.... is Buffy the PC? She is friends with the PC's friend. And whatever Grout's doing to her might explain the PC's unnaturally fast rise in vampiric power.
Wait..... wasn't the whole deal with the PC because of Caine? If Buffy is the PC, wouldn't that mean that by extension Grout is actually Caine?
Wait..... wasn't the whole deal with the PC because of Caine? If Buffy is the PC, wouldn't that mean that by extension Grout is actually Caine?

No, the PC is so powerful because they're 8th generation, but everyone simply assumes that they're 13th generation because they're a fledgling, newly Embraced.
Wait..... wasn't the whole deal with the PC because of Caine? If Buffy is the PC, wouldn't that mean that by extension Grout is actually Caine?
No, Caine was manipulating the PC but there's no evidence he made them stronger.
No, the PC is so powerful because they're 8th generation, but everyone simply assumes that they're 13th generation because they're a fledgling, newly Embraced.
Is that what happened? Where was that indicated?
Because our sire sure went down like a chump for a seventh generation vampire and it's still mind-boggling that the PC could take down guys like the sheriff within a month or so of being turned even so.
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Hmm... Well... Interesting discussions. And predictions. I look forward to the reactions for the next couple scenes.
Is that what happened? Where was that indicated?
Because our sire sure went down like a chump for a seventh generation vampire and it's still mind-boggling that the PC could take down guys like the sheriff within a month or so of being turned even so.

Look at the PC's blood pool. No 13th generation vampire starts out with a pool capacity of 15 blood points. You need to be 8th generation to start out with that many.
Look at the PC's blood pool. No 13th generation vampire starts out with a pool capacity of 15 blood points. You need to be 8th generation to start out with that many.
That makes sense. I never paid too much attention to it because a lot stuff in gameplay is slightly different from the pen and paper version, including basics like how vampires heal, so I can't take that as definite proof but it's suggestive.
No, the PC is so powerful because they're 8th generation, but everyone simply assumes that they're 13th generation because they're a fledgling, newly Embraced.

You do realize that if the PC was 8th generation, it's probably not from his Sire right? Caine can artificially raise someones generation, and if the PC's sire was 7th generation they wouldn't have gone down like they did.

Which points towards Caine being responsible for the PC's strength.
You do realize that if the PC was 8th generation, it's probably not from his Sire right? Caine can artificially raise someones generation, and if the PC's sire was 7th generation they wouldn't have gone down like they did.

Which points towards Caine being responsible for the PC's strength.
And of course why a certain camarilla member later loses the ability to domiante the PC
You do realize that if the PC was 8th generation, it's probably not from his Sire right? Caine can artificially raise someones generation, and if the PC's sire was 7th generation they wouldn't have gone down like they did.

Which points towards Caine being responsible for the PC's strength.

Lower, not raise. Lower generations are more powerful, higher generations are weaker. Except perhaps Thin-Bloods (14th gen vampires have a 50% chance of being Thin-Blooded, and all 15th gen vampires are Thin-Bloods), since they can do things normally possible only for the very lowest generations.
Lower, not raise. Lower generations are more powerful, higher generations are weaker. Except perhaps Thin-Bloods (14th gen vampires have a 50% chance of being Thin-Blooded, and all 15th gen vampires are Thin-Bloods), since they can do things normally possible only for the very lowest generations.
Ya'll know what I mean.
Not off-hand. I remember running into it on fanfiction.net, but I can't recall the title. The premise was that rather than running away that fateful night, Angelus sired Buffy.

Her Slayer nature fought back against the vampiric Demon, but she still had no soul, so she was a little confused.
It's a little funny. We haven't even reached the point that I had considered the "start of the fic" when I initially came up with the idea for it, and we're about 15-17k words into the fic.

I spent so much time making Samantha into a real character when she was a one-off in the games. Plus, Hank and Joyce... I'm honestly not sure why Lindsey decided to pop up.

