I guess that some definitions of "interesting" would include things like trauma, major injury, horrible vitriolic thread debate, and mountains of salt.
AFAIR, those people aren't here. There would be no OOC punishment for making a mistake.
That's what we thought about Calypso too.
IIRC, what pissed Calypso off (and rightfully so; but I'm not justifying her response) was Jade saying out loud some vote text that wasn't explicitly phrased as speech. "Avoid risky situations at all costs" is not what follows from that.
You know how we talk about these choices being fair? This is the exact opposite. I can guarantee you it won't happen.

Well, we can't say we weren't warned about it if it does. The whole thing with the rat and all...

And even if we don't we would still be arriving out of a screaming gaping hole in reality... That doesn't necessarily scream friendly girl most of the time. TBH that sounds more like the kind of way you would expect some sort of Lovecraftian horror to show up. Which might make diplomacy tricky.
Well, we can't say we weren't warned about it if it does. The whole thing with the rat and all...

And even if we don't we would still be arriving out of a screaming gaping hole in reality... That doesn't necessarily scream friendly girl most of the time. TBH that sounds more like the kind of way you would expect some sort of Lovecraftian horror to show up. Which might make diplomacy tricky.
Not really? If a lost child fell out of a screaming portal I'd be very concerned for the girl.
IIRC, what pissed Calypso off (and rightfully so; but I'm not justifying her response) was Jade saying out loud some vote text that wasn't explicitly phrased as speech.

Nah, Calypso was going to be a jerk pretty much no matter what Jade said.

Do areas not vary significantly in magic levels? "Low magic" at the point of exit isn't the same as low magic everywhere.

They did back on your homeworld, but didn't in the second dimension. For your home, people usually occupied lower-mana areas since they tended to be safer for everyone involved.

Could I have a Preference (Nettally Default) vote tally starting at post #723, please? Locking voting.
Alivaril threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: E (4(1d100-15)) Total: 152
21 21 42 42 25 25 64 64
Alivaril threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: P (Me/Mo) Total: 2
2 2
Alivaril threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Will (1d20+5 vs. 8) Total: 10
10 10
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Could I have a Preference vote tally starting at post #723, please? Locking voting.

Vote Tally : Original - Fantasy - Consumption | Page 29 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 723-815]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

A bustling marketplace.
A magical demonstration...?
A pool of blood.
A stone road.

Winner: A magical demonstration...?
[1] andrewopk
[1] AramilOniasha
[1] curiosity
[1] DeepWaters
[1] FullNothingness
[1] NemoMarx
[1] Ompa60
[1] pressea
[1] Random832
[1] Simon_Jester
[1] SynchronizedWritersBlock
[1] Vebyast
[1] veekie
[2] Brainwasher
[2] BungieONI
[2] Ehorin
[2] Frakir's brother
[2] mythfan12
[2] Nevill
[2] SemiAnarchist
[2] Spectral Waltz
[2] Thanatanos
[2] Zlaff
[3] Archeo Lumiere
[3] banjo2E
[3] blue_daisy
[3] Deathbybunnies
[3] Gamefreak1ed
[3] Grigori
[3] ImperatorV
[3] Matou Sutegobana
[3] Nixeu
[3] Skjadir
[3] Sole Purpose
[3] What A Day
[4] DB_Explorer
[4] Kai Merah
[-] SwiftRosenthal

First Runner Up: A pool of blood.
[1] Archeo Lumiere
[1] blue_daisy
[1] Brainwasher
[1] BungieONI
[1] DB_Explorer
[1] Ehorin
[1] Frakir's brother
[1] Gamefreak1ed
[1] Grigori
[1] ImperatorV
[1] Kai Merah
[1] Matou Sutegobana
[1] Nixeu
[1] SemiAnarchist
[1] Skjadir
[1] Spectral Waltz
[1] SwiftRosenthal
[1] Thanatanos
[2] curiosity
[2] DeepWaters
[2] pressea
[2] Random832
[2] Sole Purpose
[3] AramilOniasha
[3] mythfan12
[3] Nevill
[3] SynchronizedWritersBlock
[3] Vebyast
[4] andrewopk
[4] banjo2E
[4] Deathbybunnies
[4] FullNothingness
[4] NemoMarx
[4] Ompa60
[4] Simon_Jester
[4] veekie
[4] What A Day
[4] Zlaff

