Can You Feel the Sunshine? (A Sonic the Hedgehog Quest)

Second Week of August #4
[X] Plan Fuck off Piss-Poor Dice and Becoming a Good Boss
-[X] 1 point in Strength! (10 points)
-[X] Acquire the Leadership skill at +0! (3 points)
-[X] Acquire the Fast-Talk skill at +0! (3 points)
-[X] Improve Brawling to +4! (4 points)
-[X] Acquire the Diplomacy skill at -2! (1 point)

Strength has gone up to 11!
Leadership has been obtained and has gone up to +0!
Fast-Talk has been obtained and has gone up to +0
Brawling has gone up to +4!
Diplomacy has been obtained and has gone up to -2!


[X] Static crosses her eyes at Ander Son, sizing him up as she thinks on the match ahead, though the latter very much doesn't notice it at the moment.

[X] "Hello, miss sunshine and shocks! Getting ready for your fight?"
-[X] "Tell me, from what island you came from? I didn't have much time to, er, make a tour with all the Eggman stuff. And I suppose it's the work of a boss to know about his subordinates...I think."
-[X] "Hey, don't laugh! Still getting the hang on this Freedom Fighter thing...Ah, how I wish Johnny was here."
-[X] "Anyway, good luck with, Ander Son. Power aside, dude seems to know what he's doing."

"Hello, miss sunshine and shocks! Getting ready for your fight?"

She jumps a little in surprise. "Weren't you just over there-"

"Yeah I know, got fast legs." It's still fun to see people surprised by your speed. "Say, tell me, which island do you come from? I didn't have much time to, er, make a tour with all the Eggman stuff going on. And I suppose it's the work of a boss to know about his subordinates... I think." On the other hand, the boss part is certainly the one thing you feel most weirdest to at the moment.

She laughs at that. "You think?"

"Hey, don't laugh! Still getting the hang on this Freedom Fighter thing...Ah, how I wish Johnny was here." Johnny would be able to handle this far better than you can.

"Well..." She starts. "Got held back by my stupid family. Only just recently was able to kick all their assess just to even be part of this Freedom Fighter thing." A grumpy look to her face as she says that.

Now that's something you've gotta question. "Held back?"

"Yeah it's..." Static tugs at one of her antennae, trying to think on how to say this. "Ah screw it. You've my new boss now right? One I can actually respect for once. Yeah I come from South Island, part of a... Family mafia."

"Mafia?" A word you do not recognize.

She stops momentarily at you saying that before continuing. "Pft right, right, caveman." Okay now you definitely know that's some kind of insult. "Criminal family, don't abide by laws, and there's a ton of us around. Or, well, were before Eggman decided to show up. Everyone ran and had to practically drag me away from fighting that Egg, but I could've beaten him black and blue if they just let me go!" You aren't usually the type to think "realistically" when it comes to people's chances in dangerous situations, given what you did yourself, but right now having judged their forms earlier... No, they wouldn't. Most of them could beat Eggman's machines and himself straight up, but one lava pitfall or pillar smashing down or pit of spikes... "But now after beating every single one in duels, I can finally do whatever I want for myself! And that speech you did last week..."

You smile as you see the giddy look on her face. "Welcome aboard then, Static."

"Hell yeah." She holds a fist up to you, waiting for your own. You oblige. "Oh by the way. If I die they'll all come after you."


Wait what!?

But before you can say anything about that you here a voice from the impromptu stage. "You ready?"

Karlos seems to be the one who said that, as he stands in front of Patia awaiting her answer.

"Ready as I'll ever be darlin'." She pops her hat up slightly with her gun to show her face, a wink towards Karlos.

"Just get ready to invest getting those clothes fixed, cuz I'm about to put a hole in them." He quips at her, but in a manner that surprises Karlos she starts to blush.

"Oh my. A hole in me? I didn't know you were that excited." Snorts and giggles is thrown by almost everyone here watching.

But Karlos ultimately doesn't seem to be staggered by this, as he then copies Patia's mannerisms. "Oh my. I didn't know you were that easy." Culminating in a smirk on his face after he says that. "20 paces, shoot at the same time, first to get hit loses, right? Anyone in the crowd wanna do the honours of counting down from 3?"

"Sure!" You yell out.

"Get ready to have your ass on the ground, sugar." Patia gets the final word between the two.

Well, it's good to see the two hitting it off at least. Or at least you think this is what "hitting it off" looks like.

20 steps they walk from each other, as you go on to countdown. Only showing their backs to each other.





Patia uses Fast-Draw at +2, needing a 12 to succeed #3d6 = (1+3+2) 6. Success by 6!

Karlos uses Fast-Draw at +3, needing a 14 to succeed #3d6 = (2+1+6) 9. Success by 5!

Patia gets to shoot first!

Patia shoots at Karlos #3d6 = (5+6+6) 17. Critical Failure!

Critical Miss Table #3d6 = (4+4+1) 9. Since Patia's weapon is a cheap weapon, it breaks!

Patia manages to turn around first, as she pulls up the gun just slightly faster than Karlos can! She points... And shoots!

But as she does so... The gun explodes in her hand! Smoke covering her field of view!

Karlos shoots at Patia #3d6 = (6+3+1) 10. Success!

Karlos: 5/6 bullets.

Due to the rules stated earlier, Patia will not be able to dodge!

Roll for damage for Patia #2d6-1 = (3+3-1) 5 Damage.

Patia Scarlet: 5/10HP.

HT roll to not get stunned after half of Patia's health was taken in one attack #3d6 = (1+2+6) 9. Success!

Karlos wins!

BANG! A shot is heard as Patia falls, holding her stomach. But before she fully falls she manages to put a foot up, stopping her descent. Blood flowing from the bullet wound.

"Karlos wins!" You manage to say, the sudden explosion and breaking of Patia's gun having managed to take you and everyone else by surprise.

"Yikes, now that's just unlucky." You hear Static say to herself.

"This sucks... So much..." Patia speaks as Karlos goes to her and holds her up with her shoulder around her.

"Damn though. Pretty sure you were about to shoot me first there." Karlos remarks to her.

But Patia can only look frustrated at that, sighing to herself in defeat and slight humiliation.

Karlos scratches at his cheek. "...I can buy you a new one after this whole thing is over, my treat."

And just like that, all that defeat and humiliation from her face has gone away, only a slight smirk can be seen as she tries to hide that from Karlos.

"Nice dream hot stud, mind going somewhere with me once this is over?"

Huh, you guess Patia really did get what she wanted after all.

"Well then." Static stands up, just laughing at the whole ordeal. "It's about time I get to my own match with the teleporting dude, see ya boss."

You wave her off. "See ya good luck with, Ander Son. Power aside, dude seems to know what he's doing."

"Don't care if he doesn't like it, Anderson seems a heck more easier to say." And with that, she's off towards the stage...

Wait, you didn't get to question her about her family possibly coming after you!

[ ] Cody and Snap seem to be sharing their own experiences with the people they know. (Coco and Whiz)
[ ] Charlotte takes some time to talk with Alfred, having changed their topic to the old war.
[ ] Patia sits right beside Karlos, seemingly not letting him go to anyone else.
[ ] Whiz sits silently alone, Snap having gone to Cody to talk to them.
[ ] Coco watches the fight intensely, wanting to take it all in.
-[ ] Write-in.
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[X] Whiz sits silently alone, Snap having gone to Cody to talk to them.

[X] "Hey, bud," you say. "How are you doing?"
-[X] "Sheesh, bad luck we are eleven. I guess someone would end up alone...if my math is right, that is, I'm still learning about that part. Eleven is a odd number, right?"
-[X] You look at the grenade launcher of Whiz, then at Snap's rocket launcher. "Those are pretty interesting weapons. Was it you or she that did that? And for how long do you know each other?"
-[X] You clap the shoulder of the penguin. "Hey, hope you get to fight next time. Really wanna see what kind of sick tricks you hair can do."
[X] Whiz sits silently alone, Snap having gone to Cody to talk to them.

[X] "Hey, bud," you say. "How are you doing?"
-[X] "Sheesh, bad luck we are eleven. I guess someone would end up alone...if my math is right, that is, I'm still learning about that part. Eleven is a odd number, right?"
-[X] You look at the grenade launcher of Whiz, then at Snap's rocket launcher. "Those are pretty interesting weapons. Was it you or she that did that? And for how long do you know each other?"
-[X] You clap the shoulder of the penguin. "Hey, hope you get to fight next time. Really wanna see what kind of sick tricks you hair can do."
Patience - Underdog Emiya
Mighty saw Ray being dragged to the cell for the third time that week.

"Lemme go, you damn Badniks!" said the younger Mobian, attempting to release from the grip of the towering black machines to no avail. He was thrown back into the prison and the bars lifted yet again.

The armadillo sighed.

"So much for the ventillation being a sure way to escape," he said, looking at the now closed vent.

Ray sat at the ground.

