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Vote Tally : Chronicles of History - Civ Quest - Original | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 2-24]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
[X] Move to the lands on the other side of the ocean. (???)
No. of Votes: 8
[X] Move along the coast until they stop in a forest pass the mountains. (???)
No. of Votes: 7
[X] Stay in the old lands and rebuild your homes. (River mouth, existing settlement and farmland, ???)
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Move along the coast until they stop in grasslands beyond the mountains. (???)
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 18
What do you mean by spontaneously spawn them? I'm not sure what you mean.

I mean our Heroes, upon death, become gods due to faith in them or, like with the All-Seerer, they were never human in the first place but was nevertheless spawned due to their people's faith in them. It doesn't seem gods exist prior to when their people start believing in them.
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I mean our Heroes, upon death, become gods due to faith in them or, like with the All-Seerer, they were never human in the first place but was nevertheless spawned due to their people's faith in them. It doesn't seem gods exist prior to when their people start believing in them.

Deities can still be formed from the faith of their worshippers.
Deities can still be formed from the faith of their worshippers.

So yeah, I think we should talk a bit on how we're going to form this new civ's religion.

I think we could forgo the whole theocracy of the Arthwyd and just focus more on magic. But if we do have gods I'm thinking male ones to avoid the whole gender disparity thing.
So yeah, I think we should talk a bit on how we're going to form this new civ's religion.

I think we could forgo the whole theocracy of the Arthwyd and just focus more on magic. But if we do have gods I'm thinking male ones to avoid the whole gender disparity thing.

Choosing your starting religious beliefs will be the next vote.

Right now, the first few votes will be choosing the starting point of your civ and its initial setup. Now you are choosing your starting location, next you will choose your religion and then after that, you will choose foreign policy, economy, government. Once those are chosen, you will begin the proper turns.

I want demigods. Can we have demigods?

So yeah, I think we should talk a bit on how we're going to form this new civ's religion.

I think we could forgo the whole theocracy of the Arthwyd and just focus more on magic. But if we do have gods I'm thinking male ones to avoid the whole gender disparity thing.
Yes, let's make the men the best at everything, surely that won't encourage gender disparity...
[X] Move to the lands on the other side of the ocean. (???)

Let's be Vikings, strong navy here we come
Yes, let's make the men the best at everything, surely that won't encourage gender disparity...

Um, I'm not advocating for that though? Just that they have representation in our gods/religion. Again, I'm on a whole "make the new civ a foil to the Artyhwyd" kick. I would like our pantheon to have a mix of gods/goddesses, or if we're monotheistic than a divine that just spirit like how the All-Seer was- no gender attributed to it.
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Well when we are talking about gods my proposal would be to go with monotheism and have god strong enough to fight off other gods while relaying on arcane magic for more diversity.
Do note that you don't have to worship deities. You could worship the spirits or nature itself or some primordial force.
Do note that you don't have to worship deities. You could worship the spirits or nature itself or some primordial force.

Ooh. Maybe forest spirits then! Or if we go with some all powerful, primordial force that's expressed in all the gods everywhere.

So the civ would be pantheistic, essentially.
My suggestion is we worship Genii Loci (Spirits of Places) .
Impressive locations (e.g. a tall mountain, a dark forest, a desert oasis) obviously have more powerful spirit, and therefore get more worship. The Genius Loci that receive large amounts of worship over time will consolidate into divinities, but significantly varied ones. Our faith magic will involve making requests of these non-human entities, say getting a crop blessing from a forest Genius Loci, or running enhancement from a river Genius Loci.
There could be personal faith rituals (directed at the Spirit of your home) , and public (praying to the Spirit of the entire island).
Roads and boats it is. Trains when we get them. Logistics is god, long may ze rain.
We could worship, like, objects, Cult of the Machine style. Nature's trying to kill us all with monsters, but our technology allow us to live, and in turn we worship them. All our megaprojects would be holy structures.
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We could worship, like, objects, Cult of the Machine style. Nature's trying to kill us all with monsters, but our technology allow us to live, and in turn we worship them. All our megaprojects would be holy structures.

I like it. Basically we can start with worshiping boats, houses, tools, swords .

It's awesome and unique idea.