Unless it's there to gate a section that requires higher dexterity that's pretty bad design.
No, it's required to advance the story for everyone. Luckily all vampires have Bloodbuff, which raises Dexterity, but you haven't had to use it to raise running speed in any other part of the game (and it never matters again) and this puzzle pops up like eight hours in, so you don't necessarily think of it. I'm not sure the game even calls attention to the fact Dexterity effects run speed at any point.
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Oh, a lovely surprise.


Yes, that's right. Put your foot down on the shoes meant to walk the walk, not talk the talk.

Man, fuck the kitchen. Just for the record. Worst part of the whole damnably damned place.

WAIT. waitwaitwaitywait. Is Wesley going to be Heather?

... I hope not, because I while I think his skinny ass could fit in one of her outfits, it definitely wouldn't suit him.

No, Cordelia's replacing Heather. Wesley's just getting hit with Dementation.
No, Cordelia's replacing Heather. Wesley's just getting hit with Dementation.


Edit: looked back, saw that this was shown before.

Blame my poor memory and the intervening years. Besides, I'm allowed to get excited about learning something more than once.
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I do wonder what Jack Winters from Bloody and Chaos by Aetheron would do to spice things up a little if he was in that world.
Chapter 5.5 Hyperion Part 2
Wesley. She'd done something to Wesley, affected his mind, kind of like how Dracula had affected her and Xander. Only she wasn't controlling the Watcher, just driving him a little crazy. She wasn't sure how that worked, but at least the paranoia from the demon wasn't quite there. We're all mad here.

"Wesley, let's find the demon," Buffy said, a bit of hunger rising within her. Pulling that made her hungry. Maybe that was part of being what she was. Hunger could just grow within her and keep growing. No matter what she did to sate it, it would never fully go away. She almost felt some pity for the kindred she'd killed in Hemery. Almost. Assuming that was real. At least she was mostly certain Sunnydale wasn't. But some worlds exist without shrimp. They have no mustard and a smile begins to pause the play.

Wesley stopped shooting his gun. "Did I get it?"

"Yes, but it ran away," Buffy said, placating her currently insane watcher. That was almost lucid of her. Not that she really was one to talk, but she felt responsible for him. "We need to go find it."

"Quite right," Wesley said, adjusting his glasses. A pang hit Buffy's unbeating heart at that. The motion reminded her so much of Giles, but that man had been in Sunnydale… not here. It occurred to Buffy that Wesley's existence, along with Drusilla and Liam likely meant that there was a Rupert Giles out there. He just wasn't her Giles. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, thy prick of mind and let it fall.

Buffy shook her head and started down the hall. She could take more punishment than Wesley, no matter what. It made more sense for her to act the meat shield, and she could also hit a lot harder than the human.

"Demon, demon… where are you little demon?" Buffy sang out softly. "Entrails to pull, and lives to squish, come and find, come and find…"

Wesley started to hum with her, and she narrowed her eyes. How powerful was what she did to him? How long would it last. Time is short and time is long and a second and hour are naught but the same. What has come will come again and the Dark Father knows his own.

"Thesulac," Wesley said. "Paranoia causing little beastie. We're going to give it a little treatsy. Things will all be completesy, and we'll find out what it eatsie."

"Thespian, right," Buffy said. "Non-solid-y beast. How are we going to get rid of it, Watcher-man?'

"YOU WON'T!" Wind blew down the hall, kicking up various objects and pushing both Buffy and Wesley against the walls. Down and through, and up and down. Laughter could be heard in the wind. And more voices. Whispers that grew louder and louder until they became a roaring sea.

So many voices, individual ones. Buffy snarled, and with an effort, she picked up the nearest chest along the wall and slammed it down. "Enough! This is enough…"

"Come and play with us!" two girls laughed and ran down the hall. They were dressed identical, but Buffy could tell that they'd not been twins when they were alive. All work and no play makes Buffy a dull girl.

The wind finally died down, and the sea of whispers quieted to a lull, just there around the shadows. The demon couldn't do much to them other than try to scare them to death.

Tough break there. She was already dead.

"We must be close," said Wesley. He seemed a bit more lucid, but she could tell that she was still affecting him. "To whatever it's bound to."

"Whoever," Buffy murmured, glancing down. Some old newspapers had blown at her feet. The headline of one read something about the first of the Hyperion Suicides. The hanging of some socialite that she couldn't make out the name of. Another mentioned more troubles. She shook her head and moved on. Topsy turvy oopsie-daisy, things right here are going crazy. Light is dark and right is wrong, listen to our merry song.

Sometimes… just sometimes, her voices were completely random.

She pushed on down the hall. What they needed to find was the stairs. Down, most likely. Whatever was keeping the demon here, with her luck, was probably in some sort of basement room. The room doors were obvious. She supposed she could search them to get some cash later, but first she wanted to see if she could find the basement. Left door, right door, left foot, right foot, beep… beep…

"There are the metal boxes that go up and down and up and down," said Wesley and he let out a giggle. "Let's take them for a ride."

