene smile with perhaps a bit of teeth showing. "There was once a divine beast that said there are 11,750 different kinds of Youkai living in Nippon. Many of these dislike foreign intruders and strenuously and vigorously objected to their presence."

Islands may have been old but he was no fool and could read between the lines. They might not have much information about the creatures that Kōan 9-ka fought but he imagined that at least some were capable of throwing down with vampires and winning. Any further thought was interrupted by a deep, rich and honeyed female voice that seemed to come from the empty center of the table.

"Well of course we helped are going to continue to. Little Renko is just so cutely earnest about her mission to protect all of Nippon and Integra-chan is just far too adorable to say no to."

While most individuals in the room were looking around in confusion, Islands noticed some different reactions. Kochika gave a small sigh and massaged her forehead while her bodyguards seemed to exchange a bit of money, one looking rather smug.

Integra on the other hand, pulled out her pistol and pointed at the center of the table. "Get off my conference table and out of the manor, you depraved beastial harlot." She growled, teeth bared and eyes flashing.

"Mattaku, Integra-chan. You need to learn to relax a bit more." Said the voice again as a reclining form faded into view on the table. One of an exceedingly well formed red haired woman with a narrow face and high cheekbones wearing an elaborate kimono. Despite 'dressing to the nines' as it were, her posture and the tone of her voice created the effect of anything but polite society. There were also the white tufted fox ears poking out the top of her head along with the multiple bushy tails waving behind her.

"Really the both of you are far too tightly wound. I found the loveliest little spa in London that I can take you both to. The masseurs there can work miracles, you'll be feeling like whole new women." At this the fox-woman gave a wide smirk. "Or at the very least, remove those sticks from y-"

"Thank you Lady Takauji, we will keep your generous offer in mind." Interrupted Kochika before the sentence could finish. Probably a good thing considering Integra had flicked off the safety catch and was thumbing back the hammer on her pistol. "However there's a fair amount of work and discussions to be done that you would no doubt find rather boring. Maybe you could explore the manor, see if the guardsmen are more alert compared to your last visit?"

The creature tilted her head as if in thought and with a single ear flick replied with a happy smile on her face. "Hmm, true. They were rather fun to spook last time. But don't think I missed your promise to think about my offer." At this her form wavered and turned to rapidly fading clouds leaving only her shining Cheshire cat-like grin that remained for a few more moments before disappearing as well.

"Why?" Groaned out Integra, her head in her hands, composure nearly forgotten. "Why, do you allow that thing to follow you around? And why in the nine levels of hell did you say we would consider that so-called offer?"

"To the first Integra, no-one has been ever able to figure out a method to stop her from tagging along on trips, be it magic or science. To the second if I hadn't offered something she would have never left. A chance to scandalize not only you but the entire Round Table? Such a thing would be irresistible for her."

AN: My headcanon is that the Kitsune clan is sort of a go-between for the Youkai and us. They work for us sure but their first loyalty is to the more 'civilized' Yokai community. We don't mind since that bunch generally aren't our targets (they generally police their own) and we get more rumors/information this way. Unfortunately Lady Takauji (wife of the current clan leader) loves baiting and teasing Renko and Integra (she thinks they both need to loosen up). Integra's still in the offended outrage stage while we've progressed to resigned acceptance.
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Well in response (and hopes of a bonus preventing disaster in the rolls, yes I'm mercenary:p) here's the first bit of the Hellsing omake I was working on. Unfortunately I don't know when the rest (IE the action) will arrive since my muse isn't talking to me.

AN: My headcanon is that the Kitsune clan is sort of a go-between for the Youkai and us. They work for us sure but their first loyalty is to the more 'civilized' Yokai community. We don't mind since that bunch generally aren't our targets (they generally police their own) and we get more rumors/information this way. Unfortunately Lady Takauji (wife of the current clan leader) loves baiting and teasing Renko and Integra (she thinks they both need to loosen up). Integra's still in the offended outrage stage while we've progressed to resigned acceptance.
Heh heh. Consider Takauji canonized. Obviously, the omake itself is non canon, but I didn't have a character position for the clan leader's spouse (woe is me) and she seems to fit perfectly. Anyway, do you have a title in mind? If not, i'll brainstorm one myself, but i'd like one to put in the thread mark. Overall, very nice, and I wish your muse the best.
The Tanuki and the White Snake
Dream of white snake
I found a legend about a white snake youkai and a site about how dreaming of white snakes means good luck but I couldn't find any link directly relating the two so I can only hope this is enought
I like this. Unfortunately, it seems to not say much on income. But, I now have plans for this that I think you'll all like very much. Unfortunately, it requires extended diplomacy with the spirits, so we'll see how that goes.
Marriage Candidates
Marriage Candidates
Name: Terciero Talavera
Age: 26
Occupation: Diplomat

Summary: Terciero Talavera grew up in a wealthy household. His father, a well respected but not particularly famous general, was a man of wisdom and had gained a large quantity of cash through smart investments. The Talavera patriarch was also well regarded in politics, meaning he had many connections to the more subversive community involved in the government's operation. It was at political events run by his father that young Terciero evolved into the man he is today.
Entranced by the elusive nature of words, Terciero became a master orator, helped along by an old friend of his father's who now served in government office, becoming a well recognized debater and speaker. So, when his father was chosen to lead the newest organizational task force, Terciero eagerly jumped aboard. Unfortunately, this was not motivated by filial piety.
The problem with Terciero being raised as a rich brat, was he tended to act like one. Sure he was a smooth talker, but he has a notable history of acting based on his desires more than on what he is ordered or asked to do. The entire reason he's interested in marrying you is because he has an interest in foreign cultures. As such, there's a little bit of bad blood between him and his father who is a strict disciplinarian, although sources claim they do still care about each other. A man of great talent and little conviction, Terciero is a tricky sell.