Second Runner Up: A bustling marketplace.
[1] mythfan12
[1] Nevill
[1] What A Day
[2] Archeo Lumiere
[2] banjo2E
[2] BungieONI
[2] DB_Explorer
[2] Deathbybunnies
[2] Gamefreak1ed
[2] ImperatorV
[2] Kai Merah
[2] Matou Sutegobana
[2] NemoMarx
[2] Nixeu
[2] Simon_Jester
[2] SynchronizedWritersBlock
[2] Vebyast
[2] veekie
[3] andrewopk
[3] DeepWaters
[3] Ehorin
[3] Frakir's brother
[3] FullNothingness
[3] Ompa60
[3] pressea
[3] Random832
[3] SemiAnarchist
[3] Thanatanos
[3] Zlaff
[4] AramilOniasha
[4] blue_daisy
[4] Brainwasher
[4] curiosity
[4] Grigori
[4] Skjadir
[4] Sole Purpose
[4] Spectral Waltz
[-] SwiftRosenthal

Third Runner Up: A stone road.
[1] banjo2E
[1] Deathbybunnies
[1] Sole Purpose
[1] Zlaff
[2] andrewopk
[2] AramilOniasha
[2] blue_daisy
[2] FullNothingness
[2] Grigori
[2] Ompa60
[2] Skjadir
[2] What A Day
[3] Brainwasher
[3] BungieONI
[3] curiosity
[3] DB_Explorer
[3] Kai Merah
[3] NemoMarx
[3] Simon_Jester
[3] Spectral Waltz
[3] veekie
[4] Archeo Lumiere
[4] DeepWaters
[4] Ehorin
[4] Frakir's brother
[4] Gamefreak1ed
[4] ImperatorV
[4] mythfan12
[4] Nevill
[4] Nixeu
[4] pressea
[4] Random832
[4] SemiAnarchist
[4] SynchronizedWritersBlock
[4] Thanatanos
[4] Vebyast
[-] Matou Sutegobana
[-] SwiftRosenthal

Total No. of Voters: 38

and now i am a bit sad no blood pool ...
Local police probably won't have a teenage girl summarily executed for appearing out of the middle of nowhere. Realistic societies generally are not that batshit.
No, but they might lock her up for setting things on fire. And I'm less concerned about the police than I am with other governmental officials. Can you say 'black-site'?
*By the way, I think that "what if the fireworks dimension has a 'burn all magic-users' law" speculation is WAAAY more contrived than "what if the lake of blood with the familiar scent and the unseen voice singing about forgetting the fear was created by the sort of entity that might attack or otherwise harm people" speculation.
Okay, imagine someone who can do freaking magic appearing in our world. Or, worse, our world, but also with some sort of aspect that makes it more like a death-world. Yeah. They aren't necessarily going to end up dead, but governmental experimentation is definitely on the table.
Because, um... he's told us that just deciding to go there will not in and of itself be lethal?Do you have more reason than that?
Actually, Melia specifically said that each place she lands should be relatively survivable. That implies greater than 50% odds, and riddles are closer to...call it 80% chance of dying? Riddles, unless you have all the time you need to work it out, are a really terrible way of doing things. Because the logical answer isn't always the right one, and the amount of disagreement that would occur between the posters would be insane. I suspect we'd be pretty much screwed.
I mean, Alivaril has never, ever said that the places we're going are safe. I don't think he's ever said anything that can reasonably be interpreted as, say "I won't create any dimensions where Melia would have, say, a 30% chance of dying or being imprisoned and horribly tortured forever."
Oh, I'm sure those places exist. But our landing area shouldn't be one of the former. The latter is not really an option, with us. Our Anchor means 'forever' isn't going to happen. But I could see that happening, yes.
Your words imply that you believe that no such dimensions exist. I cannot understand why you believe this. All Alivaril promised is that just picking 'the wrong dimension' to go to won't kill us all by itself. It doesn't mean the places we go are safe, it doesn't mean there isn't great danger. It doesn't mean we can just skip the step of trying to rationally evaluate the hazards associated with the places we proposed to go.
I believe those places exist. I just don't expect us to be dumped into them any time soon. See, the thing is, the statement made was pretty much just about our landing area, and the immediate environs. We won't be dumped in such a location directly, but we could choose to go there.

