Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

Could we request/bribe some earth Spirits to point us in the direction of precious metals/gems/oil?

We could sell the confirmed location of significant deposits, no prospecting surveys needed, for a fair amount.
[] Spiritual Resources-Mountain: There are actually a few mountain kami willing to help you for the same price, namely tributes and festivals. Luckily for them, mining is still very much in demand, even if it is largely handled by corporations and the like these days. These mountain kami are willing to point out unnoticed veins of resources in the mountains, and even bring it closer to the surface in some cases. Choosing sites far from any source of supernatural threats, you can point them out to corporations, take a surveyor's fee from the company and rake in the cash. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: +100 Mining income
Do you mean total cash?

Because I remember calculating the costs and the lowest we should have come to in funds was 270 or so after turn 4. Not to mention that our income is still greater than our upkeep.
Cost + Upkeep trumped your income. I'll try my best to make it more balanced in the future (not making everything 50 for one) but not your total cash, no. Just cash flow.
AKA you have 90 less in your treasury now.
The main problem is that a lot of our actions have upkeep so we need to not only be careful about how expensive an action is but how it affects our income.
Nah. Impurity creates youkai, it doesn't sustain them. Youkai can leave, but they really don't want to. Any other land would feel empty to them, like walking into a sterile room. So the dumb ones refuse to leave and the smarter ones are uncomfortable leaving. But they can. Kōkai doesn't care, since she's not made of impurity anymore. But even she would notice the difference in the land. It's just something the supernatural notice.
Hmm, wouldn't other countries still be just as impure, but the impurity just doesn't catalyze into phenomenon there? In which case the issue with Youkai going out there and wreaking havoc is that there's only a few of them, there's no way to rebuild population and the local supernaturals would kick their ass if they make trouble...kind of like the vampires showing up in Japan

Also Japanese Youkai are not the most travel friendly types, stuck on an island country. I'd probably expect a few overseas, but no major presence. A couple of Onryo who pursued their grudge overseas and then shut down once the curse ran it's course. Some Tanuki and Kitsune traveling, playing pranks and saying hello to local tricksters(and raccoons/foxes are tricksters pretty much worldwide so they'd fit right into the local landscape). Maybe a bakeneko or two that snuck out, but any one smart and wily enough to leave the country tend to be very old and thus possessed of more sense and subtlety than rampaging(after all, many of them are just regular cats with a bit of powers/intelligence rather than nekomancers).

Might be something to do with local gods vs foreign gods. Regions work via dominant religious beliefs? Or the other way round where religious beliefs arise due to regional supernatural phenomenon.

Might be a research topic when we got things more settled.
So it just occurred to me that that there's a story on that's kinda similar to this quest.

It Follows a AU Ranma from ranma1/2 being hired by the Japanese Government to handle the events of Ikki Tousen and later Rosario Vampire. Just a heads up the story has NSFW parts in it.


Here's the Summery

Having left Nerima, Ranma is trying to figure out what to do with his life when his government decides it needs his help dealing with a problem over in the Kanto Region. This may just be the start of something incredible. Destiny, meet chaos, chaos meet destiny, last one standing wins!
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Alrighty. While i'm assuring people that my fics aren't dead, I thought i'd do this one next. Turn 5 is almost done, and here's a fun fact while you wait. I actually rolled for how each respective organization did. The US rolled a 7, and The Tribe rolled really high while South America took the middle ground. China I can't tell you about. Anyway, I rolled ahead for certain events, and... well, you'll see.
Alrighty. While i'm assuring people that my fics aren't dead, I thought i'd do this one next. Turn 5 is almost done, and here's a fun fact while you wait. I actually rolled for how each respective organization did. The US rolled a 7, and The Tribe rolled really high while South America took the middle ground. China I can't tell you about. Anyway, I rolled ahead for certain events, and... well, you'll see.

You fucking tease.