"Sorry," he said. "I took a wrong turn and ended in some sort of cafeteria. Like, what kind of robots need a cafeteria?! That's absurd! And I didn't even see any Mobians or whatever species Eggman is in this place."

"Probably to feed prisioners," said the older Mobian. "Like us. Only halfway decent thing about this place."

The Armadillo looked around the cell he shared with Ray. They were surrounded by brown brick walls, with the one at his right having a high-quality monitor in it. In the front, there was the bars that trapped him and Ray in the room, and that he knew were electrified. And, in the left, there was a window blocked by bars -also electrified -that showed the river of lava that surrounded...whatever place they were.

'Are we stuck inside a volcano?!' had asked Ray in their first day there. Mighty personally thought they were not, but with Eggman you could never know.

The machine passed the tray through a small passage that the cell opened. It was a pretty mediocre vegetable soup, which both prisioners knew tasted very blandly, as they poured no salt on them. The freaks.

Ray grimaced at the plastic spoon.

"Paranoia, too much?" he grumbled.

"You know that the thing about digging your way out with a spoon does not work, right?"

"I am desperate, alright?!"

The armadillo picked the plate, feeding from the liquid and looking at the television where he knew -ah, there it was, it turned on.

"OHOHOHOH! How you feel, my little prisioners of war?" said the recordation of Eggman. "Are you enjoying your stay in my lair?"

The pair glared at the screen, impotent. After the time that Mighty punched the monitor, it had been exchanged for a even stronger one. It was a fool's errand to fix that.

"Ah, yes," said the man, engulfed in his power trip. "The two musketeers that did absolutely nothing but job to some of the most imcompetent forces that I ever made. They are really becoming competent, first striking your boss down and then surviving and bringing the both of you under my waiting arms. Ah, I can taste our anger from this message."

Indeed, both of them were angry.

Like, really? Those three weirdos?

It wouldn't be so bad if they lost to something like that Sonic copy, but the weird chicken, the doofus drill-thing and the fake hedgehog?

"I really wish we could shut this down," lamented Ray. "Every day, it gives me the will to hurl. And how much time he has to make each of these messages?"

"Eggman is a petty man," said Mighty. "I suppose he's more than willing to give a few minutes each day to gloat."

Once in a while, the man itself would give the chance for they to fight back by making a live message, but those were rare. It was the one bit of satisfaction that the duo had in that prison.

"Ah, I suppose that once that blasted hedgehog comes, all he will find is your skeletons, because, for the fastest thing alive, he sure is taking his sweet time, isn't it? OHOHOHOHO-!"

"He's not even trying anymore," complained the Golden Flyer.

The Red Menace nodded. He and the flying squirrel half-heartedly threw the plastic spoons in the television.

"Well, off to prepare things for our common friend," said the bald scientist. "Oh, he will have so many surprises once we start."

The monitor turned off.

"What a pain..." said Ray, throwing his back to the ground. "None of my escape plans is working and we are having to hear the rambles of that guy!"

"I doubt any movie can help us escape this place," said Mighty. "But I am getting a bit annoyed on how long Sonic is taking."

Rationally, the armadillo knew that the hedgehog likely had his hands full. Between being hailed as the savior of the islands and having to take time to recover, it would take some time before he discovered their position. And there was apparently a challenge that Eggman launched to reveal where the two of them were.

Still, he and Ray were at the whims of a mad man. Who could tell if he didn't wish to fulfill his part of the deal and gun them both down? Or worse, turn them into robots? Was that even possible? Mighty didn't know, but he sure as well didn't want to fuck around and find out, as some of his friends use to say.

"...hey," said Ray. "Do you think there is a way we could escape this place?"

The armadillo looked at his younger friend.

"...I think there is," he said after a moment. "But I won't tell you now."

"Why?" asked the Golden Flyer.

"You would want to try it the moment I said it," countered the older one. "But I can say that this will be a one and done deal. And, while Egghead is taking things in stride right now, he may start to get more aggressive to stop any escape attempts. So I wanna keep this in case we need to escape urgently."

The squirrel's tail shook wildly. Mighty sighed.

"One month."


"You heard it right," said Mighty. "We know Sonic ain't the type to stay still, but he has a lot in plate right now. So, let's give it a month. If Egghead doesn't show any signs that Sonic is doing anything to finish the tasks, we try to escape by ourselves. But I need you to keep the head cool, Ray. Have some patience."

The young squirrel grimaced.

"Yeah, it's family. They must be worried sick. We don't see since I left to join the fight, and now..."

"They will be even more worried if Sonic returns with our ashes," said Mighty. "Better to wait and see. Patience, Ray. Patience."

Relutanctly, the squirrel sat down.

" more escaping for a month," said the younger Mobian. "...this will be a long month, isn't it?"

"The longest in our lifes, yes."

Still, Mighty knew he had to be the reasonable one here. Escaping was a risky maneuver -no information, no equipment, no help. Only they against whatever forces Eggman had in the sleeve.

They need patience.

And faith that his fast friend would come to their rescue.

AN: The last part of this omake was the adaptation of something that Romance asked me to put in. Take that as you will.
[X] Whiz sits silently alone, Snap having gone to Cody to talk to them.

[X] "Hey, bud," you say. "How are you doing?"
-[X] "Sheesh, bad luck we are eleven. I guess someone would end up alone...if my math is right, that is, I'm still learning about that part. Eleven is a odd number, right?"
-[X] You look at the grenade launcher of Whiz, then at Snap's rocket launcher. "Those are pretty interesting weapons. Was it you or she that did that? And for how long do you know each other?"
-[X] You clap the shoulder of the penguin. "Hey, hope you get to fight next time. Really wanna see what kind of sick tricks you hair can do."
[X] Whiz sits silently alone, Snap having gone to Cody to talk to them.

[X] "Hey, bud," you say. "How are you doing?"
-[X] "Sheesh, bad luck we are eleven. I guess someone would end up alone...if my math is right, that is, I'm still learning about that part. Eleven is a odd number, right?"
-[X] You look at the grenade launcher of Whiz, then at Snap's rocket launcher. "Those are pretty interesting weapons. Was it you or she that did that? And for how long do you know each other?"
-[X] You clap the shoulder of the penguin. "Hey, hope you get to fight next time. Really wanna see what kind of sick tricks you hair can do."
Second Week of August #5
[X] Whiz sits silently alone, Snap having gone to Cody to talk to them.

[X] "Hey, bud," you say. "How are you doing?"
-[X] "Sheesh, bad luck we are eleven. I guess someone would end up alone...if my math is right, that is, I'm still learning about that part. Eleven is a odd number, right?"
-[X] You look at the grenade launcher of Whiz, then at Snap's rocket launcher. "Those are pretty interesting weapons. Was it you or she that did that? And for how long do you know each other?"
-[X] You clap the shoulder of the penguin. "Hey, hope you get to fight next time. Really wanna see what kind of sick tricks you hair can do."

"Hey, bud. How are you doing?"

Unlike Static earlier, he doesn't seem startled at your sudden appearance. "Hooooo? To tell the truth, fine for the most part."

"Well even if you are fine... Sheesh, bad luck we are eleven in total, I guess I should've known someone would've ended up alone. If my math is right, that is. I'm still learning about that part, eleven is an odd number, right?" You question that bit to yourself, not caring if Whiz answers it.

"Odd." He answers it anyways.

Taking a moment to get a change in topic from the, to be frank, current boring one... You look at the grenade launcher of Whiz, then at Snap's rocket launcher as you look over at her talking with Cody. Only barely able to recall what those weapons were called from what Toll threw into your ears. "Those are pretty interesting weapons. Was it you or her that did that? And for how long have you both know each other?"

You see a sparkle within the Penguin's eyes as you say that, his beak flapping open. "All me my good man! Took many-a-year to create those out of scraps!"


"Well, I was a bit of an odd fellow growing up. Never did finish my education and through one way or another eventually ended up at the Junkyard outside of the city of Casino Night Zone. Uh not here of course, bit to the east of the city rather than the north way we ran to here." He scratches his head awkwardly at that last part. "But the Junkyard is where I eventually found Snap a couple years back, a toddler waddling around the place was a sight to see! Hoo hoo!"

You're gonna guess a toddler means they were very young. "Why were they there in the first place?"

"Beats me." A shrug comes from Whiz. "There's cases of parents dropping off and abandoning their kids at the place if they have a mutation, due to it being a sort of hot-spot place for folks like myself to hang around in, but far as I could ever find little Snap doesn't have on bit of a mutation on her. Next thing I knew I was taking care of a child who could bite my darn hand off! Ha hoot!"

People dropping off their kids for having a mutation? That's... Why would that even be the case? Mutations are useful beyond reason.

Almost makes you wonder if it's the same for you too, getting thrown away for a mutation.

Whiz leans in as you think that, pointing towards the stage. "I think they're about to start."

With a turn and look towards there, you see Static and Ander, both starting off as far as they can from each other. "About..." You try to size up the stage with your eyes.

"16 yards." Whiz says next to you.

