-[] Treasury
--[] x2 Bailouts: The banks are collapsing thanks to a combination of reparations payments causing a loss of faith in German bonds, bad war debt, and the debts incurred by companies that were badly hit by the civil war. The banks need their bad debt taken on and they need a cash infusion – an emergency redemption of government war debt will do the trick and moreover increase the stability of the currency. DC30. Raises currency stability, prevents bank collapse. Costs 25 Budget.
--[] Partial Nationalization: Many industries are debt-ridden and thanks to the occupation of their Ruhr or Westphalian or Hanoverian facilities cannot pay their debts – the KPD may have pulled back but spinning those back up is difficult. The companies cannot pay and we will have to take a stake in them to take on the bad debt – a bad beginning for an independent Reichsbank, but a necessary one. Some of the greatest industrial names in Germany are on the line – such as Bayer, for instance, had dyeworks and factories in what was KPD territory that are now damaged and needing rebuilding. DC30. Forestalls a corporate debt collapse by taking on bad debt and a stake in the affected companes. Costs 20 Budget. Further action required for recovery. Economic stabilization grants Stability.
-[] Justice
--[] x2 The Trials (0/100): The Ministry of Justice has to bring the case against the putschists and the KPD, both of the parties that rose up against the republic and sparked a five-month civil war. This will be critical, and the longer the trials drag on the worse things will get in terms of allowing the far-right a platform and risking martyring the KPD leadership – we cannot afford either case. That means speed and skill, and in the face of an uncooperative judiciary no less. All we can hope for is that the civil war has angered the judges more than the existence of the republic. And for some of the old traditionalists in the judiciary, that is indeed possible. Rolls below 20 on any die assigned to this cause a backlash/event. High rolls give bonuses to stability and deradicalization.
--[] The Silesian Sore: Silesia is seeing a full blown insurgency and the troops of Freikorps Oberland that have been used for internal security there are acting in a manner that would exacerbate things. We need to get the province in line and use the courts to do so legally while sending in the federal police and – perhaps or, perhaps and – the army. DC35. Stabilizes Silesia a little, enforcing guidelines for law enforcement and purging the local police forces as needed to maintain stability.
-[] Interior
--[] x2 Plebiscite on Prussia: We have to run the plebiscite for the breakup of Prussia, and that means we have to make sure the vote is free and fair in spite of paramilitaries, right-wing parties and the army. It'll be a chancy thing, but a victory here will be a vindication of the republic and beneficial for federalism in the long term – the Prussian tail cannot be allowed to wag the German dog. DC60.
--[]Reparations: We can pay back the reparations in kind as well as cash, although that means risking the destabilization of the economy as we take commodities out of circulation to hand them to the French. While the Allies have agreed to an incentive payment of five marks per ton of delivered coal and are willing to heavily credit us for deliveries of machinery, they also want hard currency. Badly. And the French Army has made noises about marching out of its bridgehead to the Ruhr if those demands are not met.
--- 20+5(×5=25) = 25 Budget, 45 reparations.
-[] Foreign
--[] x2 Reparations Renegotiation: The reparations payment schedule is being negotiated in London and it might be a good idea to send Rathenau across and make sure that the post-civil-war republic has a voice. It isn't one that will be listened to or listened to with any sympathy at least, but at least we shall be there. And perhaps we can make our case – we cannot argue with force anymore, and we therefore have to make do with words. DC70/90/140, present for two turns, results each turn determine reparations payment schedule.
--[]Capitalizing on Poland: The Poles are relying on German arms to win out against the Soviets at present, and we can use that to pressure them to cease aiding underground groups in Silesia and East Prussia – and then use the army on the undergrounds. Not the most savory of tactics, but it might work as long as the Poles cooperate. As long as the Poles are rational about it all. DC30. Attempts to get Poland to stop backing insurgencies.
-[] Defense
--[] The Deutsche Bahn Study (0/50): The army is an odd way to accomplish nationalization of the railways, but it's certainly something that the army would not mind. Having a direct line to the railway authorities and potential control over national railways in exchange for backing nationalization is fine by them, and the army's railway experts are the same men that managed the wartime logistics – there are few better. Allows nationalization of railways and establishment of a national Reichsbahn/Deutsche Bahn on completion. Mollifies the army a little.
--[] x2 Crackdowns: The army can act as a backup for Special Branch investigations of KPD insurgent cells, and that would be something they are very willing and able to do. While it's a bit heavy handed, it at least gets them out out of our hair in Westphalia, at least somewhat. With them somewhat occupied, that's less voter intimidation. DC40 to find something, below 10 is a shooting.
Modifying Sturmi's plan by delaying the land reforms in order to actually pay some of the reparations we owe the allies. I have serious doubts about how our renegotiation will turn out if our first action is to blow the Allies off completely, and they really do need the money aswell. This isn't paying out the full amount, but rather the original + a tiny bit extra because AI can't be bothered to care about 1 budget and as a thank you for delaying reparations while we were dunking on the Communists and the Triad. Also, we kind of do need to see how our economy starts straining from repayments, so we can find out what to work towards to migate the damage. I was thinking about doing Alpine instead of leaning in Poland, but honestly the Polish can go spin right now, we aren't friends and we both know it.
This plan becomes a lot less viable if the budget doesn't work like I think it does, obviously. Hopefully Mouli clears it up.
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