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The path you choose will determine the legacy of the Magi Ætheric.
The Machine God awaits your decision.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 6, 2024 at 2:20 PM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

First, @012345 you were right, I messed up the dates, the quest starts in the Millenium of the GC.

Second, I messed up the vote, The First Ward won by 8 Votes not 4, didn't start the vote counter right away.

Third, I will either have the chapter tonight or tomorrow.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 6, 2024 at 10:09 PM, finished with 34 posts and 25 votes.

Research: 42
Khororhoth threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Research Total: 42
42 42
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 7, 2024 at 10:36 PM, finished with 41 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Prepare The Seals and Incense
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (1/3)
    -[X] [Military] Create Checkpoints
    -[X] [Military] Construct the Vaults
    [X] Plan: Slow build up and empathy
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
    -[X] [Military] Create Checkpoints
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    --[X] Rites of Empathy
    [X] Plan: No Rush, Research!
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (3/3)
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    --[X] Rites of Communion
    [X] Plan: Holy research and papers please
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (3/3)
    -[X] [Military] Create Checkpoints
    [X] Plan: Slow build up and Making Allies
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Cybernetica)
    -[X] [Military] Create Checkpoints
    [X] Plan: Allies and Empathy
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Cybernetica)
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    --[X] Rites of Empathy
    [X] Plan: Allies and Communion
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Cybernetica)
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    --[X] Rites of Communion
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 8, 2024 at 9:03 PM, finished with 27 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan: An Ally, and Invaluable Research
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    -- [X] Legio Cybernetica
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Communion
    [X] Station and Rites
    [X] Plan: Allies and Empathy
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    -- [X] Legio Cybernetica
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    [X] Station and Rites
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Communion
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    [X]Plan: Allies and research
    -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    -- [X] Genetor
    -- [X] Legio Cybernetica

Research: 21
Khororhoth threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Research Total: 21
21 21
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Vote Closed
Okay, RL has come knocking on my door and I have something to do later. So I will be closing the vote now and give you the chapter early.
May the Machine God bless your computers.
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 9, 2024 at 9:29 PM, finished with 24 posts and 19 votes.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 10, 2024 at 4:45 PM, finished with 51 posts and 31 votes.

Research Geiger: 1
Research Scope: 85
Khororhoth threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Research Total: 86
1 1 85 85
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 11, 2024 at 7:45 PM, finished with 31 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan Shore Up and Roll Out
    -[X] [Research] Enhance the Wards' Capabilities
    --[X] Strength
    --[X] Durability
    -[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars
    [X] Plan Strengthen Barriers, Moar Allies, Then War
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[x] The Skitarius
    -[X] [Research] Enhance the Wards' Capabilities
    --[X] Strength
    -[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars
    [X] Plan Tools of Empathy and Destruction
    -[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    --[X] Rites of Empathy
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    --[X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
    [X] Plan Armies and Conquest
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[x] The Skitarius
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Starlit Observationis
    -[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars
    [X] Plan: Just one more turn of building up
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Starlit Observationis
    -[X] [Research] Enhance the Wards' Capabilities
    --[X] Durability
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    --[X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)

Research Strenght: 37
Research Durability: 49

Edit: Well ladies and gents, it seems that I'm in charge of making dinner today.
So expect the update way later down the line today.
Khororhoth threw 2 100-faced dice. Total: 86
37 37 49 49
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 12, 2024 at 9:35 PM, finished with 48 posts and 33 votes.

  • [X] Plan: They got MUCH harder then Tactical Dreadnought Armour (Terminator Armor)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Explorator
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
    [X] Plan: Stepping up the Research
    [X] Plan: I Spy with my little eye, Warded Voidships and an Need-to-be-Explored Sea of Stars
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Starlit Observationis
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
    [X] Plan: Mars Expansion While Peace Reigns
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Infrastructure (0/3)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Explorator
    --[X] Munitoria Logis
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    [X]Plan: The Labor of Flesh
    [X] Plan: Infrastructure build up and logistics
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Infrastructure (0/3) x3
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standards
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Munitoria Logis
    [X] Plan: Castellum and Research
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Research Domes (0/3)x2
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
    [X] Plan: All in on machine spirits.
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    --[X] Rite Overhauling (0/2) x2
    --[X] Rite of Manifestation (0/2) x2
    [X] Plan: To boldly go
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Starlit Observationis
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Explorator
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standards
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    - [X] Rites of Empathy
    [X] Plan: They got MUCH harder then Tactical Dreadnought Armour

Research Empathy: 44
Research Voidships: 90
Research Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery: 35
Khororhoth threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Research Total: 169
44 44 90 90 35 35
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Vote closed
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 14, 2024 at 10:20 PM, finished with 29 posts and 21 votes.