Chronicles of Divinity (A Council God Quest)

"All I know is that they warred and their rage destroyed kingdoms, cities, and armies burned and toppled. Idiots the lot of them, having their pride, envy, and all their flaws eventually led to their downfall. Let us just promise not to end up like them, I have no wish to follow their example." Thana said.

"I promise not to!" Hella agreed. "I too don't wish to see people get killed due to my mistakes or be imprisoned in the Abyss or something similar."
Ah yes, good old days when i flooded countless old races to abyss and at the end of it... We granted the Old Gods closest thing to death.

As for cause of the war? Well that's all in the past now isn't it?
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You were there when the Old Gods warred with each other. For untold Ages they had co-existed, there had been conflict before, but it was naught like that of the final conflict. In their rage, they manifested upon the Mortal Realm and laid waste to the lands with every step. Kingdoms toppled, armies burned, and cities turned to dust. Mighty races perished in that crazed inferno, while divine legions fought in the skies. You had only recently entered into being at that time and could do nothing to stop the shattering of a world. Yet, by the end, as the last of the Old Gods struggled with each other, you and the other New Gods fell upon them. Their destruction was out of your reach, but the pits of the Abyss, deep below the Tartarian Realm, proved to be the perfect prison for these insane destroyers, those you could capture in any case. Those Old Gods who would not be chained, while unkillable, could be broken. Break them you did, of the Three Unbowed, you smashed them, and sliced them, and split them. Their shards scattered across the lands, deathless, but reduced to near-nothingness.

You returned to the Divine Realm then and did what you could to aid the recovery of the Mortal Realm, not all for altruistic reasons. As the Era's passed, you took notice of a small species of ape-men. They proved intelligent and quickly began to spread. Soon they walked fully upright, lost their animal fur, and mastered the flame. The debate was had, many of the Divine saw this as a time to grow in strength, as the Old God did, they wished to feed on the worship of Mortals. These Mortals had swiftly brightening souls, and would soon be able to feed you. It was decided, once these mortals matured, they would become the flock of the Divine. First, you had to sleep. The combat with the Old Gods had drained all of you, and Ambrosia was becoming difficult to gather.

As you awake from your long slumber, you take stock. The other Gods and Goddesses are awakening as well, You gather with them, and view the Mortal Realm below. Much of it is obscured, lost to your knowledge during your great slumber, but you have one small area of clear view. A significant population of Mortals, who call themselves Humans, live in the region. They are descendants of those who you and the other Divine had touched before your long slumber, and they worship you still.


Welcome, here you will play either as a God/Goddess of which 6 to 9 spots are available or as a Mortal Civilization.

Your power is measured by DP (Divine Power), of which you get 1 per 1,000 followers, per turn.

Shape Private Realm - 5 Points

This ability allows you to shape a personal realm located in the Divine Realm. These realms are vast and can be made into any conceivable thing you want. Unfortunately, no true mortal intelligence can be created there, and while inside a God/Goddess cannot affect the mortal realm. However, these realms allow you to create a safe fortress to rule from.

Fortify Private Realm - 20 Points

A one time per realm action, this ability allows you to place defenses active and passive throughout your divine realm. Providing additional power for you while fighting there.

Divine Guardians - 40 Points

This ability allows you to create a vast race of servants and warriors in your Private Realm (one per) who will serve you, and lend their strength in Divine Combat. While not truly intelligent, they can fake it pretty well.

Greater Divine Servant - 80 Points

This ability allows you to create an incredibly powerful Divine Servant. The Servant will hold true intelligence, and as such have free will, this allows them to oversee tasks you cannot currently do yourself.

Influence Mortal Realm - 5 Points

This ability allows you to attempt to direct your Mortal followers within a Civilization to a certain course of action. This could be migrating to new lands, raising armies, studying specific types of knowledge, or things of similar nature. These commands are often whispered in dreams, or seen in visions, often occurring during religious ceremony. Mortals are frail, however, and prone to misunderstanding the will of there Gods.

