Chronicles of Divinity (A Council God Quest)

OOC: I actually agree on theory that new gods were probably in master/subordinate relationship with the olds, or something similar.

Given what little we know about the old gods they warred against each others for dominion over the world and weakened each others .

What that tells us is that new gods couldn't be their equals given that if they were old gods would probably attacked them , it also limits possibility of new gods being weaker but independent deities since Oldies would have probably destroyed them just to remove potential rivals.

Being born somewhat later is probably out of the picture given that New Gods played a role in Old Gods downfall so relationship of subordinates, or simply subversion to old Gods is probably explanation how new overthrew the old... Being close to them enough to know their secrets and when they are at their weakest means new gods needed to have some connection to old gods.
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OOC thanks! I was in debate club for a couple of years.

I can see where you're coming from on the whole subordinate things. But as someone who's playing a cat in the shape of god. You can't own a cat without the cat allowing you the privilege.

I was kinda viewing the old gods as like an older family members extended friend /frenemy group. Mostly because the whole servant rebelling against the creator is very Christian and kinda over done. Also it seemed more fun/angsty if we actually liked some of the people we locked away.
(OOC: I have contemplated joining a debate club but feared joining since over time I find myself slipping on facts and convincing myself with opinions.

also I mostly saw the old gods as more primordial forces like Azathoth, actually, a lot like Azathoth. Given that this tribe had only been around since humanity, they're still too young to have seen the old gods as more than what the old gods show them, though the old gods might actually be corrupted due to millenia of uncurbed hatred at either the betrayal or revolution.

also I have pretty much have given the Vetitatum a death wish for the new gods.)
OOC you're expected to have a written argument for both sides but really it's a matter of bringing attention to the points you can win, Having a defence against the most common points of attack, and sounding confident throughout.

that's valid. The quest master is kinda gone indefinitely so it's pretty much a free for all as far as canon goes.

It's funny that the Vetitatum went from mostly indifferent to the new gods to hatred just from Spark suspecting them of taking advantage of the infirm
OOC: so too it seems, is spark. He insulted them and basicly told them to back off their patron gods when the new gods had slept. how would america react if God came down and said "stop dealing with china."
OOC to be fair it's more like God came down and said stop taking advantage of China, and then ignored all your arguments that this was a mutually beneficial relationship where China was calling the shots
OOC from Spark's perspective the whole tainted ground, nightmares, and insanity deal sounds allot like an immune response. All you need to complete the look is unnatural heat
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(OOC: the tainted ground was mostly there so the earth goddess couldn't cheapshot the the main leaders, then the lovecraft idea of messed up stuff that was used incorrectly to the benefit of the tribe just tickled me. impossible stonework that is bonus strong but only shapeable by the village would mean they got some sweet deals.

the plants could be madness inducing with bonus physical traits or magical traits. the nightmare could be interpretted as prophecy, maybe even validated through an in-game event. insanity is basically the chosen of the old gods since the mortal mind can't handle the images of their grandeur.
(OOC: I don't know if it is too late to add in actions for the Vetitatum for the first round, but I'd like to add in them. if my actions are cut short then please cut the bottommost item first.)

The tribe of forbidden worship would like to do a few things to get the research ball rolling.

[X] begin ritualistic research to help expand the area that is tainted by the corruption, so as to expand the tribes influence more.
[X] begin researching usage of the warped stone in crossbows(arrows, stone balls, the crossbow itself, etc.)
[X] test the plants for unique 'powers'.
[X] attempt to establish trade relations with whatever tribe might be willing to not murder them on sight.
[X] begin creation of various buildings. such as ritual school, storage, housing, etc.
Dude your enthusiasm is great and all, but the QM has basically abandoned this in light of real life issues. You might want to find some other quest to invest your time in if you want updates
OOC: I know, but I'm getting it ready for when he returns and frankly, it's fun to debate philsophical topics and help the GM come up with ideas if they don't already have one. plus I get really invested in my characters for the first week or two after making them. also I am new and don't know any good ones that are open, simple enough to relax and chill to play, or don't have so many pages you have to read to catch up that it might as well be a week or two investment just to see everyone elses moves.
(OOC: not gonna lie, I kind of wanted to play the pseudo villain and debate with some of the deities, like Quest (Fovos), or Dtar (can't remember), or any of the gods really. I enjoy the villain role since it makes me see what the other players do in reaction. cross blades verbally or physically. so any of the gods or tribes for that matter may contact me and fight, verbally if possible and in character. Fovos and Silicrilia probably won't order me exterminated. scrios might though.)
The Uruk probably would see you as the worst people imaginable heretics who taint The mother of alls creation and flesh as the Uruk are Fanatically devoted to Silicrilia but if she told them not to declare a Holy war on you we wouldn't
IC: we have done nothing wrong, but invoke the old gods to empower us and we worship them to return the power they had expended, hoping one day they will be free. Regardless, the twisted stonework was not put there by us, believe it or not. we began worshipping them then reality itself warped around us, providing trials to overcome, with great boons should we do so. we would gladly lend our arms to those willing to assist us in our projects, good reliable allies are hard to come by when everyone thinks your a blasphemer.
OOC thanks! I was in debate club for a couple of years.

