[X] "Uh...kinda of a hard question, actually. I don't know much about the world to have a good idea. Is there even anything beyond the islands?"
-[X] You tap your finger in a stone wall, looking at the sky. "I will be honest when I say like this we are doing. Exploring the world, getting in danger, knowing new things and new people. It's exciting...but I also have my friends. I can't forget them, can I? What if someone like Eggman comes and repeats the process?"
[X] "Honestly I have no clue. Maybe I'll explore the island, maybe I'll find new ones, or maybe I'll stick around with my friends, it would be hard to leave them, especially after everything that's happened"
[X] "Uh...kinda of a hard question, actually. I don't know much about the world to have a good idea. Is there even anything beyond the islands?"
-[X] You tap your finger in a stone wall, looking at the sky. "I will be honest when I say like this we are doing. Exploring the world, getting in danger, knowing new things and new people. It's exciting...but I also have my friends. I can't forget them, can I? What if someone like Eggman comes and repeats the process?"
What's... Next?
You think back, remembering something you thought of before.
That emotion you feel... Is excitement. As much as the situation confused you. As much as your friends being stolen angered you. As much as suddenly being alone saddened you. You... Felt awesome doing this. A thrill going through you with each obstacle you pass and every hit you dodge. Feeling the wind in your face as you run. You felt more alive here, at this moment, than you ever have before.
You love this. And now that you've gotten a taste... How could you ever go back to the life you had before?
You love this... But now you think back to your friends of Green Hill Zone, you can't just abandon them, but you also know you can't ever go back to that peaceful life you had before.
You scratch the back of your head. "Uh... Kind of a hard question, actually. I don't know much about the world to have a good idea. Is there even anything beyond the islands?" Something to get more of a scope might help your thoughts.
"Before Robotnik came? Most would've said no." Honey proceeds to kick a rock right into a lava river, causing it to bubble up slightly. "But to paraphrase what he broadcasted... Ahem, ahem." She coughs into her fist, trying to get into character, and tilting her head to remember the exact details. "Oh-ho-ho... Hello fine citizens of South and West Side Island, it took a long time to find this blasted place. The name of the world's greatest scientist before you is Dr. Ivo Robotnik, grandson of the equally great Gerald Robotnik, you would do well to remember those names for your own future wellbeing. You have approximately 24 hours to give me the six Chaos Emeralds before I sic my ever so wonderous creations onto South Island, I don't care if your populations all go to that dump heap you call West Side Island, you'll come under the rule of my Empire eventually as another glorious base!" She stops for a moment. "The man was something we never quite saw before really, and to be honest, a lot of people at the time didn't really take the threat seriously, me included sadly." She shifts her eyes away at that, a bit embarrassed. "And then the day came. And, well, you only have to look around to see what happened." She gestures to the lava before the both of you. You nod at that. "But yeah... Another glorious base as he said. Meaning that, possibly, it isn't just us that he has under his thumb." The sombre thought takes hold, as things now quiet down.
Damn. That only complicates it more. It isn't just here, there's even more places out there, somewhere are being or are about to be taken over. You produce a deep sigh to that. "I... My whole world was Green Hill Zone, you know? I mean, I knew there were zones outside of here, but the scope of everything just seems to keep getting bigger."
Another thought you had before comes to you... No, not just a thought, a conviction.
Instead of fear taking over you, anger takes over. You… can't confirm it yet. That it's happening to other places. But if it is… Then shouldn't a hero step in? Isn't that what you called yourself?
You going back on that isn't on the table. It isn't, but...
You tap your finger to a stone wall, looking to the dark sky. "I will be honest when I say like what I am doing. Exploring the world, getting into danger, knowing new things and new people. It's exciting..." A pause. "...but I also have my friends. I can't forget them, can I? What if someone like Eggman comes and repeats the process?" It's just question after question ringing in your head, a fountain of various thoughts flowing through. You don't know the right step, you don't even know where to step.
"!" You feel Honey suddenly flick your nose! "Ow! What was that for?" It flings you out of your juggling thought process.
She puts both hands to her hips, her worn-down dress flowing, and a slightly intense look on her face. "Because you have a terrible poker face." A poker wh- "What I mean is, your face tells me way too much of what your thinking. You're thinking that, in some way, this would be like a betrayal to your friends. An abandonment even." You blink in surprise at that, but before you can comment, she comes in again. "Look, wanting to do what excites you, what makes you happy, doesn't mean that somehow means you're abandoning your friends in some way. You're trying to find an excuse to keep yourself glued to them at the cost of your own happiness. "Oh what if someone like Eggman comes after them again", "I can't forget them", heck even that earlier question of "is there even anything beyond the islands" despite me saying before directly to you that there is. You want to be a big darn Hero, and that's okay."
