Really, if we want to know what the province actions are going to be used for all we need to do is look at the Factions objectives.
Of the 7 actions I'd say it's fair to say the Traders have control of 3, the warriors have control of 2, the shamans have control of 1 and the elders having control of the last.
Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on May 21, 2019 at 9:11 PM, finished with 13 posts and 11 votes.
[X] [SEC] Build New Shrine = (Northern Newshore Forest)
[X] [SEC] Build New Shrine = (Northern Newshore Forest)
[X] [SEC] Create New Trails = (Northern Newshore Forest)
[X] [SEC] Venerate the Spirits
Provinces = [SEC] Build New Shrine (Northern Newshore Plains), [MAIN] Build Boats, [SEC] Trade Expeditions = (Sunset Clans), [MAIN] Raiding Party = Stormfolk, [SEC] More Hunting
The Nersondur Republics went to war. Not all of them, but there was a strong coalition of the largest and most influential republics united behind the idea of putting the Stormfolk in their place.
The Stormfolk and the people of Nersondur were mutually respected as the greatest cultures in the world, but that was a falsehood that the Nersondurans were not willingly to accept. The Nersondur Republics were greater than the Stormfolk and they just had to prove it to the rest of the world.
So with the support of the elders, the hunters got ready for a mass raid on the mainland. Hunters were trained up and more canoes constructed with the wood and bark of the trees from the forest.
It took many seasons, but the coalition was ready and the hunters of Newshore set sail for the Stormfolk. United in purpose, the Nersondurans struck at the coastal settlements of the Stormfolk.
Despite having the element of surprise, the Nersondurans did not have an easy time. They had chosen a bad time to attack as the Stormfolk had no major ongoing fights with the Oldlanders beyond the odd Stormfolk settlement raiding one of the Oldlander tribes.
The hunters of the Stormfolk fought back viciously with both spear and arrow while their mages called down lighting and storms upon the Nersonduran raiders. The Nersondurans fought back as best as they could, but they lacked the magic and experience of the Stormfolk that the mainlanders had from their mages and constant conflicts with the Oldlanders.
Yet despite their disadvantages, the Nersondurans gave as good as they got so when the casualties began to rack up, it was on both sides. While they suffered deaths and defeats, the Nersondurans did not give up and pressed the attacked over the seasons, launching regular raids.
As the Stormfolk depleted their ranks of hunters while the Nersondurans gained experience in raiding and fighting other humans, the fighting swung in favour of the Nersondur Republics. The Stormfolk defences began to break as the Nersonduran hunters broke through and pillaged the settlements of their foes.
The Nersondurans returned home with glory, women and valuables as they had proven their valour in battle and earnt their just rewards. The coastal villages of the Stormfolk lay in ruin and the Nersondur Republics had tentative control over them.
Seeing their long time rivals reeling from their defeats at the hands of the Nersondur Republics, the Oldlander Tribes attacked the Stormfolk in greater numbers. While they were still weak and recovering from their losses, the Stormfolk were once mistaken as being an equal of the Nersondur Republics for a reason. The Oldlander attacks were repulsed as the battle harden Stormfolk slaughtered their would-be raiders, driving back the Oldlanders to their villages.
The fighting wasn't the only thing going on in foreign land as the traders pushed for increased trade with the Sunset Clans. Their honey was greatly prized by the wealthy of the Nersondur Republics for its sweet taste and while they had plenty of their own, the grain and pottery of the Sunset Clans was considered the best in the world. The traders wanted more of it and they wanted to be the ones to have it.
As more and more traders launched expeditions to get more of the Sunset Clans' trade goods, even more traders begun their own expeditions to keep up with their rivals with many even going to the Sunset Clans rather than waiting for them to come to Newshore.
But something went wrong as all of a sudden, the Sunset Clans cut off the trade and all outside contacted. While they did so peacefully, the Sunset Clans refused entry to any traders from the Nersondur Republics or the Forest Priests and their own traders stopped going to Newshore.
The lost of trade from the Sunset Clans proved greatly disruptive to the Nersondur Republics. They had their own grain and pottery, but there wasn't as much to go around nor was it as good. There was enough that no one starved or went without, but some had to cut back on previous indulgences.
Worst of all was the lack of honey. The Nersondur Republics still had access to wild honey as did the Forest Priests, but neither had the honey farms of the Sunset Clans as it was a closely guarded secret of the Sunset Clans.
It wasn't just trade that was going poorly. More and more shrines were being set up across Newshore as the Nersonduran shamans sought to get a steady presence across all of the republics. It was going well until the spirits suddenly made their displeasure known.
It wasn't too bad right now, but the spirits were being uncooperative and unusually hostile to the point of hurting several people and even killing a couple. The biggest concern was the great fire spirit of the Fire Mountains as it was being unusually active and given the hostile of the other spirits, the shamans were deeply concerned about what that meant for the Nersondur Republics.
The Nersondur Republics were split as the traders and hunters argued about the best course of action to take. The traders wanted to reopen trade with the Sunset Clans even if it meant forcing the issue with violence, which would require the aid of the hunters.
The hunters wanted to established a permanent presence on the mainland while the Oldlanders and Stormfolk were both weak. The Nersondurans had a tentative and often nominal control of the coastal settlements of the Stormfolk and the hunters wanted to have the time and resources devoted to making that control more permanent and substantial.