"Does the strength of Zeus travel through this place, Watcher-man?" Buffy asked. She pressed the button for the elevator, and it remained unlit. "Stairs are our friend."

"Quite," said Wesley. He walked a bit further down the hall, and gestured to a door clearly labeled "Stairs."

"Down, Watcher-man." Buffy walked up and kicked open the door. The wood snapped with a satisfying crack, and she wasn't even hungrier. Sure, she could have tried to see if it was locked first, but honestly, she was fine leaving it this way for the Voerman sisters to figure out. The stairway inside was still carpeted, though the years of disrepair had done it no favors. Patches were missing, and some looked to be burned, bloodstained or both. Still, the stairway went both directions, up and down. It only went up two floors, but it also went down the one. Darkness beckoned in both directions, but it wasn't like that hurt her sight. Merely her Watcher's. Prick one eye and silence the light. Prick both eyes and enter the night. The darkness has many eyes, some of which are mine and some are His.

"Are you quite certain the depths of Hell are where the demon is?" asked Wesley, and then he paused. "Actually, that makes sense."

Buffy snorted. "Bring your torch to bear, Watcher-mine. I'm going in."

Buffy waited for Wesley to follow before she started descending the stairs. The light from his flashlight lit the way ahead, making sure that the human wouldn't trip over himself. She really didn't want to need to save him. That'd just be embarrassing.

"Nancy boy isn't quite a Nancy anymore, eh Slayer?" Spike appeared at the bottom of the stairs, smoking his cigarette. "He's a right proper Watcher. Barmy at the moment, but what can you do?"

"Shush," Buffy said. "He can't see you."

"Is someone there?" Wesley asked. Wesley looked closer at the corner Spike was in, but as far as Buffy could tell, he couldn't see the vampire. Hallucination. Whatever. "Come out and face us. Me. Us. Me and the undead thing."

"Oh yeah, big and scary Watcher. How barmy did you make him, cutie?" Spike sneered. He pushed off the wall. "You probably want to go this way."

"Nobody important, Watcher-man," Buffy said. She grimaced for a second and forced out the name. "Wesley, we need to focus on what we're here for."

"Right you are," he said, and he began reloading his gun. "Let us locate what binds the Thesulac to this place."

Spike led the way through the door to the basement. He didn't open it, of course, but rather passed through it, another hint that either he wasn't really there, or he was some sort of apparition. Of course, Buffy had quite a lot of experience with things that weren't really there recently. Add the fact that the Thesulac apparently could affect perception, well… madness was all around. What is the nature of reality? Flawed perception allows all to make what they will…

Buffy opened the door that Spike went through, and she followed suit.

The moment she stepped through, big band music started to play, and she found herself at the top of a balcony in a lively ballroom. People, lots of people, dressed up nicely in period dress, danced to the music. Some sort of party clearly was going on, and Buffy could smell the food, wine and human sweat that permeated the room.

"Oh, my," Wesley said, drawing Buffy's attention away from the dance floor below. His clothes had changed from the denim and leather combination that he had been wearing to a dapper 20s era black and white suit. He had a bowler hat on, and all in all looked rather dashing. "This certainly is different."

It was then that Buffy noticed what she had on. She wore a black and green peacock dress that stopped at just above her thigh and feathered down to about her mid-thigh. She also wore a pair of elbow-length black silk gloves and was in a pair of black strapped three-inch heels. Her pale skin contrasted well with the colors of her outfit. "I fully agree. Wasn't this supposed to be the basement?"

"Perhaps it still is," said Wesley. He cocked his head and looked at Buffy. "You did something to me earlier, Buffy. Used some of your vampiric power."

Oh. Well, that seemed to have worn off. Did she need to reapply it? Maybe she needed to be honest here.

"The demon was driving little nails into your skull. Picking at your worries, plucking at them and playing a discordant melody," Buffy said. Okay, how the heck did Julia manage to control what she said? Yes, what she said made sense, but it wasn't exactly the normal way of speaking. If only the Jester Prince hadn't had Julia slain. At ease, my childe… you will learn.

"Yes, I do recall that…" Wesley scratched his chin and patted himself down. "Blast. My firearms and ammunition are missing."

"Hidden," Buffy noted. She looked around and grimaced. "The demon is messing with us."

"Clearly," Wesley said. "Let's go on in, then."

"There you are!" an overly familiar male voice called out to Buffy. Spike… except, he wasn't dressed like his normal self. His hair, rather than blonde and gelled back, was in brown curls. He wore a pair of glasses, and he wore his own dapper 20s suit, minus the bowler cap. He also used a more proper version of the British accent rather than his normal cockney. "I was just telling Allyson that I was going to look for you two. But here you are."

"Allyson?" Buffy asked, glancing around. With how he looked, she couldn't very well call him Spike, and Wesley could clearly see him too. If these shadows have offended, let all know that we have mended, and cut and bled and drained of life.

"My friend that I was to introduce your friend to, my dear Elizabeth," said not-Spike. What was his name again? "Wesley, my good man, she's waiting for you down near the dance floor."

Wesley gave… William, that was his name, a look-over. "Pardon, I don't believe we have met."