Odd author's thoughts at almost 3 AM. Next few scenes are planned.
As a note, you need to chuck threadmarks on both the latest bit, and also the scene where Lindesy (Lint Sea) first shows up.
Also yes good. Hallucination!Spike pointing out that Buffy can't have failed to notice Samantha's crush, and also a few bits here and there have Buffy trying not to notice that she's noticing Samantha.
A Sammy Perspective
I meant to have this done yesterday as a birthday gift from me to you all. But PLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

"Please, my friend is back there. I need to go with you to her…" Samantha spoke with the two guards that had taken her to an employee only area. "She's still with the body that we found, and I don't think she should be alone…"

"I'm sorry Miss, but you need to stay here." The guard offered a consoling look. "My partner will go to assess the situation and retrieve your friend while I dial the police. What did you say her name was again?"

"Buffy… Buffy Summers…. I left her there. She told me that she needed me to go get you. I should go back for her… I don't want to leave her with the…" Samantha's stomach heaved as she remembered the gruesome scene. It wasn't right to leave her there. It just wasn't.

"I'm sure that she'll be fine. Just stay calm while I make this call." Sam didn't even really pay attention to the man's face before he turned away to go make the call; she was too focused on trying to settle her stomach as she worried about Buffy.

Buffy had to be okay. She couldn't be relapsing again, God, did she seriously just leave the girl she l-cared for in an alley with a dead man that could trigger her psychosis again? With the body like that was Buffy going to…? She felt sick. The state of the body had gotten to her, and God, she just wanted to make sure that Buffy was okay now. Why did she listen to the girl? She hadn't wanted to leave Buffy in that alley; she'd wanted to insist that the girl came with her, but all she'd had to do was turn those lovely green eyes on her. Samantha couldn't help but be reassured; Buffy had seemed to know what she was doing, which was odd, considering she'd spent the last six years in an imaginary world in a fucking mental hospital.

God, how could she let those beautiful green eyes just turn her to putty to be molded by the girl's words? Of course, she hadn't wanted to be anywhere near that body. Of course she followed Buffy's direction; it hadn't occurred to her to do anything else.

The body. She shuddered. Who could do something like that to a body? Leave it there dismembered, spread out. Why would anyone do such a thing, and why was Buffy so okay with looking at the scene? Just what was in her hallucinations that made her so adept at looking at a scene like that and just being blasé? She wouldn't be telling Hank or Joyce about this. They'd want to have Buffy taken to the hospital again, and she'd just gotten her friend back. She remembered what it was like the first time Buffy had gotten put away.

Samantha hadn't been able to go to the dance; she'd been sick in the bed with the flu, but she remembered the aftermath. The gymnasium had been burned down and her friend, her best friend had been the prime suspect for arson. Buffy hadn't directly denied the claims that she'd burned down the gym, but then she hadn't needed to. The Summers family lawyer, along with the fact that there was little to no evidence to hold her culpable for the damages managed to keep her friend out of jail.

Of course, the fact that she was the prime suspect was enough to get her expelled from Hemery. Then, add her breakdown the week afterward… Buffy had come to Samantha with her stories about the vampires. She'd told her how they were there, just hiding, biding their time. She'd said that they were "Children of Caine," descendants of the first murderer feeding on humans and it was up to her to stop them. She said that when she died, Sam needed to let her parents know that she was sorry. Of course she'd had to have been delusional, possibly even suicidal. Samantha had been worried about her, so she'd told Hank and Joyce.

With Buffy being possibly suicidal, she had been brought to the hospital, and the night staff had 5150ed her. The look of betrayal on Buffy's face when she next saw Samantha had paled at the vacant look on Samantha's next visit. Sometime during the 72 hour hold, Buffy had fallen into a hallucinatory state. Sunnydale hadn't come right away, but it came after the subsequent two week hold. There had been no choice; her parents had to put her in a facility that could handle her.

It had been her fault then. She wouldn't allow that look of betrayal to come back to her precious friend's face. Buffy would be back soon enough. She had to be sane this time. She couldn't relapse again. She'd made it nearly five months last time, and… Actually, that didn't really make sense. Why hadn't the hospital released her then? What made this time different from the last? Buffy relapsed after nearly five months of lucidity last time… What would cause it this time?

