Sam's perspective was interesting to write, and I think it helped deepen her as a character.
Yes. Honestly, she felt a bit flat in some of the previous scenes, so it was nice to get inside her head. Plus, we got to see what Buffy's breakdown looked like from outside and it's interesting that in Sam's memories she was talking about "Children of Caine" because that's not from the movie.
Yes. Honestly, she felt a bit flat in some of the previous scenes, so it was nice to get inside her head. Plus, we got to see what Buffy's breakdown looked like from outside and it's interesting that in Sam's memories she was talking about "Children of Caine" because that's not from the movie.

Make it "Childer of Caine," and it's straight from the VtM origin story.
Please do NOT subject Buffy to that horrible Ocean House mission. I wound up having to cheat my way through it.:cry:
Buffy, unsurprisingly not all that bothered by the corpse. Hey. If you've hallucinated one, or or more accurately, dozens of dismembered bodies, you've seen them all. Also ritual sacrifice, mass murder, liquefied people, exanguination, decapitation, people made of insects, horrific transformations...etc. Buffy also not a fan of the police, which hey, who is am I right?
Please do NOT subject Buffy to that horrible Ocean House mission. I wound up having to cheat my way through it.:cry:
Huh. I liked that one. It was nicely atmospheric. I think the most trouble I had was getting lost at one point and not being sure where to go next.
Well, and dying a couple times, due to certain surprises (cough elevator cough), but that's something to be expected occasionally in a game and the next time through I was able to avoid the spot that killed me.

Buffy, unsurprisingly not all that bothered by the corpse. Hey. If you've hallucinated one, or or more accurately, dozens of dismembered bodies, you've seen them all. Also ritual sacrifice, mass murder, liquefied people, exanguination, decapitation, people made of insects, horrific transformations...etc. Buffy also not a fan of the police, which hey, who is am I right?
Well, certainly no one who's had an assassin in a police woman's uniform try to murder them at school.
Please do NOT subject Buffy to that horrible Ocean House mission. I wound up having to cheat my way through it.:cry:
I have played that game nearly a dozen times, and I have always turned the sound off for that mission. I don't know what it is in that Hotel, I know that I'm relatively safe since I know it by hearth now, But it still scares the pots and pans out of me.

Just found this thread, Interesting, very interesting. I'm mostly interested in how deep she's going to fall into the malk cobweb.
Honestly, I am three scenes away from what I consider the end of the prologue.

Yes. These twenty thousand words were the bloody prologue of the fic.
Taking Asylum
And... some more!

Jeanette. Daughter of Janus. All Buffy could remember about Janus was that he was some Roman deity that, according to Giles, Ethan Rayne had called upon when he had turned everyone into their costumes that one Halloween. The abilities of the noblewoman she had gone as had helped somewhat when it came to passing the French exam she took, but beyond that, she'd gained nothing from the useless woman. Her mind was wandering. Why would anyone be called a "daughter of Janus?" Let alone the "Light" one.

Jeanette, no last name given, at least not yet, had continued to guide Sam and her to the club. Something about the woman just rubbed at Buffy the wrong way. It wasn't her pallid skin, or rather not just that. The woman owned a nightclub and clearly kept night hours, a tan wasn't going to be in her cards. When combined with the makeup she wore, Buffy had seen worse looking girls. However, something just felt off when Buffy looked at her.

"… and I told Therese that she really needed to loosen up a bit, get that stick out of her ass. She should be able to enjoy life a bit more! Like me!" Jeanette giggled as she continued leading.

"Wait, who's Therese?" Sam's voice sounded a little off. Slightly dreamy, but that could be explained by any number of things. She did just come off of dealing with the cops who… really, she should have just gotten Sam to ditch them. They really didn't have any legal right to keep the pair of them there as long as they did, and Buffy knew they'd just been fishing.