I love it.
So Coyote was screwing with them before you even really started writing what the faction was doing. Damn he's good.
Dude isn't the primary trickster god of most of the U.S. region for no reason. Really the only one that I can think of to match up with him would be Raven (or Crow depending on what you call him, but he mostly appears in mythology in the pacific northwest and Canada upward.
Maybe the US organization could make use of him, @The LD Man?
Dude isn't the primary trickster god of most of the U.S. region for no reason. Really the only one that I can think of to match up with him would be Raven (or Crow depending on what you call him, but he mostly appears in mythology in the pacific northwest and Canada upward.
Maybe the US organization could make use of him, @The LD Man?
It's a possibility. The problem is that the organization is plying a very forceful "stereotype American" policy. Which means that they haven't bothered much in their Piety division. Also, there's reasons why the Native American spirits don't want to help. Namely, the persecution and slaughter of their people. Thanks to immortality, the spirits remember their people's suffering like it was last fucking month. It'd take a concerted effort by a bunch of shaman to get something of Raven's caliber to assist.
My salt has only intensified because of this, but that's mainly because I'm from that region and I've always liked that mythos. Either way, I'm eager to see what we've got coming.
Turn 5
Turn 5

The world had opened up before you and it was large. Not that you have a flying shit. You sipped some sake as you skimmed over the year's reports. Next to you, Kōkai did the same with a cup of tea, drinking deeply as she seemingly meditated in your presence. After hearing of the youkai king's casual breaching of your sanctuary, Kōkai had taken to shadowing you wherever you went. While you appreciated the thought that was put into the action, it led to you having to explain personal boundaries to a 150 year old partial oni.

Either way, Japan is the practical motherland of spirits. Just the existence of Kōkai proved that the power of your mysticism likely would go unmatched. Whatever the world threw at you, be it vampires or giant fucking skeletons, you could handle. After all...

You are Kōan 9-ka, and you will purify Japan.

Martial: Your Military advisor is one Okimoto Ieyoshi. When asked what his service record was, he simply handed you a file with nothing but black lines in it. A man in his thirties, Okimoto is covered in various wounds and what seem to be acid burns cover half his face, and he's missing an eye. You were told due to his recent loss of vision; he was being taken out of active duty to assist you. While you had your doubts, he proved himself in how he trained with your troops. The man knows how to kill something, that's for sure. Pick 2

[] Recruit New Agents: There are many special forces operatives who went recruited do to a lack of spiritual capacity, but now you can change that. You have gallons upon gallons of hihi blood, and one drop is enough to allow a soldier to see youkai for the rest of their lives. It won't get past illusions, but the only things that can do that are seals, vigilance or a powerful will. In the end however, this gives you the chance to recruit those who are both skilled and disposable enough to be a part of your organization. Cost: 80 Upkeep: 20 Chance of Success: 100% Time: 1 year Reward: Brings Agent Squads Up to 40. Allows for two Agent rolls during Battle Turns.

[] Get Out Of My Country: You have vampires in your country, and it pisses you the hell off. You've found where they're meeting annually, a country home miles away from the nearest city. It's time to deploy your forces en masse. You don't need to take this course this year, but as long as you don't, they'll continue to impede your operations. Cost:100 Upkeep:0 Time 1 Year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Battle Turns

[] Rattle Them Bones-Helicopters: You have a Gashadokuro wandering through the mountains, and it's only a matter of time before it stumbles onto somewhere populated. But you have missiles and an oni at your disposal. As such, why not deploy them to turn it into slivers? Then your priests can come through and purify whatever is left. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Gashadokuro is dead, won't absolutely wreck any settlements.

[] Rattle Them Bones-All In: You have a Gashadokuro wandering through the mountains, and it's only a matter of time before it stumbles onto somewhere populated. But you have missiles and an oni at your disposal. As such, why not deploy them to turn it into slivers? Or hell, just deploy all of your Agents with rocket launchers to really get the jobs done as well. And then you can add the Heavy Impalers, and the Rangers and… well, more. And then your priests can come through and purify whatever is left. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Gashadokuro is dead, won't absolutely wreck any settlements.

Diplomacy: Your chief diplomat is a woman named Kawayama Kiriyo,a woman with long, braided, brown hair and business wear. She's cheerful, kind and overall a very genuine person. Or so you thought, until she met Okimoto and immediately became a brusque and professional expert. Okimoto grunted his approval and moved on. Kawayama was all smiles again, but she probably wanted you to notice. If there's one thing Kawayama is an expert in, it would be twisting people's perceptions of her. You couldn't ask for a better asset. Pick 1

[] Shooting Monsters Together-Hellsing: You've heard good things about the Hellsing organization. Started by the original Hellsing, the organization has done very well killing vampires and ghouls throughout the centuries of its existence. While that doesn't seem like much, apparently vampires spread like weeds over there, so it's understandable. You've also heard that the line of succession has been rather bumpy as of late. This is likely an ideal time to get in good with your fellow monster hunters. Cost: 0 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Diplomatic ties with Hellsing