"That's a funny thing to say, Wesley," William said, grinning widely in an almost Spike-like grin. "Trust me, we've met plenty of times. It's me, William. William Pratt."

William came over and gave Wesley a pat on the back. "Come on, you want to meet her. She's waiting for you."

"She's been waiting a while," Buffy said softly. "She's the one, isn't she?"

Wesley gave her a look, but William grinned widely and poked her in the nose. "See, that's why I love you, Elizabeth. You've always been bright and resourceful. Come now, let's go."

He offered her an arm, and she took it.

"Oh, and I found this thing," William said, dipping a hand into his suit jacket. He pulled out an old-looking diary and handed it to Buffy. "Might be useful for you in case you… well, you know."

"How are you here?" Buffy hissed to him. He'd only been an apparition before, but sure as anything, this was her Spike. Her William. This is the one she'd been… well, in Sunnydale, anyway.

"I'm always with you, Elizabeth," William said softly. "Till the end of the world."

"Just how do you know Mister Pratt, Bu-erm… Elizabeth?" Wesley asked loudly. Clearly, he was uncomfortable at playing along, but he did seem to recover well. He veils himself with disinterest, but he plays with the night.

"He's mine," Buffy said simply. "My friend… my confidant… my personal person."

"He's your ghoul?" Wesley asked.

William glanced back at Wesley. "Now that's quite rude of you, Wesley. I assure you that nothing of impropriety goes on between myself and Elizabeth."

Buffy snorted.

"Well, not if she doesn't ask for it," said William.

"You know what she is, then?"

"Of course," William said. "And I would be remiss in my duties if I let her face this alone. Come now, Allyson is waiting."

They reached the stairs, and Buffy restrained an urge to throw the Watcher off the railing. This hallucination was good, and she wouldn't be too sure that tossing Wesley off would break it. It might have been satisfying in the moment, but she'd feel extremely guilty afterward. After all, he was only a squishy human, and she was… not. She wasn't even before she was Kindred. Ever see a bag of organs rip on a drive? They flow out like sauce and the blood is ready to be supped by all ready.

Great. Now her voices were making her hungry, and there were so many people around. So many obviously hallucinated people around. She wouldn't get any sustenance off of anyone here except for Wesley, and she wasn't going to let herself do that to him.

"There she is," William said, pointing down to a woman dressed in a green dress with a similar style to Buffy's. She had red hair braided in a long, curved braid that rested on her shoulders. She had green eyes, and a familiar smile. "Let's go to her."

"Willow?" Buffy whispered.

"No, she's Allyson," William said softly. "Trust me, pet. She's not your lovely tree friend."

Buffy nodded, and she started down the stairs. When Allyson saw William and her, she waved, and when they got close, she stepped closer to Buffy. "So, this is your famous Elizabeth, William?"

She even sounded like Willow… admittedly with a bit of an accent befitting the time period.

"Fame does not darken my door," Buffy said after a second. "But I have been known to answer to that name."

"Yes, this is her, and behind her is one Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, a fellow countryman. I felt that he should be your escort this evening." William gestured to Wesley to come forward. "Wesley, please meet Allyson Lipchitz. I'm sure you'll enjoy her company."

"Charmed," Wesley said, stepping forward. He smiled at the woman while giving Buffy a glance. The music started up again, playing some swingy jazz number, and Wesley offered his hand to Allyson. "Shall we take to the dance floor? I'm sure that Elizabeth and William have some things they need to do."

"Oh, yes, of course," William said. "We shall let the two of you get to know each other."

Buffy nodded. "You and I can talk later, Allyson. I will want to know everything Wesley does with you."

Her eyes flicked to the woman's gloved hand. While it wasn't there, she got a feeling that Allyson normally wore a ring on her left hand. She was married, yet she was offered as Wesley's dance partner. Strange couplings have the Kine. Love and marriage last forever or until death be parted. But sometimes the love disappears, and sometimes death does.

William escorted her away from Wesley and Allyson as the two got to the dance floor. Buffy stopped when they were sufficient distance away.

"Okay. Make with the 'splainy," Buffy said, poking William in the chest. "What's going on?"

"It's simple, pet," William said, his voice gaining a bit of his normal cocky arrogance. "We're at a ball in the Hyperion Hotel… circa 1945."

"Then why are we all wearing… this style of clothing?" Buffy asked.

"It's a theme ball," William said. "The Second Great War ended, and the one previous ended around the time these clothes were worn. I remember some things I did back then. I don't think you would approve."

"Which side did you fight on?" Buffy asked. Why was it she could keep her speech at least somewhat normal around him?

"The side that offered me more blood," William said in an entirely Spike-like tone. "But that's neither here nor there."

"A demon haunts these halls," said Buffy. "This ballroom is merely an apparition."

"How is it that being made into a vampire made you smarter?" William asked. "Loony as a bedbug, but smarter."

Buffy glared at him. "My speech goes weird at times. But I was always smart."

"Maybe, pet, maybe," said William.

"Allyson has a husband," Buffy said, glancing over to where she and Wesley were dancing. "Why would the demon show us all this?"