Empower Mortal Bloodline - 10 Points

This ability allows you to choose a Mortal and grant him the smallest spark of your Divinity that is possible, this Mortal will become great among there peers, and this strength will pass down through the bloodline for many generations before fading.

Create Avatar - 30 Points

This ability requires a holy worshiper to accept the being of the Divine and allow the Divine to inhabit him/her. Using the Avatar the Divine has a few minutes in which to perform a Divine Action before the Mortal expires and the God is forced to return to the Divine Realm.

Enter the Mortal Realm - 50 Points

This ability allows you to physically enter the Mortal Realm, this will allow you to utilize your full power there, and conduct combat as it would be done in the Divine Realm. Caution, however, as the Old Gods proved, when Gods walk among Mortals, it leads to great catastrophe.

God/Goddess Name: (The Name of your Divine Being)
Title: (Descriptives of your nature or deeds, Ex: The Lord of the Wild Wood, He Who Sulks In The Dark, Queen of the Fresh Waters)
Personality: (The general demeanor of your God/Goddess, interest, hopes, feelings, ect.)
Description: (A physical description of the form your God most often takes, pics encouraged)
Divine Power Stored: (You start with 5)

Known Races:

Humanity is a very young race but has come far from its humble roots amidst steaming Jungles and the blasted ruins of the Elder Races. It has survived thanks to its adaptability, tenacity, and quick breeding cycle.

Technologically some Humans have achieved limited agriculture, fire, and basic metalworking, most predominately with copper, bronze, tin, silver, and gold. A far cry from the abilities of the Elder Races, who achived such towering heights of power that even they played a part in the Old Gods madness. Most Human buildings are made of wood, but stone is also used when the Humans can afford it. Rudimentary mathematics and written language exist, although the Humans speak and write in a variety of languages that makes it difficult for one group to interact with another. Animal domestication has also started, with flocks of sheep, pigs, and even cattle to be found in Human herds. In war, the Humans will sometimes ride Horses to battle, but this method of warfare has been far from perfected.

In the area of Magic, most Humans lack any skill or ability. Those that do, often use it for there own ends and become feared Sorcerors.

While the majority of their peoples and civilizations were blasted away ages past, some small communities of survivors may yet exist. They could prove quite the threat to your new chosen people...
(Explore More To Uncover More)

Maybe I'm mistaken, but shouldn't this be in the actual roleplay subforum, rather than with quests?
[X] Have the Tribes able to receive visions from Spark, be alerted that a Hunt is called. They must travel and hunt for knowledge of the ones who surround them. Trade, Fight, Befriend, Love, or Hate but be aware, hunts fail when you unaware of what is useful and what is dangerous.
[X] vision looks like this a Cat is hunting with you, or hunting you, or you are hunting it, it depends how you view it. If you were hunting with the Cat, the two of you bring down a large elk, and are now sharing a meal. If you were hunting or being hunted the Cat catches you. It lays upon your chest and as it rumbles the sky rumbles with it. In all of the dreams the cat opens it's mouth and says "When Hunting you must know the World. You are surrounded. You do not know enough. Hunt for knowledge. Travel the Rivers and Fields. Meet others. Learn their weaknesses and strengths. There is no prey that is helpless, there is no Predator invincible."
[X] if this is a waking vision the mortal will see either a cat or a drifting ball of lightning. Spark will assist them, showing them signs they would otherwise ignore, or coaching on technique. Once the prey is caught and butchered, Spark will say "To be ignorant of the World is to be prey. Travel, Trade, Fight, Befriend, Love, or Hate as you wish. But always be aware, there are bigger predators than you, but You need not Hunt Alone
[X] Spark then travels to the Tartarian Realm to hunt the creatures that prey on lost souls, and to assist the goddess Thana

