I would like to point out that if Delight moves to a new dimension, she might lose access to any stored power or leased souls she has in
this dimension, and she might be unable to arrange stable ways to secure power in a subsequent dimension. It might not work out to her advantage, especially if we never figure out a reliable way to send her home.
You have to see, though, that Delight have avoided making definitive statements at all. Inviting us to review myths is not the same thing as stating she'd act in a certain way. "We often repay debts" is not a statement about how a debt would be repaid in these circumstances. Every sentence is carefully crafted to avoid making a definitive statement one way or another.
Note that what she DID say about herself is: "
I enjoy giving mortals the tools they'd need to succeed and having them teach me the secrets they learned during their lifetime. Nothing forces me to keep a human soul for the entire length of time they previously agreed to; I generally offer and grant reduced servitude for excellent service. "
The first sentence is relevant because it is an unforced statement about her motives, and one that suggests a personality relatively free of depravity. She could have said anything; if she didn't want us to know what she does with mortal souls for fun, she could have told us
nothing aside from "we Astrals desire power to retain our freedom of action and avoid being sealed like this." That's fair enough, after all. But instead, she chose to tell us this.
The second sentence is relevant because
she's not even asking for a soul lease. She explicitly told us she no longer accepts payment in
credit cards post-mortem spiritual servitude. She didn't have to tell us that, either. We wouldn't have been surprised if it weren't true, or if she didn't mention it.
Assuming that she is in fact compelled to tell the literal truth, and I see no reason to doubt this though I'd like to test if
we are under such a compulsion... These two sentences together suggest that while she may do some things we think are wrong, she operates within a recognizable ethical system that we can work with, rather than being an utterly depraved or malicious being.
I still don't want her riding around in Melia's head, but I find myself a lot less reluctant to make a short-term, one time only deal (such as empowering our elementals, or some sort of physical enhancement).
Although, I have to say, if Delight is telling the truth about how Astrals have to seek new experiences, then she would love the situation we're in.
I doubt 'Delight' has ever needed to answer this question in this way- anyone who summons Astrals and is native to this dimension would either already know, or not care. She was not prepared for this situation. Therefore, I very much doubt that this is a
calculated deception. She may be shading the truth somewhat out of reflex, or she may be portraying herself in a self-serving light, but I don't think it plausible that this whole thing was a Kyubey-esque barrage of carefully worded half-truths intended to lead us to an entirely incorrect conclusion.
I think we've succeeded in irritating her into simply
telling the truth, which is probably going to turn into one of Melia's signature tactics the same way James Kirk habitually talks evil computers into committing suicide.
I think explaining we're dimension hopping and have never encountered even stories about her kind before is the correct course of action here. We can watch her response to that. Also I get the impression she's overall reasonable and at least somewhat trustworthy, but is getting increasingly annoyed by our distrust, since it implies we have a low opinion of her. Explaining why we feel the need to scope out the situation explains our actions, and we still can always just leave if people don't think contracting with her is a good idea.
I think this is a good idea.
Her willingness to deal with us in good faith may erode rapidly if we don't make some gesture of
apology for asking her annoying questions when she urgently desires to be let out of this force field bubble she's trapped in. Even if I don't trust her, and elect not to deal with her at all, I see no reason to be impolite to her about that.
Honestly, was not freeing her ever something people considered? I figured at the very least we'd free her before jumping ship.
It was reasonable to fear, and is still not
un-reasonable to fear, that she may be a partly-malicious trickster entity who offers lopsided bargains (obtaining great power and benefits for herself, at great expense to mortal souls, in exchange for slight effort on her part). It is reasonable to fear that she may wreak undeserved havoc on who-knows-who. It is reasonable to fear that if we let her loose, this may become known somehow, and we may make enemies should we ever return to this dimension. It was reasonable to fear, though I feel it unreasonable to fear now, that she might even be completely lying about everything and be an utterly depraved being held prisoner for very good reasons.
Therefore yes, some people, myself included, considered not freeing her. I think freeing her is a reasonable course of action for now, though I could still be talked out of it.
[] You're not sick, by the way. That was just a side-effect of coming here and your translation spell. You're trying to gather information and determine whether or not you think you even CAN trust her. Could she please just be patient for a little while?
-[] Did Delight deliberately bring up fairy tales when she knew you didn't really know anything about her or Astrals? You aren't from around here so you'd appreciate some clarification on terms/basics.
-[] How does Delight think Gaea's followers would treat you if you left now?
-[] Offer some information about your own situation to explain your confusion.
-[] Ask any other questions you can think of. Answer some of her questions. Discuss terms but don't agree to anything.
I don't like your third line because it could be interpreted by 'Delight' as us talking about leaving without freeing her. We should NOT raise that probability in a way that she may interpret as us trying to threaten her with continued imprisonment. Especially since she
just told us that if we try to jerk her around that way, any wishes she grants us will be under Jerkass Genie rules instead of Nice Genie rules.
So how about trying to be a bit more open? We need some understanding so this ought to be something of a give and take. Hopefully we can get her to be blunt in her explanations because we can't really just maintain our evasiveness and we have to show her that neither can she.
I'm actually okay with that.
However, I want to emphasize that I think we should be thinking in terms of a short-term one-off deal, something that
ends when we leave this dimension, or possibly something that involves agreeing to ferry her in person in her own physical body to another dimension. While I may believe we can negotiate with 'Delight' in good faith, I do not think we understand her well enough, or have enough influence over her opinions, for her to make a good passenger inside Melia's head.
[] You're very not from around here, as she may have guessed. The portals aren't exactly under your control.
[] The problem is, the closest analogs you have to her in your fairy tales are... not so often malicious as aggressively lazy, greedy, and masters of creatively interpretation. And Delight's been playing exactly to stereotype so far, so you're not particularly inclined to make a deal.
edit: FFS, I should just stop posting.
That's actually a pretty good start.
Hm. I'm feeling like we are being unfair to Desire here.
Her nickname is 'Delight,' and we arguably have, but it was very much an accident.