Chronicles of Divinity (A Council God Quest)

Thanks, I tried to make a application, so I look forward to hear what you think.

The Dantibo, aka The Black Hound Tribe
The Black Hound Tribe's name comes from the straightforward fact that the tribe values its kinship with dogs. It is said that the tribe was founded by the first people to domesticate wolfs. The tribe's dogs are used in many ways, as hunting partners, to help handling the tribe's herds and for combat.

Most matters are handled by the council of tribal elders but matters of war is handled by the warriors who chooses a war chief amongst themselves.

The Tribe values loyalty and communal bonds rather than personal ambition. This reflect their preference for seeking friendship with other tribes, though if anyone threatens the tribe or anyone the tribe considers to be a friend, then they can be counted on to respond with force rather than honeyed words.

The tribe has a rather mixed group of gods, that they worship. Chief amongst them are Fovos, The Fear That Guides, the Twin Goddess, Thana and Hella, and Rhaundeth, the Queen of Forests.

The worship of Fovos is tightly connected to the teaching of the tribe's youth, since the tribe must ensure that they learn of the dangers of the world and how to avoid them. This affects all paths of the tribe's way of life, from the hunters knowing how to properly handle predatory animals, to the gatherers knowing which plants are poisoned and which is not. Even the council of elders tend to call upon Fovos at the start of their meeting in the hope that he will guide them on the proper path.

Of the Twin Goddess, it is Hella, that is preferred, since she is the one to bring joy. Hella is called upon for the health of the tribe's animals, especially its dogs, and for the health of its people, while her sister Thana is called upon for the protection of the souls of the dead and for the protection of the living, that her monsters may walk past them.

The tribe depend in quite a few different ways upon the forests, and therefore many people seek the favor and protection of Rhaundeth, the Queen of Forests, so that may travel in safety and have success in their venture, which may been all from a hunt to the seeking of the right plant.

The lesser gods in the tribe is Lilith, the Goddess of fertility, Scrios, the Bringer of Battle, Spark, the Thunder in the Night, and the Bearer of the metals and jewels.

The worship of Lilith is rather new to the tribe, which it learned from the same people, who told them the basis of agriculture. It is therefore that she is primarily worshiped as a harvest goddess, while she has yet to be truly understood as the Lady of Death, except in the sense of bad harvests.

The tribe feels conflicted about Scrios, they despise his fickleness, yet its warriors all seek his blessing before battle in the hope of victory, even if he instead might decide to instead grant them dead.

The goddess Spark fills a weird place in the tribe, some asks what a goddess of cats is supposed to do for the Black Hound Tribe, some answers that she is a goddess of hunting, yet few hunters call upon her, other says she protects the homes of the tribe, which the elders is unsure of. Lastly, some say she is the goddess of enjoying life's pleasures and it is here Sparks worshippers is truly found.

The few workers of metal and some of the tribe's craftsmen tends to worship the Bearer of the metal and jewels. They worship her with the same passion as any of the most worshipped gods in the tribe, but they are to few for her to have as much influence in the tribe as the others.

The Dantibo are approved. Map will be up tonight, along with your stats.

It seems that I succeeded in communicating my intentions.

...and that I forgot her name:oops:
I will think that I will have to think of something.
Let's go with Silicrilia

Silicrilia is approved.

All Divine slots are now filled.
hi, @HellHound01 quick question, since I'm going for god of knowledge, and all that, does my god have all the knowledge i can find online, or only what my followers have discovered? ie: can i tell them " get some sea water in a basin boil it and you got salt, which is tasty and good for preserving food"?
also i know that you said in the first post that influencing people to do stuff cost 5 points, but how much does it cost to just tell them stuff or is it also 5 points?
This ability allows you to attempt to direct your Mortal followers within a Civilization to a certain course of action. This could be migrating to new lands, raising armies, studying specific types of knowledge, or things of similar nature. These commands are often whispered in dreams, or seen in visions, often occurring during religious ceremony. Mortals are frail, however, and prone to misunderstanding the will of there Gods.​
What would we primarily be using this discord for? Is it to keep the thread from getting too cluttered?