[X] Influence Mortal realm (Lilith)
-[X] (Followers of Lilith) I will connect with my followers and bless them with gifts of death magic while sending them hints on how to use it (enough for them to not get overwhelmed) tasking them to preside over burial rituals to ease the passing of death souls and safeguarding the villages from evil spirits as well as giving them the means to vanquish them. I will also encourage encourage them to have restless spirits pass on. (Basically the basics of magic like detecting spirits, warding them of, exorcism, some death/killing spells etc.) (Uses wary as some will be in it for the material gain, some for glory , some due to pure faith in Lilith, in places where Lilith is more influential like Fellaris i expect those with more influence will use it to expand their influence even further)
-[X] (Hashan) send dreams about gifts of fish to Tuhu in name of peace and how they are to be more prosperous for it, encourage them to seek end to the conflict through marriage and new life instead through bloodshed.
-[X] (Felleris) send the dream of great log, show them picture of them removing the wood from the log hollowing it and giving it shape ,ultimately vision will shift to that of Dugout sailing in the river with sailors on it (it will be small boat).
-[X] (Followers of Lilith) Send a vision about about a field, divided in three parts. One section is to be planted in the autumn with (that world autum seed like rye for example) or winter (show the wheat like plant), followed by spring (our world oats, so whatever they have there) or (cue plant name for barley). Second section grew crops such as peas, lentils, or beans and last section was left fallow for animals to grase . Basically I'm teaching them Corp rotation.
[X] (Followers of Lilith) Send them a picture of canals stretching through the fields giving the land water it needs for corps.(basic irrigation systems)

[X] Mediation and Consolidation -
[X][General followers] Individuals with the necessary skill and opportunities will gifted with visions and guidance to act as mediators for conflicts to prevent them from escalating and to act in aid of a stronger and more united Kish. ---
[X] There will be a focus to work with and aid Silirica's own commandment. Where the love may be hindered, a follower of Fovos shall act to aid them and ensure they live a happy and successful life.
[x]through out all of this, Fovos will attempt to use all of these developments to position his followers into positions of respect and authority such that they can serve his tasks better in the future.

[X] Matchmaking and dowries of metal.
[X][General followers] young men and women that are the most viable for each-other shall have dreams about each-other, and where they can meet each-other. The dream shall show how the man shall turn towards a Korvu craftsmen to gain works of art made from metal in exchange for favours and goods. And how the woman who receives the works shall hold the home together.
[X] If their love is/ will be considered forbidden due to, social-rank, tribe or other issues then, their dream shall show where they can meet in secret. And they shall dream of traveling to places where their love may be accepted instead. For I am 'Mother of secrets'
[X] All their dreams feature contain a hint of Silicrilia be it a Statue in their married home, a flame floating in the air guiding that guides them or a rumbling warning them of some danger.

[X] Influence the afterlife and have Thana rule it.

[X] (Uriku) Have the Tribes able to receive visions from Rhaundeth about the Forrest. They must communicative and build fraternity among themselves and be open to working with other Tribes of brothers and sisters to become more attuned to the Forrest and there Queen. - The beginnings of a Priesthood around Druidism and Survival-ism.
[X] (Uriku) Create Magical Stones with my Symbol magically engraved and shining on them. The symbol is a cloaked woman who is faceless. She is staring ahead in a Regal manner. The stones will have the power to ward away animals and I will instruct my followers to put them around there Villages to protect them from the feral parts of the forrests.
[X] (Patil) Have the Tribes able to receive visions from Rhaundeth about the Forrest. They must communicative and build fraternity among themselves and be open to working with other Tribes of brothers and sisters to become more attuned to the Forrest and there Queen. - The beginnings of a Priesthood around Druidism and Survival-ism.
[X] (Patil) Create Magical Stones with my Symbol magically engraved and shining on them. The symbol is a cloaked woman who is faceless. She is staring ahead in a Regal manner. The stones will have the power to ward away animals and I will instruct my followers to put them around there Villages to protect them from the feral parts of the forrests.
[X] (Uriku) Ask some followers to go down south to do some light fact checking in the south with these mysterious black ships. Warn them not to go too deep or speak with anyone. The Tribes must know more of what is going on in the South. -----

