This is probably the best we could possibly hope for as far as welcoming committees go. Not obviously military or law enforcement and alone... Unless she's secretly a magical girl or working for an organization of assholes, it should be safe to let her take us somewhere less public before we attract ALL THE ATTENTION.

[x] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that. What was she saying?
-[x] And who's she supposed to be?
--[x] And what's that display? It's pretty.
---[x] Follow her while asking all this.
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[x] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that. What was she saying?
-[x] And who's she supposed to be?
--[x] Let her drag you while asking this.
Umm diplomacy or observe. Im thinking observe, she thinks shes knows what we are given ahe is taking us to her house - so lets get oriented before talking.
Second most interesting choice won, may not be easy to adjust to but I'm not too disappointed.

[x] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that. What was she saying?
-[x] And who's she supposed to be?
--[x] And what's that display? It's pretty.
---[x] Let her drag you while asking this.
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I take my previous statment back Melia must ask questions.

[x] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that. What was she saying?
-[x] And who's she supposed to be?
--[x] And what's that display? It's pretty.
---[x] Let her drag you while asking this.
My guess is she was pointing at the fire elemental and blames us for the burned-out area, in fact caused by a stray firework.

On the vote, oddly enough, it was actually a pairwise tie. 19-19 by my count on people who preferred this area vs the pool of blood over the other (It looks like the tiebreaker was that more people had the pool of blood in last place, by a greater margin than more people had it in first place? I don't know the details of how NetTally works)
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I don't think she intends to drag Melia.

[x] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that. What was she saying?
-[x] And who's she supposed to be?
--[x] And what's that display? It's pretty.
---[x] Follow her while asking all this.
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I don't think she intends to drag Melia.
I put that because I'm afraid that if there's nothing about following in the vote, we're going to stand around talking. Which, imo, is a bad idea, because those fireworks are going to end and we're shortly going to be spotted.

I don't want to just follow her, though, because Melia is Melia and will die if she doesn't ask at least 50 questions in the next 10 minutes.
[x] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that. What was she saying?
-[x] And who's she supposed to be?
--[x] And what's that display? It's pretty.
---[x] Fallow her while asking this.
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I put that because I'm afraid that if there's nothing about following in the vote, we're going to stand around talking. Which, imo, is a bad idea, because those fireworks are going to end and we're shortly going to be spotted.

I don't want to just follow her, though, because Melia is Melia and will die if she doesn't ask at least 50 questions in the next 10 minutes.

Ok but we can follow her and ask questions. No need for literal dragging, and no need to stand around talking if she doesn't.

I think the confusion was between whether this means "only follow her if she physically drags us" vs "don't make her choose between talking to us and walking away"


[x] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that. What was she saying?
-[x] And who's she supposed to be?
--[x] And what's that display? It's pretty.
---[x] Follow her while asking all this.
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Ok but we can follow her and ask questions. No need for literal dragging, and no need to stand around talking if she doesn't.

I think the confusion was between whether this means "only follow her if she physically drags us" vs "don't make her choose between talking to us and walking away"
I don't get why you thought I meant literal dragging when it's clear from the update that she's too scared of our elementals to touch us. But sure, changed.
[x] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that.What was she saying?
-[x] And who's she supposed to be?
--[x] And what's that display? It'spretty.
---[x] Follow her while asking all this.

Good enough. Intent is clear.
[X] Remain silent and let her drag you along. You can try to figure out what's going on as you go.

So this sounds modern ish, then? I say we just go with the flow, do any talking in private.
It seems modern-ish. It may be more 70s than 2000s, but who knows. I don't think it will be future though.

Metal manufactured sandals are one thing. Modern fashions that don't think about practicality in outdoors or other working tasks. I hesitate to attribute our cultural period connotations to fashions though. I suspect the fireworks are entirely non-magical. It may well be a Victorian or Industrial era world that's gone to different places culturally, so doesn't quite have modern technology.
Also, what sounds like a short top and a miniskirt, which implies modern or developed in some other ways?
At a glance I would agree, but I have to add that I don't want to use our own cultural connotations for a place that could easily not have anything to do with RL Earth. I could see some cultures developing what we know as modern fashions in other parts of their economic and technological development.

Also, she came looking specifically for us: how or why did she know? e: And why send a teenager?
It seems modern-ish. It may be more 70s than 2000s, but who knows. I don't think it will be future though.

Metal manufactured sandals are one thing. Modern fashions that don't think about practicality in outdoors or other working tasks. I hesitate to attribute our cultural period connotations to fashions though. I suspect the fireworks are entirely non-magical. It may well be a Victorian or Industrial era world that's gone to different places culturally, so doesn't quite have modern technology.
That's a very good point. The clothing may not be a good indicator. This is probably an alternate universe, and as such, things may be a bit different.
[x] Sorry, you didn't catch any of that.What was she saying?
-[x] And who's she supposed to be?
--[x] And what's that display? It'spretty.
---[x] Follow her while asking all this.
Also, she came looking specifically for us: how or why did she know? e: And why send a teenager?
It's possible that she might be the only person in a fireworks watching group who was looking at the ground instead of the pretty lights. I don't think there's been enough time for people to be dispatching a teenage girl who runs at a normal speed.

Another angle: let's say this is a modern (70s to 2000s) setting and we have about a week here. What would be the number one things we'd want to obtain?
Light elementals from the incandescent or fluorescent lights. :V

I don't really care about specifics, but any large, omnipresent retail chain will probably yield something as well as being fun to read.
The really obvious answer is: A gun. But Melia would probably have to break a law to obtain one of those, and I don't want that. She is a polite slider that follows the law!
Another angle: let's say this is a modern (70s to 2000s) setting and we have about a week here. What would be the number one things we'd want to obtain?
  • Firearm
  • Cell phone and solar/hand-crank/campfire charger, with functionality for:
    • Taking notes
    • Taking pictures
    • Recording video
    • Recording audio
    • Number crunching (big value if we need to make money legit, seriously, being able to multiply big numbers is really valuable, rent it to accountants for a few hours at a time)
    • Reading wikipedia (curiosityyyyyyyyyy)
  • A medical kit with a little bit of everything from the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines.
  • A really good knife. Modern metallurgy is absolutely hilarious.
  • A big lump of aluminium for trade.
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