She'll get a more sophisticated set-up built once she's no longer using a bare-bones DC circuit feeding two battery chargers and a piece of conventional bullshit tinkertech.
As opposed to unconventional bullshit tinker tech that is easily understood, replicable, maintainable by non-capes, and comes with a manual, while still being 100+ years in advance of the state of the art?
Is she going to 'rob' the food court, and spend the half hour there eating some of the food, and possibly ranting about the authorities? That seems in character for her villain persona.
What could be funnier is if she trespasses on the employee-only areas of the food court and exposes health code violations while making a scene, without actually stealing anything or causing any real damage.
However she does cause a panic because of a supervillain going around, so they can get her on being a public nuisance, but then they look back and find her exposing corruption and a health hazard, albeit the wrong way.

Just to make Emma's persecution of this parahuman seem even more like petty bullying, just like how the previous incident ended in a PR disaster for Emma.
What could be funnier is if she trespasses on the employee-only areas of the food court and exposes health code violations while making a scene, without actually stealing anything or causing any real damage.
However she does cause a panic because of a supervillain going around, so they can get her on being a public nuisance, but then they look back and find her exposing corruption and a health hazard, albeit the wrong way.

Just to make Emma's persecution of this parahuman seem even more like petty bullying, just like how the previous incident ended in a PR disaster for Emma.
Well she does have to rob a store, so at least an attempt at theft must be made. Plus, given her previous actions, people seem pretty sympathetic to her stealing stuff anyway.
hammering, I checked the plate's form and quenched it in the near-by vat before setting off to the side to finish cooling.
-quenching is bad for armor.-

"So, doctor, what brings you to

Stansfields or the Anders. Probably the former, if the shift in

animals without even a dite of edible greenery. Not that

had quite awhile before any of my tech needed
a while

by the designated targets Taylor. Or that

handle Hausōs with kids gloves, so to speak."

groaned. "Kids gloves? Is he joking?

Not that she twasn't cute, but

balanced if you didn't have access to a 6 diverse range of
Well she does have to rob a store, so at least an attempt at theft must be made. Plus, given her previous actions, people seem pretty sympathetic to her stealing stuff anyway.
Less 'sympathetic' and more 'apathetic towards her activity'. Most villains will derail your day, but not her. So people don't particularly care if she hits a place.
So have her steal a sandwich or hamburger while saying she's starving, then expose the corruption and unsanitary stuff.
That sounds more like something in one of those vigilante!Undersider fics.
"You are to rob a store in the Weymouth Mall at 6:30 PM on Sunday the 6th. As a reminder, you must spend at least twenty-five minutes at the target and cannot retreat from the encounter for a minimum of five minutes. You may bring your associate and she is not bound to remain once the encounter begins."
You heard her Taylor, it's time to help a business owner find a new place with lower rent for her to open her store in.