You stand still, somewhat shocked.
She sighs. "Look, what I'm saying is, go with whatever makes you happy. I have a family of my own you know, but just because I'm planning to go for my dreams doesn't mean I'm abandoning them right? It's the same for you too, so don't beat yourself up over this."
[X] "What makes me happy..." you look again at the sky. You think of what the world holds to you. Even now you are seeing a brand new place that was not too far off from Green Hill Zone. What kinds of places the world has?
-[X] "Where did you travel before, Honey?" you ask. A decision is set in your mind. You want to go, explore the world...but also to never forget those that you want to protect. And if it means kicking the ass of Eggman and any of his weird parents, so be it.
[X] "What makes me happy..." you look again at the sky. You think of what the world holds to you. Even now you are seeing a brand new place that was not too far off from Green Hill Zone. What kinds of places the world has?
-[X] "Where did you travel before, Honey?" you ask. A decision is set in your mind. You want to go, explore the world...but also to never forget those that you want to protect. And if it means kicking the ass of Eggman and any of his weird parents, so be it.
[X] "What makes me happy..." you look again at the sky. You think of what the world holds to you. Even now you are seeing a brand new place that was not too far off from Green Hill Zone. What kinds of places the world has?
-[X] "Where did you travel before, Honey?" you ask. A decision is set in your mind. You want to go, explore the world...but also to never forget those that you want to protect. And if it means kicking the ass of Eggman and any of his weird parents, so be it.
[X] "What makes me happy..." you look again at the sky. You think of what the world holds to you. Even now you are seeing a brand new place that was not too far off from Green Hill Zone. What kinds of places the world has?
-[X] "Where did you travel before, Honey?" you ask. A decision is set in your mind. You want to go, explore the world...but also to never forget those that you want to protect. And if it means kicking the ass of Eggman and any of his weird parents, so be it.
[X] "What makes me happy..." you look again at the sky. You think of what the world holds to you. Even now you are seeing a brand new place that was not too far off from Green Hill Zone. What kinds of places the world has?
-[X] "Where did you travel before, Honey?" you ask. A decision is set in your mind. You want to go, explore the world...but also to never forget those that you want to protect. And if it means kicking the ass of Eggman and any of his weird parents, so be it.
[X] "What makes me happy..." you look again at the sky. You think of what the world holds to you. Even now you are seeing a brand new place that was not too far off from Green Hill Zone. What kinds of places the world has?
-[X] "Where did you travel before, Honey?" you ask. A decision is set in your mind. You want to go, explore the world...but also to never forget those that you want to protect. And if it means kicking the ass of Eggman and any of his weird parents, so be it.
[X] "What makes me happy..." you look again at the sky. You think of what the world holds to you. Even now you are seeing a brand new place that was not too far off from Green Hill Zone. What kinds of places the world has?
-[X] "Where did you travel before, Honey?" you ask. A decision is set in your mind. You want to go, explore the world...but also to never forget those that you want to protect. And if it means kicking the ass of Eggman and any of his weird parents, so be it.
Day 9 #5 Down-Time #3 and Day 13 #1 Marble Zone: Act 2 #1
[X] "What makes me happy..." you look again at the sky. You think of what the world holds to you. Even now you are seeing a brand new place that was not too far off from Green Hill Zone. What kinds of places the world has?
-[X] "Where did you travel before, Honey?" you ask. A decision is set in your mind. You want to go, explore the world...but also to never forget those that you want to protect. And if it means kicking the ass of Eggman and any of his weird parents, so be it.
"What makes me happy..." Your eyes turn upwards to the sky above, thinking about what the world holds for you. Even right now you are seeing such a brand new place compared to what you were used to, and it was just right next to Green Hill Zone. How could other places turn out to be?
The scenery, the people, the threats along with the thrills, you want to experience it all. Exploring the world... But to also never forgot those you want to protect, those that got you where you are now and have helped you time and again. And if that means kicking the ass of Eggman and any of his weird parents, then so be it.
That puts some peace to your mind as your hands rest behind your head, and with your decision set in mind you ask a simple question to Honey. "Where did you travel before?"
She quirks an eyebrow up. "So you've made up your mind huh?"
Jeez, is your face really that easy to see through?