Also on the empowering of mortal bloodlines. Would we be limited to Humans or could we use any mortal creature?
The Divine
List of God's by order created
Goddess Name: Spark
Title: Thunder in the Night, Queen of The Wild Hunt, Mother of Killing, Guardian of the Fields, Cat

Personality: Caring but aloof, Spark tries to stay calm and reasonable in most situations, but can be overly excitable and bloodthirsty when hunting. Previously she hunted the Sun and the Moon but found that the world got a bit too upset when she actually caught them in her jaws. Now she just watches and makes occasional playful swipes.

When not hunting she can often be found napping and enjoying the company of others. Although, if her current territory is intruded upon, she will rumble the skies in warning before going on the attack.

She hopes that in this new age she will be invited inside to become a guardian of homes and not just a Hunter of Terrors.

Description: a long haired tabby or a hunting ball of lightning

user: @CausalityCircle

God Name: Fovos
Title: The Fear That Guides, The God Previously Known as Phobia, The Observer

Personality: He first learnt fear as he watched the power of the Old Gods and then he learnt it again when he wielded it as a weapon. But he truly considers having learnt the meaning of fear when he saw the primitive man master the fear of the flame that would become the centerpiece of their civilization. Fear can teach, he realized. It can guide. He decided that is what he wanted to be. Fovos - the fear that guides.

As an individual, Fovos is incredibly interested in learning and innovation. Very often to the exclusion of other things. Despite his wish to become a teacher and guide, Fovos finds it difficult to communicate. He tends to be more of an observer, communicating through metaphor and symbology if at all. He tends to come off as wise, but is afraid if he really relaxes, they'll see how much of a nerd he is.

Description: Appears as a apparently highly knowledgeable scholar or wise man with a surprisingly strong physique, with the specifics depending on the culture he's interacting with. When feeling particularly dramatic, he may appear as an inverted shadow where the light forms the shadow and the darkness it's edges. It tends to take the shape of a man in a similar vein as his usual form.

user: @Quest

God/Goddess Name: Scrios
Title: calamity made manifest, the eternal storm, the bringer of battle

Personality: scrios is as fickle as the wind, with mortals falling in and out of his favour at random moments. Scrios believe conflict is the fastest way for mortals to adapt to new things.

Description: scrios often times takes the form of a human covered in random bits of armour that dosnt seen to fit together and in rare time scrios would take the shape of a raging storm contained in a vaugly humaniod shape

user: @endless void

Name: Thana
Titles: Queen of the Underworld, Mother of all Monsters, and Goddess of the Night/Dark

Personality: Thana is the older and more pragmatic of the siblings, she rarely makes jokes and if she does it is often with sarcasm. She views the monsters she creates as her kids and loves all of them. She often cuddles her little sister and often spend time with her even though they couldn't be further apart in personality. She hopes to fulfill her role to the best she can.

Description: A Bloodied Woman Crowned with Horns, Smiling

Name: Hella
Titles: Goddes of Day/Light, Mother of Small Animals, and Queen of Life

Personality: Hella is idealistic and childish, often making jokes to lighten the mood in the often time serious discussion the others have(especially her sister). She views the animals she makes as her children and loves them dearly. She sees the good and all living things and sometimes ask her sister's help in delievering punishment as she often can't stomach it. Is one of the few to get pass Thana's hard exterior and loves her dearly. She hopes to build a beautiful world where people can live free of hardship and conflict.

Description: A Woman with Golden Hair

user: @Deathvon

God/Goddess Name: Sapienza

Title: The knowledge keeper/the god of discovery/ patron of the young, the inventive and the wise

Personality: Sapienza is a calm and collected individual, unless there is some new knowledge or discovery at hand then they have the enthusiasm and self-control of a five year old with too much sugar

Description: Sapienza form is ever-changing, representing their mental state, that of an euphoric child when excited, an old wise man when explaining things, a concentrated ice queen when researching on their own, etc.

user: @LazyHedonist

Name: Rhaundeth

Title: Queen of the Forrests

Personality: Rhaundeth lives the woods and outdoors. She influences humans to venture into the woods to adventure and learn about the world. If humans get lost they can pray to her to find there way out again. She dislikes and hate los those who enslave beings and will strike them down with an arrow of pine.

She enjoys to show her followers how to properly keep there hair so that it doesn't caught up in the woods. Her favorite hair dress are braids.

Description: Rhaundeth is a clocked woman with clothes made of tree bark. Her hair is long and with one braid on each side. Her hair is blonde and hey eyes are a deep blue.