Yeah that many to be exact.

Static starts speaking out loud, grabbing everyone's attention. "Starting as far as we can from each other to give you a shot at shooting me, not like you could though! First to start getting winded loses!"

Ander Son looks to you, to which you nod, and then he nods to Static in turn.

"3..." You begin your countdown.




Static and Ander Son are 16 yards (15 meters as you suggested) away from each other.

Static goes first due to having the highest Basic Speed.

Static moves 6 yards closer to Ander, now 10 yards away from him.

Ander uses Fast-Draw at +2 to get his weapon out immediately this turn #3d6 = (4+4+4) 12. Success!

Ander shoots at Static using Guns (Pistols) at +2 #3d6 = (3+6+6) 15. Fails to hit!

Ander: 5/6 bullets.

Static moves 6 yards closer to Ander, now 4 yards away from him.

Static uses Move and Attack to throw a Slime Shot at Ander with Dexterity -4, using 5FP #3d6 = (3+3+1) 7. Hit!

Static: 7/12FP.

Ander tries to dodge the Slime Shot #3d6 = (4+4+3) 11. Fails to dodge!

Failing to dodge it, Ander tries to use Teleportation to get away from the Slime Shot, -10 IQ for using it instantly, +4 for Talent in teleportation, needs a 4 to succeed #3d6 = (4+1+4) 9. Fails to teleport!

Ander Son: 9/11FP.

Ander's Move Speed slows down by half, reducing it to 2.625 Yards Per Second.

Static runs as Ander stays still, aiming his pistol at her as she runs towards him. He takes a shot, but it completely misses their target.

"Take this!" Static, still a bit off from Ander, grabs at her own slime on her skin, throwing it right at Ander, managing to hit! As Ander now tries to move to get away from the edge, but he notices his speed go considerably down, being slowed by the Slime Shot. For a moment you see Ander Son's body twitch at an unnatural speed, before suddenly stopping as he sighs and thinks on what next to do. Perhaps he was trying to teleport but couldn't for some reason.

Onto another thing, you notice Static breathing heavily right after throwing that Slime Shot. Looks like that one move took a lot out of her in terms of energy.

Ander shoots at Static #3d6 = (6+4+3) 13. Fails to hit!

Ander: 4/6 bullets.

Static uses Move and Attack with a -4 to punch Ander right in the face #3d6 = (4+2+4) 10. Hit!

Ander tries to swerve his body out of the way of the fist #3d6 = (1+1+3) 5. Dodges!

Static is now in front of Ander as he is right at the edge, there is now no place for him to run away.

Ander shoots a bullet from his pistol at Static #3d6 = (1+2+5) 8. Hit!

Static jumps back, trying to not get hit by the bullet #3d6 = (3+6+2) 11. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Static #2d6-1 = (4+2-1) 5 (Piercing) Damage.

Static: 10/15 HP.

Ander: 3/6 bullets.

As Static finally reaches him on foot and blocking his path out, she goes for a leaping punch, looking to make her target before-

Ander at the last second dodges! Making the fist hit nothing but air as he pulls his pistol up and point-blank shoots at Static! A bullet through her arm as she shouts in sudden pain.

Static punches at Ander's gut #3d6 = (2+4+3) 9. Hit!

Ander tries to dodge out of the way of Static's fist #3d6 = (2+2+5) 9. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Ander #1d6 = 4 Damage.

Ander: 6/10HP.

Ander rolls at pure Dexterity to not get punched out of the stage, needs a 10 to succeed #3d6 = (2+4+2) 8. Does not get thrown out of the stage!

To retaliate she still uses the same arm to then go for another punch, this time towards his gut as it connects, threatening to knock him out of the ring! But Ander takes one foot forward, steadying himself and not getting thrown out!

Ander takes a shot at Static as he regains his balance from almost being thrown out #3d6 = (2+1+3) 6. Hit!

Static tries to dodge the shot at her #3d6 = (5+2+2) 9. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Static #2d6-1 = (5+3-1) 7 (Piercing) Damage.

Static: 3/15HP.

Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!

Ander: 2/6 bullets.

Ander wins!

With one last shot, he aims his pistol at Static. A bullet shot is heard as the projectile is shot through their shoulder, causing them to clutch at it and stop momentarily.

Yeah, that's probably enough damage for the match to end. "Static, stop! Ander is the one who wins the match!"

"Wait, I can go on for more-" She suddenly stops talking as she clutches at her shoulder again, wincing somewhat.

Meanwhile, Ander walks towards her, offering a hand out for her to shake. She takes a look, eyeing it before reluctantly shaking it. "Thank you for the match Static, I did not expect to win."

"Yeah well, if I didn't throw that useless Slime Shot at you, I would've been able to make that one hit I connected to your gut with a bit more of a shock." The Snail Mobian sighs at the thought, thinking on what could've been done better.

"I've made my own mistakes as well, instant teleportation is still something that feels far out of reach for me to do in the middle of battle."

Well, it's good to know they can reflect on their mistakes. With that battle done you clap the shoulder of the penguin next to you, having watched the battle with interested eyes. "Hey, hope I get to see you fight someday. Really wanna see what kind of sick tricks you hair can do."

Knocked out of their entranced look at the stage, he brings a smile to his face as he nods to you. "Well, on that part Sonic, I'll need to go confiscate the weapon Snap has before her fight that's about to come up. Can't have the young girl she's fighting explode after all!" With a laugh to yourself at that you look around, thinking at who to talk to next

[ ] Cody walks to Alfred, asking question after question. Seems like Cody is interested due to how they'll be fighting you at the end of today.
[ ] Static, due to being beaten, seems more willing to talk with Ander right now. A measure of respect perhaps? As they go on to analyse the next fight.
[ ] Patia sits right beside Karlos, seemingly still not letting him go to anyone else.
[ ] Charlotte seems to have come to sit next to Whiz, wanting to know his views on the next fight given his closeness to Snap.
-[ ] Write-in.
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[X] Cody walks to Alfred, asking question after question. Seems like Cody is interested due to how they'll be fighting you at the end of today.

[X] "May I cut in this dog get-together?" you ask.
-[X] "So, gimme your best shots. Alfred, you seem experient and Cody, you know Coco well. Who's beating who? Kinda putting my bet in Snap, if I'm being honest. Even without her gun, she seems pretty tough."
-[X] "Speaking of did you win the Gambler title, Alfred? I thought you just were very good in card games, but then Charlotte said something about a war. Were you a soldier or something?"
-[X] "So Cody...where did you learn to move like that?! Like, I was watching your form during the way here, and damn if you wouldn't be able to dodge most of Eggman's traps, where the others would struggle. No offense, Alfred, just saying what I think."
-[X] After the end of next fight. "Well, one more before the main event. Do your best, Cody. And hope you give me your best shot, pops. Because I surely will fight to win!"
[X] Cody walks to Alfred, asking question after question. Seems like Cody is interested due to how they'll be fighting you at the end of today.

[X] "May I cut in this dog get-together?" you ask.
-[X] "So, gimme your best shots. Alfred, you seem experient and Cody, you know Coco well. Who's beating who? Kinda putting my bet in Snap, if I'm being honest. Even without her gun, she seems pretty tough."
-[X] "Speaking of did you win the Gambler title, Alfred? I thought you just were very good in card games, but then Charlotte said something about a war. Were you a soldier or something?"
-[X] "So Cody...where did you learn to move like that?! Like, I was watching your form during the way here, and damn if you wouldn't be able to dodge most of Eggman's traps, where the others would struggle. No offense, Alfred, just saying what I think."
-[X] After the end of next fight. "Well, one more before the main event. Do your best, Cody. And hope you give me your best shot, pops. Because I surely will fight to win!"
[X] Cody walks to Alfred, asking question after question. Seems like Cody is interested due to how they'll be fighting you at the end of today.

[X] "May I cut in this dog get-together?" you ask.
-[X] "So, gimme your best shots. Alfred, you seem experient and Cody, you know Coco well. Who's beating who? Kinda putting my bet in Snap, if I'm being honest. Even without her gun, she seems pretty tough."
-[X] "Speaking of did you win the Gambler title, Alfred? I thought you just were very good in card games, but then Charlotte said something about a war. Were you a soldier or something?"
-[X] "So Cody...where did you learn to move like that?! Like, I was watching your form during the way here, and damn if you wouldn't be able to dodge most of Eggman's traps, where the others would struggle. No offense, Alfred, just saying what I think."
-[X] After the end of next fight. "Well, one more before the main event. Do your best, Cody. And hope you give me your best shot, pops. Because I surely will fight to win!"
[X] Cody walks to Alfred, asking question after question. Seems like Cody is interested due to how they'll be fighting you at the end of today.