She twiddles her fingers together. "Well... Haven't gone to West Side Island so that's off the list. Next place we'll be going to after Marble Zone is Spring Yard Zone where I live-well used to live I guess now, so I'll leave that as a surprise. Hm... The coastal areas southern-most of the island are great in this summer heat, Just below Green Hill Zone by the way, though most tend have to go around Green Hill Zone to reach there due to the whole animal sanctuary thing I've mentioned before. There's a few good smaller islands around the area, like Emerald Hill Zone that holds a lot of kart races! I would say Yellow Desert Zone but that place just has waaaay too much sand for my liking. Ooh then there's that one holiday I had in Meta Junglira Zone-"
On and on she goes, from one zone to another. And though you might not exactly understand every word, you remain engrossed in it all.
You might remember most of these once she's done talking, but it excites you all the same for what's to come.
Sonic's relationship with Honey the Cat improves ++!
[X] Ok, you are brushing way too often with unconsciouness recently. While it's not much your style, perhaps it's time to slow down a bit and focus on getting around without being pierced or cooked by the lava. And, as always, try to find the rings to get to the Emerald.
[X] "You know, when I first came here, I thought this would be a nice place to hang out. But I take it back, so far this place is being a bust!"
-[X] "Ah, the sweet sound of rings!" you say, picking them, before turning to Honey. "Hey, for what can I trade them? I know that the freaky place with the Emeralds takes some of them from me for some reason, but what can I do with them? Can I buy food?"
-[X] "Aaand another bites the dust! How'd you like that, metalhead?!"
-[X] "Come on, lady! You gotta go fast!"
Due to 4 days of resting between Acts, you have regained 100% of your HP
Honey chops down at Caterkiller 1 #3d6 = (1+4+2) 7. Hit!
Caterkiller 1 tries to dodge #3d6 = (3+3+3) 9. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Caterkiller 1 #1d6 = 1 Damage.
Caterkiller 1: 1/2HP.
You go for a Spin Jump at Caterkiller 2 #3d6 = (1+1+2) 4. Critical hit!
Critical Hit Table #3d6 = (2+3+1) 6 – The blow does maximum normal damage.
Roll for damage for Caterkiller #Critical Hit = 4*1.5 = 6 Damage
Caterkiller 2: -4/6HP. Caterkiller 2 explodes.
Caterkiller 1 tries to swing their body of spikes at Honey #3d6 = (3+3+4) 10. Fails to hit!
Honey goes for a straight fist at Caterkiller 1 #3d6 = (5+3+6) 14. Hit!
Caterkiller 1 tries to dodge #3d6 = (4+2+6) 12. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Caterkiller 1 #1d6 = 1 Damage.
Caterkiller 1: 0/2HP. Caterkiller 1 explodes.
"You know, when I first came here, I thought this would be a nice place to hang out. But I take it back, so far this place is being a bust!"
Honey smirks at that. "Oh and what makes you say that? The fact you keep constantly falling unconscious?"
Before you could make a good comeback to that you see 2 Crawlers in front of you. You and Honey hit for one each, she manages to somewhat dent hers whilst you go and take a Spin Jump right at the end of the other, cutting it clean down the middle.
Honey takes a backstep from the Crawler suddenly swinging their spiked body at her, before hitting another straight punch at it and breaking it entirely. You go further and down, to the underground...
Sonic and Honey run 12/100 yards.
Random Encounter #1d100 = 45. Obstacle!
You look towards what is a very large pool of lava with no way across it. The heck?
"Hey Hero, I think this is the only way ahead!" She points to what looks like a single block of stone which floats atop the lava, going to and from the other side one, which would only seem to be able to barely hold you and Honey on it. To make it worse there's 5 of those darn metal bees flying about ready to poach anyone who dares to cross.
"...is there not another way?" You ask, looking around anywhere that is not what is in front of you.
Honey sighs. "Doesn't seem like it."
You can only nod in defeat to that. This ain't even the fun kind of danger, you and Honey would be stuck waiting on a block after all! You kinda would prefer something more actiony in a sense.
There is a large pool of lava with one single block going to and from the other side 30 yards away, it is only able to hold up to 2 people on it.
Each round it moves 5 yards.
There are 5 Buzz Bombers flying above the pool of lava, ready to attack anyone who dares to cross it.
Sonic and Honey stay on a block floating on lava, 17/100 yards.
The 5 Buzz Bombers are now within range of being able to hit.
Honey goes for a bonk with her fist at Buzz Bomber 1 #3d6 = (5+2+3) 10. Hit!
Buzz Bomber 1 tries to fly away #3d6 = (6+5+3) 14. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Buzz Bomber 1 #1d6 = 6 Damage.
