Second Week of August #4
The Pun-isher (Official Meme Wizard)
- Location
- United Kingdom
[X] Plan Fuck off Piss-Poor Dice and Becoming a Good Boss
-[X] 1 point in Strength! (10 points)
-[X] Acquire the Leadership skill at +0! (3 points)
-[X] Acquire the Fast-Talk skill at +0! (3 points)
-[X] Improve Brawling to +4! (4 points)
-[X] Acquire the Diplomacy skill at -2! (1 point)
-[X] 1 point in Strength! (10 points)
-[X] Acquire the Leadership skill at +0! (3 points)
-[X] Acquire the Fast-Talk skill at +0! (3 points)
-[X] Improve Brawling to +4! (4 points)
-[X] Acquire the Diplomacy skill at -2! (1 point)
Strength has gone up to 11!
Leadership has been obtained and has gone up to +0!
Fast-Talk has been obtained and has gone up to +0
Brawling has gone up to +4!
Diplomacy has been obtained and has gone up to -2!
[X] Static crosses her eyes at Ander Son, sizing him up as she thinks on the match ahead, though the latter very much doesn't notice it at the moment.
[X] "Hello, miss sunshine and shocks! Getting ready for your fight?"
-[X] "Tell me, from what island you came from? I didn't have much time to, er, make a tour with all the Eggman stuff. And I suppose it's the work of a boss to know about his subordinates...I think."
-[X] "Hey, don't laugh! Still getting the hang on this Freedom Fighter thing...Ah, how I wish Johnny was here."
-[X] "Anyway, good luck with, Ander Son. Power aside, dude seems to know what he's doing."
[X] "Hello, miss sunshine and shocks! Getting ready for your fight?"
-[X] "Tell me, from what island you came from? I didn't have much time to, er, make a tour with all the Eggman stuff. And I suppose it's the work of a boss to know about his subordinates...I think."
-[X] "Hey, don't laugh! Still getting the hang on this Freedom Fighter thing...Ah, how I wish Johnny was here."
-[X] "Anyway, good luck with, Ander Son. Power aside, dude seems to know what he's doing."
"Hello, miss sunshine and shocks! Getting ready for your fight?"
She jumps a little in surprise. "Weren't you just over there-"
"Yeah I know, got fast legs." It's still fun to see people surprised by your speed. "Say, tell me, which island do you come from? I didn't have much time to, er, make a tour with all the Eggman stuff going on. And I suppose it's the work of a boss to know about his subordinates... I think." On the other hand, the boss part is certainly the one thing you feel most weirdest to at the moment.
She laughs at that. "You think?"
"Hey, don't laugh! Still getting the hang on this Freedom Fighter thing...Ah, how I wish Johnny was here." Johnny would be able to handle this far better than you can.
"Well..." She starts. "Got held back by my stupid family. Only just recently was able to kick all their assess just to even be part of this Freedom Fighter thing." A grumpy look to her face as she says that.
Now that's something you've gotta question. "Held back?"
"Yeah it's..." Static tugs at one of her antennae, trying to think on how to say this. "Ah screw it. You've my new boss now right? One I can actually respect for once. Yeah I come from South Island, part of a... Family mafia."
"Mafia?" A word you do not recognize.
She stops momentarily at you saying that before continuing. "Pft right, right, caveman." Okay now you definitely know that's some kind of insult. "Criminal family, don't abide by laws, and there's a ton of us around. Or, well, were before Eggman decided to show up. Everyone ran and had to practically drag me away from fighting that Egg, but I could've beaten him black and blue if they just let me go!" You aren't usually the type to think "realistically" when it comes to people's chances in dangerous situations, given what you did yourself, but right now having judged their forms earlier... No, they wouldn't. Most of them could beat Eggman's machines and himself straight up, but one lava pitfall or pillar smashing down or pit of spikes... "But now after beating every single one in duels, I can finally do whatever I want for myself! And that speech you did last week..."
You smile as you see the giddy look on her face. "Welcome aboard then, Static."
"Hell yeah." She holds a fist up to you, waiting for your own. You oblige. "Oh by the way. If I die they'll all come after you."
