Chronicles of Divinity (A Council God Quest)

Okay, just woke up. I think I have 5 + 3 = 8 DP? Looking at the previous posts, do I get to send five messages for one Influence Mortal Realm action?
It is understandable at some point you have to begin writing.
I would recommend @Yomshara to repurpose the Korva though, they seem to be able to hold more of the overlap with his design.

Guess il take the kurva pretty much just change the worship mainly to Silicrilia and the warrior caste to Scrios and Lilith @HellHound01 is it ok for me to take the korva?

The reason i made the Enkidu was because of the Mesopotamia vibe and the legend of gilgamesh so i will try to go with that kinda theme with the korva
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[X] Influence Mortal realm (Lilith)
-[X] (Followers of Lilith) I will connect with my followers and bless them with gifts of death magic while sending them hints on how to use it (enough for them to not get overwhelmed) tasking them to preside over burial rituals to ease the passing of death souls and safeguarding the villages from evil spirits as well as giving them the means to vanquish them. I will also encourage encourage them to have restless spirits pass on. (Basically the basics of magic like detecting spirits, warding them of, exorcism, some death/killing spells etc.) (Uses wary as some will be in it for the material gain, some for glory , some due to pure faith in Lilith, in places where Lilith is more influential like Fellaris i expect those with more influence will use it to expand their influence even further)
-[X] (Hashan) send dreams about gifts of fish to Tuhu in name of peace and how they are to be more prosperous for it, encourage them to seek end to the conflict through marriage and new life instead through bloodshed.
-[X] (Felleris) send the dream of great log, show them picture of them removing the wood from the log hollowing it and giving it shape ,ultimately vision will shift to that of Dugout sailing in the river with sailors on it (it will be small boat).
-[X] (Followers of Lilith) Send a vision about about a field, divided in three parts. One section is to be planted in the autumn with (that world autum seed like rye for example) or winter (show the wheat like plant), followed by spring (our world oats, so whatever they have there) or (cue plant name for barley). Second section grew crops such as peas, lentils, or beans and last section was left fallow for animals to grase . Basically I'm teaching them Corp rotation.
[X] (Followers of Lilith) Send them a picture of canals stretching through the fields giving the land water it needs for corps.(basic irrigation systems)

@WallFlower given that your goddess holds position in Korva can you as well encourage exchange trinkets and fish between the two to end the feud ? Marriage as well.
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@WallFlower given that your goddess holds position in Korva can you as well encourage exchange trinkets and fish between the two to end the feud ? Marriage as well.

You seem confused the feud is between the Tuha and the Hashan.
And there seem to be border disputes The Uriku and the Felaris.
The Korva seem to be.

I can only work one side of the Hashan/ Tuha feud
Let's see how this backfires.
I don't know what to do with the Korva maidens, but I assume that they can figure themselves out.
Korva♂/ Hashan♀
Hashan ♂/ Tuhu ♀
Fellaris/ Tuhu and Fellaris/ Patil
Patil/ Tohu and Fellaris/ Tuhu

[X] Matchmaking and dowries of metal.
-[X][Korva] Some will dream about creation how I spun metals and Jewels hid them under the mountains, some will dream and about craftsmen forging metals into shape. and how people gift each other statues of made to resemble fish, poeple and gods made in their forges.
-[X][Hashan] Spread sequence of three dreams among the tribe. The first is about the Tuha raiders, Coming to their huts and tents Taking their wealth, their food and their children. As they have done to the Tuha. The second is about three craftsman all building houses. A weaver who weaves a roof of straw only to have it picked apart and his creations to be stolen, A carpenter who builds his workshop from wood that is burned down together the works it holds A mason goes through great effort to build a masonry of stone for thieves and raiders trying to pick it apart, and trying to burn it down while the mason is safe with at rest hidden with the weaver and the carpenter. The last of the dreams is about how the mason meets a Korva maiden and begins a great family in his house of stone.
-[X][Felleris] influential men and women shall have dreams about the Tohu in the north and their counterparts among the Patil, and how the men shall turn towards Korvu craftsmen to to gain works of art. And they shall see how marriage will bring peace.
-[X][Patil] influential men and women shall equally have dreams about the that have dreams about them. And how the men shall turn towards Korvu craftsmen to to gain works of art. How the men who bring the best gift the greatest works will create the greatest wealth to their family. And some will woman will dream about marriage with the Tohu tribe.
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-[X][Korva - travelers] Three pious men shall have a dream about a shadow reaching though the mountain pass. When they awake, then I shall point them to where copper can be in abundance in the mountains. And ask them to tell one who could use it. Once they discover their vision to hold truth. I ask to begin a journey to connect their tribes they find in their journey when they cross the mountain pass. I shall rumble when danger is near them and I shall give them visions where my earthly treasures are near the surface mostly copper, and sometimes on a whim vein of gold. And I shall ask of them to share their stories along the way.
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-[][Hashan] Dreams will inspire love for Tuha maidens among the young men of the village. A shadow will guide some of those whose love is forbidden to where they can meet in secret, so that they can work to amends and end the feud when they reach adulthood. The Hashan young maidens will experience light when first meeting a suitable Korva man.