Buzz Bomber 1: -4/2HP. Buzz Bomber 1 explodes.
You try to land a solid Spin Jump at Buzz Bomber 2 #3d6 = (6+5+4) 15. Fails to hit!
Buzz Bomber 2 takes a round to charge their attack.
Buzz Bomber 3 takes a round to charge their attack.
Buzz Bomber 4 takes a round to charge their attack.
Buzz Bomber 5 takes a round to charge their attack.
Sonic and Honey stay on a block floating on lava, 22/100 yards.
Honey tries to dodge out of the way #3d6 = (3+5+6) 14. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Honey #1d6+1 = (1+1) 2 Damage.
Honey: 10/12HP.
You roll at Dexterity to grab her before she falls into the lava #3d6 = (3+4+3) 10. Success!
Sonic and Honey stay on a block floating on lava, 37/100 yards.
Honey throws her fist at Buzz Bomber 5 #3d6 = (5+4+1) 10. Hit!
Buzz Bomber 5 tries to fly out of the way #3d6 = (2+5+6) 13. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Buzz Bomber 1 #1d6 = 1 Damage.
Buzz Bomber 5: 1/2HP.
You try to jump at Buzz Bomber 4 #3d6 = (5+6+2) 13. Fails to hit!
Buzz Bomber 4 takes a round to charge their attack.
Buzz Bomber 5 takes a round to charge their attack.
Sonic and Honey stay on a block floating on lava, 42/100 yards.
Sonic and Honey have made it to the other side and thus are no longer in danger of being hit into the lava!
Honey tries to chop at Buzz Bomber 5 #3d6 = (5+1+6) 12. Hit!
Buzz Bomber 5 tries to fly out of the way #3d6 = (1+1+5) 7. Dodges!
you try to jump at Buzz Bomber 4 #3d6 = (5+1+3) 9. Hit!
Buzz Bomber 4 tries to fly out of the way #3d6 = (4+3+6) 13. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Buzz Bomber 4 #1d6-2 = (4-2) 2*1.5 = 3 Damage.
Buzz Bomber 4: -1/2HP. Buzz Bomber 4 explodes.
Buzz Bomber 5 shoots at you #3d6 = (4+4+6) 14. Fails to hit!
Honey punches right at Buzz Bomber 5 #3d6 = (4+2+1) 7. Hit!
Buzz Bomber 5 tries to fly out of the way #3d6 = (1+1+5) 7. Dodges!
You try to jump at Buzz Bomber 5 #3d6 = (1+6+2) 9. Hit!
Buzz Bomber 5 tries to fly out of the way #3d6 = (2+3+2) 7. Dodges!
Buzz Bomber 5 takes a round to charge their attack.
Honey punches right at Buzz Bomber 5 #3d6 = (1+1+3) 5. Hit!
Buzz Bomber 5 tries to fly out of the way #3d6 = (5+6+1) 12. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Buzz Bomber 5 #1d6 = 3 Damage.
Buzz Bomber 5: -2/2HP. Buzz Bomber 5 explodes.
You and Honey stand atop the stone block just as it hits your side, and await to go into combat with the 5 bees ahead of the both of you.
They close in, with you and Honey going immediately to attack whilst making sure the both of you don't fall off to your doom. As you miss she manages to hit hers! Destroying it as a bird inside flies away.
"Thew, good thing these types seem to leave birds in them mostly!" She shouts out in relief.
Oh wow, yeah that is a good point. You can't imagine what you would do if these had ones that couldn't fly away from here.
The four left standing take a second to charge their stingers as you both jump again, landing hits as she manages to dent her enemy whilst you cut right through yours! "Aaand another bites the dust! How'd you like that, metalhead?!"
This time, they take their chance to attack, but they all miss you and Honey. As you try to counterattack, you and Honey miss them yourself as they take yet another second to charge their stingers. "Damn it!" You hear Honey say.
But not too soon after, Honey jabs her left fist right at one of them, breaking into them and causing an explosion. The last two take their chance to shoot at you two, you tilt yourself out of the way but the last shot manages to hit Honey directly, budging here clear into the lava. You grab onto her shoulder just in time before she can actually fall in. "Thanks!" Honey says in a surprised gasp as you both turn and attack at the two Bees. As yours manages to dodge out of the way, another dent makes it to one Honey manages to barely hit.
Whilst they take another second to charge their stingers you find the both of yourselves finally having reached the other side! You both jump off and continue to face the duo Bees as you plunge your quills right into one, creating a large explosion upon impact! The last Bee then tries shooting at you, but you manage to back flip out of the way, the shot hitting the ground instead creating dust that flies everywhere.