Meanwhile the shamans were going on about the spirits and how they had to be appeased, especially the great spirit of Fire Mountain. While lacking influence compared to the traders or hunters, the shamans were not without some noteworthy sway and they could get their concerns heard by the rest of the Nersondur Republics.
Which faction gets the support of the Nersondur Republics?
[] [React] The Traders. Try to convince the Sunset Clans to reopen trade and force the issue if they refuse.
[] [React] The Hunters. Established a permanent presence on the mainland via the coastal settlements of the Stormfolk.
[] [React] The Shamans. Convince the Nersondur Republics to focus on appeasing the spirits, especially the great spirit of Fire Mountain.
Another thing of note was the shaman Runa. A talent woman belonging to the Newland Republic, Runa was able to amass more bound spirit familiars than any other shaman. She was destined for great things, something that was noted by those around her. Runa sought to prove these predictions correct as she attempted an ambitious project that would make her remembered for all of history.
[] [Runa] Bind the great spirit of Fire Mountain.
[] [Runa] Grant the power of a spirit to herself.
[] [Runa] Turn herself into a spirit.
[] [Runa] Learn the storm magic of the Stormfolk.
Shamans (3) = Mood: Concerned, Ability: Add half of faction power to Mystic, Objective: Appease the Spirits, Success/Failure: +1 Stability/-
Traders (6) = Mood: Furious, Ability: Add half of faction power to Wealth, Objective: Reopen trade with the Sunset Clans, Success/Failure: Free Trade Expedition/-
Elders (2) = Mood: Annoyed, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Punish the Sunset Clans, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Hunters (4 (5)) = Mood: Pleased, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Subjugate the Oldlanders, Success/Failure: Free Build Boats/-
Farmers (1) = Mood: Content, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Do 2 Settle Lands in 4 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Okay, your raiding mission went well as while they initially fought you to a standstill, you ultimately defeated the Stormfolk quite handily. The trading was also going well up until it suddenly wasn't and no, you don't have any idea why the Sunset Clans stopped trading and neither do the Forest Priests. If you did it would have been mentioned in the update. Your shrines and trails went well, but the spirits are upset, something which isn't necessarily your fault even if you have to deal with it.
You also got the first Hero of the game again as you rolled up Runa, your Mystic Hero. She doesn't stand out in any areas as good or bad beyond being very good at dealing with the spirits. Personality wise, Runa is helpful and kind, but very proud and ambitious as like everyone else around her, Runa knows that she is good at what she does.
The Mid Turn actions will by determined by whichever option wins the React vote.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
Nersondur Early Ancient Tribal Petty Republics Upper Centralization Limit: 2 Lower Centralization Limit: -10 Admin Strain Free Provinces: 10 Penalty Accumulation: Reduces Upper Centralisation limit by 1 per 1 Province Player Actions: 2 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 3 Provinces Province Actions: 2 Secondary Action per 1 Province Subordinates: 3 Special: +1 Random Temp Stat each turn per 1 Province Special: Democratic Traditions influence Legitimacy and Stability
Early Ancient Market Economy Temp Econ Damage: Event +1 per Province & -1 per 3 Centralisation Wealth Generation: 3 per Dominant, 1 per Leading & Significant, Passive Policies: N/A Additional Actions: +1 Secondary Province Action per 3 Provinces Special: Low Wealth can cause loss of Legitimacy and Stability, Special: Overcentralisation Penalties Doubled,
Individual Freedom Each individual and their choices are valuable. It is up to each person to make their own choices to decide their own future and perhaps the futures of others around them.
Pros: Increased social mobility, Bonus to one roll per province each turn,
Cons: Reduced central authority,
Glorious Battle Fame and glory are earnt on the battlefield and therefore battle is desirable. The young men and women of the Nersondur seek to prove themselves against foes in order to gain respect and improve their status within society.
Pros: Better warriors, increased prestige and stat gain from warfare,
Cons: Warfare is seen as desirable,
Centre of Trade Newshore is a centre of trade as people come from all over to trade at the island of the Nersondur. The end result is that the Nersondur make much wealth and riches from trade and they seek to keep things that way.
Pros: Increased wealth gained from trade dominance, Increased wealth gained from trade expeditions,
Cons: Losing trade dominance can cause loss of Legitimacy and Stability,
[X] [React] The Traders. Try to convince the Sunset Clans to reopen trade and force the issue if they refuse.
[X] [React] The Shamans. Convince the Nersondur Republics to focus on appeasing the spirits, especially the great spirit of Fire Mountain.
[X] [Runa] Bind the great spirit of Fire Mountain.
[X] [Runa] Grant the power of a spirit for herself.
[X] [React] The Shamans. Convince the Nersondur Republics to focus on appeasing the spirits, especially the great spirit of Fire Mountain.
I think I'm going to go with let's not have an eruption if we can avoid it.
[X] [Runa] Bind the great spirit of Fire Mountain.
Might as well go for broke.
[X] [Runa] Grant the power of a spirit for herself.
[X] [Runa] Turn herself into a spirit.
If not let's do something other than copy someone else.
[X] [Runa] Turn herself into a spirit.
[X] [Runa] Learn the storm magic of the Stormfolk.
[X] [React] The Traders. Try to convince the Sunset Clans to reopen trade and force the issue if they refuse.