[X] "May I cut in this dog get-together?" you ask.
-[X] "So, gimme your best shots. Alfred, you seem experient and Cody, you know Coco well. Who's beating who? Kinda putting my bet in Snap, if I'm being honest. Even without her gun, she seems pretty tough."
-[X] "Speaking of did you win the Gambler title, Alfred? I thought you just were very good in card games, but then Charlotte said something about a war. Were you a soldier or something?"
-[X] "So Cody...where did you learn to move like that?! Like, I was watching your form during the way here, and damn if you wouldn't be able to dodge most of Eggman's traps, where the others would struggle. No offense, Alfred, just saying what I think."
-[X] After the end of next fight. "Well, one more before the main event. Do your best, Cody. And hope you give me your best shot, pops. Because I surely will fight to win!"
Second Week of August #6
[X] Cody walks to Alfred, asking question after question. Seems like Cody is interested due to how they'll be fighting you at the end of today.

[X] "May I cut in this dog get-together?" you ask.
-[X] "So, gimme your best shots. Alfred, you seem experient and Cody, you know Coco well. Who's beating who? Kinda putting my bet in Snap, if I'm being honest. Even without her gun, she seems pretty tough."
-[X] "Speaking of did you win the Gambler title, Alfred? I thought you just were very good in card games, but then Charlotte said something about a war. Were you a soldier or something?"
-[X] "So Cody...where did you learn to move like that?! Like, I was watching your form during the way here, and damn if you wouldn't be able to dodge most of Eggman's traps, where the others would struggle. No offense, Alfred, just saying what I think."
-[X] After the end of next fight. "Well, one more before the main event. Do your best, Cody. And hope you give me your best shot, pops. Because I surely will fight to win!"

"So what's the stick thing old man?"

"Oh this?" Alfred says, holding up his weapon. "A three-section staff young lad, though you'll have to wait and see how I'll use it later!" He ends that with a laugh.

"May I cut into this dog get-together?" You interrupt them, stepping before them as they both turn to look at you.

"Heya Mister Boss!" The younger or the two Dog Mobians waves at you whilst the other just gives a silent nod at your arrival.

"Sweet. So, gimme your best shots you two. Alfred, you seem experienced, and Cody, you know Coco well. Who's beating who? Kinda putting my bet on Snap at the moment if I'm being honest. Even without her gun she seems pretty tough."

"Ehhhhhh, Coco wins any day of the week! She's way too good of a butt kicker." Cody says with up-most certainly, hands behind his head smiling as he looks off at Coco preparing in the distance.

As for Alfred... "The two youngins? Hm..." The man scratches and strokes at the long fur from underneath his chin. "The Croco lass has a strength to them, especially with how they can hold that huge monstrosity of a weapon, but compared to the other lass I do not think they have the experience with hand-to-hand combat. Back during the run they both were about as speedy as the other... It could go either way. Though I'd give it to the Koala child to get the edge out."

"Whoa! How'd you know all that old man?" Cody asks, not in the slight bit caring about what they call Alfred.

Putting a hand atop his own straw hat, he gives a mysterious few words towards Cody. "Who knows? Perhaps you could find out one day... Though, since you're here already, it seems you're already willing enough to gamble your safety to find out."

Well, in your own opinion, experience is most-certainly the biggest factor. Being through certain challenges in life gives you an insight as to how others do in those aspects. Back on topic though... "Speaking of gambling, how did you win that Gambler title Alfred? I thought you were just good at card games." You were able to easily learn that stuff, given that was practically shoved into your face every day you spend in this city of Casino Night. "But then Charlotte said something about a war. Were you a soldier or something within that nature?"

Cody can only tilt their head at that, looking on at Alfred to answer that.

With a sigh, he begins. "Well... Long ago, far long ago, back when I was only a lad myself, about the same age as you Hero." You and Cody only whistle at that. That definitely would be a long time ago, far before you were born. "The conflict in those days was a split within West Side Island, bit of a checkerboard between which Zones were with who back then. There were two people vying to become Mayor of the Island, and quite frankly the both of them were horrid enough that I don't even want to bother going into their names and goals, especially when young kids are about." He has a disgusted look on his face recalling his memories, and though Cody somewhat pouts at being called a kid he doesn't try to get more information out of him.

Alfred continues. "Gradually things escalated between the two as they couldn't set aside their differences, and practically dragged everyone within West Side into their conflict with speech after roaring speech. Meanwhile the larger population over on South Island turned a blind-eye over everything happening here. Back then we were even poorer and fewer in number, no Casino Night at the time elevating the rest of the Island. Things got messy and a lot of people were hurt when it started, was on one of the sides during the time until I got slapped out of it when I met with the love of my life for the first time, dear Mellissa my current wife haha! Really snapped me into focus on how ridiculous the whole thing was!" He laughs to himself, thinking back on those times. Oh right, you were asking me about the Gambler title right?" You give a simple nod. "One thing led to another and I got my own posse eventually, seeing the stupidity of the conflict. Then, well, I did what might be called a dangerously idiotic move and managed to get into talks with the both of them with both their armies in one place."

"Whoa! Everyone?" Cody asks.

"A heck of a lot of people yes." Alfred answers back. "And even more, as my little group managed to convince many civilians, most being family of both armies, to come along to the spot without the two Mayors and their groups knowing. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, lovers, all different types now able to talk shout at the stupid people they know for being caught up in this mess. And to top it all off, and to make it so that this happens without a single fight to make the two groups fury awaken, I made a bet and stabbed myself in the stomach."

"What!?" You take your turn to blink in surprise, mouth agape. "Why?"

"To quote my young dumb self... 'End this conflict now! If you wish to fight, then ignore my injuries and continue with your own with fists and weapons in hand over my dead body! But if you finally wish to end this absurd conflict, then stop and go into the arms of your families!'" Now, you are truly entranced listening in on this. "Nobody moved until... The two Mayors, pushing people aside as they ran at each other, blades in hand. But before the could their own armies rushed at them, grappling them both into the ground. As for myself I managed to get quickly healed thank goodness by a combat medic from one of the two sides. Things went out of my hands from their as other smaller leaders from the two armies managed to make amends and things subsided into normalcy. The conflict ended, and I moved to a quiet beach along with my wife Melissa for a lovely fishing business of our own."


What can you even say to that?

"Wait, what happened to the two bad guys?" Cody asks.

"Oh, those two? One lived out for the rest of his days as a failing politician trying to regain their lost support. Meanwhile the other... Shortly died after the Checkered War due to a visit from the Mafia. Turns out those folks weren't too happy about their customers and own members getting caught up and dying within the conflict." A chuckle at that last bit from the old man. "Though... Nowadays I'm sort of scared about how both the current West Side and South Island Mayors look at each other sometimes. They both have a normal way of talking to the other on stage and on broadcasts, but something about how they eye each other at times gives a sinister air..."

Ah, that. "Nah they're in love."

Seems like it's Alfred's turn to look surprised. "Oh. Oh... That... Gives an entirely new perspective on their dynamic. My god." A hand to his mouth as he takes his own time to think on that.

Well, guess this is a good way to segue towards Cody. "So Cody... where did you learn to move like that?! Like, I was watching your form during the way here, and damn if you wouldn't be able to dodge most of Eggman's traps, where pretty much everyone else here would struggle. No offense, Alfred, just saying what I think."

"None... Taken..." Man, he's still thinking about you said earlier.

Cody ignores that, going in to answer your question. "Uh... I just like running around and stuff? I go into caves and jump on platforms all the time and stuff, easy way to escape Coco a lot of the time!" Can't say that's too dissimilar to yourself, you'd likely go into caves if there were any in Green Hill growing up, it was always a fun time running around everywhere, especially when you were half the age you are now. Not that you don't enjoy it still.

"Sonic sir!"

Ah, that should be the signal for the fight to start. Hm... No weapon on Snap obviously, same for Coco, so they both start close to each other due to no ranged weapons being here.

"Okay!" You start. "Just a normal brawl until one of you get tired out! 3..."




Both Coco and Snap have a 6 in Basic Speed, meaning they must make a pure Dexterity roll to see who goes first!

Coco makes a pure Dexterity roll to see if they go first #3d6 = (2+5+3) 10. Success by 1!

Snap makes a pure Dexterity roll to see if they go first #3d6 = 6 +4 +5 15. Failure by 3!

Coco goes first before Snap.

Coco fires a straight punch at Snap's face with the Karate skill #3d6 = (1+1+2) 4. Critical Hit!

Critical Hit Table #3d6 = (6+2+6) 14. No matter the damage, the person must make a HT roll to not get stunned.

Snap is unable to dodge due to it being a Critical Hit!

Roll for damage for Snap #1d6+1 = (3+1) 4 Damage.

Snap: 11/15HP.

Snap makes a HT roll to not get stunned #3d6 = (5+1+5) 11. Does not get stunned!

As soon as you say that Coco throws out a straight punch towards Snap's face, and lack for a better words makes her snap her head back from the force! Though just as soon as it happens she regains her focus, that sudden and striking punch not fazing her as much as you might think.

Snap decides to go for a punch at Coco, does it at pure Dexterity due to having no unarmed skills #3d6 = (5+6+2) 13. Fails to hit!

