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@Khororhoth Assuming this project goes well, would the Explorators likely be interested in another joint project after some number of turns? I agree the Gardens seem like a later-game project, but the Language seems relatively quickly feasible and incredibly useful.
Okay, I will clarify the Joint Projects.
You see, the issue with joint projects is not that you won't be unlocking it in the future, you will. The issue is how much AP and time to stress test the prototypes you will have. Because you won't have the resources, experiences, and secret details for streamlining the Process.
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[X] The Spectral Language Initiative

After a lot of thinking, I've settled on this option, as it provides more unique benefits that we might have trouble replicating normally.

While the Empyric Mapping Arrays are incredibly important to develop, there's nothing stopping us from discovering the necessary technologies on our own with the current available actions.

The Spectral Language Initiative, however, is more esoteric in its concept. Its ramifications do not end at the technology itself either; it can dent the xenophobia (which I assume pre-dates the Imperium) as well as the understandable, but scientifically and epistemologically harmful, caution and conservatism of the Mechanicum's Quest for Knowledge.
[X] The Spectral Language Initiative

The Void Abacus is already a thing for us to find and it's apparently not even all that rare of a thing either.

It also sounds like this option would boost our attempts to understand any void Abaci we might find.
[X] Empyric Mapping Arrays
[X] The Spectral Language Initiative

Both of these choices would benefit us a good bit. On one hand allowing for easier navigation of the Warp is a big boon already, and even if it doesn't replace the need for Navigators alone it should still make it so that ships get lost less and hopefully give Chaos less room to maneuver down the line.

On the other hand, being able to understand Xeno-tech easier would also greatly benefit us, and would let us deal with Eldar and Necron tech sorcery easier (and just a reminder, there is a Void Dragon shard right beneath our feet, which means that SLI would hopefully let us find its cage easier and warn us NOT TO FUCKING OPEN IT)! And for those who don't want to work with Xeno-tech, it also works on DAOT tech, so there's that.
You guys got in the vote almost all that is needed to start the project right away, you just need the Odservationis for the Raw-Data.

Okay, I will clarify the Joint Projects.
You see, the issue with joint projects is not that you won't be unlocking it in the future, you will. The issue is how much AP and time to stress test the prototypes you will have. Because you won't have the resources, experiences, and secret details for streamlining the Process.
Do these two together mean that we can get the Empyric Mapping Arrays soon without the joint project? Because if so The Spectral Language Initiative seems like a higher priority for a joint project, as its not something we are working on on our own
Do these two together mean that we can get the Empyric Mapping Arrays soon without the joint project?
To put it simple, the Joint Project, after One turn of the Observationis collecting data, looks like this:
[ ] [General] Empyric Mapping Arrays (0/2)

Without the Joint Project, after Three turns of the Observationis collecting data, looks like this:
[ ] [Research] Empyric Mapping Arrays Prototypes (0/2)
[ ] [Research] Empyric Mapping Arrays Streamlining (0/2)
[ ] [General] Integrate Empyric Mapping Arrays (0/2)
Procession of 12 New
The chamber was vast.

Everything was still. Everything was cold.

The chamber was old.

There were signs of battle/struggle/VICTORY! just few years old.

The chamber was full of machinery older than many civilizations.

Then there was change. A movement/noise as a gate high as hills are tall began to open.

The procession of Faithfull have entered.

It was not cautious. It was not quiet.

The procession had tools/arms/gifts of Divine a plenty. It had sounds of Prayer shouted from lips/speakers to declare to World.

They came to reclaim/repair/heal that what was stolen/broken/WRONG.

It was twelve Adepts.

For number is Holy.

Each leading twelve Servitors.

For number is Holy.

Each fallowed by twelve Servo-skulls of Faithfull.

For number is Holy.

For their mission is Holy/RIGHT.

And it just started.

Twelve times they journeyed throught chamber visiting each machine.

Each time leaving behind trail of incense to calm Spirits of Machines even as eyes/sensors didnt move from needles of Warp Geigers to seek out any taint left behind.

For number is Holy.

Only after such pilgrimage was finished did they move to first machine up close.

And so they checked its records for what it was. What is its task. And what ills it.

And so Motive Force gave them answer First.

Then they queried Machines Spirit for what it was. What is its task. And what ills it.

And as Omnissiah decried it answered Second.