Basically, where we land is relatively safe. Where we go may not be. That's what I got from what he said.
Well, I sympathize, but we've been discussing this issue all day, so this isn't exactly an impulse decision on your part. It's like, an impulse can lead two thirds of all men to do something stupid (touch the electrified bar). I can at least sympathize with that, because I can hardly pretend that two thirds of all men are just deeply defective.

At the same time, we've been arguing over whether to touch the electrified bar all day from my point of view. It's gotten a bit confusingly exasperating. And yes, as someone else pointed out, here there are potential rewards whereas with the electrified bar there are zero rewards other than "relieve boredom." On the other hand, the risks are a lot higher than "receive mild electric shock."
...No, they aren't. At worst, I will have to deal with some friends being disappointed, and maybe getting some crap from people for a while. But I won't actually be physically harmed. You won't be physically harmed. No one will be physically harmed. Because this is, in fact, a game, and not reality.

Like...if this quest fails, it'll suck, but life will, in fact, go on. That seems to be the key sticking point of our disagreement. I'm treating this as a game, you seem to be treating this as real-life.
So, us appearing in a place where we're attacked is bullshit?
Currently? Kinda, if it has higher than 50% odds do killing us. Actually, even 50% is pretty high. That's killer DM behavior. You set challenges that your players have a hope in hell of actually handling, rather than ones they can't. Alivaril is usually fairly good about that, unless we seek out a challenge that's too much for us. The whole disclaimer he made? That sounds to me like we're not going to be dropped on anything too outrageously dangerous.

Like...I hate to use this argument, but I know Alivaril. That sort of sh*t is something he despises. While his simulationist style does mean we can end up in over our heads, he tries to keep that to what we choose, rather than making it something we can just get screwed by inevitably.
If there exists some magical entity on the other side of the portal, reading our mind through the portal and crafting an illusion to lure us in, then Melia is screwed no matter which portal we pick, because that would be the one the monster crafted for us.
That...is actually a pretty good point.
You realise the world we're in right now has low mana levels according to Melia. We are still able to use magic and to call our elementals in a low mana location.

In addition, mana level of a location depends on population of magical things; a clearing or a road would naturally have low mana levels whereas a city would naturally have slightly higher and a magical creature lair obviously higher. We know, for example, that an abandoned human residence in the woods had slightly more ambient mana.

It seems vanishingly unlikely to get arrested at the fountain. There are elementals at the fountain, which means we are unlikely to be so out of context.
I'm less concerned about that, and more with being made a 'guest' of someone in power, who wants to take advantage of us, or a mage who wants to experiement on us. The city has pretty high mana levels, so I expect there are mages. Nothing says they're nice mages.
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I'm less concerned about that, and more with being made a 'guest' of someone in power, who wants to take advantage of us, or a mage who wants to experiement on us. The city has pretty high mana levels, so I expect there are mages. Nothing says they're nice mages.

That could happen literally anywhere there are mages, things that use magic, or people with authority. A random city will have laws that protect children from kidnappers. You can argue that at X point the laws break down, but generally speaking they should protect us, since they've protected society thusfar.

It seems a rather ridiculous concern to me, hysteric really. I'm sorry to put it that way, but if you think that we will be ushered out of a crowded square to become someone's guniea pig that doesn't make any sense and isn't a comparatively dangerous situation with most others, because we actually have tools to protect ourselves against exactly that: shield and anchor both.
Speaking of the shield, it's a given that we're going through the portal ready to use it at a moment's notice, right?
revealing a spike made out of shimmering white crystal. He glances up and makes sure you're watching before speaking again.

"This is a portable sanctuary. If you plant it in the ground and feed it a little bit of your mana,
If we need to physically shove it into the ground, we might want to teach our earth elementals how to do it in case we need to shove it into rock or metal or something. It doesn't activate without mana so that much should be safe.
That could happen literally anywhere there are mages, things that use magic, or people with authority. A random city will have laws that protect children from kidnappers. You can argue that at X point the laws break down, but generally speaking they should protect us, since they've protected society thusfar.