The door to the booth opened up and there she was. Buffy stood looking none the worse for the wear, and oh God, was that worry on her face? No no… Buffy wasn't supposed to be worrying about her. Quickly! She needed to do something about that.

Samantha hugged Buffy when she stepped fully into the booth. "Oh thank God, I was worried about you."

"Sammy, I'm fine. I've… I've seen worse than that." When Samantha released the hug, she noticed Buffy looking slightly away from her eyes for a second before she looked back. "Now, are you okay? You didn't look so hot when you headed off. What you did can't have been easy, Sammy."

God, the body. Samantha fought to get her stomach under control. She needed to put on a braver face for Buffy. Suppressing a groan, Samantha said, "I'll… be fine, Buffy. It's just a lot to…"

Okay, maybe her stomach would be easier to control after she ran to the trash can and released its contents. Gods, the body. She couldn't stop picturing it, and how could Buffy be okay with it? What had Buffy's mind come up with that so inundated her against seeing a body like… like that?

Samantha continued breathing into the trash can, trying to get herself under control as Buffy came to try to calm her down. "It's okay Sammy, let it out. That was an ugly sight… And we're going to have to talk about it soon. It's okay to wig out now, but when the cops get here, we're going to have to talk to them."

She could almost picture the look of disgust on Buffy's face. It was as if she didn't like the police, but then, who could blame her with the events at Hemery? Oh God, that was really a dead person. He was really dead, and the body parts were spread out and everything. Samantha turned to hug onto her friend and started sobbing.

It wasn't right. This was supposed to be their fun day. Buffy was supposed to be spending the entire day doing something with her. Even if she was now closer to her friend than she had been in the past, it wouldn't be right because of the situation. The dead guy… whoever he was, deserved better than that. She wasn't so self-involved as to say that her grief over the ruined day would be worse than the grief of the guy's family when they found out how he died. She sobbed some more. It just wasn't fair. She was getting the chance to make it up to Buffy, and…. And…

A knock came on the side of the booth, followed by the clearing of a male throat, indicating the company. "Sorry, ladies. The police… they're here to take your statements if you think you're ready."

Buffy smiled at the security guard, that same disarming smile she usually used. "Can we have a minute more? My friend, she needs to get all… You know. Talky. Serious-y. That kind of thing."

Samantha let out a small snort into her sob. She didn't know where Buffy got that from.

"See? Just give us a minute…" Buffy was gesturing to Samantha now. "I promise, she'll be out bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Only not so much with the bushy-tail-y bit, and maybe not the bright-eyed bit. After all, there is that dead guy, and well, we need to give the report."

"All right. Just… one minute. Come out soon, ladies." The guard stepped outside, presumably to let the police know.

Once the guard was outside, Buffy pulled Samantha so that she could look her in the eye. "Right, Sammy… Oh, you're a mess. I think I have some tissues in my purse." She pulled them out, and Samantha took them gratefully and began wiping her face. "Now, Sammy, do you want to talk to the police?"

"D-don't we need to? I mean, we saw the b-body, and it was…" Samantha quickly pressed the tissues to her eyes, wiping up the tears.

"We should, but I think… I can keep us from talking to them if you don't want to talk to them." Buffy said with a one-armed shrug. "It's up to you, Sammy. If you don't want to talk, we won't. We'll let them deal with the scene, and we'll just go."

"W-what if they don't want to let us go?" Samantha's mind just kept running over worst case scenarios. Buffy had a history as a juvenile. What if they thought she was the murderer?

"Don't worry about it, Sammy. They can't keep us. We're witnesses, not suspects." Buffy stared off past her head for a second again there. "And if we need to, we'll get out of there fine. Trust me."