Finaly they look at it with their own senses and reasoned for what it was. What is its task. And what ills it.

And so Machine God enlighted them closer to Divine.

The work was meticulous as each Machine was examined if it can be brought to back to its function.

And so they cheered for its return from being Lost.

If it broken beyond their means to right and so will have its crude matter recast in another shape.

And so they grieved and Prayed for Machine Spirit to be reborn into new life.

Or if Demons passage left it to twisted even after its banishment to let it exist.

And so they wept and let World know their Hatred as they broke what remained to deny Heresy any hold over anything.

Thus do we invoke the Machine God.
Thus do we make whole that which was sundered.

The true work began as they started repairing what was left.

To bring new life and purpose to Machines older then their Order.

To not just bring them back to what was in past.

But to guard them for future.

To each be taken into their parts.

And for each part to be incribed.

With Wards of Protection.

So they are safe from Empyreal.

With Words of Hatred.

So that Demon will knows Pain.

With Words of their Purpose.

So that Machine will always Remember what it is.

Lines of Inscribtions fallowing from parts input to its output.

So that Motive Force will empower them.

All Warded.

From smallest cable and bolt.

Up to entire Machine when assembled back.

So that Heretical will find no hold in future.

As it should be.

The soul of the Machine God surrounds thee.
The power of the Machine God invests thee.
The hate of the Machine God drives thee.
The Machine God endows thee with life.

AN. So basicaly I thought how would our guys go over industrial areas that after Conquest were for sure set aside for their own use even as other bigger Factions would gobble most of stuff that was taken from Conquest.

And that how it ended.
Material Studies New
Material Studies

One thing was quickly becoming clear to the Empyric Engineers. Their work was only truly starting. The dangers of the warp were manifold and would not wait for them. There was so much work that needed to be done.

It was their goal to find ways to not only overcome the madness of the immaterial, but to conquer it and wield it. To impose the logic of the machine guard upon its chaos and channel that infinite possibility into something more constructive. For now though they needed ways to actually reliably do so. Means by which to safely access that power. The tools to build the tools so to speak.

There in lay the issue. The warp was a corrupting and destructive force. It twisted and violated materials that it came into contact with. The campaign into the depths of Mars had proven that much. The dread AI was proof that the empyrean could twist machinery in all manner of ways. To say nothing of the other machines created. Daemon possessed automatons had rushed their lines blasting scrap code and shifting in unnatural ways. Moving like beasts and crazed berserkers in a way that should have been impossible with their original design and programming.

They needed a way to counteract the corruption. Their current ward schematics were useful, but in the long-term would be insufficient. Battle gave far too many opportunities for such to happen. With that in mind, they had begun work on new psy tools and machinery. It was proving to be difficult however due to the aforementioned issues.

They needed a way to better overcome the corruption of the warp without being overly reliant on the warding. Gellar fields were useful but needed time to produce and deploy. They also ran the risk of mechanical failures common in advanced devices. No what they required was something more expensive yet simple to use. Something that could be widespread throughout their forces with minimal maintenance requirements.

So they had arrived at their conclusion that they required better materials. Something that they could use to fend off the predation of the impossible energies.

First and foremost was the need for resistance to the Warp. A material that could be used to protect against witchcraft and the passive influence of lingering energies. Something that would let them act within contaminated areas with succumbing. Ideally without the need for the ward designs though they of course be incorporated.

This could not be taken too far though. Many of their devices worked by measuring or exploiting some piece of the warp. They could not afford for the energies of the Immaterium to be pushed away like that. To say nothing of effects on sensitive devices like Warp Drives. Perhaps cogitators could be encased in such materials to protect against scrap code. Or layered armor with the wards hidden below an outer shell.

The vaunted phase iron could be a starting point for this research.

Secondly they needed materials that could channel the energies. Like how a circuit channels of electricity they needed a way to safely control the impossible energies. Tie them to principles of the material to make them predictable and measurable. This would be essential in the construction of devices harnessing the energies.

Such a material with the warding schematic engraved within could be very potent indeed. The wards themselves were psychic phenomena and could not be inhibited. Though it could also become hazardous if it became infected with passive corruption. They will need to find a balance between its ability of the channel energy, and yet contain it safely in predictable manners.

Perhaps examination of electro weaponry could yield some insights. The entire principle behind such devices was to channel large amounts of energy safely in a controlled manner.

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