"Therese is my sister, and the other owner of the Asylum, cutie." Jeanette smiled at Sammy, and Buffy swore she saw her friend just light up. Maybe she should have been happy for her friend, but something itched at the back of her neck when she looked at the blonde. The Light Daughter of Janus treads shallow waters with the kine.

Buffy shook her head slightly, and she almost missed the slight quirk of Jeanette's lips. Her canines were larger than they should have been. Vampires were not real. She was not a Slayer, and she was definitely not jealous of the woman taking her friend's attention and comforting her better than she had been able to. To prove that, she'd speak up.

"Therese Voerman? That's your sister? The business owner?" Buffy remembered the news going into detail a few days after she'd gotten back from the hospital.

"Yeah, the bitch. She's a bit too uptight for my liking, and no matter what I do, she doesn't want to remove the large stick that has wedged itself so far up her ass." Jeanette grinned. "But, tonight her opinion doesn't matter. Only mine does, and cuties, I'd like to-"

"FOUL DEMON FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE! THE POWER OF THE LORD COMPELS YOU TO BEGONE! THE DAY OF RECKONING IS UPON YOU! THE THIRD STIR WITHIN THEIR TOMBS, AND WITH THEM, THE LORD'S POWER COMPELS YOU!" A homeless man jumped out in front of the group, brandishing a cross at each of them. He seemed to focus primarily on Jeanette, but he paused in front of Buffy as well. The cross did nothing, really. It was a cross. Maybe if vampires were real, the cross would have burned one, but given that none of the group were vampires, which weren't real anyway, Buffy knew that this man just had to be delusional. Like she had been.

Jeanette just smirked and brushed the cross away with her hand, lightly. "Come on, you two, we're headed to the Asylum."

Something still bugged her about Jeanette, but when the girl touched the cross, Buffy stifled a sigh of relief. Vampires weren't real, but she couldn't help but feel like something would have happened there. Or maybe it should have happened, but nothing did. A cross without faith is a lie to save face.

The Asylum itself stood four stories tall, with multiple tiers of windows. The ground floor had arching pillars supporting an overhang over the door used for entry. Buffy assumed that the reason the overhang was so long was so that, should a line form to get in, the people in the foremost part of the line could stay dry in inclement weather. The building was easily far more elaborate than the former warehouse the Bronze had been, but given its owners, she wasn't entirely surprised. Jeanette seemed like someone who would like a little bit of eccentricity in the design for a club. The side of the building had the club's name painted on while the front had the name up in lights in a jagged font.

"Ladies, I give you my pride and joy, the Asylum! Now come on, the two of you need a drink, and I need to make sure the music is pumping tonight!" Buffy almost managed to dodge the arm grab that the other blonde did but was dragged alongside Sammy inside. The moment the trio stepped into the club, Buffy could intimately sense the difference between this one and the Bronze. The atmosphere of the Bronze was some sort of weird combination between techno, grunge, and pop-rock, but in here definitely held the gothic vibe. The music held much more of a techno vibe than the Bronze did though.

Marble columns decorated the area with small tables in front of the bar. A few private booths were at the edge of the room, and the circular bar on the far side of the room had several barstools at it. The Asylum had about as many people in it as the Bronze did on a Friday night, and it looked like it could handle double that amount. Some of the people danced, others drank, and others were talking to one another. All in all, the only real difference between the Bronze and this club simply was that the Asylum didn't have any demonic visitors.

Buffy doubted she'd have to do anything more than try and keep Sammy from… well, doing something she'd regret. Still, Samantha was an adult, and in theory, so was she, so she'd deal with her weird feelings about the club owner and let herself be led to the bar.

Jeanette sat the pair of them down and turned to the bartender. "These two drink free all night, it's on me. If Therese asks, tell her it's my choice."

After the bartender nodded, the Light Daughter of Janus turned toward Buffy and Sam. Buffy really couldn't dispute that name in her head so it stuck. "So, what're you two drinking?"

