Chronicles of Divinity (A Council God Quest)

Turn 1 : 1 - 100
First Age - Age of Awakening
1 - 100

The Mortal Realm

The people of the Kish were the long distant descendants of ape-men who the Divine touched shortly after the Old Gods war. They had moved to there current location several generations ago, and the area's fertile soil and abundant wildlife sustained them. However, tribalism separated them. The Tuha The Men of White Stripes Tribe, Uriku The Hunting Crawler Tribe, Hashan The Red Fox Tribe, Dantibo The Black Hound Tribe, Korva The Manticore Tribe, Felleris The Tribe of Catfish, and Patil The Warg Eaters Tribe are the seven tribes of the Kish.

The Tuha have been warring the Hashan over blood feud for the last century. So far the incessant raids and counter raids have led to reduced wealth and people for both tribes (-1 Wealth, -1 Pop). Meanwhile, the Felleris population has increased significantly (+1 Pop) thanks to there mastery over the great river.

The Uriku has always been an aggressive people, and there have been more and more border incidents between them and the Felleris. So far disagreements have stayed relatively civil, and no blood feuds have been declared.

From the East comes rumors of strange peoples settling along the coast, while travelers from the South warn of black ships.

Pops - Population of a nation. 1 pop can support 2 Regiments. 1 pop gives 1 Divine Power.
Wealth - How rich a nation is. 1 Wealth can support 1 Regiment.
Industry - The manufacturing capabilities of a nation. 1 Industry can support 1 Regiment.
Food - How much food is harvested from a region. 1 Food can support 5 Pops.

The Divine gain 30 DP.

The Tuha

Pops: 5
Wealth: 0
Industry: 1
Food: 1

The Uriku

Pops: 4
Wealth: 1
Industry: 1
Food: 2

The Hashan

Pops: 3
Wealth: 1
Industry: 1
Food: 1

The Dantibo

Pops: 5
Wealth: 1
Industry: 1
Food: 1

The Korva

Pops: 4
Wealth: 1
Industry: 2
Food: 1

The Felleris

Pops: 4
Wealth: 1
Industry: 2
Food: 1

The Patil

Pops: 5
Wealth: 2
Industry: 1
Food: 1​
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"These wars have caused many deaths. It is about time we fix the afetrlife. I'll even look after it and rule it so no unforeseen incidents occur. Especially since it is above the Abyss." Thana said.

"Wouldn't that mean you will be away sister?" Hella asked.

"Yes dear sister. Do not worry, I shall attend these meetings and will even arrive when asked of." Thana said matter of factly. "In fact, it will do good for you to visit me sister. Once I get it in shape I'll have you visit me."

I will use my 5 points to influence the afterlife with Thana there to rule it.
Does anyone have plans for the people? it looks like if we encourage The Felleris and the Uriku to intermarry we might be able to head off strife and create a large polity with control over the river. but that's not really Sparks domain and I doubt she would care one way or the other. Plus the Felleris might get spooked if she tried talking to them

@HellHound01 is it 30 to spend each or 30 to be divided among us
@Deathvon would Thana accept if Spark offered to hunt down any trouble makers in the afterlife?

@WallFlower you were talking about being interested in establishing a dowery culture would you be interested in coordinating with @Star to establish marriages between the Felleris and the Uriku?
@WallFlower you were talking about being interested in establishing a dowery culture would you be interested in coordinating with @Star to establish marriages between the Felleris and the Uriku?

I am interested in that idea. I'm still trying to process the new information and reshaping my plans.
I'm working out some dreams and daytime illusions in order to connect the right people.

These two might be different, though I am not entirely sure because of the overlap.

URUK the Tribe of Enkidu

Scrios Honoring her/him as the Lady of Calamity and the Lord of Banners that allows then to release their inner savage some enkidu believe Scrios was a partner in the shaping of the enkidu planting this savagery and rage in battle deep in their hearts that they may have the strength and courage to Slay

The Uriku has always been an aggressive people, and there have been more and more border incidents between them and the Felleris.
True enough, but it's likely that if things came to blows the Felleris would simply move down stream. Their fear of me, while entertaining, does not speak kindly of their bravery.
I'm curious about these other humans beyond the tribes. While they lack our backing, it seems like they are more advanced. It would be prudent to prepare for them.
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I am interested in that idea. I'm still trying to process the new information and reshaping my plans.
I'm working out some dreams and daytime illusions in order to connect the right people.

These two might be different, though I am not entirely sure because of the overlap.

I don't know if Uruk is approved yet so i would assume not
I doubt it Scrios, We had hunted the old gods down and buried them beneath the earth long before these humans arose. But Fovos is correct that they should be prepared for, although I am unsure how we would do so without more information.

Perhaps Lilth or I could induce a tribe to explore and trade along the river? The hunt for information is a worthy one

Speaking of Lilth
Lilth, the Felleris worship you above all others, do you have any plans for them?

Scrios has yet to stir any hearts to bloodshed, you can likely arrange for them to marry and intermingle with the Uriku. I believe Silicrilia is worshiped there by the exchanging of trinkets, you could strengthen her hold.
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You Think they would abandon any new kinsmen who do run to the river in times of strife?

It's just as likely that the Uriku influence them to raid up and down the river. You do not need to be brave for raiding tactics.
Perhaps we could arrange for some regulated conflict where the youth could compete in contests of strength and skill instead of raiding one another?

The gods of conflict could arrange this to their choosing, while those of us with other concerns could use these as neutral ground to coordinate tribal leaders towards our own goals.
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