Vote is still open. I will leave it open until tomorrow.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of History - Civ Quest - Original | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 2-51]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
[X] Move to the lands on the other side of the ocean. (???)
No. of Votes: 15
[X] Move along the coast until they stop in a forest pass the mountains. (???)
No. of Votes: 7
[X] Stay in the old lands and rebuild your homes. (River mouth, existing settlement and farmland, ???)
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Move along the coast until they stop in grasslands beyond the mountains. (???)
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 25
[X] Move to the lands on the other side of the ocean. (???)

Is the old quest still open?
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Random Member on May 12, 2019 at 3:49 AM, finished with 20 posts and 14 votes.
Vote is closed.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of History - Civ Quest - Original | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 2-57]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
[X] Move to the lands on the other side of the ocean. (???)
No. of Votes: 17
[X] Move along the coast until they stop in a forest pass the mountains. (???)
No. of Votes: 7
[X] Stay in the old lands and rebuild your homes. (River mouth, existing settlement and farmland, ???)
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Move along the coast until they stop in grasslands beyond the mountains. (???)
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 27
Across the Ocean
[X] Move to the lands on the other side of the ocean. (???)

In the end, the majority of the People are choose to travel across the ocean and set up new homes on the other side of it. While some of them choose to stay behind, they are minority in number as most seek a fresh start over the water.

The journey is not a single one, but many small ones as canoes are built and supplies transported over. Hunters scout for a location across the grasslands and beaches of the new shore. Eventually a good spot is found in a cove where the cliffs protect against the sea winds and there are nearby fields to plough. The hunters set up a permanent camp there before reporting their finding back to People on the old shore.

Buildings are constructed in the camp and families move into them. Over time, the camp turns into a village and while the Newshore village is smaller than the Oldshore village at first, that changes within a couple of generations as more and more of the People take the trip across the ocean to find a new home on the new shore.

By the time that there is no living memory of a time when Newshore was not a thing, the second village of the People is where the majority of them call home. Despite the distance between Oldshore and Newshore, the People are the People and both villages make sure to keep in contact with each other and maintain their cultural ties, remaining as the People rather than drifting apart.

The monsters did not return either or at least the terrors of story do not as while savage beasts do harass and strike at the People, they only do so out of opportunity whilst also being tame compared to what is described in the stories. As hoped when the People first chose to move across the ocean, Newshore has fewer monsters compared to Oldshore as the animals on the other side of the ocean are mostly of a mild sort compared to what can be found around Oldshore.

Over the years, spiritual beliefs begin to develop amongst the People. Forming in Newshore, they slowly grow more common within the larger of the People's villages before spreading to Oldshore. Within a couple of generations, these beliefs have become widespread and common enough that all of the People hold them to some degree.

What spiritual beliefs to the People hold?
[] [Faith] Worshipping the one god of the People.
[] [Faith] Worshipping the many gods of the People.
[] [Faith] Praying to the ancestor-spirits of the People.
[] [Faith] Venerating the grand nature spirits of the world.
[] [Faith] Venerating the commonplace spirits which can be found everywhere.
[] [Faith] Exalting the nature of the world itself.

Even as the People farm and etch out a life, the hunters explore the lands around Newshore, seeking new prey and prizes as they explore the new home of the People. The main object of their journeys is a massive mountain and the only one they can find on Newshore. Neither towards the sunrise or the sunset, the Newshore mountain is somewhere between the two.

It doesn't take long for the hunters of the People to reach the mountain as the grasslands in front of it give way to hills on either side of the mountain and behind it as well. Climbing the mountain, the hunters find it flat topped with a gapping hole in the middle. The hole reaches deep into the mountain and lets the hunters see into the middle of the mountain, seeing its fiery core.

The mountain with its fiery centre is not all that the hunters find in their travels. On the mountain and the hills around it, the People find the Black Rocks. The Black Rocks were both common and extremely sharp. While the People continued to use regular rocks at first, the Black Rocks would prove to be much sharper than any other rock and found plenty of usage by the hunters.

Common around the Fire Mountain of Newshore, the hunters valued the Black Rock for the sharpness it provided their blades and the hunters made great use of it when it came to spearheads, arrowheads and knifes. It soon became impossible to find a hunter who didn't use the Black Rock and with that, the usage of Black Rock began to spread to the rest of the People.

Before long, the villagers of Newshore were making regular usage of Black Rock and even those in Oldshore are begun to use the stone which can only be found on the other side of the ocean. Between a desire to make it easier to get more Black Rock and Newshore becoming a bit too crowded, the People begin to found new settlements in Newshore. Villages begin to pop up between the Newshore village and the Fire Mountain while other settlements are setup along the coastline.

