Catching Victory (A Pokemon Quest)

One by one, you bring your pokemon back to fighting strength. None of them, bar Adamantine, will be in perfect condition, but they will be able to fight.

"What's going on, Bard?" Eva asks once she's out of her pokeball.

"Team Olympus" You say as you apply the last of your second bottle of Potion to her. "Back... back in Nyasa, they were using strong pokemon. Fully evolved." You say as you apply some of the potion to Eva's wounds. "And the police here are just using Growlithes and Poocheyenas. If that's all that they have... I don't know if I can make a difference, but I need to try"

"Just don't do anything stupid..." Eva says. "After the mansion..."

"If things get too tough, we're out of there" You say to Eva. You and your pokemon may not get away twice.

"Just... just don't get anyone killed..." Eva says with genuine concern.

"I'll do my best" You say.

With your team as ready as it's going to be, you cross the street as the situation continued to deteriorate. A building is blocking Team Olympus' view so they can't see you and the police are too focused on fighting to notice you. Still, you keep low, and hide behind a nearby parked car.

An officer somewhere in his 40's, ducks behind the door of his squad car to avoid a white beam. The beam sails over his head and crashes into a mailbox, exploding and creating a very large hole in it. The officer then grabs his radio and starts yelling. "THIS IS CAR 12 ADAM! WE HAVE A 41-11 IN PROGRESS! SEND BACKUP!"

Right after his sentence, a Poocheyena is sent flying from the alley and is sent crashing into a cop car's windshield and crumples painfully onto the pavement.

"Growlithe! Ember and keep them pinned! Thurkell!" He turns to his partner. " The trunk!"

The younger officer's eyes widened. "But sir-"

"Do it!" He reaffirms.

The second officer nods and sprints for the trunk and pops it open. At the same time, the Growlithe tumbles out of the alley out cold. Before the younger officer can bring out what was in the trunk, a yellow and red blur shoots out of the alley and collides with the older officer, knocking him out in one punch. The younger officer turns at the blur but it shoots towards him before he can react, knocking him unconscious while he's still clutching what he retrieved from the trunk.

It's a shotgun.

You almost didn't recognize it. Usually, the only people who actually use guns are people who fight other humans and people who live in regions without too many pokemon, so you hadn't even seen one before, much less up close up close before.

The feeling that you're in over your head starts to creep up on you.

The pokemon, which you now recognize as a Meinfoo looks over the officer she's just knocked out and shakes her head. Her yellow fur is burnt off in places and she has a black eye. But if she's still this fast, her injuries must look worse than they really are. You duck down behind a car, praying that she doesn't see you...

"C'mon, Minny!" A female voice calls from the alley, getting the pokemon's attention. She does back into the alley without knowing you're there.

"Someone must have spotted us when we went in" A male voice says, clearly annoyed. "Everyone alright?"

"Phil got hit when that Poocheyena went for the boss." You hear another voice say. "He isn't getting up"

"Hey, Phil?" You hear the same female voice say. "Phiiiiil..." She repeats in a sing-song voice. "...I think he's out cold"

"You two, get him in the back of the van" A fourth voice say. "There is still something I must do before we can leave. Athena, come with me. After what you have done for Team Olympus, you deserve to bear witness to this."

"Yay!" You hear Athena cheer. "We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. Unless more cops show up. Then don't get caught. Or else!" Athena sounded way too cheerful for someone who just fought with the police and is threatening her subordinates.

"Come now, Athena. We have no time to lose. More of them are on the way as we speak" The fourth voice says. You tense up, fully expecting them to come out of the alley to find you, but then you hear their footsteps fade into the distance.

"Dammit. Pigs got my Pawnard" You hear the first voice say.

"Quit your whining, we need to get ready to get out of here" The second voice says. "Now grab his legs and help me get him in the van before the boss gets back."

"Why do I always have to get the legs..." The first voice mutters.

While the police couldn't stop them, it looks like they managed to weaken a few of their pokemon. Even if you couldn't beat them before, you might have a chance now.

[] Go through the alley.
- [] Go for the shotgun and threaten the grunts to stand down.

[] Go down another alley to confront the boss, avoiding the grunts.

[] Leave. You aren't taking chances with your team's lives. Besides, Mom would kill you if she ever found out.

[] Write in.
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Oh shit. We may need to get out our whole team and multi-task.

So it seems like there's five Olympus people around? 1 out cold (Phil), 1 female (with an injured Mienfoo) and 1 male (his Pawniard is fainted) at the van. The two grunts have blackjacks.

Meanwhile, the boss and Athena (and her injured Mienfoo) have headed elsewhere. Athena has a spear and no visible Pokeballs. The boss is massive, bears no weapon, but it was unclear whether he had Pokeballs or not.

