Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

What makes you think he's got a choice in the matter?

his power set makes him fantastically difficult to force into things, if for no other reason than he has no need to fear death and his offensive power is an odd type of mind control. Though he could totally be tricked, the nazis have sacrificed pawns to feed there enemies info in cannon. They might have sent a kill squad of vampires after him that truly believed that those stations where subverted and about to be used to do a great deal of harm.

Alternatively, a recording, maybe? It worked with the pied piper...

I don't think so, assuming his powers are a lovecraftian take on the real world interpretation of buddha, his powers work by being superhumanly good at understanding and "teaching" others. He may need to talk to use his power but the words would be different for each person or group of people. It's not like the pipe where it's a general purpose mind control spell carried through the medium of song.
Though he could totally be tricked, the nazis have sacrificed pawns to feed there enemies info in cannon. They might have sent a kill squad of vampires after him that truly believed that those stations where subverted and about to be used to do a great deal of harm.

Alternatively, they just blew Denbe's legs off at range with anti-tank rounds, hit him with ten-foot poles until he fell unconscious, and then dragged him onto their zeppelins gagged, bound, and being dragged with ropes so he can't actually touch/talk to anyone and juju them into doing his bidding.

Then, the Doc cracks Denbe's skull open and fucks around with his neurophysiology until he's no longer capable of objecting to or resisting anything they tell him to do.

Willpower means jack shit when the components of your brain that allow you to process the concept of it have been forcefully removed.
Battle of London 6
[X] Leave no one. They have an honorable duty.

In the end, there's no one you would feel comfortable about leaving to defend. Tomi wasn't made for combat, Yanagawa and Miyako were simply too valuable thanks to their mystic prowess to leave behind. If they deploy magic users of their own, then it would simply become a slaughter as vampires took swarms of bullets without issue, or more unnatural creatures like the cat-boy appeared. No, this wasn't something you could risk. Still, Penwood and his subordinates seem eager enough, even if the atmosphere is rather grim.

You push their fate out of your mind as you move on to join Integra on her way out. Silently, Miyako and Yanagawa join you on your flanks as you sweep out of the room behind Integra. The entire group is silent, even when Tomi appears out of nowhere to rest her head dramatically against Yanagawa's shoulder. Which is rather impressive given that both of them are striding pretty fast down the hall. Seeing that her light drama hadn't lessened the mood any, she straightens up and pulls her face into a grumpy frown.

You're lucky that Integra is so focused on her destination, or she might have turned around and realized that her distinguished trickster spirit expert was actually a eight year old with the attention span and priorities of a goldfish.

Soon, you all exit the building into a scene right out of World War Two. Fires burn brightly across the city in the night as small bomber planes dive to deliver their explosive payload on the screaming populace. Integra is almost audibly grinding her teeth as she continues on to the car unabated. It seemed the bombers had yet to reach this part of the city, so the car remained mercifully unharmed. It was a bit crowded as all six of you tried to fit in, but Miyako moved to the passenger seat, and Tomi shifted to a small, nine-tailed fox to sit in Miyako's lap. There was just enough room for Yanagawa, Integra and yourself that way. It obviously grated on Integra to be shoved into a small space like that, but she managed as the car began to move.

A Smooth Ride: 14+10(Walter)-5(Under Attack)=19

You barely made it ten minutes through the burning wreck of a city before everything went to fuck all, of course. Everyone's silent musings were interrupted when Walter brakes, sending Yanagawa flying forward, as the only person not wearing a seat belt. He groans a bit after hitting his stomach against the area between the two front seats, but he seems fine. Far more worrying is the figure standing in front of the car.

On second inspection, hovering us more accurate. The golden figure is sitting with crossed legs on some sort of short haired animal pelt, the dead fur running slick with blood. The figure glowed slightly golden, and looked like a Buddhist statue. There were a number of differences however, with the face completely chipped away, as if it was vandalized. Black veins ran under the golden surface, and a dying lotus flower was gripped tightly in its left hand, with a sword of melting candle wax in the right hand. All this put together, and the golden glow looked sickly rather than holy. The fact that the animal pelt was floating rather than laying flat on the ground confirmed that yes, this was going to be a bad time.

"I'm not sure what exactly this is, Sir Integra." He mutters something under his breath that you can't hear, and begins to work at his glove.
"It most certainly is not part of the plan."
Integra is already surging out of her seat to look out of the windshield. She curses in frustrated confusion as she catches sight of the strange statue creature. Then she whirls on you as you stare on, just as stunned as she is.

"Kochika. Is this the Buddha?" You shake your head as soon as she asks, trying to find the words.