"Whiskey, neat, please." Buffy didn't really like whiskey, but she definitely needed something, and there was no way she was going to trust the beer in this place. At least she could watch where the whiskey came from, and it was Spike's drink of choice. Beer bad, whiskey decent, red succulent vitae best…

"Buffy, are you sure you should be drinking? Aren't you on some medication?" Oh, now Sammy decided to be worried about her. She'd been so distracted by miss shows too much cleavage, since she showed up. Sammy finally had the opportunity to worry, and it was about drinking.

"The pharmacist never said that the meds shouldn't be taken with alcohol. Besides, I'm only going to sip it, Sammy." Buffy tried not to let her irritation hit her voice. "Maybe you should order something yourself."

"Oh, no need. I know what this cutie needs right now. Esteban, give her the house special." Jeanette said with a grin. "Can't tell you everything that's in it, but it's got vodka, triple sec, sour mix, amaretto, and a few other specialties that make it just the perfect spot. You'll be forgetting about your afternoon and focusing on enjoying the party…"

Sammy, who had been looking like she was going to say something back to Buffy, softened at that. "Sounds good to me, Jeanette…"

"Now if the two of you will excuse me for just one second, I need to make a run by the DJ booth." Jeanette winked at Sammy, her fingers lingering just for an extra second on the girl's shoulder, letting Buffy feel just like a third wheel. Great.

When the blonde was out of sight, Buffy turned to her friend. "Are you feeling alright, Sammy?"

Sammy had been staring after Jeanette's departure, and she blinked before turning to Buffy. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine, Buffy. I'm great."

"Are you sure? You're acting…. Well, it's a little off. Spacey, adoration-y, or something." Buffy couldn't let up on this.

"I'm not sure what you mean. Isn't this great though? We're in here, drinking for free… Bit of an unfortunate name, but isn't Jeanette great?" Sammy was gushing. Maybe she just had a crush on Jeanette, and the woman's flirting was reciprocated. Sammy was a lesbian, after all, but… something wasn't right about this. She'd think Sammy was drugged, but their drinks hadn't even come yet.

"Jeanette… yeah, I guess. If you're into that kind of thing." Buffy honestly wasn't all that sure Sammy was. Sure, she was a lesbian, and Buffy was cool with that, but something seemed off about Jeanette.

"You don't like her?" Sammy's voice sounded a little incredulous.

Buffy shrugged. "I'm not sure..."

"Ladies, your drinks. Whiskey neat for the lovely blonde, and a Screwball Cocktail for the brunette." The bartender placed a snifter full of amber liquid down in front of Buffy and a swirled mix of orange, pink and yellow topped with a cocktail umbrella in a fluted glass in front of Sammy. Buffy sniffed hers and closed her eyes.

Despite how bad that relationship, or whatever it was, with Spike was for her, she couldn't help but recall how it made her feel. Spike made her feel, helped her through things, and he did things that Angel and Riley just couldn't do for her. She turned away from the bar as she opened her eyes, and had to blink twice. A tall dark-haired pale man stood on the balcony looking down at the dance floor. His hair was slicked back, exposing his larger forehead, and on his arm was a lovely blonde. She only noticed them because they stood out with their beauty… and she recognized them, of course. They had to be hallucinations because that'd be the only way they could even be around. Angel and Darla just didn't exist.

Buffy blinked a couple times, and they were gone. Hallucinations, of course. Just like Spike had been earlier in the day. She was still crazy, and that deserved a drink. Buffy downed her glass of whiskey like it was water and placed it back on the bar.

"Sammy," Oh wow… That was some strong whiskey. "Sammy, I don't think we should be here… we should probably head back like we were planning."

"No… we'll be fine, Buffy. I want to stay." Sammy had a straw for her drink and was sipping… and oh look, there was more whiskey for her. The music in the background changed some, becoming a bit up tempo.

