You take a deep breath and release your team. After today, you don't know if you're the luckiest or unluckiest trainer in Vesryn but you're pushing that luck in either case.
"Alright everyone, let's do this."
You dash around the corner doing your best to ignore the unconscious police officers on the ground and how easily that could happen to you... or worse. Your team right behind you aside from Joan who took point. You see the two grunts already have their pokemon out a Zorua, a Shelmet, a Riolu, and a Karrablast. Maybe the never bothered to recall them after the battle with the police. Or maybe they heard Adamantine and released them. Considering Adamantine's... size, sneaking up on them was never an option.
"SHIT!" One of the grunts yells.
"Not again!" The other grunt growls.
"Moondust! Tie 'em up!" You yell.
"Tox!" Moondust shoots a string at the grunts. The grunt on the left is hit and instantly immobilized but the one on the right ducks behind the van before the string can hit him.
"Fuck you, kid! I ain't going back to jail!" The other grunt yells from behind the van. "Zorua, Karrablast!"
The four grunt's pokemon engage your team. Even though they are wounded from their last fight, they won't go down easily.
Joan is the first to charge out, club raised to hit Zorua only to be hit in the back by Neptune who was aiming for the same pokemon. Before she can even recover, she it tackled by the same Zorua. The three pokemon start fighting each other, though the Zorua is still wounded and outnumbered. They knock her out after a few seconds.
Philosoraptor flies at the Shelmet striking him with her wings. The Shelmet tries to fight back but Philosoraptor dances around him, using Double Team to distract him with illusionary copies before going in for an attack.
Moonust and Adamantine engage the Riolu. Moondusts blows a strong gust of wind at the Riolu. But instead of attacking him, he runs at Adamantine. Dodging the chaos of the battlefield When he gets close enough, he jumps high into the air and strikes her with a force palm. Adamantine can't dodge in the narrow alley and can't attack as effectively without risking damaging the buildings to the side or killing the two incapacitated grunts or any of the police pokemon still on the ground. Still, while the Riolu is falling to the ground, she brings her skull forward and headbutts the Riolu sending him careening onto the ground, with a psychic blast from Moondust knocking him out.
You suddenly hear a motor start up. Before you can wonder what it is, the final grunt rockets out of the van on a motorcycle.
"Eva! Stop him!" You yell.
"With pleasure." Eva says. Her eyes start to glow red as she summons her psychic powers to rip the grunt off of his bike.
Before she can pull him down, The Karrablast dives forward and slashes at Eva with red, glowing forelimbs.
The hit didn't do much damage, but it was enough to break her concentration. The other Grunt rockets out of the alley. He turns a corner and disappears into the night, leaving his comrades and his pokemon to their fate.
The Karrablast raises his arm up to slash Eva again when Philorotaptor flies at the Karrablast, striking him in the back with a wing attack.
The battle is over and your pokemon are victorious. Joan and Eva look lie they have they're hurt the worst but they'll be fine after some rest.
Now, there's just one thing to take care of.
"Adamatine, could you take care of the van?"
Adamantine smiles and smashes the front of the van, reducing it to a hunk of twisted metal. No one is getting away in that thing.
You look out of the other side of the alley and see the park where you battled Phonia earlier, now completely deserted. The statues of Legendary Pokemon not bathed in shadow. Both Athena and the other man are standing there. You think you see the man holding something up and Athena seems to be healing her pokemon.
Well, it's not like that battle was quiet. You'd probably start healing your pokemon if you were her, too.
"Kid, wait!"
You look down and see the grunt that was hit with the String Shot, still tied up and laying on the ground. Despite the intense battle, he doesn't seem to be any worse for wear.
"You can't leave like this! If the police get me, I'm going to jail!" He says with pure terror in his voice.
"Well... yeah." You say. You can't exactly work up any sympathy for the man. "You did kind of
"You. Don't. Understand." He says. The man actually looks like he's on the verge of crying. "If I get locked up, Zeus will have me killed to keep me from talking."
"O-o-our boss." The grunt says. "H-h-he... he doesn't take t-too kindly to people who f-fail."
After Nyasa, you aren't exactly surprised that Zeus would treat his own men like this. That said, you also wouldn't be surprised if this guy was just saying this so you would let him go.
"L-l-look... I have m-money, alright? I have a lot money." The grunt says, taking your silence as a 'no'. By now, he's hyperventilating. "If you get me out of this, it's yours."
[] Let him go.
- [] I really need the money and the police can interrogate the other grunt.
- [] If he is telling the truth,then I wouldn't forgive myself if he ended up killed.
[] Leave him here.
- [] He's probably lying about getting killed to try to get out of a prison sentence.
- [] He's still a criminal.
- [] If he gets killed by Zeua... oh well. He made his choice when he signed up for Team Olympus.