A gunshot echoed beyond the double doors at the end of the ballroom, and William shook his head. "Because it isn't showing us it, love."

The doors burst open, and a well-dressed man covered in blood, armed with a shotgun stormed in. "Where is she? Where is that whore?"

The man wore a sharp tuxedo, and his curly dark hair was slicked back with the blood that also stained his clothes.

Buffy stepped forward, but William held her arm. "Let it go, pet. You know it isn't real."

"Allyson, where the fuck are you?" asked the man. Buffy deduced he was her husband, but his name was lost in a cacophony of other voices. She'd dub him Shotgun Lipchitz, a man clearly affected by paranoia so much that he'd already killed. Each guest with a smile and a bang. Hunting those who would dare lay an eye on his tang.

A glance to Wesley showed her that he'd put himself between the man and Allyson. Maybe he'd forgotten that this wasn't real either, as the man approached him.

"Larry, you don't have to do this!" Allyson called out.

"Oh, who is this then?" Larry Lipchitz… really? Larry Lipchitz approached, leveling the shotgun at Wesley. "Another one of your paramours? Really, Allyson. Why should I believe anything that comes out of your little whore mouth?"

"Hey!" Buffy called, brushing William's arm off. "Leave them alone."

Buffy cut across the dancefloor with the full grace of the Slayer combined with her own inhuman nature. She stepped between the Watcher and the gun. She knew she could survive more shots than Wesley could, if it was realer than she thought. Reality is all in the perception. Death is merely the beginning.

"Oh, and who's this?" he asked. "A friend of a whore?"

Buffy sneered at the kine in front of her. The lowly little man dared to think that he was her better. "The little alliteration thinks his musket doubles as a phallus."

As the human started to pull the trigger, Buffy stepped forward and slapped the shotgun upward. It barked once, and the chandelier above shattered, pieces of glass raining down on them. "You whore!"

Buffy snatched the gun away from him and hit him with its butt.

That must have acted as some sort of cue because the rest of the ball attendees immediately broke down into a brawl, Wesley, William, and Allyson excluded. The three of them didn't immediately start punching, biting, clawing, or throwing chairs.

Larry tried to hit her again to get his gun, but she smacked him with its butt again before bending the barrel so that it was unusable and tossing it away.

William came over to her, weaving through the violence. "You do remember what I told you, pet?"

Buffy stared down Larry. "The alliteration bothered me."

Larry got up and took a swing at Buffy, but she stepped out of his way. William stepped in her place, and he took the hit to the face, knocking him back.

"Bloody hell!" William shook his head and came back, game face visible. "Okay, we tried the ponce-y boy bit. It's time for a spot of violence. I'll hold them off, love. You and the Watcher take the bint to the kitchens."

"You sure?" Buffy asked.


Buffy nodded, and she spun around, grabbing Wesley and Allyson's arms. "Come on, you two."

Wesley squawked in indignation, "Buffy, unhand us…"

"No time…." Buffy said, and she dragged the pair of humans toward a set of metal doors and kicked them open.

"Didn't…" Allyson muttered as the three entered an industrial kitchen that clearly hadn't seen use in a while. The hallucination wasn't complete, as this area seemed to be in a state of disrepair. Pots and pans were left to rust, and bloodstains, long dried, were on the counters. "Didn't happen this way…"

Buffy glanced to Allyson, and she grimaced seeing her Sunnydale friend's face in such pain and worry. "It's okay, Allyson. It's okay."

"It didn't happen this way," she said again. "Larry killed Jeffery… and everyone else in there…. I ran…"

Wesley blinked. "Oh. Oh dear."

"The demon feeds," Buffy said softly. Cultivating the kine takes time. "Fear and paranoia are like a fine wine…"

Allyson looked at Buffy. "Demon? Larry killed everyone… he had his demons…. I betrayed him. And everyone betrays everyone…"

Wesley patted himself down, apparently looking for a weapon. Then he looked to Buffy, a dark look on his face. "So long as the demon has an anchor here, we will be unable to banish or trap it."

"She is unable to leave," Buffy said. "Else she would have."

Allyson looked at Buffy. "Leave? The world is dangerous! Everything out there would hunt me like Larry…"

Buffy nodded, as Allyson made her point for her.

Wesley grimaced. "Miss Lipchitz, I'm sorry for everything you have been through."

"I am too," Buffy added. "Nobody should have to go through what the demon has done to you."

"Maybe they should kill me," Allyson closed her eyes, a tear streaming down her face. "After what I did…"

Wesley sighed. "Miss Lipchitz… do you have anything, a locket, a trinket of some sort that has been on you since you've been here?"

"My mother gave me a locket a short while before we came here," Allyson said. "I've worn it... even when Larry didn't want me to."

"Very well," Wesley said. He looked to Buffy. "We must deny the demon its food source."

"I could carry her out…" Buffy said, but Wesley shook his head.

"Drink," Wesley said. "Until she's gone. It's what must be done."

Buffy blinked, but her hunger came to the forefront. She stepped up to Allyson, standing next to her. "I'm very sorry, Allyson."