I can see where you're coming from on the whole subordinate things. But as someone who's playing a cat in the shape of god. You can't own a cat without the cat allowing you the privilege.

I was kinda viewing the old gods as like an older family members extended friend /frenemy group. Mostly because the whole servant rebelling against the creator is very Christian and kinda over done. Also it seemed more fun/angsty if we actually liked some of the people we locked away.

OOC: I say subordinate, but you can even say subversive. Basically Old Gods were pretty rough with each others and it's kinda unlikely that they would ignore entire group of gods in favour of attacking each others to the point of exhaustion if said gods weren't in some form subversive to them .

For example you could have had parent/child relationship with them like Greek pantheon where gods rebeled against Titans , or heck even they could have been married to them.

What's important is that Old gods were more powerful and ruled the world while new gods were weaker at the time and were taken under the wing of Old gods.

Heck maybe cat was even part of the pack being led by even stronger cat in this case before things got out of the control and made new gods think about nature of their relationship with old gods and should they be allowed to roam free.
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IC: we have done nothing wrong, but invoke the old gods to empower us and we worship them to return the power they had expended, hoping one day they will be free. Regardless, the twisted stonework was not put there by us, believe it or not. we began worshipping them then reality itself warped around us, providing trials to overcome, with great boons should we do so. we would gladly lend our arms to those willing to assist us in our projects, good reliable allies are hard to come by when everyone thinks your a blasphemer.

OOC: sorry was at work couldn't do a conversation

IC: your People would worship beings who taint the Mother of creations very flesh is unacceptable a deed of vile heresy that should be cut and removed like a putrid limb She repaired and molded the very world after the great Strife( the Creation myth of Uruk) creating something pure and beatiful her craft the pinnacle and envy of all so why would you worship something that would corrupt something so pure so beautiful beings locked away for the greater good of all we as the Children of Clay and jewels would rather cut our very hands off(the greatest punishment and an act of ritual shame kind of like seppuku as the hands are considered holy by the uruk because the hands are a the symbol of creation) then work with your misbegotten kind
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IC: It is a shame we couldn't have worked together. Our aid would not have even been able to affect your lands due to it being blessed by the earthen goddess.

We hadn't changed our lands intentionally, it was a byproduct of being touched by the old gods. The visions they have granted us show the world once appearing as this, so we have not tried to revert it.

Your people may not accept our ways, in fact I would be surprised if you and your kind did, given how intertwined you are with your new... gods.
(OOC: I don't know how to do the quote thing, so don't really expect me to do that all too much.)
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At the bottom of each post there is quote and reply. Quote copies it to multi quote. But reply is prbly what your looking for as it's a direct quoted response
IC: It is a shame we couldn't have worked together. Our aid would not have even been able to affect your lands due to it being blessed by the earthen goddess.

We hadn't changed our lands intentionally, it was a byproduct of being touched by the old gods. The visions they have granted us show the world once appearing as this, so we have not tried to revert it.

Your people may not accept our ways, in fact I would be surprised if you and your kind did, given how intertwined you are with your new... gods.

OOC: thats a really cool idea the old gods Changing the lands to its most primordial and or Corrupted form
I don't know if we should continue this here if it bothers the Gm do you have a discord?
It's alive, and there are interesting developments.
I'm interested in seeing where this goes.

If the GM doesn't want to contineu this maybe we could begin a prequal quest of sorts.
Then we could migrate characters and tribes to the new setting.
(OOC: glad I can come along and add some conflict so as to restore a quest to life and activity. It may have had it before but, I just found this, I liked this one a lot in concept and execution. It was just a shame that the GM had to miss this, while I understand life goes on, so I am a bit sorry I brought a catalyst in here when the GM has temporarily left the room.)
It's alive, and there are interesting developments.
I'm interested in seeing where this goes.

If the GM doesn't want to contineu this maybe we could begin a prequal quest of sorts.
Then we could migrate characters and tribes to the new setting.

You know what's weird is i had that same thought of the group starting a quest with this setting while this is in hiatus