I believe that this has quite potential to inspire raids in which the target are young maidens , so let's not risk it.

Better to just have Fovos to inspire counteroffering.

Fovos Tuhu tribe loves you more than any other, could you inspire them to accept peace offering i send their way?

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I believe that this has quite potential to inspire raids in which the target are young maidens , so let's not risk it.

Better to just as Fovos to inspire counteroffering.

Fovos Tuhu tribe loves you more than any other, could you inspire them to accept peace offering i send their way?


I edited my other plan for the Hashan into this one, in an attempt to inspire them into Masonary, this will hopefully make them a bit more resilient against invaders.
Fovos Tuhu tribe loves you more than any other, could you inspire them to accept peace offering i send their way?

Yeah, I'm just thinking of the best way to phrase things.

[X] Influence Mortal realm
-[X] (Fuhu) The Kish are strongest together. Perhaps it is time to end this blood feud against the Hashan? Encourage the Tuha to attempt to make peace and seek restitution through means other than blood.
-[X] (Dantibo) The Dantibo are strong and uninvolved any conflict. Encourage their natural tendencies to befriend the other tribes by giving them dreams and omens of opportunities to do so.
-[X] (General followers) Men must face one another as surely as they must face their own fear. But all know that without guidance, men may fail. Encourage my worshipers to fairly arbitrate conflicts and act as guides for those around them.
-[X] (General followers) I will attempt to connect with the lives of my followers and grant them signs to guide them in their lives.
-[X] (General) Guidance should be granted to all. Keep an eye out for those who may need my aid and advice regardless of whether they may pray for it or not.

Is this okay?
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Yeah, I'm just thinking of the best way to phrase things.

[X] Influence Mortal realm
-[X] (Fuhu) The Kish are strongest together. Perhaps it is time to end this blood feud? Encourage the building of alliances and restitution through means other than blood.
-[X] (Dantibo) The Dantibo are strong and uninvolved any conflict. Encourage their natural tendencies to befriend the other tribes by giving them dreams and omens of opportunities to do so.
-[X] (General followers) Men must face one another as surely as they must face their own fear. But all know that without guidance, men may fail. Encourage my worshipers to fairly arbitrate conflicts and act as guides for those around them.
-[X] (General followers) I will attempt to connect with the lives of my followers and grant them signs to guide them in their lives.
-[X] (General) Guidance should be granted to all. Keep an eye out for those who may need my aid and advice regardless of whether they may pray for it or not.

Is this okay?

I believe that you should really single out Tuha and Hashan here to exchange gifts , it's blood feud that lasts 100 years after all.
I believe that you should really single out Tuha and Hashan here to exchange gifts , it's blood feud that lasts 100 years after all.
Was more specific in my decree towards the Tuha. That said, I didn't want to lock them towards simply exchanging gifts and communicated a more general idea that I thought was more suitable for Fovos.
Rerolled when changing to the Pop system to allow for individual DP pools.
Okay, good to know.

I just made a quick list of what actions I was thinking about having the Dantibo focus on this turn and I would like to hear what you think.
  1. Try to find a way to improve upon our agriculture.
  2. Expand how much of the Great Forest we hunt in.
  3. Make bonds of friendship with the rest of the tribes with the help of Fovos.
  4. Improve our ability to use our dogs in combat.
  5. Attempt to increase the amount of useful metals like copper and bronze, that we have available to be used to make tools and weapons.
[X] Influence Mortal realm
-[X] (General followers) Listen to me well oh worshipers of mine, for I'm about to tell you how to get more fish than you have ever done so, proceed to tell them of net fishing and fish traps, spread this knowledge with your neighbors and friends but let them know that my followers will always be the first to know the secrets of the beyond, and that my most loyal, will eventually get to spend their afterlife with me.