Rhaundeth will sometimes turn into animals to help guide humans or to safeguard lost children.

user: @Valkur

God/Goddess Name: Lilith

Title: Mistress of the deep Sea and Rivers, Mother of sea and river life, Lady of death, Goddess of fertility .

Personality: She tries to be serious and calm most of the time, always tries to stay diligent in her job and one could say that she takes enjoyment in it, though from time to time she cannot really help but relax and enjoy the life in her own way. Is realist and won't hesitate to take necessary steps to get her way. Her goal is to restore glory of the Gods and uphold their position in the world. People pray to her for easy death,for deaths of their enemies,or to avoid death, for safe travels on sea,good fishing, bountiful harvests, safe pregnancy and lots of kids.

Description: A Giant Woman of Water

user: @Star

Goddess Name: Silicrilia
Title: Warden of the deep and mistress of the blood sealed within, Bearer of the metals and jewels, guardian of the mines, She who rumbles, Mother of secrets

Personality: Sullen she waits weighed down by her task at creation. Throughout the times she laid down rivers of metal and crafted the most beautiful gems leaving them throughout the crust. in order to distract herself from her inevitable failure. She loves the miners who take great effort to appreciate her art, but they should take care to listen to her rumblings. For many good men were lost without word, because they could not respect a woman's secret.

Description: She either appears either as a small flame, a shadow or a peasant woman.

user: @WallFlower
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List of God's by order created
Goddess Name: Spark
Title: Thunder in the Night, Queen of The Wild Hunt, Mother of Cats, Guardian of the Fields
Personality: Caring but aloof, Spark tries to stay calm and reasonable in most situations, but can be overly excitable and bloodthirsty when hunting. Previously she hunted the Sun and the Moon but found that the world got a bit too upset when she actually caught them in her jaws. Now she just watches and makes occasional playful swipes. When not hunting she can often be found napping and enjoying the company of others. Although, if her current territory is intruded upon, she will rumble the skies in warning before going on the attack.
She hopes that in this new age she will be invited inside to become a guardian of homes and not just a Hunter of terrors.
Description: a long haired tabby

God/Goddess Name: Scrios
Title: calamity made manifest, the eternal storm, the bringer of battle
Personality: scrios is as fickle as the wind, with mortals falling in and out of his favour at random moments. Scrios believe conflict is the fastest way for mortals to adapt to new things.
Description: scrios often times takes the form of a human covered in random bits of armour that dosnt seen to fit together and in rare time scrios would take the shape of a raging storm contained in a vaugly humaniod shape

Name: Thana
Titles: Queen of the Underworld, Mother of all Monsters, and Goddess of the Night/Dark
Personality: Thana is the older and more pragmatic of the siblings, she rarely makes jokes and if she does it is often with sarcasm. She views the monsters she creates as her kids and loves all of them. She often cuddles her little sister and often spend time with her even though they couldn't be further apart in personality. She hopes to fulfill her role to the best she can.

Name: Hella
Titles: Goddes of Day/Light, Mother of Small Animals, and Queen of Life
Personality: Hella is idealistic and childish, often making jokes to lighten the mood in the often time serious discussion the others have(especially her sister). She views the animals she makes as her children and loves them dearly. She sees the good and all living things and sometimes ask her sister's help in delievering punishment as she often can't stomach it. Is one of the few to get pass Thana's hard exterior and loves her dearly. She hopes to build a beautiful world where people can live free of hardship and conflict.

God/Goddess Name: Sapienza

Title: The knowledge keeper/the god of discovery

Personality: Sapienza is a calm and collected individual, unless there is some new knowledge or discovery at hand then they have the enthusiasm and self-control of a five year old with too much sugar

Description: Sapienza form is ever-changing, representing their mental state, that of an euphoric child when excited, an old wise man when explaining things, a concentrated ice queen when researching on their own, etc.

Name: Rhaundeth

Title: Queen of the Forrests

Personality: Rhaundeth lives the woods and outdoors. She influences humans to venture into the woods to adventure and learn about the world. If humans get lost they can pray to her to find there way out again. She dislikes and hate los those who enslave beings and will strike them down with an arrow of pine.

She enjoys to show her followers how to properly keep there hair so that it doesn't caught up in the woods. Her favorite hair dress are braids.