Allyson turned to her. "Sorry for wh—"

Buffy bit down on Allyson's neck and started to drink. The walls of the kitchen began to rattle as she drank from the woman. The cabinets opened and shut, plates flew across the room and smashed. Knives flew through the air, but Buffy simply spun her food with her out of the way and continued to drink.

As she drained Allyson more, she felt the woman's skin sag and wrinkle, watched as her hair shifted from red to gray to white, and she no longer felt like she had to bend upward to drink from the woman. Her own clothes shifted back to what she wore before, as did Wesley's, and she slowly lowered the dying woman's body to the ground.

The walls themselves changed. This wasn't a kitchen, not really. A kitchen didn't have large boilers instead of counters. A kitchen didn't have stone walls that weren't covered with anything. This looked much more like a boiler room in a basement than the kitchen they'd run into.

When she drank the woman's last drop, she felt Allyson's life slip away in her grasp, and in the process, it felt like a part of herself did as well. She'd taken an innocent life. That would forever stick with her.

The woman had been tormented by that night for the past fifty years. She'd had children that had likely thought her dead at the hands of her crazed husband. Allyson Lipchitz… had given birth to three children. One was a girl, named Sheila.

Buffy grimaced as she lifted her head and looked at the old woman she'd killed. Around her neck was a golden locket, something she'd worn since that fateful night, something that had witnessed the same fear and paranoia she had.

She unclasped the locket and stood, holding it in her hand. The Thesulac couldn't do anything to them now that they knew. She could always drive Wes crazy again if the need arose.

"We have it," Buffy said.

"Good. Let's leave this forsaken place," Wesley said, turning toward the door of the boiler room.

Buffy looked down at Allyson once more, and she shook her head. "Yeah, let's go."

Guilt over the death of a kine… shows your lingering humanity. Perhaps we'll pop it out soon enough.
When she drank the woman's last drop, she felt Allyson's life slip away in her grasp, and in the process, it felt like a part of herself did as well. She'd taken an innocent life. That would forever stick with her.

And ding goes Buffy's Humanity... or perhaps not...

Guilt over the death of a kine… shows your lingering humanity.

If she'd actually lost Humanity there, she wouldn't be feeling guilt over it. That's the rules. Since she is feeling guilty, she must have held on...
Her internal quorum is a bit more florid here, but as she leaned into her madness for purpose, this makes sense.

"A demon haunts these halls," said Buffy. "This ballroom is merely an apparition."

"How is it that being made into a vampire made you smarter?" William asked. "Loony as a bedbug, but smarter."

Buffy glared at him. "My speech goes weird at times. But I was always smart."

Canon has a lot of evidence that Buffy was always brighter than she let on. Probably brighter than even she realized, but she had always hewn closely to her demeanor. The mask remained in place even after she'd abandoned the trappings of the social butterfly.

Buffy stared down Larry. "The alliteration bothered me."

Plot twist: It turns out Buffy was unaware his full name was Lawrence Leitmotif Littleton Lipchitz. The true measure of her wrath at such a revelation would never be known by this world.

If she'd actually lost Humanity there, she wouldn't be feeling guilt over it. That's the rules. Since she is feeling guilty, she must have held on...

There's more to it than that. At a sufficiently high humanity, no matter how she felt about it, this severe a divergence from her morality would leave marks on her psyche.
Chapter Six
Chapter 6


There was some irony in Buffy returning to any place known as "The Asylum." Especially after the night she'd had. She had the amulet that the Dark Daughter of Janus had asked for, a representation that Therese could use to cleanse the Hyperion of the spirits that haunted it. A return to the club was in the cards, as the night was still young, and it wasn't like she had anything better to do that evening. She might even be able to finagle a meal out of it. Not that she needed another after what she'd done at the hotel.

"She was old, Buffy," Wesley said as they walked the streets of Santa Monica. "Tormented for decades by that creature, and you ended her suffering."

Buffy didn't answer him at first. It was odd for the Watcher to be trying to reassure her, given her nature. His own guilt gnaws at him, an inability to save his charge.

"Does a dog wish to be put down when its master forces it?" Buffy asked after a few seconds. She needed to consider her words carefully. "Euthanasia is illegal in most countries for a reason, Watcher-mine."

"That you feel guilt over it, Buffy, speaks to your lingering humanity." Wesley stopped walking and looked at the Asylum's entrance. "I don't believe that I am dressed appropriately for this venue."

Buffy waggled her hand. "Your fashion's not out of fashion, Watcher-man. Giles used to come to the Bronze in tweed. Not to mention what the vampires were wearing."

"Giles?" Wesley asked, tilting his head ever so slightly. Then a look of recognition came over him. "Ah. Your hallucinatory state in the sanitarium. I'm not so certain how much we can rely on such a thing for allowing people into here."

Buffy snorted. Real or not, Sunnydale definitely did prepare her for many different things, and from what she had seen, even here, vampires hadn't kept up with fashion trends. Jeanette might have been somewhat different, but she was only different in a way that seemed to spite her sister. Of course, both of them were horrid people anyway. And vampires too, but so was she. The Daughters of Janus echo his truths. Two sides. Dark and Light. Crunchy and Creamy. Sweet and Sour. Odd how well that fits them, isn't it?