[] Shooting Monsters Together-Iscariot: Iscariot is the Vatican's supernatural hunting organization. You've heard some interesting things about their scorched earth policies that put you off somewhat. Besides that, there are also some nasty rumors about Iscariot specializing in heretic hunting as well. Considering that everyone is a heretic to the Catholics, that could be an ill omen. Still, they can't be that bad, right? Cost: 0 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 30% Reward: Diplomatic ties with Iscariot

[] Spirit Santa: The kami were very generous this year with the gifts they gave last year, and Kawayama is eager to replicate the effect. She believes that with the amount of seal knowledge the kami possess, you can arm ourselves very well. The only problem would be convincing them to give more of it. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 0 Time: 2 years Chance of Success: 60% Reward: More Seal Designs

[] Tesso Is Vengeful, Not Evil: Tesso is a terrible and vengeful spirit. But his vengeance comes from having been betrayed, and the honor of his sovereign proven worthless. You can work with that. Attempt to enlist Tesso and his army of rats to help defend the people. Getting them to assist you would be a huge benefit to your spy network. Cost: 40 Upkeep: 20 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Army of rats at your disposal, Bonus dice mod to Intrigue options within Japan.

[] Patriots Never Die: you have souls who should be resting in the higher plane, who are chained to the mortal realm by their hatred. However, that hatred is powered by devotion, and if you can capitalize on that you can likely convince them to cease their violence and assist you in times of need. Travel to the flagship and negotiate with the ship ghost. With any luck, their duty did not end when their life did. Cost: 20 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 Year Chance of Success: 60% reward: +50 Shipping Income, assistance from the Ghost Fleet.

Stewardship: Your manager is an old man who looks upon you with an undisguised sneer. Ito Yoson is an expert with finances and policy, which just barely makes up for his irritable and asshole personality. His entire views on women, youth and even race just kind of makes you want to beat him. Despite this, he's already planning ways to make you money, so you, as many already do, manage to drown your moral issues with lots of cash. Pick 1

[] Networking: Kawayama wants more people. Frankly, there are way too many forces to appease and talk to, she can't get it all done effectively on her own. So she wants more people to actively assist her with diplomacy. Ito is thrilled to hear that you're going to bring in more interns, before Kawayama informs him that you'll be paying them. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 50 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: +1 Diplomacy Action

[] Spiritual Resources-Mountain: There are actually a few mountain kami willing to help you for the same price, namely tributes and festivals. Luckily for them, mining is still very much in demand, even if it is largely handled by corporations and the like these days. These mountain kami are willing to point out unnoticed veins of resources in the mountains, and even bring it closer to the surface in some cases. Choosing sites far from any source of supernatural threats, you can point them out to corporations, take a surveyor's fee from the company and rake in the cash. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: +100 Mining income

[] Reinforce The Base: it's a very nice castle, but nobody uses castles anymore for a reason. You want there to be sniper nests, hidden turret placements, for there to be a layer of steel under every layer of stone. Oh, and you want blast doors. Blast doors are great. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 0 Time: 2 years Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Major bonuses in the events of a siege or assault.

[] Logging Is Best Done Drunk: The shōjō is a very drunk ape man. Despite this, they are master loggers, and can swing an axe with unerring accuracy and strength regardless of how much one has had to drink. There are tales of shōjō having drained an entire barrel in one go, and then proceeding to clear a hillside in record time. If you can give them enough drink, you think that they could be a highly efficient logging force. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: +100 Logging income

Intrigue: Your spymaster is Wakai Munoto. He's also batshit insane. Or he was. Nowadays, he has the most infuriating common sense that makes him look at people strangely if they contradict him. You miss the crazy a little bit. Regardless, Munoto is just interested in making sure you know what you need to know. And a few things you really didn't need to know. Pick 2

[] Informants-US Black Ops: The North American organization is not subtle, and has made little attempts to be. This leaves them open to infiltration that Wakai believes you can take advantage of. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 10 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: US operations added to Rumor Mill.

[] Informants-Hellsing: You may not have contacted Hellsing diplomatically yet, but that doesn't mean you can't get their measure before you do so. Using the amazing capabilities of Wakai and the entire goddamn kitsune clan at your disposal, you're sure you can manage to assess their current position in power and standing. You may even be able to find out what the rest of the elusive British organization is up to. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 10 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Diplomacy bonus for Hellsing when that action is taken, Hellsing operations added to Rumor Mill.