Description: Rhaundeth is a clocked woman with clothes made of tree bark. Her hair is long and with one braid on each side. Her hair is blonde and hey eyes are a deep blue.

Rhaundeth will sometimes turn into animals to help guide humans or to safeguard lost children.

God/Goddess Name: Lilith

Title: Mistress of the deep Sea and Rivers, Mother of sea and river life, Lady of death, Goddess of fertility .

Personality: She tries to be serious and calm most of the time, always tries to stay diligent in her job and one could say that she takes enjoyment in it, though from time to time she cannot really help but relax and enjoy the life in her own way. Is realist and won't hesitate to take necessary steps to get her way. Her goal is to restore glory of the Gods and uphold their position in the world. People pray to her for easy death,for deaths of their enemies,or to avoid death, for safe travels on sea,good fishing, bountiful harvests, safe pregnancy and lots of kids.

Goddess Name: Silicrilia
Title: Warden of the deep and mistress of the blood sealed within, Bearer of the metals and jewels, guardian of the mines, She who rumbles, Mother of secrets
Personality: Sullen she waits weighed down by her task at creation. Throughout the times she laid down rivers of metal and crafted the most beutifull gems leaving them throughout the crust. in order to distract herself from her inevetable failure. She loves the miners who take great effort to appreaciate her art, but they should take care to listen to her rumblings. For many good men were lost without word, because they could not respect a woman's secret.
Description: She either appears either as a small flame, a shadow or a peasant woman.

You forgot Fovos, second on the list.
Like one big afterlife or an afterlife that each god can section off to create personal afterlife for there followers
I'm having urge to replace death with ice while i still can... Kinda go full in with water theme.
hi, @HellHound01 quick question, since I'm going for god of knowledge, and all that, does my god have all the knowledge i can find online, or only what my followers have discovered? ie: can i tell them " get some sea water in a basin boil it and you got salt, which is tasty and good for preserving food"?
also i know that you said in the first post that influencing people to do stuff cost 5 points, but how much does it cost to just tell them stuff or is it also 5 points?
This ability allows you to attempt to direct your Mortal followers within a Civilization to a certain course of action. This could be migrating to new lands, raising armies, studying specific types of knowledge, or things of similar nature. These commands are often whispered in dreams, or seen in visions, often occurring during a religious ceremony. Mortals are frail, however, and prone to misunderstanding the will of there Gods.​

You know pretty much everything regarding any technical advancements we have made IRL. You also know pretty much everything involving magic, with the exception of blood magic.

You don't know whats going on with and in the Mortal Realm except for what your faithful know. You can still be surprised by whats down there.

Influencing the Mortal Realm always cost 5 DP, which would include you passing on any advancements. It is also unreliable, the mortals can misunderstand what you want or what your intentions are. Also, if they are anything less than fanatical they won't do anything that is against (or that they believe is against) their own self-interest. They have freewill, and will use it.

@HellHound01 I'm gonna guess I need to create a afterlife once we get started? If so that might be my first action.

There is something of an Afterlife, the Tartarian Realm was an afterlife used by the Old God, and now it sits above the Abyss, the prison of the Old Gods. It's fallen into a disarrayed and chaotic state with the former Divine Servants perishing in the war of the Old Gods. Currently is a mess of wondering anguished souls and darker things that prey upon them.

Frankly it could do with a lot of work.

The Mortal Realm, or what your followers currently know of it, and therefore what you know of it.

The light green is grasslands/hills, the darker green are heavily forested woodlands. The blue is a fairly large river, while the brown is a mountain range, and the lighter brown areas are passes. The dark grey is unknown territory, but your worshipers, The Kish, have spoken with other tribal peoples, and various travelers, and have a rough idea of where the coastlines are.

The game will start tomorrow with the Age of Awakening years 0 to 100.​
@HellHound01 any idea what to do as goddess of death besides killing people? Or should I go and encourage it?

Been on a WoW and Norse loving spree for the longest. Maybe make Valkyries or some way for your Death Priests to summon ghosts. Sometimes being able to grieve a little longer can help in fantasy settings so there is that.

Creating an afterlife would be priority #1 imo but it's all up to you.

I think I'm going to start by blessing some stones and ordering my followers to put them around the village to ward of beasts.

Basically like a wall but it won't work against invaders or raiders but instead just animals that could pose a threat to our civilization.