You both go onto a counterattack, but miss your target as it swerves out of the want, wanting to charge yet another shot again.
"Oh no you don't!" Honey shouts, jumping with a flying fist as your right arm connects with the Bee and knocks it straight into the ground, crushing it!
You both breathe a sigh of relief, sweat on both your brows and small gasps of air. But you can't stop here, so onward you go.
Sonic and Honey run 48/100 yards.
Random Encounter #1d100 = 77. Rings!
You have gained 20 rings! Sonic now has 20 rings!
"Ah, the sweet sound of rings!" you say, picking them, before turning to Honey. "Hey, for what can I trade them? I know that the freaky place with the Emeralds takes some of them from me for some reason, but what can I do with them? Can I buy food?"
"Ehhhh, sure you can, but double digit rings ain't usually enough for much. A hundred or so gets you the basic stuff like simple meals, a couple hundred for bigger loads, and thousands for the fancier foods. Books and games and VCRs also get into the thousands range too." You're just gonna pretend you know what the latter stuff are.
...huh, is that why whenever you noticed passerby's going past your home they never really out of their way to take rings? You guess making themselves run ragged for a couple dozen rings wouldn't be all that worth it for them.
Sonic and Honey run 54/100 yards.
Random Encounter #1d100 = 13. Enemies!
1 Caterkiller.
Honey chops right at the Caterkiller #3d6 = (5+3+6) 14. Hit!
Caterkiller tries to crawl out of the way #3d6 = (3+2+4) 9. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Caterkiller #1d6 = 4 Damage
Caterkiller: -2/2HP. Caterkiller explodes.
You see Honey slow a bit behind you as she knocks the head clean off a Crawler. "Come on, lady! You gotta go fast!"
"You're an absolute jerk you know that!?" You shouts back, trying to keep up with you. You can only laugh at that, seeing her grumpy face.
Sonic and Honey run 60/100 yards.
Random Encounter #1d100 = 97. Boxes!
2 Ring Boxes - They each hold 10 rings to collect when hitting them.
You have gained 20 rings! Sonic now has 40 rings!
Sonic and Honey run 66/100 yards.
Random Encounter #1d100 = 85. Rings!
You have gained 15 rings! Sonic now has 55 rings!
Sonic and Honey run 72/100 yards.
Sudden Event!
You roll -3 Perception to notice ???? #3d6 = (2+2+3) 7. Success!
You and Honey both notice it immediately, something within the shadows.
And though you both try to go on the offensive, it manages to go ahead on attacking one of you first.
???? Has higher Basic Speed than both you and Honey.
They attack first at... 1 for you, 2 for Honey #1d2 = 2. Honey!
Silver Sonic uses Move and Attack (-4) to bash into Honey #3d6 = (1+2+2) 5. Hit!
Honey tries to dodge out of the way #3d6 = (2+6+4) 12. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Honey #1d6+1 = (1+1) 2 Damage.
Honey: 8/12HP.
As it rushes in great speed to bash into Honey, you finally see it. A white metal shine, and claw for an arm, some sort of thing that propels it's speed at it's feet, and to top it all off... It looks somewhat like you.
Silver Sonic moves away 7 yards!
Honey falls to the ground, somewhat injured by the crash the robot did as it proceeds to go some bit away from the both of you, though that's not on her mind as she squints at how the metal being looks like. "Damn, it seems like Robotnik got information on you and based a robot off of it, probably from those smarter robots of his."
That seems to be true, though... "I ain't silver!" You shout out at the silver you in question.
It stays silent. Staring.
Tch. This one is smart, and is trying to keep it's distance. Just like what it did before, it's probably going for a strategy of hitting and backing off.
[X] The robot is fast...but maybe not as fast as you. Surpass his speed with your Enhanced Movement, then start going for Spin Attacks. If that fails, then try to coordinate your attacks with Honey to catch him off-guard.
[X] "Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That sound rude!"
-[X] If you surpass his speed. "And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!"
-[X] "Hey, Honey! Give him a piece of your mind!"
-[X] "Well, a copy can't match the original. Piece of cake!"
[X] The robot is fast...but maybe not as fast as you. Surpass his speed with your Enhanced Movement, then start going for Spin Attacks. If that fails, then try to coordinate your attacks with Honey to catch him off-guard.
[X] "Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That sound rude!"
-[X] If you surpass his speed. "And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!"
-[X] "Hey, Honey! Give him a piece of your mind!"
-[X] "Well, a copy can't match the original. Piece of cake!"