[] Informants-The Tribe: The Tribe now has hundreds of thousands of hardened refugees under its care. It wouldn't be remiss of them to start adopting those refugees into their ranks. If they do that, they could turn themselves into a major power. Luckily for you, the Tribe is in a massive state of flux this year and is especially vulnerable to infiltration. You'll have the best chance now, before they reorganize. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 10 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Tribe operations included in Rumor Mill

[] Informants-SASHO: SASHO is strangely in the middle of the spectrum. They do well in fighting the monsters off, but not well enough to kill them at the source. They can negotiate with spirits, but not well enough to have more than tenuous peace. Still, the numbers of the organization allows for a chance to infiltrate them. You should get on it. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 10 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: SASHO operations added to the Rumor Mill

[] Locate the Coven: There's an entire coven of kijo out there, and you want to know where they are. As it is, there's a magical collection of witches out there that spend entire lifetimes creating powerful curses, and you don't like not knowing where they are. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Military operation available, You're aware if the kijo make a move.

Piety: You actually have two religious advisors. Imai Denbe, a Buddhist monk, is a kind and unobtrusive individual. In his mid-thirties, his primary features are a shaved head and a patient smile for everyone. Inokuma Toju, the forty year old Shinto priest, is rather different. He's not scornful like Ito is, but he has a sense of severity to him. He mandates that whenever you meet him, you purify your hands, for one. Whether this is him telling you you're impure or his way of protecting you and himself from impurity, you aren't sure. Still, he does his job eagerly, and so you can't begrudge him for that. Pick 1

[] Fuck Vampires: You have vampires running around, and if the efforts of your priests said anything, then typical anti-undead measures aren't very effective measures. However, the priests who were there managed to analyze the connection and determined that the vampires were more of a relay for power than actually powerful. Theoretically, your priests could create a seal to block the connection, weakening vampires who come against it in a powerful way. Cost:100 Upkeep: 0 Time: 2 years Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Anti-Vampire Mid Tier Seal Pattern created

[X] Violent Pacifism: After their work with memorizing the sutras, a few of your soldiers are starting to look towards Buddhism as solutions to peace in their daily life. This would be fine, except the Buddha primarily teaches compassion and peace as ideal lifestyles. You bring this up with Denbe, but he alleviates your concerns. According to him, the Buddha is willing to allow violence if it's in pursuit of a noble cause. To him, yours is the most noble cause, as you fight directly against those forces attempting to spread corruption and impurity throughout the land. He would be glad to teach those willing the ways of the warrior monk, and in return, you'd gain a supernatural fighting force capable of cleansing demons and inhuman feats of physical prowess. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 50 Time: 2 years Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Five Warrior Monks, +1d2 Warrior Monks every year.

[] The Impurity Division: It rankles you to admit, but not every monster can be slain with seals and guns. Already you are hearing reports from Wakai about monsters that make zombies from their victims and can sprint faster than a train. Such a monster cannot be defeated by your warriors as they are. And they appear like weeds in a garden over in Europe. As such, you find yourself considering the possibility of creating cursed objects. If you could learn to wield the powers of the youkai, you would have an immense source of power. Imagine a man capable of wielding the strength of a youkai, or weaving spells like a kijo… you wonder if this is how demons are created. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 0 Time: 2 years Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Impurity Division created, new research unlocked.

[] Recruitment Drive. For all their differences, Inokuma and Imai agree on one thing. You need more spiritual experts. However, priests aren't easily trained. So they want to do a covert recruitment drive throughout temples and the like in the entirety of Japan. While this is expensive, it's also guaranteed to net you some combat capable priests. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 50 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Every year, you get 1d5 onmyoji and 1d5 monks.

Learning: Your resident scientist is fairly excitable. Apparently, Kaibara Tamaki had already theorized on the existence of youkai, and had gotten laughed out of her laboratory for it. Now, she not only had verification that they existed, she got to dream up new ways to kill them! Really, it was a dream come true. Pick 1

[] I Believe I Can Fly: Kotengu are pests, that fly and kill. While technically skilled in the ways of the sword, your troops tend to just shoot them without problems. Now however, it's looking like you may actually find some use out of the deadly vermin. By making a hood out of purified kotengu feathers, researchers thing they can make it so your soldiers can fly. It would take quite some training to be able to orient themselves in three dimensions like that, but your soldiers can do it. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 20 Time: 1 year Chance of Success 70% Reward: Crow Corp created