What was odd was how clear her voices were there, even if she didn't quite get them. Instead, she glanced at her Watcher. "You don't have to come in if you don't want to, Wes. I can handle this. I'm supposed to handle this."

"Now see here," Wesley started. "I am your watcher, even if you aren't…"

"Human?" Buffy tilted her head. Luckily nobody nearby seemed to be paying any attention to them anyway. The Masquerade held, something she could see the value of, given the world wasn't likely to have Sunnydale Syndrome. "It's late, Watcher-mine. Go home and get some rest. I can deal with giving this in. After I do that, I'll probably head back to my sanctuary for some planning."

"If you could tell me where that is…" Wesley started, but Buffy cut him off.

"So you can drag me out into the sun?" Buffy asked, thankful that for once she was able to speak her mind clearly. "The sun's kiss is something I shall no longer feel, and you can't make me if the way home is lost. My sanctuary shall be watched, but not by you."

Who will watch the watcher of the watcher of the watcher of the watchman? Who will play the dirge at his funeral?

Wesley sighed but shook his head. "Good luck to you, Buffy. Be well."

At that, the Englishman turned and walked away, leaving Buffy outside the Asylum as some admittedly interesting looking people started to head in. It was late which is why the arrival of some wide-awake partiers seemed to be strange. Especially dressed as provocatively as the three girls there were. A blonde, a brunette and a redhead all smelling of cheap booze and desperation gave Buffy a once over as they passed her by, and the redhead even gave her a smile. Buffy returned the smile, curious as to where they were coming from, but it was obvious why they were there. The redhead's smile turned a small bit predatory, but she went in with her friends. Buffy let out a small sigh. The redhead reminded her of earlier in the evening, but it didn't matter. She is into many things, and she reaches for the darkness. The darkness bites back this evening.

Regardless of her thoughts, dark and… otherwise, Buffy had work to do. Maybe after she'd arranged things with Therese, Buffy would be able to go out and have some fun on the dance floor, pick up someone to have fun with. Male or female, she supposed. She wasn't as picky as she thought she was previously. Kine are kine, no matter the gender expression. Blood flows just the same.

Buffy stepped through the doors of the Asylum, flashing a bit of fang at the bouncer as he let her through. The interior was slightly less active than before, though the bass kept pumping. The late night crowd seemed to be a mix of drunks and those hoping to get lucky. Buffy spotted a few Kindred clearly hoping to get a meal here as well.

A familiar flash of blonde hair almost had her unbeating heart caught in her chest. A closer look revealed the blonde to have a familiar face with high cheekbones and pretty makeup. Her hair was done in a long braid, and she seemed to have the blush of life about her as she hung on Liam's arm in a tight red dress. Grandmummy, Grandmummy, let me in? Will you play with me today?

That voice sounded suspiciously like a certain vampire that she could call cousin. Which only confirmed what she saw. Darla. The only member of the Scourge of Europe missing was…

"Me, love?" Spike said, the smell of his cigarettes wafting around her. "Well, judging from Liam, I'd say that the William here is probably a right and proper ponce. Or he's barkers like you and Dru. Vampire clans are strange like that."

"I don't have time to look," Buffy said as she walked toward the elevator. "I need to get this to Therese."

"Bint better be appreciative," Spike said. "Going through all that bloody trouble? Though I'll admit it was nice to see you get your fangs dirty, Slayer. You shouldn't feel guilty. The bird was suffering because of that demon dickhead."

Buffy shook her head. It wasn't Spike's place to tell her where she should feel guilt. He didn't have a soul, but she was pretty sure she still retained her own. Humanity comes and goes like a river flows. Guilt is but one expression of the choice.

The elevator's doors closed behind her, and she leaned against its wall after pushing the button for the top floor. Buffy closed her eyes for a second. There were worse places to be, worse things to be as well. Julia… The Jester Prince had much to answer for when she was capable. She'd show him what it meant to be a Vampire Slayer, but for now, she was stuck under his thumb. A tack would be useful. Just make sure it's the right tack to perform. Janus likes to hide half his face.

The doors dinged as they opened, and Buffy made her way out of the elevator into the penthouse suite. Nobody seemed to be around, but the French doors to the next room appeared to be open, and Buffy could hear movement inside. Maybe it was Therese, so she could get rid of this stupid amulet.

Buffy stepped through, into what appeared to be a private bedroom that was larger than the apartment LaCroix had set up for her. There was a privacy divider that she could see a bed behind, and in the corner was a heart-shaped vanity. Standing near the end of the bed was a blonde vampire in pigtails and a schoolgirl outfit, obviously Jeanette. Perhaps the Light Daughter of Janus knew where her sister was.

Buffy approached, and just as she got within view, Jeanette tilted her head slightly and grinned.

"Not even a knock?" Jeanette asked. "I could have been undressing you know, and who knows what I would've had to do to you."

"What, you mean you'd attack me if I saw you naked?" Buffy asked.