It was as they began to spread out across Newshore that the People ran into the outsiders. Running into more coastline and ocean towards the sunrise of Newshore, the People find a second mountain on the other side of the Fire Mountain and the hills to its sunset. While still impressive, the second mountain of new shore lack Black Rock found around the Fire Mountain and doesn't have a hole at the top which lets you see its fiery heart.

Beyond this mountain towards the sunrise lay a massive forest with trees and undergrowth dominating the land. It was within this forest that the People found other people. The outsiders were different to the People and were violent folk compared to the People. Living in their forest, the outsiders divided themselves up into different tribes and fought amongst themselves for glory and prestige. Physical prowess and fighting ability was what the other islanders valued and their tribes were lead by their greatest warrior and where reigned at the top of their social structure.

The initial contact between the People and the Sunset Tribes ended in violent as the latter saw the hunters of the People as worthy foes. Seeking glory in fighting the People, the Sunset Tribes were better warriors, but found themselves unprepared for the Black Rock weapons for the People. The handful of battles were bloody for both sides and ended in multiple deaths for both the People and the Sunset Tribes.

Falling back to Newshore and the other villages, the hunters warned of the Sunset Tribes in the great forest and the People endeavoured to avoid heading back there. Unfortunately for the People as while they had no interest in meeting the Sunset Tribes again, the Sunset Tribes sought to meet the People again. The hunters of the Sunset Tribes went towards the sunrise and within a generation, they found some of the People's villages along Newshore.

Yet as the Sunset Tribes began to send hunters to raid the lands of the People, the People encountered more outsiders and they were just as hostile as the ones in the forest. Calling them the Stormfolk, the People named the second group of outsiders after their ability to call upon the winds and lightings of the storms. While summoning an actual storm was beyond them, the greatest of the Stormfolk could command great winds and throw bolts of lightning.

While the village of Oldshore remained, it was small and had few villagers compared to the settlements along Newshore. Seeing an easy target, the Stormfolk decided to take Oldshore as their own. Despite being armed with Black Rock weapons, the hunters of Oldshore were few number and a good portion of them had travelled to Newshore to help deal with the Sunset Tribes. Meeting little resistance, the Stormfolk slaughtered the defenders of Oldshore and took the village as their own. Only a few of the People escaped the fall of Oldshore to warn the rest of the People in Newshore.

With Oldshore having fallen to the Stormfolk and the Sunset Tribes raiding from their forest, the People were beset on two fronts and they had to choose how to deal with this unprecedented onslaught of enemies.

How do the People respond to the actions of their enemies?
[] [Others] Reclaim the Oldshore from the Stormfolk so that the People can have their ancestral lands.
[] [Others] Subjugate the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.
[] [Others] Wipe out the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.
[] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and subjugate the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.
[] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and wipe out the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.


Okay, this vote is picking your civ's initial religious beliefs and how they respond to their first forces. It was just going to be about the spiritual beliefs of the civ, but the update was a little short so I added in some diplomatic relations and you got unlucky as you ran into a couple hostile civs at the same time.

Depending on your starting region and the rolls, your first encounters with foreigners didn't have to turn out to hostile and could have even encountered a couple of friendly or at least non-violent civs, You will certainly have a shot at peaceful relations next update due to QM fiat, but this update you got given a couple of wars by the dice and them's the breaks. Your civ got unfortunate and now your first foreign relations have been violent, but it makes for some interesting history and cultural development.

By the way, I believe I mucked up my tenses a bit so apologises about that. Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
[:V] [Faith] All of the above.

More seriously,

[X] [Faith] Venerating the grand nature spirits of the world.

Gonna hold off on the second vote for now. One of these two, I think:

[] [Others] Wipe out the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.
[] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and wipe out the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.
[X] [Faith] Venerating the grand nature spirits of the world.
[X] [Faith] Venerating the commonplace spirits which can be found everywhere.

[X] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and subjugate the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.
[X] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and wipe out the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.
[X] [Faith] Worshipping the one god of the People.

[X] [Others] Wipe out the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.

yeah we need to secure our home-front, these guys decided to kill our people thinking their sport...this is a situation of predator, so best to get this out of the way.

also one god, mostly to help channel the full fury of worship into a singular being to be on par with pantheon types. also much easier to tell.

in other words, what are we worshipping? The Whale? Dolphin? Shark? Ect? this will be amusing!
[J] [Faith] Roads.

[X] [Faith] Venerating the commonplace spirits which can be found everywhere.
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[] [Faith] Worshipping the many gods of the People.
[] [Faith] Praying to the ancestor-spirits of the People.
[X] [Faith] Venerating the grand nature spirits of the world.
[X] [Faith] Venerating the commonplace spirits which can be found everywhere.