[] Refined Shapeshifting-Small: There's a possibility, Kaibara tells you, of weaving in pieces of other animals into the Ranger Jackets to allow them to work off of a baseline, rendering the weight limits irrelevant. The only problem is both merging something mundane and spiritual, as well as getting your men to be able to take the increased stress and pain that comes from twisting your body into a much smaller form. Still, the possibility of your men getting to change into a flock of birds at will is very tempting to them. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 20 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: ScoutRanger Branch created

[] Refined Shapeshifting-Large: In order to make your Rangers be able to shift into larger animals, you need to increase the level of prowess going into their Shift Jackets, as the equipment has been named. This involves taking more of the materials that you use and concentrating them into the same shape, drastically increasing its capabilities. This raw power makes detailed work difficult however. They theorize that attempting to change into a wolf as they do now,would simply result in a wolf the size of a bear. On the other hand, they could push the ability to make themselves a wolf the size of a small horse, or other animals up to that size. So it is martial ability at the cost of stealth and information abilities. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 20 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Predator Ranger Branch created

Personal: Now there's you. You're definitely in a busy position, but you don't need to oversee everything. That's what your department heads are for. So now you need to decide what to do with your time. Pick 1

[] Train: You are a Shinto priestess, and as such, do have the training to fight youkai and other spirits. Unfortunately, you haven't had the opportunity to put that to good use. So now you need to brush up on your skills. With any luck, you can become much more proficient. Cost: 0 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Reward: +2 Martial, +2 Piety

[] Marriage Time: Political Marriages are a bit old fashioned considering the current lack of monarchies, but that doesn't mean they can't be helpful. Apparently your information search didn't go unnoticed, and you've received a few offers of marriage. Well, that's new. Take some time to review them and make a choice. Cost: 0 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Marriage Candidates known, Marriage vote open, Diplomatic channels available with the organization chosen.

[] Powerful Possessions: Japanese history is full of weapons and items that contain loads of spiritual power. Most of them, however, are destroyed or lost to the ages. Well, with some time and research, you're certain you can manage to scrounge one up that you can carry into battle. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Magical Artifact(s)

[] Personal Attention: You direct your personal attention to a project, allowing for an increased chance of success. Cost: 0 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Your stats added to an action of your choice.
[X] Recruit New Agents
[X] Rattle Them Bones-All In

Thought is to build up and wipe out a major immediate threat, and then deal with vamps next turn.

[X] Tesso Is Vengeful, Not Evil

High % and that bonus seems niceee~ Next year we'll have two and try for Ghost Ship!

[X] Networking

Always take the +1 action choice.

[X] Informants-US Black Ops
[X] Locate the Coven

Info is good.

[X] Recruitment Drive

A constant flow of more of these guys would be great.

[X] I Believe I Can Fly

Oh yeah, flying soldiers. FULL X-Com Here. Take the bodies of our foes to improve our selves :p

[X] Train

Let's go for marriage next year. We need to knock off some of our lack of combat skills first, just in case something goes wrong at a meeting.
See, now you're just giving me ideas. Keep going.
OK, how about some of the Inuit spirits? There's some freaky stuff there.
Normally I wouldn't suggest ways to screw over Canada but here they signed up with the USA. They only have themselves to blame.:anger:

Treasury: 460
Upkeep: 420
Income: 750
Cash to work with: 790
Net income: 330

Martial: Recruit New Agents, Get Out Of My Country (180, 20)
We don't know when the vampires are going to meet again, we need to hit them now. The extra agents will help with that.

Diplomacy: Shooting Monsters Together-Hellsing (0)
Free and can give us more info regarding the vampires. It's that or the ship, we don't need +intrigue.

Stewardship:Logging Is Best Done Drunk (50 +100)
We need income, plain and simple. I chose this over the mine since a Gashadokuro is still up there. Also we don't need another diplomacy action right now.

Intrigue: Informants-The Tribe Locate the Coven (100, 10)
The tribe is going to get harder shortly while the USA is a pile of elephants. Finding the coven is important though.

Piety: Fuck Vampires (100)
Don't want the +50 upkeep or impurity division yet.

Learning: I Believe I Can Fly (50, 20)
Giving our elites flight capability should be good.

Personal: Train (0)
This or personal attention on the lower % actions.

Final cash:
Final cash: 310
New net income: 380

Even with stewardship upgrades we are still bleeding cash.:(
Let's go for marriage next year. We need to knock off some of our lack of combat skills first, just in case something goes wrong at a meeting.
Check the cash and income changes from your plan. I think you're down to 100-200 income per turn.
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