It seems a rather ridiculous concern to me, hysteric really. I'm sorry to put it that way, but if you think that we will be ushered out of a crowded square to become someone's guniea pig that doesn't make any sense and isn't a comparatively dangerous situation with most others, because we actually have tools to protect ourselves against exactly that: shield and anchor both.
Hey, I never said it would result in a Bad End. Which is honestly the main reason I even consider it. Kidnapping doesn't actually work on us. It's a potentially challenge or threat that we can get out of by default. So, like, the worst that might happen is losing our stuff. Which would suck, but wouldn't be the end of the world. So I figure it's a potential challenge for us at this point in our career, given our inability to defend ourselves from more serious attacks.

Also, I do think we'd probably have at least some social challenges, if we go to the place we're currently going to. A medieval girl in a modern world should be interesting. (And sounds like Journey lyrics, but I digress.)
Speaking of the shield, it's a given that we're going through the portal ready to use it at a moment's notice, right?

If we need to physically shove it into the ground, we might want to teach our earth elementals how to do it in case we need to shove it into rock or metal or something. It doesn't activate without mana so that much should be safe.
That's actually a pretty good idea.
That could happen literally anywhere there are mages, things that use magic, or people with authority. A random city will have laws that protect children from kidnappers. You can argue that at X point the laws break down, but generally speaking they should protect us, since they've protected society thusfar.

It seems a rather ridiculous concern to me, hysteric really. I'm sorry to put it that way, but if you think that we will be ushered out of a crowded square to become someone's guniea pig that doesn't make any sense and isn't a comparatively dangerous situation with most others, because we actually have tools to protect ourselves against exactly that: shield and anchor both.

1. Laws in a LOT of places are mostly about what people not in charge can't do. The idea of laws that protect everyone equally is actually a rather recent thing and even now it is still relatively rare.
2. Laws tend to be meant to protect the local people... Not strange foreigners. Even in countries like the US you can be entirely legally detained for showing up in the country without paperwork.
.... all that talk and Pool of Blood didn't win.​
I know, right? It's hilarious.

...What? I meant what I said when I said I was okay with pretty much every option but the road. I mean, a modern-ish setting might have all sorts of useful goodies. Purchasing them with silver and gold might be a tad difficult, though. And I don't think Melia is skilled in shop-lifting. But we could maybe do some scavenging in the trash, or find someone willing to exchange for the gold and silver. I look forward to our misadventures.
For every person disappointed it didn't win there's one that's sighing in relief. It was a contentious vote and it turned out close.
For every person disappointed it didn't win there's one that's sighing in relief. It was a contentious vote and it turned out close.
I mean...the thing that won was a lot of people's second or third choice. Only a few people put the demo at last, so it's not like there's a ton of people who absolutely hate the option. And it's still sufficiently interesting, given the buildings and the fireworks, IMO.

It's kind of a compromise, since it's got some obvious danger, while still being perceived as safer than the pool of blood. It's also got obvious shinies, so I'd overall say it's an acceptable outcome.
2.0: Interception
Winner: A magical demonstration...?

You find yourself surprisingly reluctant to give up on the pool of blood. Okay, sure, it looks blatantly evil, but what if it's actually something harmless? Helpful? The singer doesn't sound malicious. You freely admit you're heavily motivated by curiosity.

Ultimately, you decide to go with caution and the promise of more pretty explosions. Barely. You vaguely hope you'll have a chance to go back when you're more powerful and can better take care of yourself. You doubt it will, though.

But first...

"Morgan? Is there any extra or unusual foreign mana entering your network? Because I am. Um, I mean, I'm getting some. Sorry. And did the rift sound like it was whistling when it opened? It did for me."

The magician starts to shake his head and stops mid-motion.

"No mana and, for me, it was closer to a scream. I'm not sure this is a true portal; what you're reporting and what I'm observing are wildly different. At least the rat seems fine."

You barely resist the urge to poke your finger through one of the windows. That's what animal tests are for.

