Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 6, 2024 at 10:09 PM, finished with 34 posts and 25 votes.
[X] Plan: Research is holy yes, but fuck chaos is holier
-[x] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (1/3)
-[X] [Research] Enhance the Wards' Capabilities
--[X] Streamlined Crafting
-[X] [Military] Ward Combat Applications
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 7, 2024 at 10:36 PM, finished with 41 posts and 20 votes.
[X] Plan: Prepare The Seals and Incense -[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (1/3) -[X][Military] Create Checkpoints
-[X] [Military] Construct the Vaults
[X] Plan: Slow build up and empathy
-[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3) -[X][Military] Create Checkpoints
-[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
--[X] Rites of Empathy
[X] Plan: No Rush, Research!
-[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (3/3)
-[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
--[X] Rites of Communion
[X] Plan: Slow build up and Making Allies
-[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
-[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Cybernetica) -[X][Military] Create Checkpoints
[X] Plan: Allies and Empathy
-[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
-[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Cybernetica)
-[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
--[X] Rites of Empathy
[X] Plan: Allies and Communion
-[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
-[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Cybernetica)
-[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
--[X] Rites of Communion
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 8, 2024 at 9:03 PM, finished with 27 posts and 20 votes.
[X] Plan: An Ally, and Invaluable Research
-[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
-[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
-- [X] Legio Cybernetica
-[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
-- [X] Rites of Communion
[X] Plan: Allies and Empathy
-[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
-[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
-- [X] Legio Cybernetica
-[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
-- [X] Rites of Empathy
[X] Station and Rites
-[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
-[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
-- [X] Rites of Communion
-- [X] Rites of Empathy
[X]Plan: Allies and research
-[X] [General] Establish an Empyric Research Station (2/3)
-[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
-- [X] Genetor
-- [X] Legio Cybernetica
Okay, RL has come knocking on my door and I have something to do later. So I will be closing the vote now and give you the chapter early.
May the Machine God bless your computers.
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 9, 2024 at 9:29 PM, finished with 24 posts and 19 votes.
[X] Security Pacts: Protection of Sacred Knowledge
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 11, 2024 at 7:45 PM, finished with 31 posts and 21 votes.
[X] Plan Shore Up and Roll Out
-[X] [Research] Enhance the Wards' Capabilities
--[X] Strength
--[X] Durability
-[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars
[X] Plan Strengthen Barriers, Moar Allies, Then War
-[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
--[x] The Skitarius
-[X] [Research] Enhance the Wards' Capabilities
--[X] Strength
-[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars
[X] Plan Tools of Empathy and Destruction
-[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars
-[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
--[X] Rites of Empathy
-[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
--[X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
[X] Plan Armies and Conquest
-[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
--[x] The Skitarius
-[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
--[X] Starlit Observationis
-[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars
[X] Plan: Just one more turn of building up
-[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
--[X] Starlit Observationis
-[X] [Research] Enhance the Wards' Capabilities
--[X] Durability
-[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
--[X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 12, 2024 at 9:35 PM, finished with 48 posts and 33 votes.
[X] Plan: They got MUCH harder then Tactical Dreadnought Armour (Terminator Armor) -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?) --[X] Explorator -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul -- [X] Rites of Empathy -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
[X] Plan: I Spy with my little eye, Warded Voidships and an Need-to-be-Explored Sea of Stars -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum --[X] Starlit Observationis -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul -- [X] Rites of Empathy -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
[X] Plan: Castellum and Research -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
--[X] Research Domes (0/3)x2 -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
[X] Plan: All in on machine spirits. -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
--[X] Rite Overhauling (0/2) x2
--[X] Rite of Manifestation (0/2) x2
[X] Plan: To boldly go -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum --[X] Starlit Observationis -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?) --[X] Explorator
-[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standards -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
- [X] Rites of Empathy