[X] Influence Mortal realm -[X] (General followers) Listen to me well oh worshipers of mine, for I'm about to tell you how to get more fish than you have ever done so, proceed to tell them of net fishing and fish traps, spread this knowledge with your neighbors and friends but let them know that my followers will always be the first to know the secrets of the beyond, and that my most loyal, will eventually get to spend their afterlife with me.

endless void​
[X]Empower Mortal Bloodline
-[Quest]settle your patils permaetly and expand patils land towards the south for more farmland and to find more ore, potentially sell extra resources for more wealth
-[x]make a defense pact with the uriku in case either one of the two tribes get attacked

[X] [Felleris] Turn1
- [X] Explore the River. Check out south and western tributaries.
- [X] Parley with Tribes of Hashan, Tuba and Dantibo (@Mortenkam) to be allowed free access through "their" section of the river. Give gifts in exchange with blessing of Silicrilia.
- [X] Search nearby woods and plains for plants that can be used as rope or string to aid in boatbulding.
- [X] Look into ways to use wind to move the boats.

[x]Firstly, the tribe will try to find a way to improve upon our agriculture and see if we can get more food that way.
[x]Second, the council of elders will send our hunters and gatherers further out into the Great Forest and in this way expand the area in which animals are killed and plants are gathered.
[x]The council of Elders will send out delegates to the different tribes to try and make bonds of friendship with the rest of the tribes with the help of Fovos. They will try to avoid getting involved in the feud between the Tuha and the Hashan, but they will try to make an especially strong bond with the Felleris by promising them protection in case the Uriku attack.
[x]The warriors will try to see if they cannot train their dogs to better help them in combat against humans.
[x]The craftsmen will attempt to increase the amount of useful metals like copper and bronze, that we have available to be used to make tools and weapons to ensure that the tribe is better equipped.

righteo heres all the actions for turn one compiled into one area for you @HellHound01, also people just let me know if i got something wrong
Vetitatum, the tribe of forbidden worship.

The Vetitatum once lived in fear of the horrid abominations that rose from the abyss, now they venerate the beings as heralds of the old ones.

The religion of the vetitatum is heavily old gods focused, with any worship of the new gods declared as heresy. There are subsections that worship different old gods, with their chosen champion as the figurehead. (due to this religion, no points go to the new gods). They regularly perform religious rituals to help hasten their lords return to the world. Their very crops are ripe with corruption from the dark energies flowing from the occult structures, thus resulting in unique plantlife. The stone twists impossibly around them, unworkable except by the energy provided by their ancient patrons.

Religion: the old gods (duh)
(need more info on old gods to make sub sections)

Government: a council made up of only the leaders of each subsection, speaking their gods will.

Daily life of average citizen: wake up from standard terrifying dream, join morning praises, eat breakfast, go farm or craft new reagents, occasionally participate in rituals if you have the innate blessings of the old gods, eat dinner, sleep.

(first time on website, love what is going on here, want to join if that's ok, lovecraft inspired this tribe, but can adjust for deities like zeus or odin if need be for old gods.)
Vetitatum, the tribe of forbidden worship.

The Vetitatum once lived in fear of the horrid abominations that rose from the abyss, now they venerate the beings as heralds of the old ones.

The religion of the vetitatum is heavily old gods focused, with any worship of the new gods declared as heresy. There are subsections that worship different old gods, with their chosen champion as the figurehead. (due to this religion, no points go to the new gods). They regularly perform religious rituals to help hasten their lords return to the world. Their very crops are ripe with corruption from the dark energies flowing from the occult structures, thus resulting in unique plantlife. The stone twists impossibly around them, unworkable except by the energy provided by their ancient patrons.

Religion: the old gods (duh)
(need more info on old gods to make sub sections)

Government: a council made up of only the leaders of each subsection, speaking their gods will.

Daily life of average citizen: wake up from standard terrifying dream, join morning praises, eat breakfast, go farm or craft new reagents, occasionally participate in rituals if you have the innate blessings of the old gods, eat dinner, sleep.

