You can also try fighting these new enemies in the combat drill, though the versions there are pretty weak.
Orthos/Beasts: Tanks that reduce incoming damage to 1 while their shields are up. They damage themselves when their shields go down (unless they're stunned).
You should counter with AN-94, G11, K2, AUG, Angelica, ST AR-15, Type 97, ACR (the SC crate doll). Basically anyone with high RoF and/or multishot, the more bullets the better. Direct fire SMGs also help here as explosives are 100% useless against their shields.
Kentaoros/Archers: Molotov arrows, high accuracy, fuckoff range, and high acc. Around this event people started using force shield SMGs a lot more because beasts are too tanky to kill off quickly and archers fucking hurt. You want SMGs with strong evasion stacking skills or defensive skills that can no sell their attacks, so that means bring SMGs like Dorothy, C-MS, MP7, PM-06, MP5 MOD, RO, G36C, or P90 (her dummies can lure the arrows away). P22 is also useful because of the evasion/shield buff. Mainly the shield.
Patrollers/Striders: Either a super easy fight or a nightmare depending on your team comp. Their HP shields are very difficult to brute force and when they drop them to fire they instead get something like 10x evasion. Oh, and they're perma-elite tag so Grape cannot 1-shot them. You want someone who can ignore shields (Deagle) or bypass evasion entirely (M200). Accuracy stacking won't work, Patrollers have enough evasion to give RFs serious problems even in the day time when they're jumping.
Surehit options are M200, SSG3000, M4MOD cannon, Type 4, charged shots (NTWMod, M82A1, Rico, etc). NTW Mod and Deagle can bypass the HP shields entirely though in NTW Mod's case it's kind of irrelevant because her CDR is too long so the shields get dropped by the time she's ready to shoot.
Gladiators: Regenerating force shields, something like 36k HP. Basically this is the entire reason for Grape in the Grape/M200 team in the video, she can delete them from existence quickly.
Gunners: Their attacks debuff you. So once they start shooting everything just melts. Oh, they can come with Gladiators btw, which is an awful combo of heavy duty tank in the front + melt your face off DPS in the back. In SC people just dealt with this by using M200 because she retargeted to the back and would nuke them all for you.
Minotaurs: The damage reduction while in their shield mode is 80%, FYI. High DPS RFs or Grape work best here.
Abandoned Isomers: Just don't let them get close to you and you're good.