"I'm going to choose the bottom-left location out of four, okay? Please tell me if you feel or see anything different."

Morgan looks back at you for just long enough to nod. You give him a slightly awkward smile in return.

Turning back to the possible magical demonstration, you try to make yourself feel something stronger than vague curiosity. It's much easier than it was the first time around.

I want to go there.

The cracks separating the rift into four sections close, allowing the different images to overlap in a slightly disturbing manner. Fortunately, the rejected locations fade and vanish within moments, allowing the final window to expand and fill the entire portal. The rat cage remains undisturbed.

You check your anchor and find that all but one thread has snapped. You don't think it'll last more than a minute or two.

"Okay, the portal is focused on only one pace now. So, um, thank you for everything? ...I'm sorry, but I honestly don't know what to say here. I think my life would be a lot harder without your help."

Morgan gives you a sideways grin.

"I expect it would be. Just remember to help any others in need, would you? The guild can't be everywhere. You can."

His smile slowly fades.

"...Within reasonable limits, that is. I don't expect you to go overthrowing any evil governments or the like. Just, try to keep this whole thing in mind? Even if you help just two other people out of desperate situations, that's still a vast impro—"

You wince and hold up a hand as the last thread visibly vibrates. "I really do need to go. I might see you later, I guess? Again, thanks. Yes, now we can go, everyone."

Morgan stops and sighs. "...Right. Good luck."

You retrieve your fingers from the two air elementals and slowly walk through the rift, keeping a close watch on your anchor as you do so. The moment you've crossed the threshold, fluffy dizziness overwhelms your head. You barely manage to keep your balance and focus even as you stagger to one side. Neither stops you from looking back at the now-closing rift.

Instead of slicing the rat in half like Morgan and you feared, the rip flows around the cage and shoves it back toward Morgan. Meanwhile, numerous threads of mana shoot from your anchor in a layout similar, but not perfectly identical to, the one you'd had before. You think this one might have a few more threads, but you aren't sure; they overlap enough to make them insanely difficult to count. You also have no idea where the extra mana came from. You don't think the anchor used any of your own this time.

Directing your attention back to the outside world, you're vaguely surprised to see a severe lack of exploring elementals. Craning your neck, you find both airs, your fire, and one dirt elemental staring up at the sky. Your neck doesn't bend far enough to let you look at the others, but you're imagining they're doing the same.

After a moment of thought, you carefully reach back and retrieve your portable sanctuary. You don't unwrap it just yet; you don't want to trip and hurt yourself or accidentally activate it.

Ready for just about everything, you walk toward the colorful explosions. You can't imagine they would use this big of a variety if it were actual combat, nor do you know how long it's going to last.

Ash gives way to living grass within a minute. The smell of smoke doesn't vanish.

Not even five minutes later, the sounds of running feet greet your ears. You turn around just in time to see a blonde-haired girl about your own age skidding to a stop a few meters away from you. Your fire elemental immediately moves to hover in front of you.

Personally, you're not quite sure what to make of her. Her dark green skirt is the shortest example you've seen in your entire life, barely even going halfway to her knees. You don't feel like her white metal and lace slippers match and her short-sleeved white tunic doesn't seem to fit her right. It doesn't even cover her belly button.

You rest your head in one hand and stagger back as a hiss of gibberish bombards your ears and brain. You're dimly aware of the girl pointing accusingly at either you or the fire elemental.

Her tone turns questioning when you don't respond, then shifts to frustration, exasperation, or exasperated frustration. She takes one step toward you and stops when your elementals gather on your shoulders. This time, you're sure she's frustrated.

"—uck's sake," she mutters. "Home it is, then."

The girl spins around and takes a few steps away from you. After a moment, she stops, looks back at you, and waves her arm in what's apparently the multiversal gesture for 'follow me' or 'this way.'

[] Remain silent and let her drag you along. You can try to figure out what's going on as you go.

[] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that. What was she saying?
-[] And who's she supposed to be?

[] Write-in
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[X] Remain silent and let her drag you along. You can try to figure out what's going on as you go.
[x] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that. What was she saying?
-[x] And who's she supposed to be?