"No, this isn't Denbe. It's a Bodhisattva, I think. They're people who could have reached Nirvana, but they chose not to in order to help others do the same. Now they're a type of spirit, or something like that. Many consider them honorary kami. This one looks, wrong somehow. I don't understand it." You could practically feel the growl that pushed its way out of her throat. Integra shook her head as she sighed. The Bodhisattva remained immobile, and its appearance nagged at you. Your expertise was in Shinto, not Buddhism, so you couldn't tell the details of the Bodhisattva legends. You didn't even know which Bodhisattva this one was, so you had no clue what sort of symbolism this was.

"Well, just what we need. More things nobody knows about. Walter, it isn't moving. Do you think we can outrun it?" Walter didn't hesitate a second as he shifted the car into drive, and sped around to try to circle around the immobile Bodhisattva. It looks like he's about to make it when the Bodhisattva flies to the side, stopping the speeding car with the tip of its sword. Where the wax flows onto the car's hood, steam arises as the wax burns through the metal. Walter guns the engine, but the Bodhisattva does not move an inch, the action only serves to slowly sink the sword deeper into the hood.

Walter puts the car in reverse, speeding away as he puts distance between the floating creature and the car. Smoke drifts lightly from the hood, but the engine seems to still be in working order. The Bodhisattva flicks his melting sword up, in a challenging motion. Walter clears his throat.

"It would appear that the creature wants a fight, Sir Integra. Should I accommodate him?" Integra is about to speak in response when Yanagawa leaps from his seat and throws open the sunroof. He looks back at you and fires off some rapid Japanese.

"Renko-sama, I must answer his challenge. He is a swordsman. It is a question of honor." You crease your forehead as you glare back at him. As helpful as Yanagawa was attempting to be, he was already prepared to do so without your authorization. All this "initiative" he has been displaying recently has been a bit trying.

"That's not a sword, Yanagawa, it's a piece of burning magic made to kill anything it touches. Besides, your honor is less important than the current crisis. And just because you weild a sword doesn't mean you can excuse picking fights like this with bullshit like that." Yanagawa shrugs in reply.

"Just because it's more deadly, doesn't mean it is not a sword. Besides, I am the least crucial of anyone in this car, and someone must delay the flying swordsman. I believe I can do that much, if anything." Your frown deepens as you weigh his words in your mind. He had a point, in that his death would hinder the fighting effort the most. Then again, his life was your responsibility. It would be irresponsible, and more importantly, stupid of you to sacrifice him like a pawn in a chess game.

"Do you think, based on what you've seen of it so far, that you can kill it?" Yanagawa nodded without hesitation, and you dragged your hand over your face because of course he would say so. The statue was twitching however, and it looked to be getting impatient with the wait. You would have to decide now, before it attacked again.

[] Yanagawa
[] Yanagawa and Miyako
[] Suggest to Integra that Walter deals with it
[] Write in

City Status:

Kōan 9-ka
: 26/100
Attempts to restore communications with leader, Renko Kochika has failed. Status unknown.

Wild Geese: 38/100
Attempts to restore communications with employer, Integra Hellsing has failed. Status unknown.

Metropolitan Police Service: 94/100
The Metropolitan Police Service is reporting in across radio channels that they are taking shelter in the local police headquarters, and are taking in as many civilians as they can. They have done little to stem the tide of Nazi Vampires, but are delivering advice and guidance to civilians to save as many lives as possible while they wait for reinforcements from the military.

So far, no Millennium force has managed to hit them as a whole, with the police remaining one step ahead of them. The radio operators are warning anyone they can tell to get to the station quickly, before the group moves to avoid Millennium detection.

Cavalry Barracks: 83/100
The lone 1st Battalion of the Irish Guard have managed to hold the Cavalry Barracks so far. They have yet to fight a substantial deployment of Millennium forces, and are requesting reinforcements.

Wellington Barracks: 57/100
The Coldstream Guards, Scots Guards and Grenadier Guards, all of which are light infantry divisions, have suffered moderate casualties thanks to bombing hitting parts of their barracks. Still, they have some sizable numbers still, though their defenses are unprepared. Like others, they are requesting reinforcements.

Regent's Park Barracks: 21/100
Almost all of the personnel at the Regent's Park barracks is dead, or soon will be.

Royal Artillery Barracks: 16/100
The Royal Artillery is dead, killed in the first waves of bombing.

Hyde Park Barracks: 7/100
The Household Cavalry of Hyde Park is completely destroyed.

Millennium: 92/100
Millennium's deployment has gone off without a hitch, and they are currently rampaging through the civilian populace of London with a force of one thousand vampire soldiers. They have yet to consolidate to attack any specific targets.


AN: This is short, but I wasn't sure what else to put, given the current situation that the rolls have put you in. The last bit is basically the current situation. Whenever a situation changes, it will notify you. Actual bigger scheme decisions will be made soon. Promise. ish. I dunno, it kinda comes as it does. Whatever, enjoy.