[] [Others] Reclaim the Oldshore from the Stormfolk so that the People can have their ancestral lands.
[X] [Others] Subjugate the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.
[] [Others] Wipe out the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.
[X] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and subjugate the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.
[] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and wipe out the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.
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How do the People respond to the actions of their enemies?
[] [Others] Reclaim the Oldshore from the Stormfolk so that the People can have their ancestral lands.
[] [Others] Subjugate the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.
[] [Others] Wipe out the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.
[] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and subjugate the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.
[] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and wipe out the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.

I'm suprised there's no non-agressive options. No option to just move, as we've done before, or to focus on defense and the sea.
[X] [Faith] Venerating the commonplace spirits which can be found everywhere.
Seems interesting.
[X] [Others] Wipe out the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.
Let's do something different and be aggressive.

[X][Others] Subjugate the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.
On the whole I favor sticking to the island so adding this in.
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[X] [Faith] Exalting the nature of the world itself.
[X] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and subjugate the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.
[X] [Others] Wipe out the other islanders so that the People can claim the island as their own.
Let's do something different and be aggressive.
I honestly want to try subjugating them to see if we can get them as slaves or something. SV always tries to go for a slave-less society, I want a Merchant Republic that has no problem with trading slaves, damnit!
I honestly want to try subjugating them to see if we can get them as slaves or something. SV always tries to go for a slave-less society, I want a Merchant Republic that has no problem with trading slaves, damnit!

I'd honestly rather carve their bones into musical instruments. Slaves are, generally speaking, a liability. It's a paradigm where the people building and maintaining your society are by nature pushed down. Eventually, sometime in the future, it'll come back to bite us. If we were a single governor, it could work, but we're playing a whole people. Long term problems will happen very quickly from our perspective. A Slave Trading society relies on both a steady supply of slaves, whether farmed or raided or what have you, and a consistent set of buyers. That isn't guaranteed, and would require a much larger and more advanced society than the current tribes we have now. SV doesn't do long term planning.
[x] [Faith] Worshipping the one god of the People.
[x] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and wipe out the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.
[X] [Others] Reclaim Oldshore from the Stormfolk and subjugate the other islanders so the People can both claim the island as their own and have their ancestral lands.
I'd honestly rather carve their bones into musical instruments. Slaves are, generally speaking, a liability. It's a paradigm where the people building and maintaining your society are by nature pushed down. Eventually, sometime in the future, it'll come back to bite us. If we were a single governor, it could work, but we're playing a whole people. Long term problems will happen very quickly from our perspective. A Slave Trading society relies on both a steady supply of slaves, whether farmed or raided or what have you, and a consistent set of buyers. That isn't guaranteed, and would require a much larger and more advanced society than the current tribes we have now. SV doesn't do long term planning.
Sure, sure, but we don't immediately have to go full Slave Trade. I'm just trying to normalize the idea among our people right now. Then later on, we can go full 'raid and pillage them for slaves'.

As for it causing future problems, that's gonna happen anyway no matter what we pick, so.... *shrug* I'd rather try to fix a different kind of problem than fixing the same old problems as in other civ quests, such as 'Flawed Attempt at "Meritocracy" Turns Into Horrible Stratified Society (Probably With Quasi-Slavery) #8,274'.
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I'm suprised there's no non-agressive options. No option to just move, as we've done before, or to focus on defense and the sea.

Moving isn't a viable option because it was a major effort when you had a single village with a few hundred people while you are now several villages with a few thousand people.

As for the lack of non-agressisve options, I am going to give some context. There were five potential civs you could have met, two hostile, one friendly and two neutral, and you would meet one to three of them. You had the misfortune to run into both of the hostile ones and now you are embroiled in conflict. I could give you the chance at peaceful options, but they would be doomed to failure as the Sunset Tribes consider peaceful relations to be a bad outcome when they could have a constant state of low level warfare with you due to their values. The Stormfolk are also not open to peace right now for spoiler reasons related to their beliefs. Because neither of those options would succeed, I felt they were too close to trap options to be comfortable including them.

You could be defensive, but both there are too reasons that I am not including the option to focus solely on the defence. The first reason is that as a QM, I don't want to have another civ where SV turtles up and goes all defensive. The second reason is that from little idea I have for the People's culture, they don't seem the type to attack two unprovoked attacks lying down. You can focus on dealing with the Sunset Tribes and concede Oldshore to the Stormfolk or focus on taking back Oldshore and accept regular raids from the Sunset Tribes, but the People aren't just going to put up with both. They will attempt to deal with at least one of the threats.

That said, as I have already mentioned in the author's notes, you will have guaranteed options to have friendly and/or peaceful diplomatic relations in the next update so you won't be locked into a path of violiance and have a chance to go down a path of being peaceful and diplomatic. But right now, the People are involved in two conflicts and they are going to actively fight one of them. So you will have a chance to diplomatic and non-aggressive later, but right now, your civ has had the misfortune to have its first encounters with foreigners to be violence in nature.