Buffy was right, of course, and Samantha couldn't help but wonder how Buffy planned on getting them away from the police if she deemed it necessary. She didn't want… For Buffy's own sake… For the sake of the dead guy…

"Let's talk to the police." Samantha heard herself say. "I-it's the right thing to do, and then we can be done with it…"

Buffy nodded. "All right then."

It wasn't long into the talk with the two officers who had shown up on scene to take their statements that Samantha had begun to regret it. The officers were thorough in their questioning, often repeating the same questions at different times, and Samantha almost felt like she actually was a suspect at some point. Then, after a bit, the two officers switched out for detectives who asked more or less the exact same questions. What time was it when they found the body? What were they doing in the alleyway? Why were they here in this park?

As if it weren't obvious already. The worst part was that the questions kept going back to the body, and Samantha could see that Buffy was perfectly calm answering them. She had decided that she was going to emulate Buffy's attitude, but deep inside, each time Samantha pictured the body, she couldn't help but shudder. It manifested as a quiver in her voice when she spoke about it, and in her sickened tone. It really was horrifying.

Finally, they were done. The sun had finished setting half an hour ago and the detectives had given Buffy and Samantha their cards.

"If you think of anything, ladies. Call that number, and they'll get a message to us." The first detective had said.

"We'll be in touch." The second detective continued. Samantha hadn't bothered to learn their names because she really wanted nothing more to do with any of them. Right now, all she wanted to do was go home.

"Come on Sammy, let's go get the bus…" Buffy grabbed her arm and the two of them made their way out of the pier's park to get down to the street, where they almost were bowled over by someone.

Stumbling to her feet, Samantha found herself mesmerized by the beauty of the girl who had almost knocked them over in a hurry. Like Buffy, she was blonde, but where Buffy had her hair loose, this girl had her hair done up in a set of pigtails. She wore what looked like gothic make-up that highlighted her pale skin. Buffy's skin was a vibrant tan compared to how pale this girl's skin was, and Buffy hadn't had the time to develop a tan with her time in the hospital. The girl's shirt was tied up, baring her midriff and she wore a hiked up business skirt with some pumps.

"Oh, sorry… Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." The girl locked eyes with her. "I hope I wasn't any trouble."

"Oh, no trouble at all, right Buffy?" Samantha said, breaking the eye contact for a second to look at her friend.

Buffy was mouthing something under her breath… "Dover of Joneb?" Whatever, Samantha hadn't really been the best lip-reader. She nudged her friend. "Oh yeah… fine. Look, we're on our way to the bus stop."

"Aww… and without stopping by the Asylum? Two cuties like you would do great there. I'm sure you'd be fine." The girl, no, the woman locked eyes with Samantha again. True, the Asylum had been in the plans for the evening when Samantha had planned the day out. The club was supposed to be hot and pumping, but then that thing happened at the pier.

"We're just a little tired…." Samantha started. "The police were-"

"Oh, you were caught up in that little bit? What's going on there, dead body or something?" The girl looked at Buffy and caught something before smiling. "Yeah, dead body. Okay, you two are coming to the Asylum then. I'm not taking no for an answer. After a day like that, you two need drinks."

Buffy shook her head slightly. "I'm not so sure we should…"

Buffy was right. They really should have been getting home, but a drink did sound very inviting. "I don't know…" Samantha said.

The girl locked eyes with her again. Such gorgeous eyes they were, pale blue…. She could find herself lost in them. "Come on. I guarantee you two will be drinking free all night. Damn what my sister says. After a day like that, the two of you need something to take the edge off."

It made sense. She really did need something to take the edge off after seeing the body. It wasn't… Drinking and dancing could make the day better, especially if they were with this girl. "Yeah, okay. Let's go to the Asylum, Buffy. I promise it'll be fun."

Buffy looked at her weirdly. Maybe she wasn't feeling okay. "If you're sure, Sammy. We'll go to the Asylum with… what's your name, miss?"

The woman giggled. "Oh, I'm sorry… I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Jeanette. I'm one of the owners of the Asylum. You'll drink free, I promise."

Sam's perspective was interesting to write, and I think it helped deepen her as a character.