Edit: Oh, and I just realized that I'm using modern day military units for a conflict in 2000. I know this. I'm doing it anyway. Too much work otherwise.
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Right, figuring out what's up with this guy is probably a good thing before we decide whether to fight him or not.
Screw it.

[X] Everyone out of the car except Walter.
- [X] Have Walter run him down, full speed.
"Well, just what we need. More things nobody knows about. Walter, it isn't moving. Do you think we can outrun it?" Walter didn't hesitate a second as he shifted the car into drive, and sped around to try to circle around the immobile Bodhisattva. It looks like he's about to make it when the Bodhisattva flies to the side, stopping the speeding car with the tip of its sword. Where the wax flows onto the car's hood, steam arises as the wax burns through the metal. Walter guns the engine, but the Bodhisattva does not move an inch, the action only serves to slowly sink the sword deeper into the hood.
I mean, you could try again I guess? I'll take it?
On the other hand, if there is anyone who can deny the physical effects of the brain, it's the Buddha. Transcend the mortal world and all that.
Apparently not, considering they've managed to turn a gorram bodhisattva into a (literally) faceless killing machine.

As for the vote, I'm going to assume that any attempt to engage this thing will go to shit in short order, considering it has shunpo and we do not. Leaving anybody unsupervised at the moment seems likely to end with us having to fight their mutilated, mind-controlled servitor husk later on, and ramming the bodhisattva will probably end with it casually chopping the car in two.

[X] Find another road to our destination, one that goes around this thing.
A Smooth Ride: 14+10(Walter)-5(Under Attack)=19

City Status:

Kōan 9-ka
: 26/100
Attempts to restore communications with leader, Renko Kochika has failed. Status unknown.

Wild Geese: 38/100
Attempts to restore communications with employer, Integra Hellsing has failed. Status unknown.

Metropolitan Police Service: 94/100
The Metropolitan Police Service is reporting in across radio channels that they are taking shelter in the local police headquarters, and are taking in as many civilians as they can. They have done little to stem the tide of Nazi Vampires, but are delivering advice and guidance to civilians to save as many lives as possible while they wait for reinforcements from the military.

So far, no Millennium force has managed to hit them as a whole, with the police remaining one step ahead of them. The radio operators are warning anyone they can tell to get to the station quickly, before the group moves to avoid Millennium detection.

Cavalry Barracks: 83/100
The lone 1st Battalion of the Irish Guard have managed to hold the Cavalry Barracks so far. They have yet to fight a substantial deployment of Millennium forces, and are requesting reinforcements.

Wellington Barracks: 57/100
The Coldstream Guards, Scots Guards and Grenadier Guards, all of which are light infantry divisions, have suffered moderate casualties thanks to bombing hitting parts of their barracks. Still, they have some sizable numbers still, though their defenses are unprepared. Like others, they are requesting reinforcements.

Regent's Park Barracks: 21/100
Almost all of the personnel at the Regent's Park barracks is dead, or soon will be.

Royal Artillery Barracks: 16/100
The Royal Artillery is dead, killed in the first waves of bombing.

Hyde Park Barracks: 7/100
The Household Cavalry of Hyde Park is completely destroyed.

Millennium: 92/100
Millennium's deployment has gone off without a hitch, and they are currently rampaging through the civilian populace of London with a force of one thousand vampire soldiers. They have yet to consolidate to attack any specific targets.


Goddamn our rolls sucked, we had only two good rolls and a mediocre one this turn with Millennium rolling over a fucking 90. Shit like this makes me wish more quests didn't rely on rolls for everything.
Wait a second, I am not used to updates so quickly after each other!

[X] Yanagawa
As we all know, swordsmen are the highest of bullshit, so he should be safe.

Regent's Park Barracks: 21/100
Almost all of the personnel at the Regent's Park barracks is dead, or soon will be.

Royal Artillery Barracks: 16/100
The Royal Artillery is dead, killed in the first waves of bombing.

Hyde Park Barracks: 7/100
The Household Cavalry of Hyde Park is completely destroyed.
Turns out that England's Omega Squad iswas slightly larger than Kōan 9-ka's.
[x] Flip a coin and have Integra call it in the air. If she calls it right, Walter fights. If not, Yanagawa fights.
Didn't notice the Millennium results.

Yeah, things are adhering pretty firmly to canon on the strategic level - the Nazis are roflstomping everything in their path, nobody who isn't at least a named NPC can make any difference, and the U.K. apparently has no air force, considering those zeppelins are still just kind of floating above the flames instead of being mulched by missiles and autocannon fire (seriously, autofire shouldn't really be something Rip van Winkle can intercept with her musket rounds, since they are both significantly more numerous and much, much smaller - and thus harder to see/hit - than missiles and fighter jets.)