Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

Also IIRC, the issue with the kami and impurity isn't that the god is HURT by impurity, but corrupted by it. That's how you get rampaging gods, and why shrines are warded off from the outside world by barriers against impurity.

We got a few options here.

Humans with Impure power - Very risky, but fast powerup in the form of sorcerors.

Malicious magic equipment - Somewhat risky, since it'd tend to contaminate the wielder or else turn against them, but more containable if we had warrior monks(who as buddhists, are more resistant to impurity than shintoists, and also have the buddhist virtues to strengthen them against corruption). Where Shinto mythology has impurity banished for fear of tainting the pure, Buddhist mythology makes a big thing of taming the impure and putting them to good work protecting the faith.

Enlightenment powers - Slow to get, but we already have some in the form of our monks. Takes a lot of time to get significant powers though.

Divine possession - Something for our shinto priests and miko, taking the risk of allowing a friendly god to possess them and act through them. Risky to both god and host though, since aside from the blessings they're still easily wounded human and easily tainted god. Great for support roles, not so great for frontline combat.

Taoist sorcery/alchemy - Aka Omyoudo, Taoism lost the religious hold on Japan, but some of the practices stuck around in the form of Yamabushi and similar types. Not exactly impure sorcery, but wielding the powers of the natural world. We're using some of this in the form of talismans, but much much more could be done...if we could find someone who knows how.

Youkai corps - We got a lead into that with the ghost ships. Basically, they're ALREADY impure, and horribly violent, but some of them can be reasoned with, and bribed/recruited. Let the youkai handle the dark arts and powers. Though feeding them enough carnage may make them less reasonable as they grow strong.

So personally, a prerequisite to opening an Impurity division is to have youkai working for us(we got foxes) and buddhist monks to handle the intermediary work(getting them). Minimize humans and kami directly using those
I approve of most of this. Quick thing to remember, impurity isn't corruption in the "Warhammer" sense where a sufficient will can hold it off. Impurity is an actual energy that infects people like a disease. So no matter how much virtue a monk has, he's just as vulnerable to impurity as anyone else. A notable exception is onryo, who are vengeful dead that remain anchored to life thanks to rage or tragedy in their hearts. And to be clear, The Impurity Division has no plans as of yet to expose humans directly to impurity. Anything more than that you have to take the option to learn of.
Alternatively, we could DD on appeasing the spirits, in addition to preparing for it earlier, and doing it ahead of schedule, just to make it really clear that we're serious about making up for the piss poor showing last time.
[X] Diplomacy-Appease The Spirits

Its mentioned that there's additional gains if we get a good result here.

I approve of most of this. Quick thing to remember, impurity isn't corruption in the "Warhammer" sense where a sufficient will can hold it off. Impurity is an actual energy that infects people like a disease. So no matter how much virtue a monk has, he's just as vulnerable to impurity as anyone else. A notable exception is onryo, who are vengeful dead that remain anchored to life thanks to rage or tragedy in their hearts. And to be clear, The Impurity Division has no plans as of yet to expose humans directly to impurity. Anything more than that you have to take the option to learn of.
Yeah, I mean, monks get powers to preserve the integrity of their own spirit or keep the impurity out.

Since you know, death is extremely impure, and Buddhist monks customarily handle funerals since it's not a big deal to them.
Yeah, I mean, monks get powers to preserve the integrity of their own spirit or keep the impurity out.

Since you know, death is extremely impure, and Buddhist monks customarily handle funerals since it's not a big deal to them.
True enough. I mean, all priests handle funerals though, especially Shinto. And Buddhists don't necesarily believe in the same kind of impurity. They believe in the emotional impurity, like anger desire and other corrupting emotional influences. An example of this is Hannya, a buddhist demon created by people who are greedy and evil and the like. Buddhist monks are part of your forces mostly to deal with your occasional Buddhist demons that pop up like that. Here's a source for that. It's wikipedia, so if yours is a firsthand account, or from a more credible source, let me know and i'll redact my objections. This is just my take on it.
True enough. I mean, all priests handle funerals though, especially Shinto. And Buddhists don't necesarily believe in the same kind of impurity. They believe in the emotional impurity, like anger desire and other corrupting emotional influences. An example of this is Hannya, a buddhist demon created by people who are greedy and evil and the like. Buddhist monks are part of your forces mostly to deal with your occasional Buddhist demons that pop up like that. Here's a source for that. It's wikipedia, so if yours is a firsthand account, or from a more credible source, let me know and i'll redact my objections. This is just my take on it.
Right, basically, Buddhists handle Shinto impurity(death, blood, filth and rot are mere material dross), Shinto handle Buddhist impurity(Violence, passion, rage, etc, are completely natural to the kami). And both need to keep the killing in check since that's impure in both schemas.
I once saw it mentioned once that Walter was at least partial responsible for the security failures that allowed the Valentine brothers to make it as far as they did undetected. Ring any bells to people?
I don't know, my impression was that Walter only turns traitor after he gets separated from Integra during the London battle. I'm pretty fuzzy on the stuff after Anderson dies though.
I don't know, my impression was that Walter only turns traitor after he gets separated from Integra during the London battle. I'm pretty fuzzy on the stuff after Anderson dies though.
Actually he had been a traitor for many years, literally since Integra was a child. All for the chance to fight Alucard and see who's stronger.
Alright can someone fill me in on what doubling down does in these types of quests? It isn't the first time that I've seen it and I'm just as confused as then.
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[X] Diplomacy-Appease The Spirits

Sorry about last time.