Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

hen we can double up on Spiritual Resources-Mountain and Logging Is Best Done Drunk next turn, (hopefully) giving us +200 income.
Networking doesn't give stewardship actions.

[] Networking: Kawayama wants more people. Frankly, there are way too many forces to appease and talk to, she can't get it all done effectively on her own. So she wants more people to actively assist her with diplomacy. Ito is thrilled to hear that you're going to bring in more interns, before Kawayama informs him that you'll be paying them. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 50 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: +1 Diplomacy Action
Networking doesn't give stewardship actions.
My readingness have faild me.

Damn, need to pay closer attention. It was in the Stewardship section so my brain just saw +1 Stewardship. Oh well, when the poll goes up, guess I'll just have to stick to my original idea. Hope we can improve our income and avoid unexpected expenditures long enough to build our coffers back up.

Idea for the future. When our Treasury is looking a bit less anaemic, we need to hire some Medical Researchers and expand our Science Division. We could have the cure for cancer or something sitting right under our noses. What if the Oni immune system produces some sort of Super-Antibiotic that makes penicillin look like a limp wristed faggot?!

Health benefits for not just Japan, but the whole world. Plus, a major revenue source for us.
Hope we can improve our income and avoid unexpected expenditures long enough to build our coffers back up.
Problem is most of our actions have upkeep+cost. As a result, unless our operations start generating more income through protecting Japan or we get a windfall or two we're going to run out of money in two/three turns since we have to pick actions each year and won't have the money for them.

The +100 income actions are helping but not enough.
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Unless we get a good roll with the yearly operations were not going to get the cash infusion we need to boost up the income sooner.
Problem is most of our actions have upkeep+cost. As a result, unless our operations start generating more income through protecting Japan or we get a windfall or two we're going to run out of money in two/three turns
Looks like we'll just have to prioritize some of our votes based on cost for a few turns. Diplomacy, for example, has several options that have zero cost and upkeep. This turn I intend to vote for the Ghost Ship because it offers +Income, but after that, guess we'll have to stick to the freebies for a while. Same with personal actions.

In Stewardship, I guess we'll have to prioritize options that give +Income for a few more turns.

We can do it people. Just need to tighten our belts. We'll prove to the world that you can hold back the Horrors from Beyond on a budget!
In all honesty since people want to slaughter Bone-boy this turn instead of dealing with the Vamps(who give a -10 to operations) we should do personal intervention on the Gashadokuro action instead of train.

DDing on the action (since everyone wants the -All option) would cost far to much.

Other option is hitting the vamps and do PI on the ghost ship.
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Well, I want the Bone Head because that has the potential to go very, verry, badly if it wanders into a town. That could have way worse fallout than the Vampires. Also, spending this turn on the Fuck Vampires option gives us better odds of facing them later.

For Personal Actions. I think the Marriage proposal is the best thing on the table right now. I trust our people. They won't cock it up without us holding their hand. While the Marriage is something that could potentially help the Organization as a whole.

Dynasty of Half-Kami Monster Hunters! Not to mention that getting an Other Half with magic powers and a vested interest in our well being could have more immediate benefits.
Well, I want the Bone Head because that has the potential to go very, verry, badly if it wanders into a town. That could have way worse fallout than the Vampires. Also, spending this turn on the Fuck Vampires option gives us better odds of facing them later.
If we do that and the ship, I think we will have ~150 money at turns end. Unless we DD on the ship bringing it to 80% and ~100 left.
Going for a marriage right now could be seen as us trying to secure the line before the buttloads of trouble we are about to run into.
Wow, nine votes already! Since i'm lazy, i'll just tell you which ones are close. Rattle them bones All In is currently ahead of RTB Helicopters and Vampires by one vote, with Recruit taking a clear lead. Networking and Spirit resources are in a tie and Marriage is one vote ahead of personal attention.
Guys, doing a PA on martial means we don't have to DD on the skeleton, which saves us a lot of money. Marriage is longer term, so we can wait until we are financially stable.
But if we wait too long with Marriage, then some Gaijin Hussy might take away our destined sweetheart!

(I don't care if it's merely political, I can ship it anyways!)

Given most people seem to want the Kami-marriage, marriage takes even less priority in my books. A Japanese Kami is not going to marry a human from outside Japan. And we're probably the only available candidate for a political marriage in Japan.
Instead of doing Rattle them Bones- All In, for a 70% Chance of success for 200, we can do Rattle Them Bones- Helicopters, and Double Down, for the same chances for 150.

Yeah, but I'd like to DD on the ghost ships, as that gets us a bit more income and some help keeping more foreign nasties off our shores. That's why I went PA on the skeleton instead.
Yeah, but I'd like to DD on the ghost ships, as that gets us a bit more income and some help keeping more foreign nasties off our shores. That's why I went PA on the skeleton instead.
i'd prefer we get the rat guy instead of ghosts first. the rat guy gives a bonus to all intrigue actions in the future. that is HUGE, we really really want to succeed on intrigue and we really don't want to fail on it
i'd prefer we get the rat guy instead of ghosts first. the rat guy gives a bonus to all intrigue actions in the future. that is HUGE, we really really want to succeed on intrigue and we really don't want to fail on it
Intrigue action within Japan. Tesso does not want to leave his grave, and his army of familiars only extends so far.
for the moment income is more important

All the upkeep costs are bleeding us dry.

@The LD Man
Is our main source of increased income etc supposed to be from yearly operations?

Because as it is, we'll be needing to take an income increasing action ever turn in order to actually keep a positive cash flow. And considering the project costs+upkeep even that won't keep us from shortly getting negative income/no cash.