Merit = having big boobs
Do you guys now understand why I mock all attempts to become a "meritocracy"?
I actually got the idea from earlier in the thread when I or someone pointed out that an Arthwyd meritocracy could end up with the leaders being picked by how much they were thought to look like the goddesses with a closer appearance being a sign of divine favour.
which basically reduces the Arthwyd to " the civ with big breasts".
I'm be blunt and say as far as I am concerned, you are one who is doing the flanderisation and ignoring every other aspect of civ if you can look at the Arthwyd and only see "the civ with the big breasts".
- That opinion ignores the fact that the Arthwyd are a communal based civ rather than a familial based one like almost every civ in history and all of their in-universe neighbours.
- It ignores the fact that the Arthwyd are a deeply religious civ who are incredible devout towards their goddesses.
- It ignores the fact that they have an all-female pantheon, something that isn't seen in RL history.
- It ignores the fact that they were originally a peaceful civ, but due to repeated unprovoked aggression, they have gone from treating violence and warfare as something only barbarians would do to something that they acknowledge as a unfortunate necessity while having the warriors as strong the most influential faction.
- It ignores how the government of the Arthwyd has changed over time going from being run by the elders to the priests to a monarchy to a herediary monarchy.
- It ignores how the Arthwyd have gone from being opening to outsiders to viewing all of their neighbouring civs as being uncivilised barbarians and viewing themselves as the only truly civilised people around.
- It ignores how the Arthwyd have expanded to take over some of their neighbours with peaceful attempts succeeding where violence fails with their one attempt at conquest resulting in the conquered vassal making a successful bid for freedom and independent rule.
- It ignores how the stone and earth are the go to elements for the Arthwyd and are perversity
- It ignores how despite having an open, tolerant and accepting society, the Arthwyd have still developed plenty of discrimination with their society even if all of it is well-intentioned.
- It ignores how due to lacking the social pressures to develop them, the Arthwyd have very few sexual taboos and are incredibly open when it comes to sex and sexual relationships. They don't discriminate or hold people's sexual tastes against them unlike the vast majority of cultures in RL.
Just because I didn't outright mentioned any of those in a post that was only a couple thousand words long in my spare time doesn't mean that they don't exist. The fact that you are just willing to ignore all of this because I didn't mention every last thing in a trivia post that was only a couple thousand words long is frankly annoying.
Even if we just look at the trivia post, you ignore how it is considered wrong by the Arthwyd for parents to raise their own kid. You ignore how the Arthwyd believe themselves to be cultural superior and therefore they pressure immigrants to abandon their old culture and adopt the Arthwydish culture. You ignore how the Arthwyd have a grand total of two taboos regarding sex and anything else goes. You ignore how the Arthwyd view violence and warfare as being barbaric, but still respect the might and dangerous threat of the barbarians due to them being good at war. You ignore how even despite their accepting and tolarant society where everyone is supposed to get a chance to prove themselves, some roles are still being seen as a man's job or a woman's job. You ignore how the closest thing you have to a noble caste is being chosen based on appearance almost half the time.
But no, you just want to reduce the Arthwyd to being "the civ with the big breasts".
Yes, the Blessing of Arthryn is a major part of the Arthwyd culture. Of course, it is when pretty much everyone has it. You had it for three quarters of the quest at this point and it isn't something that can just be ignored. Even beyond being the source of 'big boobs' that you are oddly focused on, it makes the Arthwyd more resistance to plagues and injuries, it makes physical labour easier, it makes your innovations easier, it makes admin work easier, it makes childbirth significantly less fatal, it increases the age span to the point that Heroes are usually living for an extra turn than they would be without the blessing and it increases your population growth. It is even leading to some well-intention discrimination by the Arthwyd in their otherwise tolerant and accepting society. But hey, since I don't rub that into your face all the time with every threadmarked post, let us just focus on the big breasts.
Breasts are mentioned in less than a fifth of the threadmarked posts and even then, they are barely mentioned in the posts they do get mentioned in it.
Yes, the Arthwyd women have big breasts. They have done so for close to a thousand years now. The Blessing of Arthryn is a major part of Arthwyd civilisation and as a result, it has helped shaped things alongside many other factor. All of that is something that has been the case for a long time now.
The idea that breasts have been an excessive part of this quest to the point they are overshadowing everything is
stupid because it is clearly not. To do so requires ones to get a bugbear about it and then ignore the rest of the quest beyond that bugbear and then complain that the bugbear is overshadowing the quest by cherry-picking things while ignoring all evidence to the contrary .
Your criticism here is something I put absolutely no value in because you are taking one part of the quest and claiming that it is all that there is to the quest. From what I can see, your 'criticism' basically amounts to whining that the quest has an element that you don't like and ignoring the rest of the quest in favour of that single disliked element. As far as I am concerned, I can ignore your criticism and nothing of value is lost.
And yes, I am rather annoyed that you are focusing on a single element of the quest and ignoring everything else to the point that you are willingly to claim that the quest has been flanderised around that single disliked element. Because the big breasts clearly mean everything and the whole quest revolve around them and everything other aspect is secondary.
I don't care about this topic anymore. I have made my stance clear and that isn't going to change anytime soon.