Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

Hell, I'm pretty sure that Zorin had to user her mind whammy again once they got into the building to defeat the Geese.
Not quite. They had the Geese in retreat and were about to blow open the last barricade with a panzerfaust until Seras did a little direct heavy support which took out a ton of the vampires (and used the last of her ammo). Blitz then mind whammied her, cut off an arm and blinded her. Pip went mano-a-mano with Blitz, emptied his revolver into her and started hauling Seras back. Blitz got back up, stabbed Pip, Seras drank his (willingly offered*) blood and soul then proceeded to tear apart the entire enemy force.

*Not sure if it was dub only but Schrödinger mentions that 'having blood offered is a very different experience then taking it.' With that aspect Seras might be similar to Kōkai Akuma in what she is. A monster, but probably pretty pure in comparison to her 'kin'.
Ok, I retract my objections against military tactics in Hellsing. Still, I suppose you can see it coming when they never bother giving any of the official Hellsing soldiers names or defining characteristics.
Not quite. They had the Geese in retreat and were about to blow open the last barricade with a panzerfaust until Seras did a little direct heavy support which took out a ton of the vampires (and used the last of her ammo). Blitz then mind whammied her, cut off an arm and blinded her. Pip went mano-a-mano with Blitz, emptied his revolver into her and started hauling Seras back. Blitz got back up, stabbed Pip, Seras drank his (willingly offered*) blood and soul then proceeded to tear apart the entire enemy force.

*Not sure if it was dub only but Schrödinger mentions that 'having blood offered is a very different experience then taking it.' With that aspect Seras might be similar to Kōkai Akuma in what she is. A monster, but probably pretty pure in comparison to her 'kin'.
Woops, my mistake.
Our guys are all ready getting lots of experience going out and hunting down youkai, so they'll be able to handle attacks, especially with Renko, Akuma, and our slowly growing numbers of magic swordsmen to fight with.
Ok, I retract my objections against military tactics in Hellsing. Still, I suppose you can see it coming when they never bother giving any of the official Hellsing soldiers names or defining characteristics.
It's the problem it a lot of shows/manga etc. If your not named characters or the protagonist, your life expectancy tends to be nil.
Yeah, as compared to our... Ah, shit.
Ah but there is a difference with us.
We aren't content to let our :turian:stormtroopers:turian: remain useless and focus only on super-units. We're actually upgrading them when possible (seals and sutras, Impalers etc). Whereas if this was an anime our tactics would be 'throw more bodies at the problem' until the super prototype is complete and then just field that.
[X] Recruit New Agents
[X] Diving Down Deep

Rather than fully locking down the country first, I think we need to expand our operation capabilities further by recruiting new agents and ensuring naval superiority. Foreign monsters will be coming in and if they dare to invade Japan, they're going to be strong ones.

[X] Appease the Spirits

Lets do this right this time.

[X] Reinforce The Base

We've been warned. So defenses up.

[X] Informants-The World
[X] Find the Flagship

Secure external intel, and get the ghost ships working FOR us rather than against us. Kijo should be passive unless we threaten them.

[X] Violent Pacifism

Superhuman warrior monks should be good for fighting vampires(?) that'd be coming in.
Not sure if we want the Impurity Division, after all, that's the path to making our own foes as well, since it takes incredible discipline to take that path without being corrupted.

[X] I Believe I Can Fly

Air superiority should be great for keeping things off our shores.

[X] Wake Up The Tsukumogami

And awaken our ally. We could use another hero option.

"Who the fuck was that?!" There's a clatter of sound as your chopsticks and bowl clattering against the table, as you realize that you just talked to Nurarihyon, the king of all youkai.