Jeanette looked Buffy up and down. "Well… there's more than one form of attack, cutie."

Buffy suppressed a shudder. It wasn't that Jeanette was unattractive, but there was something about her that just rubbed her the wrong way. Plus, there was the thing with Sammy, and Buffy still had an issue about that. "Anyway… Things flow differently depending on the time of sight."

Jeanette snickered. "Oh, poor cutie. You're here to see her royal majesty, Queen Victoria, aren't you?"

"The Dark Daughter of Janus, yes," Buffy said. "You're an unexpected diversion."

"But not unwelcome?" Jeanette asked, seeming to be fishing. "Do I divert your attention often, little one?"

A height dig, really? Still, it wouldn't hurt to be a little bit honest. Just not completely honest. "In more ways than one, Light one. What, am I in your thoughts?"

"Doing what little suede kittens do… lapping up the milk of me on your hands and knees, and together we purr, kitten, like dragonflies buzzing around frog bellies…" Jeanette made a face that looked so wistful that Buffy couldn't help but picture it, if only for a second.

"Did Sammy do that too?" Buffy asked.

"Oh, we did much more than purr together, kitten," Jeanette said. "There's something about laying with kine. My sister doesn't like it much, but combining blood and sex? It was probably as good for her as it was for me, and I know how much I loved it. I'm surprised you haven't sought that out yourself. Then again, you're new, cutie. You'll figure things out."

Jeanette paused for a second. "Or you won't, and things will happen."

"She's barmy too, isn't she?" Spike asked. "Not the way you are, pet, but in her own crazy nympho way. I bet she'd love to take a rough and tumble. Maybe a spot of violence on top of it."

Buffy hissed out, "Shut it, Spike."

"Who's Spike?" Jeanette asked. Then a look of realization came over her. "Oh, right. Malk crazy eyes. I told you we'd get along like firehoses. So… Therese said you might be back with something for her. Do you have it with you?"

"Yeah," Buffy said. "But I told her that I'd give it to her directly."

Jeanette shrugged. "I do know when she'll be back, kitten. And I promise that if you give it to me, I'll give it right to her."

"Oh yeah. Take that promise, Slayer," Spike said. "And I can watch…. And not participate. Never mind, Slayer. Leave it. She's a bloody bint who bollocked your bird."

"Friend," Buffy said.

"Huh?" Jeanette asked at the same time as Spike.

"Sammy is my friend," Buffy said, narrowing her eyes at Jeanette.

"Some friend," Jeanette said. "I bet she doesn't even know you're dead. LaCroix doesn't seem the type to try to let an obituary get out, and it's not like you can ever see her again. Pity."

Buffy shook her head.

"Oh, I know! If you and I get together," Jeanette said, slamming her first into her palm like she had an idea. "Since I've been with your friend, it'll be just like you were with her! Law of transference. Just give me the thing that Therese wanted and we can get started."

Buffy tried not to growl. She really did try. Samantha was her friend, and Jeanette was making light of her current situation. Something within her didn't want to let it go. The guilt she felt fed into it, and light practically flashed before her eyes. Watchers watch, and Slayers what, my dear?

"What are you doing?" Jeanette asked as Buffy grabbed her arm.

"Dealing with a problem," Buffy said as she started to pull.

Jeanette punched her in the face, and Buffy dropped her grip. "Don't bite off more than you can chew, kitten."

A wild smile came to Buffy's face. "Oh, you have no idea."

Buffy's leg snapped out to kick Jeanette in her side, sending the other vampire sprawling.

Jeanette scrambled to her feet, rushing to the bed's side table. She reached in a drawer and pulled out a gun.

Before she could aim it, Buffy was at her side. Buffy grabbed the arm holding the gun and flipped Jeanette through the privacy screen.

Jeanette fired wildly, and stray bullets passed Buffy's head, clipping her hair slightly. Buffy hadn't even had to dodge.

Buffy chased after the older vampire as she scrambled away, firing again.

"What are you doing, kitten? You think that I can't take care of myself? That I'm just some silly doll? My sister made me out to be a joke and an embarrassment, didn't she?" Jeanette fired the gun again, this time striking Buffy in the arm. "Well, who's the joke now? I run this club, and I'll run this city! Without Therese!"

Buffy grabbed her right arm for a second to check it. Funnily, wounds don't really bleed when the heart doesn't pump, so she just got closer to Jeanette. "You hurt my friend."

"She wanted it, sweetheart," Jeanette said, looking Buffy in the eye as she backed away toward the tall window that overlooked the street below. "You would too if you just let yourself give in, kitten. I can show you such a better time than that whore Julia could anyway. And you'd get to see what pretty little Sammy saw."

Buffy felt something tickle at her mind, something like what Liam tried, but stronger. This was what Jeanette did to Samantha that night, how she got her to come to the club. Buffy closed her eyes for a second, and swallowed. The Slayer in her rose to meet the challenge, and fought it off, but she needed to keep herself under control for this.

"You're not getting the amulet," Buffy said, her voice soft. "Therese is."