(first time on website, love what is going on here, want to join if that's ok, lovecraft inspired this tribe, but can adjust for deities like zeus or odin if need be for old gods.)
Burn the Heretics.
Vetitatum, the tribe of forbidden worship.

The Vetitatum once lived in fear of the horrid abominations that rose from the abyss, now they venerate the beings as heralds of the old ones.

The religion of the vetitatum is heavily old gods focused, with any worship of the new gods declared as heresy. There are subsections that worship different old gods, with their chosen champion as the figurehead. (due to this religion, no points go to the new gods). They regularly perform religious rituals to help hasten their lords return to the world. Their very crops are ripe with corruption from the dark energies flowing from the occult structures, thus resulting in unique plantlife. The stone twists impossibly around them, unworkable except by the energy provided by their ancient patrons.

Religion: the old gods (duh)
(need more info on old gods to make sub sections)

Government: a council made up of only the leaders of each subsection, speaking their gods will.

Daily life of average citizen: wake up from standard terrifying dream, join morning praises, eat breakfast, go farm or craft new reagents, occasionally participate in rituals if you have the innate blessings of the old gods, eat dinner, sleep.

(first time on website, love what is going on here, want to join if that's ok, lovecraft inspired this tribe, but can adjust for deities like zeus or odin if need be for old gods.)

I see a crusade coming your way.
the old gods did not leave us defenceless. Silicrilia can't touch our grounds due to their twisted nature, and being claimed by the old ones. Lilith and Thana have no say over the dead here. fovos might have influence just from the fear of worshipping the new gods. spark is pretty much laughed at unless they are doing something big(IE hunting lost souls to organize the abyss.) hella is not needed, since we believe the sun was built by the old gods to give their creations energy and light. raudeath is in the same boat as spark. scrios is not needed due to no active wars due to hiddenness. sapienza has been practically forgotten.
thank you. your assumption of our innocence will be your downfall. the gods left us to whatever they wish away from us. they left us in our time of need. the old ones never left, always guiding from the shadows. twas not fovos, the pretender. twas the ancient beings below, sending guides and warriors to help. we lived this way for hundreds of years. these new ones waltz back in and expect complete obedience. we will not bow so easily!
thank you. your assumption of our innocence will be your downfall
I do not find your poisoning of my elders innocent.

Madmen who worship senility. Do you think our kin were strengthened when they were inflicted with madness?

You invade their healing rest out of your own selfish unwillingness to live in reality. Any worship you offer is a poisoned chalice.
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(OOC: OK, that was good. glad you guys all have a sense for the poetic. this is frankly pretty cool. also still need info about the old gods before I cement the tribes mentality.)
IC: The madness was a problem, yes. We are currently working to rectify that particular conundrum. It is as the saying goes, "absolute power, corrupts absolutely.". However, we would be fools to not use the existing power that resides in the might ones below. On the subject of their rest, if I recall properly, they didn't engage in it willingly. In fact you fools had a hand in it, I believe. when will your kind fall to the same problem, I wonder?
OOC: sorry dude but the DM got busy with important RL stuff and no one knows when/if he's coming back, or what he was planning for the quest. We got nada on what the old Gods were like. I've been playing it that Spark liked and respected most of them. But for all we know they could all be unmitigated jerks.
Humans evolved awhile after they fell from grace, so I have no idea how your tribe came in contact tho.

Ps. Sorry Spark's going to be kinda a jerk. Spark normally wouldn't care who you worshiped but ya kinda leaned in heavily on the madness and corruption aspects which is a no no for her. It's a cross between someone giving cocaine to her senile relatives, and someone happily proclaiming they have rabies.

However, we would be fools to not use the existing power that resides in the might ones below.

Oh yes fools not to sup yourself like tics on the power that bleeds from them. I'm sure that you would never jostle the wounds on their minds, to keep that blood flowing.

