It has been a thousand years since Arthryn walk amongst the her chosen people, the Arthwyd. Born in Greenbay Cove, it was Arthryn who taught the Arthwyd how to farm and founded the village of Greenbay at her birthplace. It was Arthryn who taught the Arthwyd the sacred ways of valuing your community and giving everyone a fair chance, ensuring that her people would care for each other and understand that no person is inherently superior to another.
But one day Arthryn would leave the Arthwyd behind, leaving for the Afterlife to safeguard it and souls of the fallen Arthwyd who went to reside there upon death. It was here that she truly became the Goddess of the Arthwyd as when she took up her place in the Afterlife, Arthryn gave her blessing to her chosen people.
Under Arthryn's watchful eye and following her teachings, the Arthwyd prospered and expanded as they settled more settlements along the coastline. While Greenbay would always remain the centre of civilisation, the villages of Rockbay and Sunrise Bay also rose to prominence alongside Greenbay as the second and third villages that the chosen people Arthryn founded.
For a time, there was peace and harmony before evil from beyond the sea struck. Lead by a savage warlord, the then-barbaric Merntir attacked the Arthwyd. Many were slain and many more taken back as slaves by the Merntir raiders. Refusing to let this stand, the Arthwyd rallied around Ymarn, a priestess of foreign heritage who was personally blessed by Arthwyd.
Having lost one of her own children to the Merntir, Ymarn ensured that the Arthwyd would bring the Merntir to justice. Under her leadership, the Arthwyd would becoming increasingly less vulnerable to the raids from across the sea and thanks to the wisdom of Ymarn, the Arthwyd discovered the passage through the Sunrise Mountains.
Using this passage, the Arthwyd seized the mountain outpost that the Merntir were using a midway point for their raids and in time, they would have marched on the Merntir themselves. But Wuran, the granddaughter of Ymarn, took the opportunity of her false father's death, the barbarian warlord who started the conflict, to make an offer of peace.
The new leader of the now war weary Merntir, Wuran asked the Arthwyd for peace on the behalf of the Merntir. The wise Ymarn remembered that she was fighting for justice not vengeance and accepted peace so long as the Merntir made proper amends for their sins by returning the Arthwydish that they had taken.
With peace and the return of those wrongfully taken, connections formed between the Arthwyd and Merntir due families split between them. As worship of Arthryn and her ways spread amongst the Merntir, this ignited another war between the Merntir who had chosen to follow Arthryn and become Arthwyd and the Merntir who struck to their old ways and followed the All-Seer.
But the weakened Merntir could not stand before the Arthwyd and the followers of their old barbarian ways were crushed by the Cateyes of the Arthwyd, the greatest hunters of the Arthwyd turned warrior. Yet in an act of mercy, Arthryn adopted the All-Seer as her daughter even as the Merntir struck down the last of the All-Seer's followers
Under the guidance of Arthryn and her Daughters, the Arthwyd once again prospered in both the south and the north. There was both peace and advancement as under the genius Seryn, the Arthwyd would vastly improve their farming abilities and over time, the natural passage in the Sunrise Mountains would be turned into a proper route between the Arthwyd in the south and the Arthwyd in the north.
Yet peace would not last forever as war once again came for Arthwyd in a dark time where everyone suffered. Disease would spread across the distant lowlanders to the far south while the dead rose in the Cursed Forest. Roaming tribes of Boarfolk on their dire boars would ride south through the Sunrise Mountains into the lowlands whilst other tribes of the savage nomads rode west to attack the Arthwyd.
Even as the lowlands collapsed into anarchy and undeath, the Arthwyd would themselves in similar peril as the Boarfolk proved nigh unstoppable. Even the dual martial champions in Evalyn from the south and Cadyn of the north failed to do more than slow the advanced of the Boarfolk.
One by one, the Arthwyd villages of the north fell to before the unmatched might of Vervov, the charismatic warlord that was able to replace every tribe he lost with more from the east. The scourge of Vervov came to a head at Seer's Village, the former capital of the Merntir and last unconquered Arthwyd village in the north. It was here that Evalyn struck down Vervov and almost died in the process.