-[X] (Korva) Talk to them and teach them how to mine the ores from the mountain and how to smelt them into tools(mining and smelting), incentivize the sharing of this information among fellow followers
-[X] (Hashan) Talk to them and teach them how to properly explain oneself and to understand the other point of view (diplomacy), maybe this will help with the peace talks with the Tuha, incentivize the sharing of this information among fellow followers
-[X] (General) Listen to me mortals for I am Sapienza, and I want all of you to know, that all that follow my path shall have my blessing eventually, granted knowledge, higher mental power, secret of the unknown are all at your fingertips if you use the SCIENTIFIC METHOD, use this power wisely and the nearly anything is possible, and as a final gift I will give all my followers the knowledge of how to fish more effectively

i thinks my previuous post was wrong so im changing my action
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I'm a bit worried about the black ships.

I have committed myself to do 4 acts where I am able to to act with 5. I am pondering about my fifth act and I have decided on what follows. I will seek few men of piety among the tribes these men shall walk the mountain pass and guide the way towards the veins of copper. this way we can expand our knowledge beyond the mountain pass. I would like for another god to follow my example and expand our knowledge, for black ships in the south may carry an omen.

Edit: I added the proposed change to my plan.
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@Chopak Do you perhaps want to make some sort of alliance between the Dantibo and the Felleris?
Well, I need to have protection against potential feud with Uriku. So, I agree.

@HellHound01 ,
you haven't bookmarked the turn
Is river flowing north or south?
Do we know anything about other Kishi tribes?

[X] [Felleris] Turn1
- [X] Explore the River. Check out south and western tributaries.
- [X] Parley with Tribes of Hashan, Tuba and Dantibo (@Mortenkam) to be allowed free access through "their" section of the river. Give gifts in exchange with blessing of Silicrilia.
- [X] Search nearby woods and plains for plants that can be used as rope or string to aid in boatbulding.
- [X] Look into ways to use wind to move the boats.
Well, I need to have protection against potential feud with Uriku. So, I agree.
Good, then it is agreed.

So I tried to add some more details to my plan for this turn.

Turn 1 – The Dantibo
The Dantibo has prospered and been fruitful, but now we are starting to have too little food to be able to properly feed our whole tribe, in fact, some people had even found it necessary to kill and eat their own dog! Therefore, the council of elders decided to try and find a way to remedy this problem.
  • Firstly, the tribe will try to find a way to improve upon our agriculture and see if we can get more food that way.
  • Second, the council of elders will send our hunters and gatherers further out into the Great Forest and in this way expand the area in which animals are killed and plants are gathered.
The council of Elders inspired by the word of Fovos also decided that it was time for the Dantibo to properly make bonds with the other tribes of the Kish.
  • The council of Elders will send out delegates to the different tribes to try and make bonds of friendship with the rest of the tribes with the help of Fovos. They will try to avoid getting involved in the feud between the Tuha and the Hashan, but they will try to make an especially strong bond with the Felleris by promising them protection in case the Uriku attack.
Most of the warriors in the tribe had their own dogs, yet they were mostly just trained to aid them when they hunted, not how to act when in combat with other humans. This flaw the warriors decided they wanted to fix.
  • The warriors will try to see if they cannot train their dogs to better help them in combat against humans.
The craftsmen of the tribe were all impressed of what they saw tools of metal could do compared to tools of stone and they decided that they wished to ensure that the tribe was better equipped.
  • The craftsmen will attempt to increase the amount of useful metals like copper and bronze, that we have available to be used to make tools and weapons to ensure that the tribe is better equipped.
[X]Empower Mortal Bloodline
-[Quest]-expand patils land towards the south for more farmland and to find more ore, potentially sell extra resources for more wealth

Occ hope I did this right

5 + 5 - 10 = 0
Currently at work. Turn update tonight assuming everyone has plans in. I'll try and answer any questions later today.
So what is our goal in this game? Do we have opponents like other Gods or civilizations?
I'm kinda hoping there will be more we can do in the divine realm, like inspecting the void prison for flaws, talking to the inmates, assisting our fellow God's, hunting the bits of old God we scattered to make sure they're not causing problems.
Like right now building up the divine realm feels kinda like a vanity project cause it doesnt seem to do anything unless we're attacked in it.
On a narrative lvl retaking and bringing order to the afterlife should be pretty important, and inspire a lot of collaboration between the gods even if only one person can rule it. But on a mechanics lvl it costs about 5 points and there's not a mechanism to help or hinder, so there is no reason to focus on it.

Like I keep wanting Spark to help Thana by hunting down lost souls, and it seems like allot of the other players would be interested in helping as well. But there's no option to to help others or really mess about in the divine realm. Which is kinda a bummer