O poisoned chalice be more consistent in your lies. If the stone rejects you, if the fruit of the land grow twisted, if the very ground you walk is corrupt, and your people are tormented by night terrors. How can you say that you are a beloved people of my ancestors, as opposed to hateful parasites burrowing in at their time of weakness, always grasping for more.
(OOC: I'm playing the tribe like lovecraftian cultists that are a bit like christianity during the new world, stuck in their ways. though they are pretty passive unless provoked.)
IC: no prison is perfect, even one built by, gods, has its... cracks.
The stone is warped so none but us can shape its strength. The fruits twisted so we may gain strength from its strange power. the land may be corrupted but, it does prevent certain earthen goddesses from turning it against us. Our people are not tormented but blessed with dreams containing images of the future, our great old ones, even some suggestions to help better ourselves. That was how we found the old gods ways in the beginning.
no prison is perfect, even one built by, gods, has its... cracks.
Oh no~ that asylum we built allows in the air. How shocking, who could have ever expected that we would allow our kin to breath.

But truly we have been negligent. While we were sleeping, it seems that ticks have crept into our elders beds, and gorged themselves
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Who's to say they didn't find us first, inviting us to partake in but a fraction of a fraction of their power in exchange of asking their teaching be venerated amongst a people, keeping their ways alive even while confined by your and your associates work. Though, I must say, I am surprised that so quickly changed alliances from the old ones side to the opposition. Do you not have loyalty to your masters? perhaps, you grew weary of answering their every beck and call and sought to break your chains, but even then, why help those you incarcerated? It would appear you have loyalty issues. It's a wonder anyone would worship a turncoat if they were truly loyal. Shame. I had hoped you of all the new fools would see reason and assist in the old gods recovery, after all, can't a god do anything with enough time, even ancient ones?
O am I a slave now?
How proud are you to think a God domesticated.

Your idea of loyalty is disgusting as well. I suppose, if your friends slit their wrists and attempted to set the village on fire, that the loyal thing to do in your mind would be to stand aside and prevent anyone else from interfering.

You don't seem to care for your ill either. To be so shocked that I would continue to care for those lost to madness. Do you believe me so wretched that I would not hope for my friends recovery?

If I am a Fool. Than I am a Fool who will not see my kin puppetted about and bled out on the words of ants.
(OOC: jeez, how well did you do in english, I come up with half this stuff on the go using my DMing experience with my friends. unless you have some really specific prepared stuff, color me impressed. actually, even if you have that stuff prepared, that's impressive.)

What baffles me still is how you accomplished this feat in the first place.

Had you sabotaged their ambrosia stores? planted seeds of revolt? or had you simply taken up arms and brought down ALL the old gods you had considered a great elderly voice of niceties and just about obliterated some judging from what they have told us.

our maddened are sequestered away from the world, as they are the most touched by the original gods, we cannot condone killing one so close to them. they serve as prophets if they can be contained intact and without great death.

We do not take, we are given. Even if we tried we could not force the hands of such great majesties. In that answer I supplied you the other answer you asked.

You may not be, or ever be, as strong as the old gods, but you are strong enough to make yourself known individually, rather than the companion, ever loyal, never questioning of your master.

Yet, I feel you are not convinced by honeyed words, so may I offer a scolding one?

You new gods ABANDONED us. you contained the old gods to suffer without prophets, no longer able to affect the world they wrought into being. following that, you left. millenia later did we find out your transgressions. My people left the original one when they wouldn't accept the word of the eldest ones. We toiled to fix what your lot could and had broken during your war, only mine tried to give aid to those most needing. The maddened, the broken, the outcasts. All lived in harmony here. Those that disobeyed were made examples of. Those that worked hardest were given a touch of the divine when they are set on the sacred pilgrimage of the touched, Barnabas Nicholls, to receive their gifts.

now tell me, how do intend to amend the time we were left to wander aimlessly? How do you intend to amend for those who died without a hope in their soul that a being would save them, condemning themselves to horrid death at the hands of whatever found them first, hopeless lost? How do you intend to amend for the scarring the olden ones felt as they were shoved in a cell, cramped and compact, watching their friends and family scattered to the wind, screaming in agony as they wished for death over oblivion. How, pray tell, do you intend to amend for the travesties of your kind?