Martial: 7+2=9
Diplomacy: 18+3=21
Intrigue: 3
Stewardship: 14-2=12
Piety: 1
Learning: 15


Military Family: Coming from a family with a strong military history, Treciero has a good grasp of basic tactics that allow him to serve as a suitable stopgap commander. +2 Martial

Raised In A Gala: Treciero grew up surrounded by politics and those who practice it, and is more than familiar with how the mind turns. During his time among these elites, he picked up every technique he could to manipulate those he spoke to with a silver tongue. +3 Diplomacy

Daddy's Money: As the heir to a veritable fortune, Treciero doesn't think of money, or any possible lack of, for very long. Or that much. -2 Stewardship

Free Spirit: Chafing first under the stern gaze of his father, and now presumably under his spouse, Treciero doesn't have much in the way of respect for authority. He'll get the job done, but past that he wants very little interference with his lifestyle. Somewhat difficult to foster relationship with.

Name: Shizukana Nagare
Age: 237
Occupation: Minor River Kami

Summary: Shizukana was one of the kami who was born in recent (by spirit terms) times, effectively making her a young woman, not quite ready for the world by her people's standards. Despite this, she is considered remarkably gifted in terms of spiritual potential for one so young. As one of their "rising stars", Shizukana has been sheltered by the collective kami groups for a long while, but upon seeing how effective you have been, and Shizukana's lack of worldly experience, they are willing to marry her off for a "short time", also known as the remainder of your lifetime in order to give her some measure of competence in dealing with humans and the outside world in general.
Shizukana herself seems eager to bring the practice, but isn't as excited about having to spend so much time in the company of humans, who she's hesitant to interact with. You did have some hesitations of your own, seeing as Shizukana is female and all, but the kami assured you that she was just as capable of giving you a heir as a male human. On a completely unrelated note, magic is scary shit.

Martial: 1+3=4
Diplomacy: 16-3=13
Intrigue: 11
Stewardship: 6
Piety: 19+4=23
Learning: 14


Minor Kami
: She is one created by purely spiritual energies, and as such reflects her nature in her ability with supernatural arts. +4 Piety

Supernatural Toughness: Due to her nature as a kami, Shizukana has the ability to not die to a variety of mundane fatal blows. This allows her to both attack and defend with some measure of strength, +3 Martial

Painfully Shy: Shizukana has had little experience with others beyond members of her own community, and it shows. Be it kitsune, yurei or plain old humans, Shizukana can become very nervous when meeting those she's unfamiliar with. -3 Diplomacy

Name: Impisi
Age: 25
Occupation: Guerrilla Fighter

Summary: Impisi is the zulu word for Hyena. His parents named him that because he "popped out snickering like one." Impisi's parents were a form of terrorist, cheap bomb makers who could design hordes of effective grenades or massive bombs near impossible to defuse. These skills drew everyone from corrupt governments, straight government, resistance fighters and militant terrorists. Thanks to this, Impisi's family was constantly on the move, and mostly sold to resistance fighters and other "noble causes". This wasn't due to any underlying morality, but as Impisi's father once told the boy, "it's easier to make deals with those who believe in a code of honor. They'll stab you in the front rather than the back."
Unfortunately, Impisi never got to learn why getting stabbed in the front was better according to his father, as a local warlord found their location, and all but he died in the ensuing confrontation. At ten years old, Impisi had a bare bones knowledge of bomb construction, but was assisted by the same force that had saved his life: his family's Loa. Unbeknownst to him, the monkey that frequently traveled with his family was actually possessed by their family's guardian spirit. As a believer in voudun, or voodoo, Impisi could communicate with him and managed to get a strange mix of self taught and instructed bomb construction.
After a few years of stealing food and practicing his skills with spare wires and pieces of junk, the Loa approved his efforts enough for him to start selling bombs again. Eventually, he crossed paths with The Tribe, who were on their way to kill the warlord who had murdered his parents. With an impassioned plea, he convinced The Tribe to bring him along. After a harrowing battle, Impisi had proved his worth and killed the warlord. At this point, he began to laugh like his namesake again. And he hasn't stopped since.

Martial: 13+2=15
Diplomacy: 4+1-3=2
Intrigue: 10
Stewardship: 1
Piety: 11
Learning: 17+3=20


Battle Scarred
: Impisi's body is rife with bullet wounds and knife scars. Luckily, all of them are purely cosmetic, but they do hint at a long line of experience in life or death combat. +2 Martial

Bomb Maker: Impisi has a family history of creating some of the most vile or ingenious devices ever to kill swathes of people. Through his Loa, Impisi retains that knowledge, and more importantly, the ability to put it to devastating use. +3 Learning

Happy Times Are Welcomed: Impisi has buried his past with the man who killed his family. He's a very warm and welcoming person, if a bit cynical of big governments. Still, he likes to give people all the chances he can, as his experiences in poverty showed him both the bad and good parts of society. Easier to foster a relationship with. +1 Diplomacy

Bad Times Hang Around: Impisi's attitude may be leagues above his previous, but his mental state can still erupt at times. Night terrors and panic attacks have happened to him before, and aren't totally gone. -3 Diplomacy
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So... We have, a rich brat, a shy river spirit and a crazy bomb maker....

Well, they certainly are interesting to say the least.