Coco chops at Snap's shoulder #3d6 = (2+3+5) 10. Hit!

Snap tries to dodge out of the way #3d6 = (2+6+4) 12. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Snap #1d6+1 = (5+1) 6 Damage.

Snap: 5/15HP.

Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!

Coco wins!

Trying a punch of her own, her inexperience causing her to fumble and miss her target, as Coco moves forward and delivers a chop to Snap's shoulder, causing her to shudder as she falls to the ground gasping.

"End the fight! Coco wins!" You call out, surprised at the pure speed this all happened at. That was like, what, 2 seconds at most? Maybe not even that? You really were wrong on how this would turn out.

Snap gasps for more air, as she tries to bring some bravado back into herself. "You're lucky I didn't try to... Bite you..."

"Well, you wouldn't have gotten me anyways. Now come on, lets go sit with Cody." Coco snaps back, throwing that bravado out the window.

You uh... Kinda was expecting something more than that to happen there. Well, a good fight is a good fight. "Well, seems like there's only one more before the main event. Do your best, Cody. And hope you give me your best shot, pops. Because I surely will fight to win!" With a smile, you turn away from the two and walk off.

Now what?

[ ] Cody, Coco and Snap all talk with each other. Though Snap seems a little disappointed in how she did there.
[ ] Ander and Static go towards Alfred, perhaps to get a gauge on his own abilities before he fights you.
[ ] Karlos just cannot seem to get away from Patia, so he resigns himself to fate for the moment. As much as that hurts his own ideals.
-[ ] Write-in.
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[X] Karlos just cannot seem to get away from Patia, so he resigns himself to fate for the moment. As much as that hurts his own ideals.

[X] "Hello, gunslinging lovebirds! Notice that you guys seem to be enjoying a good time together!" you playfully wink. "That was a nice duel, by the way. Shame what happened to your gun, Patia. Bad luck, I think."
-[X] "How's the wound? It must suck to get a bullet through the stomach," you say. "Hope it doesn't scar."
-[X] "I also notice you two share a certain style of clothing. Is this common for some region of the islands that I never went, or just coincidence?"
-[X] "Now one for you, Karlos. What do you have against the system? I mean, I met the mayors and they seem alright folks, if in a bit of love denial. Do you have something against them, or someone else in power?"
-[X] After the next fight. "Well, it seems it's my turn to play now. Don't blink or you will miss the show!"
-[X] You give a last glance as Patia snuggles Karlos and speaks to yourself. "Geez, if all girls I meet are like Honey and Patia, I am in for a ride."
[X] Karlos just cannot seem to get away from Patia, so he resigns himself to fate for the moment. As much as that hurts his own ideals.

[X] "Hello, gunslinging lovebirds! Notice that you guys seem to be enjoying a good time together!" you playfully wink. "That was a nice duel, by the way. Shame what happened to your gun, Patia. Bad luck, I think."
-[X] "How's the wound? It must suck to get a bullet through the stomach," you say. "Hope it doesn't scar."
-[X] "I also notice you two share a certain style of clothing. Is this common for some region of the islands that I never went, or just coincidence?"
-[X] "Now one for you, Karlos. What do you have against the system? I mean, I met the mayors and they seem alright folks, if in a bit of love denial. Do you have something against them, or someone else in power?"
-[X] After the next fight. "Well, it seems it's my turn to play now. Don't blink or you will miss the show!"
-[X] You give a last glance as Patia snuggles Karlos and speaks to yourself. "Geez, if all girls I meet are like Honey and Patia, I am in for a ride."
[X] Karlos just cannot seem to get away from Patia, so he resigns himself to fate for the moment. As much as that hurts his own ideals.

[X] "Hello, gunslinging lovebirds! Notice that you guys seem to be enjoying a good time together!" you playfully wink. "That was a nice duel, by the way. Shame what happened to your gun, Patia. Bad luck, I think."
-[X] "How's the wound? It must suck to get a bullet through the stomach," you say. "Hope it doesn't scar."
-[X] "I also notice you two share a certain style of clothing. Is this common for some region of the islands that I never went, or just coincidence?"
-[X] "Now one for you, Karlos. What do you have against the system? I mean, I met the mayors and they seem alright folks, if in a bit of love denial. Do you have something against them, or someone else in power?"
-[X] After the next fight. "Well, it seems it's my turn to play now. Don't blink or you will miss the show!"
-[X] You give a last glance as Patia snuggles Karlos and speaks to yourself. "Geez, if all girls I meet are like Honey and Patia, I am in for a ride."

I wonder if Alfred's wife realized that there are among the mayors
Second Week of August #7
[X] Karlos just cannot seem to get away from Patia, so he resigns himself to fate for the moment. As much as that hurts his own ideals.

[X] "Hello, gunslinging lovebirds! Notice that you guys seem to be enjoying a good time together!" you playfully wink. "That was a nice duel, by the way. Shame what happened to your gun, Patia. Bad luck, I think."
-[X] "How's the wound? It must suck to get a bullet through the stomach," you say. "Hope it doesn't scar."
-[X] "I also notice you two share a certain style of clothing. Is this common for some region of the islands that I never went, or just coincidence?"
-[X] "Now one for you, Karlos. What do you have against the system? I mean, I met the mayors and they seem alright folks, if in a bit of love denial. Do you have something against them, or someone else in power?"
-[X] After the next fight. "Well, it seems it's my turn to play now. Don't blink or you will miss the show!"
-[X] You give a last glance as Patia snuggles Karlos and speaks to yourself. "Geez, if all girls I meet are like Honey and Patia, I am in for a ride."

Smirking your way towards Patia and Karlos, you can't help but get a little amusement from the situation happening before you. "Hello, gunslinging lovebirds! Notice that you guys seem to be enjoying a good time together!" A playful wink from yourself. "That was a nice duel, by the way. Shame what happened to your gun, Patia. Bad luck, I think."

Getting a closer look at both the Goat and Cat Mobian, you see the slightest bit of a sulk from Patia as her arm still grabs hold of Karlos, who has his own expression of being betrayed. As if asking why you would say that. You've gotta hand it to yourself, you're getting better at this by the day.

Leaving aside your own proudness at getting under people's skin, Karlos speaks up. "Heya boss man. Can't help but notice you going around talking to folks."

You give a shrug in response. "Yeah, pretty much just getting a feel on all the new members. Oh by the way Patia, how's the wound? It must suck to get a bullet through the stomach. Hope that doesn't scar."

Patia perks up with what you think is a confused look, sort of hard to tell with that hat almost-always covering her face. "If it were something more dangerous sure, but why would you think that?"

That... Confuses you a bit. Why? Well-

Hm, now that you think about it, you haven't really got any scars from the amount of injuries you've sustained during your adventure. At the beginning you recall being worried about that possibly happening, but those thoughts always came from observations of your animal friends over the years. Throughout the journey you kept healing all back up in a matter of days, or in the worst case against that Silver Fake it took a few weeks. Even Johnny who had a full on snapped leg with bone sticking out of it has told you that he'll get better in a matter of months, when compared to animals that'd permanently screw them for life.


"I guess you can ignore that then." The two tilt their heads at the same time at that, but you don't elaborate further. "Moving on. I've also noticed you two share a certain style of clothing. Is this common for some region of the islands that I never went, or just coincidence?"

"Oh me?" Patia points to herself. "Led most of my life in Mirage Saloon Zone, just kinda the normal look for folks in that area."

Karlos tries to begin his own speech on his wear. "This is my own style, nobody else has it-"

"New style going around those not liking the status quo." But Patia cuts him off, a smirk radiating off her face as for the briefest of moments she blows some air upwards, causing her hat to fly a bit as her face is shown off. Keeping that smirk as she turns her face to Karlos. "Ain't that right, daaaaarrrrling~."

"Kuh-" The suddenness of that being said being almost like a gut punch to the Cat Mobian.

Taking an opportunity on the status quo being mentioned. "Now one for you, Karlos. What do you have against the system? I mean, I met the Mayors and they seem alright folks, if in a bit of love denial. Do you have something against them, or someone else in power?"

"They're what!?"
"They're what!?"

Oh wow, they both managed to say that at the same time.

Karlos takes a bit of a moment to cough in his hand at that before going on to answer you. "W-well." Still a bit flustered from that bundle of knowledge you just dropped on him. "Simply put. Systems suck."

"They... Suck?" You question, hoping to gleam more from him. Meanwhile Patia herself leans in, interested on what he'll say next.

"They're constrictions. Binds that hold people down rather than making an individual able to progress and succeed. Look at yourself, you're a guy who was completely free of that your entire life, that gave you the outlook to go against Eggman in the first place, rather than be pulled down by the common sense of these Islands. Every other person that fought with you all also went against the grain, even that Honey chick when she escaped South Island came about to talk good your actions and views on that radio channel. Systems inevitably chain people to the ground, making it so that they don't come to question the world around them. People get the notion that it provides some sort of 'safety net' for them, but lo and behold, something like Eggman comes around and it all crumbles down in mere moments. Don't even get me started on the power that gets into the ones at the top of these systems!" Each new talking point gets a finger pointed up, claws on each one stretched out.