[X] The robot is fast...but maybe not as fast as you. Surpass his speed with your Enhanced Movement, then start going for Spin Attacks. If that fails, then try to coordinate your attacks with Honey to catch him off-guard.
[X] "Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That sound rude!"
-[X] If you surpass his speed. "And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!"
-[X] "Hey, Honey! Give him a piece of your mind!"
-[X] "Well, a copy can't match the original. Piece of cake!"
[X] The robot is fast...but maybe not as fast as you. Surpass his speed with your Enhanced Movement, then start going for Spin Attacks. If that fails, then try to coordinate your attacks with Honey to catch him off-guard.
[X] "Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That sound rude!"
-[X] If you surpass his speed. "And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!"
-[X] "Hey, Honey! Give him a piece of your mind!"
-[X] "Well, a copy can't match the original. Piece of cake!"
[X] The robot is fast...but maybe not as fast as you. Surpass his speed with your Enhanced Movement, then start going for Spin Attacks. If that fails, then try to coordinate your attacks with Honey to catch him off-guard.
[X] "Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That sound rude!"
-[X] If you surpass his speed. "And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!"
-[X] "Hey, Honey! Give him a piece of your mind!"
-[X] "Well, a copy can't match the original. Piece of cake!"
[X] The robot is fast...but maybe not as fast as you. Surpass his speed with your Enhanced Movement, then start going for Spin Attacks. If that fails, then try to coordinate your attacks with Honey to catch him off-guard.
[X] "Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That sound rude!"
-[X] If you surpass his speed. "And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!"
-[X] "Hey, Honey! Give him a piece of your mind!"
-[X] "Well, a copy can't match the original. Piece of cake!"
[X] The robot is fast...but maybe not as fast as you. Surpass his speed with your Enhanced Movement, then start going for Spin Attacks. If that fails, then try to coordinate your attacks with Honey to catch him off-guard.
[X] "Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That sound rude!"
-[X] If you surpass his speed. "And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!"
-[X] "Hey, Honey! Give him a piece of your mind!"
-[X] "Well, a copy can't match the original. Piece of cake!"
[X] The robot is fast...but maybe not as fast as you. Surpass his speed with your Enhanced Movement, then start going for Spin Attacks. If that fails, then try to coordinate your attacks with Honey to catch him off-guard.
[X] "Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That sound rude!"
-[X] If you surpass his speed. "And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!"
-[X] "Hey, Honey! Give him a piece of your mind!"
-[X] "Well, a copy can't match the original. Piece of cake!"
[X] The robot is fast...but maybe not as fast as you. Surpass his speed with your Enhanced Movement, then start going for Spin Attacks. If that fails, then try to coordinate your attacks with Honey to catch him off-guard.
[X] "Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That sound rude!"
-[X] If you surpass his speed. "And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!"
-[X] "Hey, Honey! Give him a piece of your mind!"
-[X] "Well, a copy can't match the original. Piece of cake!"
Honey uses All-Out Defense, adding +2 to her dodge.
You move 7 yards and spin at Silver Sonic, using a Move and Attack at -4 Brawling #3d6 = (2+2+1) 5. Hit!
Silver Sonic tries to boost out of the way #3d6 = (1+4+6) 11. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Silver Sonic #1d6-2 = (1-2) -1*1.5 = 0 Damage.
You move 3 yards away, your Enhanced Move (Ground) 1 not settling in as of yet.
Silver Sonic moves 3 yards to you.
Silver Sonic boosts right towards you with a Move and Attack at -4 Brawling #3d6 = (2+6+2) 10. Misses!
Silver Sonic moves back 4 yards.
"Hey! Who gave you the right to imitate me, huh? That's just rude!" You point right at the poor imitation of you, and immediately go for a plan surpassing his speed with your own!
As you rev up on the stone ground, you hastily launch right towards the Silver Robot, and by chance connect a hit against them! But it manages to put it's claw arms up just in time to block, own creating some scratches against them.
"Darn!" Why does always have to happen to you!? You're just not strong enough to ever consistently do damage to these robots! Then again, you never really had any fights before Eggman and his robots started coming about, if only you had more experience and strength, you wouldn't be practically falling unconscious from every encounter you go up against.
Even you know that sometime, your luck is gonna run out.
You move away a bit from the Silver Bot, your speed still having not kicked in yet. Though, from what you can tell by looking at the Look-Alike, he gets close, but definitely doesn't reach up to your speed. "And it's not even an accurate copy, huh? For shame to those three goofs!" They got your colour wrong too! You're gonna give the three of them a piece of your mind whenever they next show up.