"I'm not so sure that it'd be a good idea. We were-"

"Aww, lighten up, blondie. Maybe have a bit more whiskey there…" How had Jeanette managed to sneak up on them? Oh right, club music. The other blonde turned to Samantha. "I want you to stay, cutie. If your friend wants to leave, maybe we should let her…"

Sammy looked a little frazzled for a second there, and… was that a blush on her cheeks? Goddess, she needed a night of clubbing anyway, so she'd do something. "Don't worry about it, Sammy. I'll stick around for a bit."

Buffy downed her second glass of whiskey. Surprisingly smooth. She really didn't know if it was a good idea to be drinking with her meds, but this was definitely needed. A glance at Sammy told her all she needed to know. Sammy and the Light Daughter of Janus were flirting and almost completely ignoring her presence. Third wheel indeed. Right. There was one thing to do.

Buffy placed her glass back on the bar and strode over to the dance floor and did what came natural. She gave in to the music, let it clear her head, moving her body in a way that let her drown out whatever it was she felt. The beat thrummed through her, and she just let her feet and body move as necessary. She felt no embarrassment, and she knew how hot she was.

Suddenly, there were two people dancing with her. They just came up and situated themselves so that they created a Buffy Sandwich, but they gave her room to move out of the way if she wanted. A glance behind her showed her Lindsey McDonald dressed in a dark silk shirt and slacks. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and he moved around her. The woman in front of her danced like she did, only every move seemed seductive. Buffy had to look up slightly to lock eyes with the blonde, and the lights seemed to gleam off of her porcelain skin. Hmmm… her eyes were green.

"I can see why you interest him…" The woman's voice carried to her ears like a whisper, despite the music. Temptress of beauty, Daughter of Agrippa, how sweet your voice carries. "Come, you beautiful thing, I must know your name."

Buffy normally had little interest in women, but something about this one was alluring. Perhaps it was her red punk leather coat and tight leather pants. Perhaps it was the way she danced, so like Faith that it almost hurt. Or perhaps it was simply the shape of her face, her lips… she could almost ignore Lindsey behind her, at least until he leaned in.

"Come on, let's get to somewhere a little quieter… so we can talk…" The woman, the Daughter of Agrippa's eyes flashed to where she assumed Lindsey's face was in a look of reproach, but she smiled.

"Yes, the dance floor isn't great for introductions, figura mea, please come with us." Buffy knew Lindsey, so she was fairly confident that at the least she would be in some good company. This woman though, something about her had Buffy just… Well, something. She was fascinating in the way that Jeanette wasn't.

Buffy let herself be led by the Daughter of Agrippa and her Lint Sea to a private booth on the balcony that overlooked the bar. She could see that Sam and Jeanette were still going at it… oh, it had advanced to more than just flirting. On the one hand, go Sammy! On the other, hey! Sammy was her friend, and there was no friendship approval of the Jeanette pairing. Jeanette was nothing like Tara, and Sammy needed someone like Tara for her.

"Do their actions displease you, figura mea?" The woman placed a hand on Buffy's shoulder, and it was oddly comforting. "Is the dark-haired one your friend?"

"Yeah… Sammy… she's probably one of my only friends that I have left." Buffy said as she sat down.

Lindsey shook his head. "Looks like Jeanette's at it again. Don't worry too much about Samantha, Buffy. She'll be happy for tonight."

"Happy for tonight? You make it sound like she's... Like Jeanette is.... Oh, I am so wigging out about Sammy, it's ridiculous." Buffy shook her head.

"Buffy, it is a beautiful thing, your worry over your friend, but it is misplaced. She is a grown woman, is she not?" The Daughter of Agrippa had a point.

"Yes, she is…" Buffy said, trailing off.

"And she is capable of her own decisions?"

"Yes." Buffy saw where the woman was going with this, and understood. It didn't make it right, but she understood.

"Then, figura, we should let her make her own decisions and you should allow yourself to relax. Lindsey, my friend, could you please go fetch some drinks?" This woman was… She'd be alone with her. It wasn't necessarily the worst of ideas, and she wanted to get to know her a bit more. Something about her just screamed class. Oh, what games we play. The lions feast, and the chariots burn, and as the city cries, she has turned.