"But aren't you in a system now, with joining the Freedom Fighters?" Patia brings up a question, one you didn't think about.

He yawns at that. "Yeah because it's new. And it barely has any structure to begin with, no offense to you boss man. Eventually, down the line years from now when this becomes less of a sudden and new thing and more of an organization people rely on to work right, problems will come up as people take advantage of that for their own gain. That's an inevitability, one that will make me either leave or tear this whole thing down myself to get to the roots and start it all anew. But at least for now it brings a chance for folks currently tied down by the old system of these Islands to become more. Especially towards Mutation holders."

You look towards Patia Scarlet, trying to gauge what she thinks on that.

You make a Full Empathy roll using IQ #3d6 = (3+1+4) 8. A personality trait of Patia Scarlet slightly blocks it!

You have discovered a personality trait of Patia Scarlet, which is Private (Neutral Trait)! Due to the Private trait, on top of her Positive, Neutral and Negative traits, she gets another set on top of that. That set hidden even further away from view.

Something peculiar comes into focus, as her face hardens. As if she wants to disprove that notion somehow.

Peculiar indeed.

"Mister we're ready!" Ah, that's the sound of Cody in the distance. seems like they're ready. And this time their both distanced as Cody holds a sling in his arms whilst Charlotte holds nothing. You can only assume the latter held true to the 16 yard distance for the young boy's sake.

With a smile to you face, you begin shouting out from where you're at. "3..."




Both Charlotte and Cody start 16 yards away from each other.

Both Charlotte and Cody have a 6 in Basic Speed, meaning they must make a pure Dexterity roll to see who goes first!

Charlotte rolls Dexterity to go first #3d6 = (6+1+1) 8. Success by 3!

Cody rolls Dexterity to go first #3d6 = (1+3+2) 6. Success by 7!

Cody goes first before Charlotte.

Cody uses his round to load a rock to his sling.

Charlotte uses All-Out Defence (Increased Defence) giving a +2 to dodge as she sees Cody load his sling, staying still for this round.

Cody slings a rock at Charlotte #3d6 = (2+5+3) 10. Hit!

Charlotte with All-Out Defence dodges the rock #3d6 = (3+4+3) 10. Dodges!

Charlotte runs 6 yards towards Cody, she is now 10 yards away from him.

Cody uses his round to load a rock to his sling.

Charlotte uses All-Out Defence (Increased Defence) giving a +2 to dodge as she sees Cody load his sling, staying still for this round.

Cody slings a rock at Charlotte #3d6 = (2+1+3) 6. Hit!

Charlotte with All-Out Defence dodges the rock #3d6 = (4+3+2) 9. Dodges!

Charlotte runs 6 yards towards Cody, she is now 10 yards away from him.

Cody uses his round to load a rock to his sling.

Charlotte uses All-Out Defence (Increased Defence) giving a +2 to dodge as she sees Cody load his sling, staying still for this round.

Cody slings a rock at Charlotte #3d6 = (4+6+5) 15. Hit!

Charlotte with All-Out Defence dodges the rock #3d6 = (6+2+2) 10. Dodges!

As soon as Cody starts putting in a rock from his backpack to his sling Charlotte decides not to move at all, just simply waiting in a ready stance to dodge the inevitable attack.

With Cody using that sling, flinging the rock at Charlotte, she takes a simple side-step from the incoming attack. "Dang it!" You hear the young Dog Mobian yell that out.

"Oh my. Please don't be troubled, I'm sure you'll hit me eventually!" Charlotte takes no offense to that, appealing to him that he'll eventually be able to make a shot. Though that only makes Cody pout in response, you guess he doesn't take well to those on the older and caring side of things.

Though things continue similarly from that point on, as she moves and then waits each time Cody starts to try to aim a shot at her. Pretty smart way of going about things, even though she gives a vibe on not being that smart outside of combat. You can't help but remember a few fights where you used tactics to wait out an attack to dodge properly, such as against Eggman in the final fight between the two of you, you're sure those electric balls would've absolutely ruined you otherwise.

Charlotte moves 4 yards towards Cody, using Move and Attack at -4 to hit as she goes for a punch #3d6 = (2+4+5) 11. Hit!

Cody tries to dodge out of the way #3d6 = (1+5+5) 11. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Cody #1d6+1 = (1+1) 2 Damage.

Cody: 10/12HP.

Cody rolls Dexterity to not get thrown out of the stage as he is right at the edge #3d6 = (2+4+3) 9. Doesn't fall out!

Cody loads a rock to his sling, unable to move whilst doing it.

Charlotte throws a punch at Cody whilst he loads his sling #3d6 = (1+4+5) 10. Hit!

Cody tries to avoid the punch #3d6 = (6+6+4) 16. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Cody #1d6+1 = (6+1) 7 Damage.

Cody: 3/12HP.

Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!

Suffering more than half his total HP in one attack, he rolls HT to not get stunned #3d6 = (5+4+3) 12. Stunned!

Due to being stunned Cody is unable to use Dexterity to not get thrown out the stage, and thus he gets thrown out!

Charlotte wins!

As soon as she gets close to Cody she lands a sudden hit to his side, she uses that kind of style of fighting Honey and that Coco kid use, not exactly the same but they feel like they're trained upon, unlike the wildness of yourself.

Cody struggles to hold up his sling to aim, where just as soon as the first hit happened, another one comes for a gut punch to stun them and send them flying out the stage, landing outside of it and on the ground holding their stomach.

Honestly, you're pretty sure Cody could've given a little more of a fight if he ran, but at the moment he probably isn't skilled enough to do that and load up on rocks at the same time.

You stand up and shout. "Cody is knocked out of the stage! Charlotte wins!"

"Oh I'm so sorry Cody dear!" You can tell from the woman's face that she is actually worried about the young child, as she hurriedly gets to his side and pulls him up, though he tries to resist it for his own pride.

"Well." You brush yourself off, standing up and giving a final look at the two beside you. "It seems it's my turn to play now. Don't blink or you'll miss the show!" A little wave and you're off, the final thing you see of those two is Patia going to grab hold of him as soon as you step away.

A small whisper to yourself. "Geez, if all girls I meet are like Honey and Patia, I am in for a ride."

Then again, Honey's whole deal has a more... Teaching feel to it, rather than more obvious reasoning behind Patia's actions.

Goodness knows what you'd do if someone like Patia didn't let you go.

You take your steps, shouting out to everyone else as you walk to the stage, Alfred himself also doing so after finishing talking to Ander and Static. "Okay! Someone from the crowd count down!"

The both of you stand before each other, no need to spread out as you both have no ranged capabilities.

From the edges of your ears, you hear a voice, Static it seems as she counts down.





Alfred has 7 Basic Speed compared to Sonic's 5.25 Basic Speed, meaning Alfred goes first!

Alfred uses a feint to keep you on your toes #3d6 = (5+2+4) 11. Success by 6!

You roll to notice the feint #3d6 = (1+1+1) 3. Critical Success!

With the older man's experience he makes the first move before you can even think of a plan. For a moment it looks like he's about to hit use with his three-section staff, going for a swing.

But you immediately see through it. Staying still and waving a finger left to right as you tut at Alfred. "Clever, but not clever enough!"

The old Shiba Inu's eyes widen in surprise, not expecting you to immediately notice his plan of a feint.

Now... What's your plan here?

[ ] Write-in. Battle Plan.

[ ] Write-in. Got any quips?
[X] The staff gives him a range-advantage, and the fact that it can get smaller means it's still usable up close. But you ain't let that stop you! Attack his legs, try to take the fight to the ground to overwhelm Alfred. If that fails, go for chest blows. If the opportunity appears, attempt to throw him out of the ring.

[X] "I'm making you kiss the ground!" sweeps him. "Literally!"
-[X] "Come on, step up!" you taunt.
-[X] If you win. "And it seems I am the top dog!" you pause. "Hm, that one was a bit weak."
-[X] If you lose. "Not are as strong as you look, huh?"
[X] The staff gives him a range-advantage, and the fact that it can get smaller means it's still usable up close. But you ain't let that stop you! Attack his legs, try to take the fight to the ground to overwhelm Alfred. If that fails, go for chest blows. If the opportunity appears, attempt to throw him out of the ring.

[X] "I'm making you kiss the ground!" sweeps him. "Literally!"
-[X] "Come on, step up!" you taunt.
-[X] If you win. "And it seems I am the top dog!" you pause. "Hm, that one was a bit weak."
-[X] If you lose. "Not are as strong as you look, huh?"
I just love how Sonic's passing around the ship deets between the Mayors. It's a terrible thing to have someone so empathetic, also be so easy to read.
Second Week of August #8
[X] The staff gives him a range-advantage, and the fact that it can get smaller means it's still usable up close. But you ain't let that stop you! Attack his legs, try to take the fight to the ground to overwhelm Alfred. If that fails, go for chest blows. If the opportunity appears, attempt to throw him out of the ring.