It holds out it's claw at you, opening and closing it as if it's challenging you. You'll show him!
"Hey, come back over here!" You see Honey shout towards you as you then see the Look-Alike seemingly start to run towards her.
Honey holds an attack action for when Silver Sonic comes near her.
You move 4 yards towards Honey, getting right next to her.
Silver Sonic moves 8 yards towards you and Honey.
Honey releases her punch towards Silver Sonic just as it gets comes for her #3d6 = (2+2+3) 7. Hit!
Silver Sonic changes their propulsion at the last second #3d6 = (6+1+1) 8. Dodges!
After dodging, Silver Sonic switches to full boost right at Honey with Move and Attack at -4 Brawling # #3d6 = (2+2+4) 8. Hit!
Honey tries to leap out of the way #3d6 = (5+5+5) 15. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Honey #1d6+1 = (2+1) 3 Damage.
Honey: 5/12HP.
Silver Sonic moves 7 yards away.
You and Honey hold All-Out Attack actions waiting for Silver Sonic to come again, sacrificing your dodges.
You stand in front of Honey, incentivising for Silver Sonic to hit you instead.
Silver Sonic moves 7 yards towards you and Honey.
Honey punches with an All-Out Attack (Strong) #3d6 = (3+2+6) 11. Hit!
Silver Sonic tries to drift out of the way #3d6 = (2+4+6) 12. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Silver Sonic #1d6+2 = (6+2) 8 Damage.
Silver Sonic: 7/15HP.
Silver Sonic makes an HT roll to not stagger due more than half their health being taken in a single attack #3d6 = (5+2+2) 9. Does not fall and stagger!
You Spin Jump at Silver Sonic with an All-Out Attack (Strong) #3d6 = (6+4+3) 13. Fails to hit!
Silver Sonic bashes into you with Move and Attack at -4 Brawling ##3d6 = (3+1+4) 8. Hit!
No dodge roll due to using All-Out Attack.
Roll for damage for you #1d6+1 = (2+1) 3 Damage.
Sonic: 5/10HP.
You have lost 10 rings! Sonic now has 45 rings!
Silver Sonic moves 7 yards away.
You and Honey hold All-Out Attack actions waiting for Silver Sonic to come again, sacrificing your dodges.
You still stand in front of Honey, incentivising for Silver Sonic to hit you instead.
Silver Sonic moves 7 yards towards you and Honey.
Honey goes for a chop at Silver Sonic with an All-Out Attack (Strong) #3d6 = (5+1+2) 8. Hit!
Silver Sonic side boosts out of the way #3d6 = (3+4+1) 8. Dodges!
You go and Spin Attack right at Silver Sonic with an All-Out Attack (Strong) #3d6 = (6+1+4) 11. Hit!
Silver Sonic tries to boost backwards from that #3d6 = (1+5+5) 11. Fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Silver Sonic #1d6 = 2*1.5 = 3 Damage.
Silver Sonic: 4/15HP.
Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!
Silver Sonic boosts right to you with Move and Attack at -4 Brawling ##3d6 = (1+5+1) 7. Hit!
No dodge roll due to using All-Out Attack.
Roll for damage for you #1d6+1 = (3+1) 4 Damage.
Sonic: 1/10HP.
You have lost 10 rings! Sonic now has 35 rings!
You make an HT roll to not stagger due more than half of your health being taken in a single attack #3d6 = (3+1+6) 10. Does not fall and stagger!
Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!
Silver Sonic moves 3 yards away.
You and Honey hold All-Out Attack actions waiting for Silver Sonic to come again, sacrificing your dodges.
Honey stands in front of you, incentivising for Silver Sonic to hit her instead.
Silver Sonic moves 3 yards towards you and Honey.
Honey jabs at Silver Sonic with an All-Out Attack (Strong) #3d6 = (3+5+1) 9. Hit!
Silver Sonic tries to drift out of the way #3d6 = (6+5+6) 17. Critically fails to dodge!
Roll for damage for Silver Sonic #1d6+2 = (1+2) = 3 Damage.
Silver Sonic: 1/15HP.
You jump at Silver Sonic with an All-Out Attack (Strong) #3d6 = (3+4+6) 13. Fails to hit!
Silver Sonic tries to bash Honey with Move and Attack at -4 Brawling # #3d6 = (2+5+6) 13. Fails to hit!
Silver Sonic moves 3 yards away.
You and Honey hold an attack action, but don't plan on using All-Out Attack now, seeing that Silver Sonic is rather damaged by now.
Silver Sonic moves 3 yards towards you and Honey.