"Fine," Jeanette said with a sigh. "Are you done trying to hurt me? Do I need to kill you?"

Buffy shook her head in answer.

"Fine. Hold onto the damn thing." Jeanette tapped her chin with the gun. "Ah, I know just how you can make it up to me too. A favor."

"A favor."

"Nothing much, just something to help me out. Therese doesn't even need to know," Jeanette said. "Obviously she wanted you to do something to me, after all. You know Gallery Noir, down the street?"

"Sort of?" Buffy said, stepping closer to Jeanette.

"I happen to know that there's a charity event being organized there. Lots of influential Santa Monicans slithering in for token appearances. There's just one thing that they don't know. A Kindred set the whole thing up to establish their own power clique in our city. We can't have that happen, can we? So I need some brilliant young upstart to spoil the milk. Someone like you, kitten."

Buffy stepped even closer. "What do you want me to do, exactly?"

"Take this knife. Give all the paintings in the gallery a good slash and stela the charity box. Buy yourself something nice with it. I'm thinking you'll look good in velvet," Jeanette said. "And then I can show you just what your Sammy saw…" Jeanette placed the knife in Bufffy's hand before cupping her cheek. "Doesn't that sound nice, kitten?"

Buffy closed her eyes for a second before spinning the knife in her hand. "I don't think so, no."

Buffy stabbed Jeanette in the stomach and ripped upward before shoving her through the glass window. Her neck caught on a wire Buffy hadn't seen outside that tore as Jeanette fell. It wrapped around the vampire's neck and pulled taut, hanging Jeanette by her neck.

A visible shudder went through the vampire's body, and she reached up, not to the wire, but to her pigtails and undid them, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. When Buffy next met the eyes of the vampire below, it was Therese Voerman looking out. Oh. Daughters of Janus. Two sides to a coin, one Light, one Dark. Sufferers of much. Were there ever two or was there always one?

"Pull me up!" Therese's voice was labored, as the wire continued to dig into her windpipe. Sure, vampires didn't need to breathe, but breath was required for speech.

Buffy laid herself down to try and grab the wire.


Buffy snatched the wire up, perhaps a bit too quickly or with too much strength. With a spray of blood, the wire cut into the Voerman vampire's throat, and with another tug, it severed its way all the way through. The body fell the rest of the way to the ground before collapsing into dust, and the head of Janus' daughter fell through a parked car's windshield before also collapsing into dust.

"Well, isn't this a bloody pickle?" Spike asked from behind her. "Who's going to call off Nest's blood feud now?"
It's Undead!... which is more than I can say for Jeanette/Therese right now. Definitely wasn't expecting the fight, much less THAT.

Guess Buffy should go see if she can find Dru? Not like Darla would be much help right about now...
"Take this knife. Give all the paintings in the gallery a good slash and stela the charity box.

presumably should be steal.

so, uh. that's a thoroughly porked pooch, yes it is.

after the upward slant between the last chapter and this on buffy mentally aligning the out of phase notions in her noggin enough to consciously be aware of more of what is going on, having her bungle things that badly is a bit... disappointing?

believable, mind you, especially since we still don't know how many baited hooks are reeling in her mind in different directions.

but it's still a little bit disappointing. concrete forward progress would have been nice.

i guess getting wesley fully on-side is a bit of a higher priority now than it already was before, since her safety margin has just vanished like ash in the wind.
You sure this is a bungle?
It depends. We know the sisters were influential. Is there anyone who is going to come after Buffy over this?

I assume that finding out they're dead will be enough for someone worried about one of them hunting him to come out of hiding, so that part is handled, but the fallout could still be nasty.
It depends. We know the sisters were influential. Is there anyone who is going to come after Buffy over this?

I assume that finding out they're dead will be enough for someone worried about one of them hunting him to come out of hiding, so that part is handled, but the fallout could still be nasty.

Canonically, Therese/Jeanette was the Anarch Baron of Santa Monica at this time. In-game, if Therese "kills" Jeanette or they reconcile, she/they eventually join up with the Camarilla, while if Jeanette "kills" Therese, she stays Anarch. Don't know how much the Camarilla or the other Anarchs would react to their Final Death, since nobody outside of Santa Monica ever mentions them in-game.
Canonically, Therese/Jeanette was the Anarch Baron of Santa Monica at this time. In-game, if Therese "kills" Jeanette or they reconcile, she/they eventually join up with the Camarilla, while if Jeanette "kills" Therese, she stays Anarch. Don't know how much the Camarilla or the other Anarchs would react to their Final Death, since nobody outside of Santa Monica ever mentions them in-game.

I do have plans regarding this. There will be repercussions to their death(s), but they won't only be good or bad.
You sure this is a bungle?
Actually, regardless of the outcome, I'm changing my answer to 'yes, yes, this was a bungle'.

Buffy isn't consciously aware the sisters are the same person. Imagine they weren't and she just killed Jeanette. What are the odds it makes Therese willing to do her a favor? Really bad. I know the sisters don't get along and even might try to murder one another but that's different from letting an outsider kill their sibling and get off scott-free. Basically, this was a terrible decision that might still work out okay.