[X] "I'm making you kiss the ground!" sweeps him. "Literally!"
-[X] "Come on, step up!" you taunt.
-[X] If you win. "And it seems I am the top dog!" you pause. "Hm, that one was a bit weak."
-[X] If you lose. "Not are as strong as you look, huh?"

You take a Spin Dash to Alfred's legs, hoping to injure them, you attack at a -2 due to specifically attacking his legs #3d6 = (5+4+3) 12. Hit!

Alfred takes a moment to try to dodge out of the way #3d6 = (5+2+5) 12. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Alfred #1d6 = 4*1.5 = 6 Damage.

Alfred: 6/12HP.

Alfred rolls HT to not get stunned after half his HP was taken in one attack #3d6 = (2+3+6) 11. Does not get stunned!

Due to suffering more than half his HP on a specific part of his body, it gets sprained! With it being one of his legs, his Move and Dodge is reduced by half!

Alfred is unable to hit you after bouncing off of him into the air!

"I'm making you kiss the ground!" With a Jump Dash you leap into the air and aim your sights, going for the Shiba Inu's leg. You recall an almost distant memory, back in Green Hill Zone against those two dolts. Back then you weren't skilled enough to even think of trying to hit specific locations, but now? After your entire journey? This should be a piece of cake!

You fly down from the air above, going at a fast speed as your quills go down and sink themselves into the flesh of the old soldier's leg. And just as quickly you pop out, bouncing to the sky above. From below you can see Alfred's leg tremble, unable to keep itself up. Though you've gotta give it to the guy, he hasn't gotten stunned from the pain of it.

Alfred uses his turn to use All-Out Defence (Increased Defense) to up his dodge by +2.

Doing the only thing he can think off at the moment before coming up with a plan of his own, he uses the slight second he has to better defend himself, taking a stance to dodge better.

But you know that ain't gonna help him much at all.

"Come on, step up!" You taunt in the air, as you finally decide to come down at him at full force.

Taking advantage of Alfred's current state, you hit him with another Jump Dash #3d6 = (2+5+6) 13. Hit!

Alfred with his sprained leg tries to get away in time #3d6 = (6+3+4) 13. Fails to dodge!

Roll for damage for Alfred #1d6 = 6*1.5 = 9 Damage.

Alfred: -3/12HP.

Move and Dodge halved due to Health reaching below 1/3rd!

Alfred make an HT roll to not get stunned by taking more than half his health in one attack #3d6 = (1+6+2) 9. Does not get stunned!

Sonic wins!

As your quills act like blades, you dash down right at Alfred's chest, cutting it open as he's unable to evade the blow. He falls to his back, and though for the briefest of moments tries to get up, he then recognizes he lost and stays there, lying with the grassy ground on his back.

From the distance you hear Static shout out. "Sonic wins!"

Taking a smirk to yourself as you look around to see the stunned faces of everyone here, you give a hand for Alfred to pull up on. "And it seems I am the top dog!" You pause a bit after making that pun. "Hm, that one was a bit weak."

"Yeah-Urgh." He struggles to stand as you pull him up. "Hope that isn't your best work."

"Yeah yeah whatever." You shrug it off.

This was a long day indeed. So many new members met. Now it's time for the hard part of actually directing everyone here.

With a pat to the back of yourself, you let everyone go, thinking on what to do next.

Due to the fights today, everyone (including you) gets 2 Character Points except Whiz!

You now officially have access to all 10 current Freedom Fighters and their actions!

Pick 4 Actions for the Third Week of August. (1 automatically goes to running the Freedom Fighters, unless you choose to make someone else run it for this week, so you have 3 actions to choose to your liking)


[ ] With Porker out on a morning walk, Johnny is here making some food, it seems like this is the perfect time to finally talk to him.
[ ] Porker seems to be tinkering again, looking at various Badnik parts he's been able to grab.
[ ] As you pass through the streets of Casino Night Zone, you notice Honey through some windows of a building, training herself and fighting others in that unique style you've seen of her before.

[ ] Write-in.
Perhaps you have your own ideas for interactions? Interacting with 1 person is a single action, 2-3 for 2 actions, 4-5 for 3 actions, and 6+ for 4 actions. You can go anywhere to hang out with anyone, just as long as they aren't busy which would be marked with italics.

Within the Islands

[ ] Visit Green Hill Zone to meet up with your animal friends once more.
[ ] Visit the beaches at the southernmost of South Island, apparently those places are great for chilling about.
[ ] As much as you got sick of Marble Zone, you think it'd be nice to just go around the place looking at the ruins.
[ ] Take in the sights of Spring Yard Zone, It's interesting seeing so many groups of people back into this place.
[ ] Yeah how about no, you ain't exactly raring to go drown in Labyrinth Zone.
[ ] Star Light Zone is another great city just to look around, and frankly without worry of Badniks hitting you at the back of the head too.
[ ] You want to explore Scrap Brain Zone, seeing all the weird stuff built by Eggman.

[ ] Go walk around in Casino Night Zone, you do live right at the outskirts of it after all.
[ ] Explore West-Side Island, you don't exactly know the place very well so you might as well explore it Zone by Zone.

[ ] Due to the chaos of what Eggman put the population through, the means to travel to most of the smaller islands is pointless.

[ ] Take some time to rid of the Badniks in Green Hill Zone. 0/2.
[ ] There are no Badniks left in Marble Zone.
[ ] There are no Badniks left in Spring Yard Zone.
[ ] Take some time to rid of the Badniks in Labyrinth Zone. 0/2
[ ] There are no Badniks left in Star Light Zone.
[ ] Take some time to rid of the Badniks in Scrap Brain Zone. 0/3.
Badniks are still all over the place, meaning that people still can't get into South Island safely. Might as well bash open some bucket heads right? (You can also earn small amounts of extra Character Points here, along with joining alongside your Freedom Fighters to work together, though this counts as it's own action that isn't part of sending your Freedom Fighters out)
[ ] There are no current Bounties to collect. Looks like nobody is willing to stir up trouble at the moment.
[ ] Internal Missions.
-[ ] Guard Duty at Victory Bridge. Gain 1 RP. Has a medium 1d100 encounter rate.
-[ ] The Ghost of Mystic Cave. Apparently there's some sort of ghost, whatever that is, that's causing trouble over in Mystic Cave Zone. The Miners there will pay you to get rid of it. Gain 3 RP.
-[ ] Errand Boy. Radio Utopia is currently having some supply issues at the moment, get some folks to carry stuff over there. Gain 1 RP for each person put on it, can be done to a maximum of 3 RP. Has a small 1d100 encounter rate, goes up with the more people that are put on it.
-[ ] The Lone Badnik of Hill Top. Apparently somehow a Badnik has slipped the cracks and made it all the way to Hill Top Zone, the people of that area will pay to get that thing rid off. Gain 2 RP.

[ ] Brick Bison's Shop. Perhaps you want to buy something from there?

[ ] Time to do some more advertising of Honey's business.

[ ] Looks like Oryx will out here teaching you how to read, let's see how well that goes. 1/4.

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Flickies' Island. You remember that night Mighty told you about his dreams, and at the possibility that there might be people stuck in places where those giant rings on the small island may have sent them. Unable to get that out of your head, you can't help but feel the need to help them find they're way back home, wherever they are. There seems to be some activity by Eggman on the island. Starts a new Adventure!
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] It seems that beyond the mountain, there are still places that Eggman has invaded and have been untouched. Perhaps you should pay those places a visit, especially since those places are still homes to some of the population of South Island. Starts a new Adventure!
Perhaps you'd like to immediately start on a new Adventure? Run as free as the wind and see where it brings you, let the excitement of exploration and danger take hold! (None of the characters out of the current cast want to (Honey, Porker) or can (Johnny) accompany you, nor do you currently have any Freedom Fighters)

[ ] Write-in.
Perhaps you have some of your own ideas on what you want to do?

Ally Projects
Honey the Cat accessories:
[ ] Slicker Gloves and Shoes (gives +1 to Charisma rolls towards characters that would be affected by your "cool" factor). 2500 rings.

[ ] Write-in. Perhaps you'd like to ask one of your friends about a possible project?

Freedom Fighters
You have 0 RP
You must spend 1 action here unless you have set someone else in charge of the week.