Honey tries to uppercut Silver Sonic #3d6 = (1+1+1) 3. Critical hit!
Critical Hit Table #3d6 = (6+6+6) 18 - The blow does triple damage.
Roll for damage for Silver Sonic #1d6 = 1*3 = 3 Damage.
Silver Sonic: -2/15HP.
HT rolls to stay conscious will now happen every round due to being at 0HP or below!
Silver Sonic rolls an HT roll to not shut down #3d6 = (6+3+4) 13. Shuts down!
You rush towards your partner, but are unable to do anything as they boost right into her, launching her as she gasps a sharp breath from the pain. Though luckily it seems to be not as bad as it could've been, she stands as you rush to her side. "The speed thing ain't gonna work, we need to stick together, or else he'll just keep targeting me instead of you if you just run circles him." You nod to that, agreeing.
"We just need to deliver as strong a hit as we can right?" You say. "No dodging from him, just focus on being able to hit him as strong as we can."
A single pat on the back is all the confirmation you get from her, as you move in front of her, incentivising for the Silver Bot to come and attack you instead.
It takes a second to look straight at you with a focused gaze... Before rushing right to you!
"Hey, Honey! Give him a piece of your mind!" Just as planned, Honey jumps from behind you to deliver a sickening crunch as both her arms connect to hit them, their metal body crunching beneath the attack as sparks of electricity start to fly out of it, it falters for a split second with you taking it as a chance to get your own hit in on it, but it swerves out of your way and comes right back around to you to crash into you! You are sent barrelling to the floor, but it does not take any time to stay as it backs out, content for now.
You stay in front of Honey still, as comes by again, this time you managing to rev yourself up just as it gets in front of you and driving your quills into the Robot! As you dig into it, just as you get out they immediately boost right at you, hitting you in the stomach causing you to gasp for air for a quick second. It moves away, intent on staying to it's tactics.
A-Ah-This hurts a lot more than you thought it did, enough so that you seem to now be slowed down.
You feel a hand on your shoulder. "I'll stay in front for now." You hear Honey say as she gets in front of you. You hear the sound of their legs boosting towards you two, as Honey lands a solid jab with her left arm at their face, causing a dent to their head as they get momentarily dazed. Attempting a counterattack of their own by boosting into her but missing entirely, it shoots past the two of you to clear some space for itself.
You see the thing get more erratic and jittery. "One more solid trick should do the trick Honey!"
She takes that as they come in again, going straight at Honey as she bends down... And raises her fist to the Bot's chin! Sending it flying and crashing down to the stone floor! It tries to stand up, looking at the two of you, but as seconds pass you see the light fade from it's eyes. Unconscious now, or whatever the robot equivalent of that is.
"Well, a copy can't match the original. Piece of cake!" Honey can only produce a sigh at that as you walk towards the silver version of you, stopping in front of them and thinking on what to do next.
This choice determines a core part of you, of how you treat enemies and rivals after you defeat them... [ ] Destroy them. You can't risk them coming back to haunt you another time after all. [ ] Leave them be. You're hesitant on the idea of killing, it's entirely different compared to the captured husks that hold your friends. [ ] Write-in.
[ ] Write-in. How would you go about doing the rest of the stage?
[ ] Write-in. What will you talk about with Honey?
Remember guys do not kill metal he will use this for revenge in a more murderest way let's do what sonic does in canon spare him while he try's to be us the fair way
[X] You...you are not ready to kill, but you don't want this thing to be following you. This thing looks like Scratcher and Grounder, so maybe you could split the head from his body: that way he wouldn't come to torment you two for a while. If not, just bust his legs so he can't run.
[X] Let Honey take the lead, as she's the healthier one. Otherwise, keep the rhythm: slow and steady, grabbing the rings in the way. Oh, if only you knew how much your ass would have been whooped today...
[X] "Okay, that was not fun at all," you groan. "Damn, even if he was a fake, he had some moves."
-[X] You look at the fallen machine. You understand that this is a crossroad for you. That thing was less like the bog-standard robots you've seen so far, and more like Scratcher, Grounder and whoever that sad excuse of a robot hedgehog was. And he was more dangerous than those goofballs. It would be better to destroy it...
-[X] "I can't. This guy is...'alive,' in a way. It's not like the guys we faced so far. This is something I'm not ready to do. And hopefully never will be."
-[X] After neutralizing Silver Sonic. "Doesn't mean I'm wanting to be followed by this menace. Sorry not sorry!"
-[X] "Ugh...do you think that this 'get wounded, take a break routine' is becoming too common for us?"