Wait what!?
But before you can say anything about that you here a voice from the impromptu stage. "You ready?"
Karlos seems to be the one who said that, as he stands in front of Patia awaiting her answer.
"Ready as I'll ever be darlin'." She pops her hat up slightly with her gun to show her face, a wink towards Karlos.
"Just get ready to invest getting those clothes fixed, cuz I'm about to put a hole in them." He quips at her, but in a manner that surprises Karlos she starts to blush.
"Oh my. A hole in me? I didn't know you were that excited." Snorts and giggles is thrown by almost everyone here watching.
But Karlos ultimately doesn't seem to be staggered by this, as he then copies Patia's mannerisms. "Oh my. I didn't know you were that easy." Culminating in a smirk on his face after he says that. "20 paces, shoot at the same time, first to get hit loses, right? Anyone in the crowd wanna do the honours of counting down from 3?"
"Sure!" You yell out.
"Get ready to have your ass on the ground, sugar." Patia gets the final word between the two.
Well, it's good to see the two hitting it off at least. Or at least you think this is what "hitting it off" looks like.
20 steps they walk from each other, as you go on to countdown. Only showing their backs to each other.
Patia uses Fast-Draw at +2, needing a 12 to succeed #3d6 = (1+3+2) 6. Success by 6!
Karlos uses Fast-Draw at +3, needing a 14 to succeed #3d6 = (2+1+6) 9. Success by 5!
Patia gets to shoot first!
Patia shoots at Karlos #3d6 = (5+6+6) 17. Critical Failure!
Critical Miss Table #3d6 = (4+4+1) 9. Since Patia's weapon is a cheap weapon, it breaks!
Patia manages to turn around first, as she pulls up the gun just slightly faster than Karlos can! She points... And shoots!
But as she does so... The gun explodes in her hand! Smoke covering her field of view!
Karlos shoots at Patia #3d6 = (6+3+1) 10. Success!
Karlos: 5/6 bullets.
Due to the rules stated earlier, Patia will not be able to dodge!
Roll for damage for Patia #2d6-1 = (3+3-1) 5 Damage.
Patia Scarlet: 5/10HP.
HT roll to not get stunned after half of Patia's health was taken in one attack #3d6 = (1+2+6) 9. Success!
Karlos wins!
BANG! A shot is heard as Patia falls, holding her stomach. But before she fully falls she manages to put a foot up, stopping her descent. Blood flowing from the bullet wound.
"Karlos wins!" You manage to say, the sudden explosion and breaking of Patia's gun having managed to take you and everyone else by surprise.
"Yikes, now that's just unlucky." You hear Static say to herself.
"This sucks... So much..." Patia speaks as Karlos goes to her and holds her up with her shoulder around her.
"Damn though. Pretty sure you were about to shoot me first there." Karlos remarks to her.
But Patia can only look frustrated at that, sighing to herself in defeat and slight humiliation.
Karlos scratches at his cheek. "...I can buy you a new one after this whole thing is over, my treat."
And just like that, all that defeat and humiliation from her face has gone away, only a slight smirk can be seen as she tries to hide that from Karlos.
"Nice dream hot stud, mind going somewhere with me once this is over?"
Huh, you guess Patia really did get what she wanted after all.
"Well then." Static stands up, just laughing at the whole ordeal. "It's about time I get to my own match with the teleporting dude, see ya boss."
You wave her off. "See ya good luck with, Ander Son. Power aside, dude seems to know what he's doing."
"Don't care if he doesn't like it, Anderson seems a heck more easier to say." And with that, she's off towards the stage...
Wait, you didn't get to question her about her family possibly coming after you!
[ ] Cody and Snap seem to be sharing their own experiences with the people they know. (Coco and Whiz)
[ ] Charlotte takes some time to talk with Alfred, having changed their topic to the old war.
[ ] Patia sits right beside Karlos, seemingly not letting him go to anyone else.
[ ] Whiz sits silently alone, Snap having gone to Cody to talk to them.
[ ] Coco watches the fight intensely, wanting to take it all in.
-[ ] Write-in.
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