The power to fit in anywhere, and do anything without being opposed is a tremendous power indeed. You literally can't fight him, so whether he's actually weak or strong doesn't matter. He can go into your house, eat and drink his fill, and you'd treat him as the best of guests.
Not sure if we want the Impurity Division, after all, that's the path to making our own foes as well, since it takes incredible discipline to take that path without being corrupted.
Akuma also has a big thing against Impurity, so I really don't want to risk trouble with our heaviest hitter for potential upgrades.
Akuma also has a big thing against Impurity, so I really don't want to risk trouble with our heaviest hitter for potential upgrades.
Impurity isn't that bad, as the MC has stated to the king of youkai, we will use purity and impurity in equal measures to save japan.
Besides hellsing used impurity and they made Alucard, its a valid point of research that we should at least look into.
@The LD Man Will Akuma have issues with opening the impurity division?
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@The LD Man Will Akuma have issues with opening the impurity division?
Not really. Akuma is very happy to destroy impurity, but that doesn't mean all impurity. She wouldn't be a nat 100 result if getting her closed off an entire half of your research avenue. Shinto accepts that impurity is a necessary existance, and Akuma as a devout Shinto subscribes to that belief. However, she'll never agree to wielding an impure weapon, armor or ability.
That's... a possibility. It also includes weapons powered by impurity. Purity is really just the absence of impurity. Divine creatures banish impurity, while kami are pure spirits that can be vulnerable to impurity. So if you're going to compare it, the difference between magical weapons powered by "pure" magic, i.e the magic swords, are like boats that are rowed, while a blade powered by impurity is like a steam boat since it has much more power. The three years is because of just how reluctant your experts would be to work on it. The actual research isn't that hard.

Also IIRC, the issue with the kami and impurity isn't that the god is HURT by impurity, but corrupted by it. That's how you get rampaging gods, and why shrines are warded off from the outside world by barriers against impurity.

We got a few options here.

Humans with Impure power - Very risky, but fast powerup in the form of sorcerors.

Malicious magic equipment - Somewhat risky, since it'd tend to contaminate the wielder or else turn against them, but more containable if we had warrior monks(who as buddhists, are more resistant to impurity than shintoists, and also have the buddhist virtues to strengthen them against corruption). Where Shinto mythology has impurity banished for fear of tainting the pure, Buddhist mythology makes a big thing of taming the impure and putting them to good work protecting the faith.

Enlightenment powers - Slow to get, but we already have some in the form of our monks. Takes a lot of time to get significant powers though.

Divine possession - Something for our shinto priests and miko, taking the risk of allowing a friendly god to possess them and act through them. Risky to both god and host though, since aside from the blessings they're still easily wounded human and easily tainted god. Great for support roles, not so great for frontline combat.

Taoist sorcery/alchemy - Aka Omyoudo, Taoism lost the religious hold on Japan, but some of the practices stuck around in the form of Yamabushi and similar types. Not exactly impure sorcery, but wielding the powers of the natural world. We're using some of this in the form of talismans, but much much more could be done...if we could find someone who knows how.

Youkai corps - We got a lead into that with the ghost ships. Basically, they're ALREADY impure, and horribly violent, but some of them can be reasoned with, and bribed/recruited. Let the youkai handle the dark arts and powers. Though feeding them enough carnage may make them less reasonable as they grow strong.

So personally, a prerequisite to opening an Impurity division is to have youkai working for us(we got foxes) and buddhist monks to handle the intermediary work(getting them). Minimize humans and kami directly using those
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On a seperate note, I now have 26 votes, which I think is enough based on previous survey results. So, i'll let you know the results and i'll start taking DD votes. Survey closed.

Martial-Here Be Monsters-Mountains & Diving Down Deep

Diplomacy-Appease The Spirits

Stewardship-Spiritual Resources-Power

Intrigue-Informants-The World & Find The Flagship

Piety-Sealing Is An Art & Violent Pacifism

Learning-One With The Mountain

Personal- Waking Up THe Tsukumogami

And that's that. Start on DD votes then.
Of well, Hellsing next turn then.
@The LD Man
You had said something about bonuses to 'Appease the Spirits' this turn?

Here Be Monsters-Mountains 80%
Diving Down Deep 80%

Diplomacy-Appease The Spirits 80%

Stewardship-Spiritual Resources-Power 80%

Informants-The World 90%
Find The Flagship 80%

Sealing Is An Art 80%
Violent Pacifism 80%

Learning-One With The Mountain 80%

Personal- Waking Up THe Tsukumogami 80%
Not sure what I want to DD on. All are at 80% and up.
[X] DD on Waking up the Tsukumogami

Doing great on this roll will give us an even better spirit tool ally.