A single police car had responded, with two police officers, 3 Growlithe, 1 Poochyena, and 1 shotgun. Both police officers and 1 Growlithe are confirmed to be out cold, while the Poochyena is either exhausted or out cold. No confirmation on the other two Growlithe, but they're probably unconscious too.

Police reinforcements are heading in, but we don't know when they'll get here.

I dunno. We might actually have numbers on our side with our team alone, but attacking would risk ourselves and the knocked-out police officers. That Mienfoo is crazy fast, while we have multiple psychic and flying attacks to use. Also, would we attack the grunts at the van or the boss & Athena first? What do y'all think?

Edit: MData confirmt
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I say fight

use eva to sneak attack the meinfoo because physic vs fighting means we win

adamantine against the flying as the large body will be perfect shelter for us and stop that van.

we can't let them get away and after what happened in the beginning of the quest with him feeling useless I don't think bard want's to feel useless again.

so fight cautiously and avoid guns
Oh shit. We may need to get out our whole team and multi-task.

So it seems like there's five Olympus people around? 1 out cold (Phil), 1 female (with an injured Mienfoo) and 1 male (his Pawniard is fainted) at the van. The two grunts have blackjacks.

Meanwhile, the boss and Athena have headed elsewhere. Athena has a spear and no visible Pokeballs. The boss is massive, bears no weapon, but it was unclear whether he had Pokeballs or not.

Just so your information is accurate, you accidentally counted Athena twice. There are two grunts, one with a fainted Pawniard loading an unconscious third (Phil) in the van. Athena is the famale voice and as such, the trainer of the wounded Meinfoo. She had pokeballs but you couldn't see them from where you were.

Release Ada above them and watch them squish.
Then Bard is arrested for multiple counts of manslaughter. Bad End.
[X] Go through the alley.
-[X] Have Eva and Moondust take point to knock out the grunts with Confusion and tie them up with String Shot.
-[X] Philosoraptor distracts them with Double Team and swoops in with Quick Attacks when necessary.
-[X] Have the rest of your team out in case they attack you.
-[x] Adamantine defends for us and also destroys the wheels of the van
-[X] Play it safe, our goal is to buy time for the police to arrive; if we beat them great, otherwise stall for time if they are too strong.

how about this?
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[X] You can't let them get away again.
-[X] have eva focus on the meinfoo while adamantine blocks and disables the van.
-[X] have the rest of your team out in case they attack you, this is a heist not a match; rules flew out the window the moment they decided to use pokemon for crimes.
--[X] play it safe, or goal is to buy time for the police to arrive; if we beat them great, otherwise stall for time if they are too strong.

how about this?
Wynaut just break the van?

Do we really need to fight?
[X] You can't let them get away again.
-[X] have eva focus on the meinfoo while adamantine blocks and disables the van.
-[X] have the rest of your team out in case they attack you, this is a heist not a match; rules flew out the window the moment they decided to use pokemon for crimes.
--[X] play it safe, or goal is to buy time for the police to arrive; if we beat them great, otherwise stall for time if they are too strong.

how about this?
Aside from the fact the Meinfoo is inside with Athena and the Boss, this is okay. It's one and half grunts, if we go to the alley first, which shouldn't be too difficult to deal with. The problem is whether we go after Athena and the Boss to stop whatever they are doing. (whether we go to them first or get the grunts first is what we should decide now).
Just so your information is accurate, you accidentally counted Athena twice. There are two grunts, one with a fainted Pawniard loading an unconscious third (Phil) in the van. Athena is the famale voice and as such, the trainer of the wounded Meinfoo. She had pokeballs but you couldn't see them from where you were.
Just checking, do you mean that there are a total of two grunts at the van, and one is unconscious while the other has a fainted Pawniard? Or three grunts, one unconscious, one with a fainted Pawniard, and a random third one?
---------- Athena and Boss
---------- Police Car----------
-------------------- ----------
--------- |--------- |---------
|--------- |---------
|--------- Museum Entrance
--------- |-Van-- |---------
|--------- |---------
-------------------- ----------
You Police Car

An approximate map of where everything is in relation to each other.

Just checking, do you mean that there are a total of two grunts at the van, and one is unconscious while the other has a fainted Pawniard? Or three grunts, one unconscious, one with a fainted Pawniard, and a random third one?

Van Group
Phil (Knocked out)
Grunt #1
Grunt #2 )Had a Pawniard but it's knocked out.)