Yet while Vervov was ended, he was nonetheless successful as Cadyl barely got Evalyn out of the north as the last of it fell into the hands of the Boarfolk invaders. Returning back to the south in defeat, Evalyn denounced the priests that ruled over the Arthwyd as incapable of dealing with the threats that the chosen people of Arthryn faced. Acknowledging that she was right, the priesthood stepped aside and Evalyn became the Cadlon of the Arthwyd.
Evalyn quickly set to work preparing to retake the north from the Boarfolk, but fate had other plans as from the south, more threats to the Arthwyd threatened to overrun the southern half of the Arthwyd. Barbarian warriors from the south marched towards Greenbay along the Green River whilst the terrible Urth and his horde of the walking dead spilled out of the Cursed Forest as they followed the Rock River to Rockbay.
While Cadyn attempted to stop Urth from marching on Rockbay, Evalyn Boarslayer took her Cateyes and slaughtered the barbarians along the Green River to a man, leaving no survivors until she found their villages further south, on either side of the Green River. Barely scraping after several calamities and with no fighters left Evalyn had killed them all, these barbarian Midlanders unhappily submitted to Evalyn's rule, becoming a subject of the Arthwyd.
Yet even as Evalyn won against the barbaric Midlanders, disaster struck the Arthwyd once again as Cadyn was slain by Urth and the undead warlord continue his advance. With what little hunters and Cateyes that the Arthwyd had left, Evalyn Boarslayer fought a desperate defence against the walking dead as Urth got closer and closer to Rockbay.
But that was not all as following Vervov's death, the Boarfolk's control over their conquests in the north slipped and the talented Cateye Cerwyn led an uprising against the Boarfolk. Receiving plenty of food and some warriors from the Arthwyd in the south, Cerwyn fought a successful rebellion against the disunited Boarfolk tribes in the north, ultimately winning when the surviving Boarfolk decided to move back east after Cerwyn slew Vervov's son Vasov.
While Cerwyn won victory for the Arthwyd in the north, Evalyn Boarslayer won victory for the chosen people of Arthryn in the south. In a series of gruelling and bloody battles where hundreds on both sides fell as the unholy undead and their evil magic fought the blessed Arthwyd and their holy magic. It came to a head half a day's walk away from Rockbay as the Cadlon of the Arthwyd defeated Urth in battle. Whilst the warlord's corpse was never found, his army collapsed after his defeat and in many cases, the undead quite literally collapsed.
With the Boarfolk, barbarians and the walking dead driven back with both the south and the north secured, the Arthwyd had a period of peace. Villages were resettled, more Cateyes and hunters got trained up whilst the Arthwyd experimented with the new metal that they have learnt to acquire from stone and rock.
Under the reign of Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer, life began to return to normal for the Arthwyd. Yet no one lives forever and eventually it was time for Evalyn Boarslayer to join Arthryn and her Daughters in the Afterlife. With the death of their first Cadlon, the leadership of the Arthwyd had to decided who to replace her with two candidates for the position. Evalyn's daughter Gwynlyn who had ruled over the Arthwyd in her mother's place whilst the Boarslayer fought on the battlefield or the Cateye Cerwyn who had successful freed the north from the Boarfolk conquerors.
I have started a new civ quest which can be found here:
Chronicles of Nations Redux - Civ Quest Original! This is one is using an updated version of my civ quest rules and the knowledge and experienced that I've gained in my previous civ quests. I will try my best to avoid the mistakes I made in my previous civ quests, something which I feel I can do with the experience and hindsight that I have this time around rather than going in blind like in the original CoN.
I have decided to do a reboot of the CoN setting for two reasons. The first is that I want to skip the stone age as I find that boring and go straight to discover of metal. The second is that I don't want to toss out all of the worldbuilding that I did in the original CoN so in this quest, you will play as an alternate timeline version of the Arthwyd.
Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.