Lindsey nodded. "Of course, Julia. I'll get you your usual, Buffy?"

"Whiskey, neat. Jeanette said I'm drinking for free tonight…" Buffy trailed off.

"Do not trouble yourself, figura. You would not have paid even if the hostess had not given that guarantee." Julia smiled imperiously, a contrast to the clothing she wore. She seemed too… something… for her clothes. "After all, it is my choice to serve beauty."

Flattering Buffy did help, but something was definitely off about Julia. Still, she wasn't sure what it was other than attractiveness. Julia, Daughter of Agrippa had a bit of a grippa on her arm. Light touch. She also was an intriguing conversation partner. Buffy almost didn't notice when Lindsey got back with the drinks, at least not until Julia had offered her a sip of her own. Julia was Italian by descent, and she clearly had some other ancestors in there, but her accent caused shivers.

Buffy went to take another sip from her own glass and noticed that it was empty. She glanced down at the bar… Sammy was gone. Sammy was gone! Buffy made to stand.

"Figura, Buffy… what is wrong?" Julia sounded a little worried.

"I don't know where Sammy is… Jeanette's not at the bar either…" Buffy intended on saying it that way, and it seemed like Julia and Lindsey got the gist at least.

"They're probably upstairs. Jeanette likes to bring people up there sometimes. Don't worry Buffy, Sam's just doing… well, her thing." Lindsey covered his face with his right hand. "Damnit, Voerman. Of all the girls and guys…"

Buffy wasn't sure she was supposed to hear that last bit. Julia tugged on her hand and stood up herself. The taller woman smiled down at her.

"Let's go somewhere a little more private, you and I, figura. I know you're worried about your friend, which is why Lindsey will stay here. He'll make sure she gets home safely." Julia brushed a hand across Buffy's face lightly. "And you and I will get to know one another… better, I think."

Buffy smiled and leaned into the brush. Perhaps this wouldn't be a bad thing. A new experience, an experiment, and it was with a beautiful woman who thought she was beautiful too, despite her outfit. With Lindsey there to get Sammy home safe, this could work. "Yeah, let's go, Julia…"

"Are you sure?" Lindsey asked, looking at Julia. She nodded slightly. "You… All right. I'll make sure she gets home safe, Buffy. Don't lose my card."

Buffy barely acknowledged that statement as she was being led downstairs. "Mm-hmm, no card lossage…"

"Come now, figura…." Julia continued to lead her outside the Asylum, and toward somewhere else. "I want to show you something…"
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There are some bits in there that I think could probably still be expanded.
"I want to show you something?"
My that line sounds familiar.

Also, "Daughter of Agrippa"? Does that mean she's related to Julius down on the beach? Or that her father/sire is a skeptic?
Interesting that her pull worked when Jeannette's didn't. Maybe she has higher social skills.
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By the by. Malkavian madness takes many forms. Julia's is megalomania.
I know, but some of the more subtle ones are less fun.

The last one I played had that affliction where you hear the voices of people whose blood you drink verbally assaulting you, but they're your imagination not a psychic power, since it fit the fact I'd bought tons of points in real psychic powers-- making it hard to convince the character that no, these voices are just a hallucination, those voices are real.

EDIT: Wait, Julia's also a Malkavian? That's two in one day. Sheesh, being fresh out of the Asylum must have made Buffy like catnip for them.
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Yes, well, some people have made predictions in this thread that are fairly accurate to my plans. In one scene, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines begins.
"I want to show you something?"
My that line sounds familiar.

Also, "Daughter of Agrippa"? Does that mean she's related to Julius down on the beach? Or that her father/sire is a skeptic?
Interesting that her pull worked when Jeannette's didn't. Maybe she has higher social skills.
Well considering that she is Italian and quoting Ovid respective mangled latin at her ...
On that note. Did you know that Google translate has a Latin function? <.<