Other Group
Boss (Name Unknown)
Athena (Has a Meinfoo)
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Maybe we could just total their vehicle and then scram. The cops can handle it once they can't escape.
Yeah, part of the problem is that I'm not sure the cops can handle it. And perhaps Team Olympus would simply hijack another car / police car to get away? On the bright side, as long as we delay Team Olympus till the police get here, Team Olympus will likely be leaving behind unconscious grunts who can be interrogated.
[X] Go through the alley.
-[X] Have Eva and Moondust take point to knock out the grunts with Confusion and tie them up with String Shot.
-[X] Philosoraptor distracts them with Double Team and swoops in with Quick Attacks when necessary.
-[X] Have the rest of your team out in case they attack you.
-[x] Adamantine defends for us and also destroys the wheels of the van
-[X] Play it safe, our goal is to buy time for the police to arrive; if we beat them great, otherwise stall for time if they are too strong.

If we take out the grunts first we can guarantee the police get something out of this. Afterwards, we go after the other guys.

Also, no to the shotgun. We barely even recognized what is it, so attempting to use it/threaten them with it will end poorly if they call our bluff and we don't know how to load it or turn off the safety.
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Just so your information is accurate, you accidentally counted Athena twice. There are two grunts, one with a fainted Pawniard loading an unconscious third (Phil) in the van. Athena is the famale voice and as such, the trainer of the wounded Meinfoo. She had pokeballs but you couldn't see them from where you were.

Then Bard is arrested for multiple counts of manslaughter. Bad End.
Return her and teleport away after?
Hmm, I'm thinking we can used noahgab1133's, then plus one or two things?

[x] Go through the alley.
-[x] Have Eva and Moondust take point to knock out the grunts with Confusion and tie them up with String Shot.
-[x] Philosoraptor distracts them with Double Team and swoops in with Quick Attacks when necessary.
-[x] Have the rest of your team out in case they attack you.
-[x] Adamantine defends for us and also destroys the wheels of the van + police cars.
--[x] Play it safe, our goal is to buy time for the police to arrive; if we beat them great, otherwise stall for time if they are too strong.
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Aside from the 'Destroy the Police Cars' bit, I'm on board with that.

I can see reason for destroying it (so that they can't escape with the cop cars if we can't stop them.) but I don't think the police are going to be all that forgiving of the random kid that was specifically told not to get involved destroying government property.
There is no consensus because there are only 2 votes in right now...

Vote Tally : Catching Victory (A Pokemon Quest) | Page 45 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.23

[X] You can't let them get away again.
-[X] have eva focus on the meinfoo while adamantine blocks and disables the van.
-[X] have the rest of your team out in case they attack you, this is a heist not a match; rules flew out the window the moment they decided to use pokemon for crimes.
--[X] play it safe, or goal is to buy time for the police to arrive; if we beat them great, otherwise stall for time if they are too strong.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Go through the alley.
-[X] Have Eva and Moondust take point to knock out the grunts with Confusion and tie them up with String Shot.
-[X] Philosoraptor distracts them with Double Team and swoops in with Quick Attacks when necessary.
-[X] Have the rest of your team out in case they attack you.
-[X] Play it safe, our goal is to buy time for the police to arrive; if we beat them great, otherwise stall for time if they are too strong.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 2
There is no consensus because there are only 2 votes in right now...

Vote Tally : Catching Victory (A Pokemon Quest) | Page 45 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.23

[X] You can't let them get away again.
-[X] have eva focus on the meinfoo while adamantine blocks and disables the van.
-[X] have the rest of your team out in case they attack you, this is a heist not a match; rules flew out the window the moment they decided to use pokemon for crimes.
--[X] play it safe, or goal is to buy time for the police to arrive; if we beat them great, otherwise stall for time if they are too strong.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Go through the alley.
-[X] Have Eva and Moondust take point to knock out the grunts with Confusion and tie them up with String Shot.
-[X] Philosoraptor distracts them with Double Team and swoops in with Quick Attacks when necessary.
-[X] Have the rest of your team out in case they attack you.
-[X] Play it safe, our goal is to buy time for the police to arrive; if we beat them great, otherwise stall for time if they are too strong.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 2
I was asking if the people who hadn't voted had agreed on a plan.
[X] You can't let them get away again.
-[X] have eva focus on the meinfoo while adamantine blocks and disables the van.
-[X] have the rest of your team out in case they attack you, this is a heist not a match; rules flew out the window the moment they decided to use pokemon for crimes.
--[X] play it safe, or goal is to buy time for the police to arrive; if we beat them great, otherwise stall for time if they are too strong.
The Meinfoo is not with the grunts and the van. That would split the party and have some go after the Boss, Athena, and the Meinfoo, while others went for the van, and then we have to fight both groups at once.

Also, @Oh I am slain! I'm all for breaking the van, but the police cars are government property, and Onix damage is probably pretty obvious compared to other kinds. If the goal is ultimately to stall them until police backup arrives, what is the point of breaking the vehicles?
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