[ ] Where to send your Freedom Fighters? (Check the Freedom Fighters Character Sheets on all the ones available to you)
-[ ] External Missions.
--[ ] Take some time to rid of the Badniks in Green Hill Zone. 0/2.
--[ ] There are no Badniks left in Marble Zone.
--[ ] There are no Badniks left in Spring Yard Zone.
--[ ] Take some time to rid of the Badniks in Labyrinth Zone. 0/2
--[ ] There are no Badniks left in Star Light Zone.
--[ ] Take some time to rid of the Badniks in Scrap Brain Zone. 0/3.
-[ ] Internal Missions.
--[ ] Guard Duty at Victory Bridge. Gain 1 RP. Has a medium 1d100 encounter rate.
--[ ] The Ghost of Mystic Cave. Apparently there's some sort of ghost, whatever that is, that's causing trouble over in Mystic Cave Zone. The Miners there will pay you to get rid of it. Gain 3 RP.
--[ ] Errand Boy. Radio Utopia is currently having some supply issues at the moment, get some folks to carry stuff over there. Gain 1 RP for each person put on it, can be done to a maximum of 3 RP. Has a small 1d100 encounter rate, goes up with the more people that are put on it.
--[ ] The Lone Badnik of Hill Top. Apparently somehow a Badnik has slipped the cracks and made it all the way to Hill Top Zone, the people of that area will pay to get that thing rid off. Gain 2 RP.
-[ ] Bounties.
--[ ] Looks like nobody is willing to stir up trouble at the moment.
-[ ] Standby. With no Specialized Rooms around, the people here will put 1 point to a random skill or stat.
-[ ] Write-in.
You must always put 1 action towards this, unless you have pawned the Freedom Fighters to someone else for this week. The ordering of all your Freedom Fighters only counts a single action from you. It also must be made in plan format, other actions aren't to be in that plan.
It is always good to have a few on Standby, in case of Sudden Events like Badniks taking over a town or a natural disaster.
For the Write-in, perhaps you heard of rumours that you can send your Freedom FIghters to collect information on, or maybe there's this one special task that you need doing?
You can establish multiple Freedom Fighters on one task, getting them to work together, but always keep in mind that some Mobians just might not get along.
Each individual Freedom Fighter only has 1 action per week.

[ ] Buildings.
-[ ] West Side Island (Casino Night Zone).
--[ ] Upgrade to Lv. 2 Main Building. The Slightly Better Shack. Allows for 2 specialised rooms. Ups Expenses by 10. Costs 20 RP to build.
--[ ] Upgrade to Lv. 3 Main Building. An Actual Normal-Looking Building. Allows for 4 specialised rooms. Ups Expenses by 20. Costs 40 RP to build.
--[ ] Create a Specialized room for your Lv. 1 Main Building. You can only have 1.
---[ ] Acrobatics Room (Acrobatics, Climbing, Jumping). Only goes up to +4 in a skill and 14 in a stat. Ups a random skill or stat by 1 point when a Freedom Fighter is here on Standby. Costs 5 RP to build.
---[ ] Strength Room (Strength, Throwing, Lifting). Only goes up to +4 in a skill and 14 in a stat. Ups a random skill or stat by 1 point when a Freedom Fighter is here on Standby. Cost 5 RP to build.
---[ ] Melee Combat Room (Unarmed, Melee Weapons, Weird Weapons). Only goes up to +4 in a skill and 14 in a stat. Ups a random skill or stat by 1 point when a Freedom Fighter is here on Standby. Costs 5 RP to build.
---[ ] Ranged Combat Room. (Ranged Weapons, Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons, Heavy Ranged Weapons. Weird Weapons). Only goes up to +4 in a skill and 14 in a stat. Ups a random skill or stat by 1 point when a Freedom Fighter is here on Standby. Costs 5 RP to build.
---[ ] Write-In. Perhaps you want a room for a specific skill or stat to up? Or a different category of many skills? Depending on what it is will change the cost and difficulty to make it.
-[ ] South Island is unavailable to put buildings in.
Due the tough months the Islands have suffered under Eggman's rule, the best building they can make is at Lv. 3.

[ ] Upgrade Unarmed Combat Weapons (Brass Knuckles, Steel-Toed Boots, etc.) = 25 RP.
[ ] Upgrade Melee Weapons (Swords, Spears, etc.) = 50 RP.
[ ] Upgrade Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons (Bows, Slings, etc.) = 50 RP.
[ ] Upgrade Ranged Weapons (Pistols, Sniper Rifles, etc.) = 50 RP.
[ ] Upgrade Heavy Ranged Weapons (Bazookas, Flamethrowers, etc.) = 75 RP.
[ ] Upgrade Weird Weapons (These are untraditional weapons, as such you put RP into individual ones when you get a Freedom Fighter who can use them).
-[ ] Three-Section Staff (Alfred) = 25 RP.

[ ] Buy certain items and equipment for your Freedom Fighters to carry. Instead of a single buy, it'd instead be a Monthly Expense.
-[ ] As of current, you have no connections in order to do so.

[ ] If you're busy, you can lend the Freedom Fighters off to someone else for this week.
-[ ] Currently, none of your friends are likely to do so, but you do have Freedom Fighters to pawn this off to... If you can trust them. Though Toll thinks he might be up to the task if you ever thrust it upon him.
This costs no actions.

At the start of every Month you get Expenses that deduct your RP, you currently have: 6 RP Expense.

Every three Months, you get new Freedom Fighters to recruit, at the start of these Months: August, November, February, May.

[ ] Write-in.
Perhaps you want to interact with an individual Freedom Fighter, or stop an internal fight?

Free Events/Information

Now that Spring Yard Zone is free, Mayor Tony is taking the lead to getting people back there. Oddly enough he still hasn't found anything about where you come from, but perhaps the documents now available in Spring Yard Zone might help?
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[X] With Porker out on a morning walk, Johnny is here making some food, it seems like this is the perfect time to finally talk to him.
[X] [X] Looks like Oryx will out here teaching you how to read, let's see how well that goes. 1/4.

The Johnny talk is a must at this point. And I kinda want to learn how to read fast, for us to go in adventures without being illiterate, so using two actions to get this done faster.

[X] Plan Humble Beginnings
-[X] External Missions
--[X] Take some time to rid of the Badniks in Green Hill Zone. 0/2. (Charlotte)
--[X] Take some time to rid of the Badniks in Scrap Brain Zone. 0/3. (Static)
-[X] Internal Missions
--[X] Guard Duty at Victory Bridge. Gain 1 RP. Has a medium 1d100 encounter rate. (Whiz)
--[X] The Ghost of Mystic Cave. Apparently there's some sort of ghost, whatever that is, that's causing trouble over in Mystic Cave Zone. The Miners there will pay you to get rid of it. Gain 3 RP. (Alfred, Ander Son)
--[X] Errand Boy. Radio Utopia is currently having some supply issues at the moment, get some folks to carry stuff over there. Gain 1 RP for each person put on it, can be done to a maximum of 3 RP. Has a small 1d100 encounter rate, goes up with the more people that are put on it. (Snap, Coco, Cody)
--[X] The Lone Badnik of Hill Top. Apparently somehow a Badnik has slipped the cracks and made it all the way to Hill Top Zone, the people of that area will pay to get that thing rid off. Gain 2 RP. (Karlos, Patia)

I don't think we need to worry about sudden events too much now, because there's no sign of Eggman doing shit so far. Charlotte and Static are to keep clearing the island while we take this time off. Whiz is a meh unit, but I doubt anyone will wish to fuck with the penguin armed with a rocket launcher. This ghost thing seems like just what Ander Son is made to do, and Alfred will follow suit to help. The child trio will help with the task of getting things cleared -maybe even making friendship -and Patia and Karlos will fuck the Hill Top Badnik.
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I like it. We're at -6 RP per turn, and it'll be months before we get in new recruits. They're not even useful in direct engagements yet, they won't survive the gauntlet if we bring them along on the rescue mission.

Does Static know any poor unfortunate souls she's willing to cover for in exchange for cheap labor? In these trying times, it's hardly a crime.
[X] Plan Humble Beginnings
-[X] External Missions
--[X] Take some time to rid of the Badniks in Green Hill Zone. 0/2. (Charlotte)
--[X] Take some time to rid of the Badniks in Scrap Brain Zone. 0/3. (Static)
-[X] Internal Missions
--[X] Guard Duty at Victory Bridge. Gain 1 RP. Has a medium 1d100 encounter rate. (Whiz)
--[X] The Ghost of Mystic Cave. Apparently there's some sort of ghost, whatever that is, that's causing trouble over in Mystic Cave Zone. The Miners there will pay you to get rid of it. Gain 3 RP. (Alfred, Ander Son)
--[X] Errand Boy. Radio Utopia is currently having some supply issues at the moment, get some folks to carry stuff over there. Gain 1 RP for each person put on it, can be done to a maximum of 3 RP. Has a small 1d100 encounter rate, goes up with the more people that are put on it. (Snap, Coco, Cody)
--[X] The Lone Badnik of Hill Top. Apparently somehow a Badnik has slipped the cracks and made it all the way to Hill Top Zone, the people of that area will pay to get that thing rid off. Gain 2 RP. (Karlos, Patia)

[X] With Porker out on a morning walk, Johnny is here making some food, it seems like this is the perfect time to finally talk to him.
[X] [X] Looks like Oryx will out here teaching you how to read, let's see how well that goes. 1/4.